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In which other forums or places you are active?

I'm either at school, working my two part time jobs or on Aion : ) I occasionally come here to ruffle some feathers.
I'm not even active here anymore, sadly where I work is extremely short staffed and so people are having to work extremely long, tedious hours... on a daily basis. :l

27 hours in the last 2 days FTW?
When the chatbox here or PvP is dead, I'll occasionally go to the Literotica General Board and watch the drama whores. Nowhere near as witty and fun as it is here, but there's a lot more traffic and always stuff goin' on, so I'm not wanting for things to read.
Here. School. Work. AION (Yay~!) and the Sims3...
I made all the officers in my Aion Legion on the Sims..
I had too much fun killing off one of their wives...
This seems a good place to ask if you could advertise BM in other forums you attend. More users would be very much appreciated!
I used to use a forum called WolfCower but I quit that place before I joined this one.
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