Wiki234 |One Hell Of A Butler| WolfQueen


Dec 10, 2015
In the forest
Selene was your average 20 year old. Selene was not just a normal girl though, oh no she was a Phantomhive child she was the first born before her younger brother of course but she was born to a different male of course. So she was the half sister of Ciel. Selene had been away on business helping out her brother who she loved dearly, she was still unknown about the mark her brother had a she had sighed and leaned back in the carriage. "Is something wrong my Lady?" Her maid Elizabeth asked as Selene had sighed. "No it's just been a long trip and I just want to get home and rest" She said as she had closed her eyes. Unlike her brother she had bright red hair that shined like fire. She had eyes that seemed almost inhuman. Selene was a very popular woman in England as she had fixed her blue and black dress she was wearing as she had soon got up once the carriage had come to a stop. "We are were Lady Phantomhive" The driver spoke as he had opened the door and bowed to the woman as Selene had patted his head as she had soon got out with his help.

"Home once again" She spoke as she had smiled as she had soon walked inside the doors, the place was quiet as she figured her brother would be in the study as she had heard her own heels clicking along the floor as she had wondered into the kitchen to see Baldroy in the kitchen as she had smiled. "Ah my favourite Chef" She called catching the male off guard. "M-Miss Phantomhive" he said as she had grinned. "Baldroy, could you make me a meal, I'm hungry and I know how great of a chef you are, please and have the butler bring it to my room" She called as Baldroy and nodded before Selene had left to head toward her room.
Sebastian Michaelis was the name familiar to royalty though not to himself. That name was the simple name that served royalty, the name of the famous butler of a famous family, running a famous company worldwide. Sebastian was the head butler of a household noble family of the phantom hives serving them for generations first to the father and now to the son ciel phantomhive. He wore his usual uniform, a black tuxedo like uniform. White collared shirt black tie with black dress pants, shoes and custom tailored butler vest along with white gloves. His long black hair combed back his appearance neat and clean of any butler.

Today was the usual work day with nothing much new as far as he could either too busy for work to remember at least for now. Sebastian worked on the garden for most of the day as he would sloely be finished and walk back into the house and down the hall from the far side behind the mansion itself. Slowly he would appear in the main hall of the mansion though he would be alone for now not knowing that the visitor was in her room already.
Mey-Rin was well she was doing her own thing, she had been cleaning the house when she had seen Miss Phantomhive come home. Mey-Rin had soon looked toward the kitchen as she had moved to see Baldroy cooking up something. "What are you doing?" She asked in her typical shyness like voice as she had held a duster in her hands. "Miss Selene is home and she asked for a nice meal, go and get Sebastian would you" He said as Mey-Rin froze in her spot before she would leave and go and find Sebastian.

Mey-Rin wasn't the best person in the world she was a klutz and had found herself swooning over the head butler as she had walked up to him. "Sebastian sir, ah, the lady is home" She called as she had looked at him. "S-she wants the meal Baldroy prepared for her t-taken to her r-room" She said as she had felt her cheeks getting red while looking at the tall male as she had images of him before she had fainted
"I have orders and I shall take care of them, I thank you a lot mey rin, but also please be careful of your surroundings as well..." He gave a small smile but was cut off as he grew wide eyed for a moment seeing her fall. " typical...what's gotten into her..." He never knew that she had a crush on him, there was nothing to know of anyone else accept his job. Slowly he went over to pick et up in his arms laying her on the couch, going to the kitchen.

Soon he would see the plate as he would cover it and place it on the tray, "thank you very much..." He gave a small bow to the cook and headed upstairs finally down the hall and to the ladies room. Sebastian knocked, " m'lady, your meal is ready..." Slowly he would open the door and walk in, walking over to her nightstand and setting the tray down Before turnig to her.
Selene had been in the bath as she had soon heard knocking as she had smirked knowing that the butler had come with her food, she had soon come out, her shoulder had a burn mark on it from when the place had caught up in flames, she had looked toward the male as she had smiled. "Hello, Sebastian" She said as she had come from the bathroom as she had looked toward the butler. She had moved as she had went to get some night clothes. She had looked at him as she had turned around her back toward him as the burn mark would be shown as her hair was off toward the side. "How has my brother been since I have been gone?" She questioned the male as she had turned around as she had soon went to her little dressing wall before she had come back out with a nightgown on as she had sat down on the bed.
He simply stood there looking atound then toward her wih red eyes, "nothing new with him, very busy as always.."slowly he would hover and open the top of the tray, turning to tell her about the meal for a moemnt then walking back mar the door, "is there anything else?" He asked wating to leave if not.
Selene had looked over at Sebastian as she had heard his question as she had shaken her head in a no fashion. "No I am fine thank you Sebastian" She said as she had smiled at the butler before she would sit down to eat her meal as she had wondered why he always seemed to be around her brother so much.
Sebastian then decided to leave turning to close the door and walk down the hall go see what else he would be forgetting to do today. Things have been a little slow but it wasn't mucho r him at all anyways. He wondered if mey Rin would be ok by now but didn't seem to check yet as he looked out the window showing te sun high above the sky for the afternoon now.
While Sebastian had left Ceil would be in his study as he was looking over papers and deciding what to do until he noticed a letter on the desk. "Has my sister eaten yet?" he would ask the butler his demon as he had come in. "We have a job, it seems the queen wants us to take care of a case" He spoke toward the demon
"Of course master, I was just done coming from her room bringing the meal she wanted..." He smiled with a slight bow, " well if it's another case just say the orders then and it shall be done..." He put his hand on his chest and waited for a reply.
Ciel had looked at Sebastian as he had shaken his head. "No we shall head to the cottage house and go form there see what Scotlandyard has found" He added as he had sighed. "Go and get my sister and tell her we are leaving" He said as he had got up from his chair before he would grab his new cane he got as he would get Sebastian to finish dressing him before he would head down stairs.
" as you wish then..." He simply turn and lead the master to his room, goin fiber to change him. He turned again and left going down the hall and heading for the other room. "M'lady?" He said leaning against the door and giving it a knock, " he master ciel has important business today and he would like you to go with him." The butler stood out waiting for a reply.
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