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Come home with us... (Azuriyuu & Nympho)

Apr 2, 2009
Nikki sat in a small alley, trying to keep warm as she watched people pass by. Nikki was a homeless young woman. She hadn't always been homeless, she lost her job and everything went to hell. She looked like a model, but had no home or family. She was wearing a black tank top with a large black jacket over that and some tight jeans that hugged her flawless legs. She was very beautiful, with long curly light blond hair and baby blue eyes. She leaned against a wall as she sighed, hopefully one day, some one would come and save her.. but until that day came, she was stuck with being homeless.
Heading down the alley were a pair of friends, Vision and Ryu. They had been friends for years, and had gone to the same college and eventually ended up being roommates together. Neither of them had steady girlfriends, so that wasn't an issue. They'd cut through the alley in order to get home a bit quicker, wanting to hurry up and drink the booze that they'd bought. Passing by, Vision stopped, looking at the homeless girl with a grin. Ryu eventually stopped as well, grabbing his friend, but Ryu nudged him in the ribs.

"Hey, girl, how you doin'?" Vision asked, grinning. Vision was a short, blonde boy with violet eyes. Despite that, he was muscular, with broad shoulders and a bright look in his eyes. Oddly enough, he wore, of all things, a lab coat, a pair of jeans, an old T-shirt underneith covered in burns, and on his hairline a pair of goggles.

"Looking to have a place for the night?" Ryu asked, standing on her other side, smiling at her. He was tall, lithe, and graceful, with black hair and brown eyes so dark they'd might as well have been black, dressed in a pair of tight leather pants with a vest that showed off lithe muscle.
Nikki looks up at the two young guys, slightly shocked that such handsome men would actually stop and talk to a homeless girl, let alone ask if she needed a place to stay. Her light blue eyes light up as she nods. "Yes please! That would be amazing." She smiled back at them, standing up. She was fairly short, only coming up to their shoulders. "Are you offering a place to stay?" She looks over at Ryu, smiling still as she played with her jacket shyly.
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