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Trapped inside (interest check)


Feb 24, 2009
The year is 2200 and a new hot game arrived, Trisphere. The game takes you to a world of fight and glory, a medieval earth. What would happen when something goes wrong, very wrong and your mind is trapped In the game, the only way out is… there is no way out. As you slowly find out you can be hurt in the game and even killed, whatever happens in game world will happen to your body back in the real world. If you take a scar from a sword on the game world the same scar will appear on your body in the real world. What would happen when you find out that you are in a world where you cannot escape, would you want to? What would you do if you knew that your life is as much as risk in the game than in the real world… that is for you to decide.

(more info if peeps appears interested)
Never seen hack. and this world would be medieval world, my world with my monsters
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