Malfrost & WolfQueen


Dec 10, 2015
In the forest
West city was home to millions of people and it was a great place to live it was also home to Capsule Corporation. This was home to Bulma and her family, and not to far away from her lived her very good friend Chi Chi and her own family. West city had just woken up, the sun had started to shine over the large city as people started to wake up and get on with their daily lives. Bulma had gotten up and started to get stuff ready for whatever she needed it for.

Meanwhile a young woman was walking along the street, her lonb brown hair was done in two braids with some feathers coming from her hair as she was dressed in some tight jeans that hugged her hips, along with a tight shirt that was a little undone as she had on shoes as she walked along the street. This young woman was Melody, new to West City as she had walked along just going where her feet took her. She was here for a tournament that was going to be in West City in the next few days as she smiled listening to her music.
As Bulma was preparing for her day, a figure stepped up behind her. Strong arms wrapped around her waist as his hands moved up to her breasts, squeezing them through her top as a tongue assailed her neck, moving up and down and painting it like a brush on canvas. "Good morning, beautiful..." a hot voice entered her ear, it was not the voice of her husband, but her lover...Satoshi. They had been having an affair for awhile now and Satoshi began to press his large bulge up against her rear. "How are you doing this morning..." he asked her with a chuckle.

Vegeta was flying around the city, looking for something to do when he sensed a familiar power level. He knew it was Melody, he had met her at a tournament not too long ago and had got along very well. So well that they ended up fucking each other in the woods near by. He flew to her and landed in front of her, smirking as he eyed her."Well, well...I didn't expect to see you again." He said with a chuckle as he waited to see her reaction.
Bulma had been getting her day ready when she had felt some strong arms around her and the voice as she had shivered as she had felt the tongue along her neck she knew it wasn't her husband he would never do anything like this as she had smiled. "Good morning Satoshi" She said as she had felt his hands on her breasts massaging them as she had turned around and faced him. "I'm going better now that your here, and you?" She asked and grinned.

Melody had been walking as she had soon sensed something and then smirked as she had remembered that voice as she had looked to see the one and only Vegeta in her way as she had stopped walking and crossed her arms. "Well look what the cat dragged in" She added as she had smirked. "What can I do you for V?" She asked as she had walked toward him more until she was standing right in front of him.
"My day is perfect, since I get to start it with the most beautiful woman in the galaxy." He chuckled a she planted his lips on her own. His tongue quickly lashed out at her lips, seeking to gain entry to her mouth and access to her own tongue to play with it. He started to grope her breasts harder before gripping the bottom of her shirt and starting to lift up, trying to get the garment off her as his cock grew harder in his shorts.

Vegeta grinned as he looked at Melody...her body was perfect and ripe....just waiting to be claimed by a prince like himself. "Well, I was thinking...since I haven't had sex with my wife about you relieve my build up for me. I've got alot stored up just for you." He proclaimed as he whisked her up into his arms and began to fly off towards the forest nearby.
Bulma had smirked when she had heard Satoshi's response to her question as she had smiled. "Aww your too sweet" She said her cheeks a little red. Did she feel about having this affair with Satoshi on Vegeta, in a way but not Satoshi had made her feel some way that Vegeta couldn't. She had soon leaned in and kissed him as she had felt him kissing her back as his tongue went and started to play with her own as she had felt him groping her breasts a little harder making her moan in the kiss.

Melody had looked at Vegeta as she had grinned as she had seen him looking up and down her body, she knew Vegeta was married and sure at first she felt bad about it but now she didn't really feel anything sure it was mean but Melody had never meet a guy like him before as she had laughed. "Oh so your wife is not giving you want you want and so you have come to me after that one time we had sex?" She asked as she was soon sweaped off her feet as she put her arms around his neck as he had taken off toward the forest nearby.
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