The Tail of Light and Dark (Starring Mew and Nexus)


Apr 17, 2014
Pain that was what he felt. The world was nothing but a blur, he felt like a cork floating in a sea desperately trying to stay afloat. Fragments of though so desperately trying to piece together into conscious thoughts and memories. Yet...nothing.

A startled gasp escaped the lips of 19 year old dark haired boy with green eyes. Dressed only in a plain white shirt and black pants he laid on his back as the rain poured down upon him. The smell of metal was in the air turning his gaze to the source. A large inhuman monster laid nearby, its body was ripped to pieces by what appeared to be lacerations,puncture wounds, and burns from what the boy assumed was fire.

Where was he? Eyes turned to the landscape, it was some kind of forest. It was still ódaytime out despite the downpour. Pulling himself up from the mud, the boy yelped in pain that shot through his chest before falling back to the ground.

What happened to him? Why was there some kind of monster's corpse near him? Did he kill it? How did he kill it? Wait was he a wizard? How did he know that? Who was he? That final question made the boy grasp at the spikey dark hair trying to remember who he was and how he got where he was. Only a single word came to mind.


That was his name. His name was Azrael. "H-Hello?!" his voice was loud but hurt. His throat was sore but it didn't stop the panic that consumed him as he got back to his feet slower than before. The mud caking his attire and skin as he stumbled forward. "Is anyone there?!" Azrael asked out towards the environment hoping someone was nearby.
Unfortunately for Elaine it was raining outside. Predictable really since the forecast said there will be a high chance if rain. At first she didn't believe the forecast, well not until now. Even though, she didn't want to leave the comfort of her little home, she still had to leave to do a few errands around town.

Sighing tiredly, the young woman left her comfortable bed, headed to her closet to get dress. Since it is raining outside, the mage figured it is wise if she wear something warm. So of course she put on some baggy grey sweatpants with pockets, a white t shirt, and brown boots along with a grey hoodie. As for her hair, she pulled the blonde tresses up info a messy ponytail, leaving only a few strands of hairs leftover.

After finished dressing, the blonde walked out of her apartment, into the torrent rain. Walking leisurely with an umbrella in hand, she went in direction where the shopping district was located.

Unlike the blonde to go out in rain however she had many errands that has not been completed yet, needed to be finished. Nobody wasn't outside except for a few people and stray cats. Today was going to he a gloomy day. It wasn't as if she cared, she preferred gloomy dates. On rare days such as these, Elaine didn't have to worry about noisy townsfolks.

Even so, at times, Elaine did yearn for company. For a companion. Considering she is 22, she should have a boyfriend or some type of romantic interest however the blonde couldn't find anyone that pique her interest, other than herself.

Further she went, Elaine ended up stopping in her tracks when she heard a loud voice echoing out.

"Huh?" She uttered, puzzled.
Azrael slowly stumbled to his feet as he shouted again trying to find someone. The pain from before shot through his body again but this time he was able to grit his teeth and endure it. "Is anyone there?!" He shouted again eyes surveying the landscape before catching sight of lights coming from a nearby town. A town! Maybe they could help the young man! Slowly his bare feet began to move forward doing his best to ignore the pain with each step.

What was this blasted pain plaguing him? It felt as if his chest had been impaled with a hot knife. The rain soaking his clothes revealing the lean muscles underneath while the dirt covered across his skin and matting his hair against his face. Azrael would look like a bum as he entered the city. Unfortunately the young man didn't get far as the pain became to much and he collapsed again near the shopping district.
"I must be hearing things." Yeah this must be it! There is no way in hell anyone would be out in this dreadful weather! Aside from Elaine and if you are homeless of course. Elaine headed towards the shopping district. She had some shopping to do had no time to be lollygagging at the moment. Further, she went, eventually she arrived at shopping district. Just as she was about to opened the door to a local store, she screamed upon seeing a battered man on the ground. "Hey, are you okay?" She fretted over towards, careful not to get herself dirty. At first she assumed he was some type of bum however when he saw his face that is when she had no other choice but to help this man. He needed treatment badly. If he continued to lay here on ground in the torrent rain, he will surely become sick.

Elaine had no other choice, the blonde too him back home, cleaned him right up! Of course she took off his clothes and gave him some new ones! She wasn't going to let the man sleep in her bed without being cleaned first. Elaine sat in her chair patiently near her bedside where the unknown man was sleeping in. "I hope you're okay." She said, giving him a worried expression.
As Azrael laid in the warm soft bed belonging to the young woman he began to toss and turn in his sleep as his features twisted. The young dark haired man began to dream but not of good things. No in his slumber he saw fire, the sounds of demons laughing as they destroyed the landscape before them. Razing everything in sight, innocent lives lost, and nothing but chaos covering the horizon. Then the man appeared. Standing tall at 6'6 feet shrouded in a long red cloak with a black mask with white patches around the glowing green eyes. This being radiated power as the aura matching his eyes radiated off his body standing in the monsters way.

Then his dreams shifted, to the monster he saw upon awakening. Brief flashes of the abomination roaring, with Azrael trying to crawl away as he heard the sounds of battle behind him. His body beaten and bloodied before his strength failed him. Then the sight of that red cape was caught in his peripheral vision. Wrapping around his body in a warm embrace that made him feel safe.


Azrael suddenly sat up with a gasp. Air desperately rushing into his body in panicked breathes as his eyes scanned the environment. He wasn't in the rain anymore. The pain that was plaguing his being was absent. The dirty and ruined clothes were gone replaced with clean, fresh ones. He was in a comfortable bed and the owner of said bed was sitting in a chair not to far away from him. A blonde young woman who appeared to be a few years older than he. The rising and falling of his chest began to slow as his eyes registered the sight of the blonde before speaking. "Where am I?" his voice was still dry and cracked but it didn't stop him from asking the obvious question
I hope he is okay. Hope, he wake up soon. I am getting tired. I want to take a nice nap in my bed! No matter how much Elaine would have liked to sleep in her comfortable bed, it would have been wrong if she had done that since there was a battered men, perhaps sick with a high fever, so least the blonde could do is give him her bed at most. Unforgivably wrong if she remove him from her bed! Plus, it was a hassle getting him inside! She may be tough, but, carrying a grown man to your house, in a torrent storm was exhausting! Give her a pat on back because she carried him all by herself into the room with no help! Heck, she deserve a freaking cookie for this! Presume, too, she suspect a praise from this man once he is up as well.

For someone who is sleeping, Elaine found him incredibly cute and handsome. He slept like a baby! How cute! Elaine couldn't suppress a chuckle, or keep herself from smiling at the stranger. There was something about the man that Elaine couldn't described that made her want to smile at the stranger.

Overtime, the stranger finally awakened from his slumber, which, startled Elaine considerably. She gasped herself, take in the beautiful yet mesmerizing green orbs belonged to the dark haired man. "Well you are in my home." Elaine gave the most simplistic answer possible.
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