

Oct 7, 2012
(Sorry the title is bland, I'll try and come up with something as we go along if it bugs you!)

It was snowing by the time Hinata reached the Uchiha kingdom. It had been a long trip, mostly because Hinata had been transported via a horse-drawn wagon. It would have been much faster if she had gone on foot, as she WAS a trained kunoichi, but she was also a princess and was expected to travel like one. And Hinata didn't mind, as she was in no hurry to reach the opposing kingdom. She had never come face to face with any of the Uchiha family, but she was understandably nervous to do so. She was alone in a foreign land; a land that was filled with people who had only a month ago killed her on sight. And there were of course a handful of individuals who stilled seemed to thirst for Hyuga blood, as her wagon came under attack multiple times during the attack. But the Uchiha had sent elite bodyguards for her, and no one got close enough to the wagon to even be a threat.

That wasn't Hinata's worry, though. She could deal with assassins... but could she deal with the Uchiha royal family? She had been raised to see them as the enemy; cold blooded killers! And now she was to be wed to Prince Sasuke. She didn't even know what he looked like, and he had no idea what she looked like. In fact, not even her own people knew what she looked like. She was very sheltered... until now.

Now, she was alone. But she knew she had to be strong and do this. It was for the sake of her family as well as her own people. And besides, if this could bring peace, she would do her best.

Finally, the wagon came to a stop, and so did Hinata's heart for a moment. So they were finally here... she wasn't ready for this. Nervously, she smoother her hands over her dress and, for a second, closed her eyes to try and gain her barrings. And, just as she was opening them, the wagon driver had hopped down and was opening the door for her.

Gulping in a shaky breath, Hinata got to her feet and stepped from the wagon and out into the courtyard of the kingdom...

"Princess Hinata!" A warm, feminine voice called to her from across the yard. Blinking, Hinata lifted her gaze only to freeze when she noticed the woman scurrying on over to where she herself was standing. Hinata had never seen her, but based on her attire and the many servants around her, it was obvious...

"Q-Queen Mikoto!" Hinata gasped, blushing a little when she realized how beautiful the woman was. She lifted her hands, but wasn't sure what to do or say. Luckily, Mikoto didn't seem to mind Hinata's surprise and just smiled warmly at her.

"Please just stand still for a moment.. I wish to study the young woman my son will be wed to." She cooed, resting her hands on Hnata's shoulders and looking her over with those calm, steady, inviting eyes. Hinata held her breathe and stood still, nervousness written all over her face.

Hinata was like a porcelain doll. Long, silky black hair, pale skin, rosy cheeks, and, of course, those lavender eyes that were as soft as the falling snow, which was proof of her lineage. She was dressed in a simple yet clearly expensive and custom dress, with fit her body perfectly. It was tight around her generously sized bust and petite shoulders and slender waist, but looser around her hips and legs. The dress was cream and white in color, with beads of shimmering opal laced into the neckline.

"Hehe.. you will make me some beautiful grandchildren, Hinata~" The queen giggled, making Hinata blush and fidget a little. Smiling at her humble reaction, Mikoto wrapped a gentle arm around Hinata's waist and led her inside, where it was much warmer.

"I'm sure you're exhausted from your travels... but first, allow me to take you to Sasuke. I'm sure he's dying to meet his bride." Mikoto hummed, earning a small, shy nod from Hinata, who really had no say in the matter. She quietly followed alongside the queen to Sasuke's chambers. Mikoto didn't mind Hinata's silence, as she too was more of the silent type.

After a few minutes of walking through the castle, they reached Sasuke's room. Mikoto gave a few light raps at the door to let him know someone was entering, but did not wait for invitation inside. She simply opening the door, guiding Hinata alongside her.

"Sasuke, meet Princess Hinata..."
Sasuke sat on his bed, eager to meet his new bride to be. He was born and raised as the Prince of his realm, and had been taught to treat the Hyuga as noble and worthy foes. Sure, he had slain a number of them on the battlefield as was expected of him, but now, he was eager to wed their princess. After all, he had caught glimpses of the Hyuga women here and there, and they were beautiful, prizes to be sought.

That is why he now sat on his bed, his red eyes shimmering with excitement at the thought of finally meeting this princess. When he heard the taps on the door, he stood up and braced himself....

He was stricken speechless for a moment by the site of Hinata...she was beautiful. He figure was perfect and her skin lovely. He composed himself quickly however and stepped forward, gently grasping Hinata's hand with his own as he brought it up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. "My lady...it is a pleasure to meet you at last." He looked her in the eyes and gave her a smile, his expression one of affection and desire mixed together. "Mother...could you leave us for now...I would like to get to know my future wife.." He spoke, his tone making it clear he had lustful intentions for the girl in front of him right now.
Hinata was reluctant to peel her eyes from the ground. She just didn't know what she would see... Presumably Sasuke was handsome, considering how beautiful his mother was. But how attractive he was wasn't her concern. She was more worried about what he would be like. Was he a cold-blooded killer? Would he resent that he had to marry her? She had so many concerns that, for a moment, she spaced out. But she came crashing back down to Earth when she felt a large, strong, and yet gentle hand grasp her own. She gasped softly, lavender eyes widening a fraction of a hair and cheeks glowing a soft pink as, finally, she lifted her gaze to the prince's face.

And, as expected, he was gorgeous. It was likely that he had every woman in his kingdom swooning over him! Even Hinata's heart found itself skipping a beat when his lips grazed against her soft hand, his deep red eyes bearing into her much paler gaze as he spoke. "U-um! The.. the pleasure is all mine..." She said meekly, her nerves beyond rattled by now.

She didn't get the whole 'heartless murderer' vibe from Sasuke. In fact he was quite charming, even if he had only spoken a few words to her.

The queen arched a brow and smiled suspiciously at Sasuke's tone. Well, what Sasuke did was none of her business. And beside.. Hinata was his fiance. "Of course. I have other matters to attend to anyways." That said, she smiled at the two and left as quickly as she arrived. Closing the door after herself, of course.

With her gone, Hinata felt oddly vulnerable. She was all alone with Sasuke Uchiha... it was such an intimidating thought, and yet she was still trying to get over the fact that Sasuke himself looked anything BUT intimidating in this moment.
Sasuke smiled as his mother left. He wanted Hinata, and he wanted her now...but he didn't want to move too quickly and make her uncomfortable. He would take it step by step and guide her into it, before he would claim her as his own. He moved his hand up to her cheek and cupped it gently, giving her a warm and tender smile as he spoke.

"My lady....you are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on...and I am humbled to be your soon to be husband." He stroked her cheek tenderly as he slowly started to lean towards her. "I must admit...I cannot contain my desires around you...Hinata..." he spoke her name for the first time, its inflection a mix of affection and lust. "I need you....." he was hungry now as his hands moved down to her shoulders and slowly started to lower her dress off her shoulders as he pressed his lips against her own passionately. His tongue was out at once, lashing out against her lips and seeking to gain entry to her mouth as he waited to see how she would react to his advances.
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