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A forest walk

Jun 21, 2009
Erika was a young girl in her early twenties. She had taken up jogging recently and after a few weeks had finally settled on a path along a long forest trail. She got up like every other day, getting undressed and grabbing her running gear. He slipped on her sports bra, squeezing in her D breasts and threw on a tight t-shirt over top. She slid on her short shorts, covering the black thong she had underneath. She stepped out of her apartment building and onto the street, breathing in the cool morning air. She took off and after a few minutes took her first step into the large wooded area.
The woods were just like they were every other day. Birds chirping, small animals peeking out of their homes to sniff the air. However today, deeper in where the trees blocked out the light, the vines twisted tightly around the trees, waiting for prey. They were on the hunt today, wanting something warm and fresh.
Erika continued to run her normal path, she started thinking about the odd thing here or there, looking around to enjoy the look of the trees. She let herself close her eyes briefly to hear the birds chirping. When she opened her eyes she realized she strayed off the path a little she paused, moving her legs on the spot to keep her rhythm and looked around. She could go back to her normal path but where she was was also beaten down. She figured someone else had to have come by the very same way and she shrugged as she continued along the newly discovered path.
The vines sensed her aproach, picking up the vibrations of her running feet. As she got closer they started moving slightly, prepareing for an attack. A vine slithered accross the path, under the leaves and out of sight, waiting for the right moment.
She slowed her pace down a little looking around as the path slowly became less and less defined. a bit of concern started to build in the back of her mind as the thought of being lost came up. She pressed on a little further before realizing the path wasn't there anymore and she simply had come to a dead end. She stopped again, moving her legs to keep her pace as she looked around. She decided to turn back the way she came, she began to make a slow jog back not realizing she wasn't going back the way she had come.
The vine lifted slightly, catching her toe and tripping her. She lay there for a moment on the ground before several more vines jumped out of the trees, pulling her arms and legs appart. They wrapped around her limbs, keeping them from comming loose. Smaller vines began sliding over her thighs, feeling their way up her body, touching her all over.
She let out a short yelp when she tripped, putting her arms out to soften her fall. She laid there for a moment, letting out a small sigh. As if almost getting lost wasn't enough she just fell flat. Good thing no one was around to see she thought to herself. She was about to get herself up when she felt the vines start to wrap around her legs and, just as quickly, her arms. She tried to struggle but found herself bound tightly, her body spread out. She let out a scream as she felt the vines slide along her legs, slithering up to her thighs. She tried to struggle but couldn't move her arms or legs, her body thrashing about frantically.
The vines began pulling on her clothes, rolling her shorts down her legs. They pulled appart her t-shirt, the sap of the thing weakening the fabric. They slithered under her bra, pulling on it untill it came undone, exposing her chest. Small sensory vines moved over her body, feeling her brests. They rose up to her nipples and fondled them, squeezing and prodding.
Erika was unsure what was happening. the shock of the fall and the quick capture of her arms and legs had her mind racing and the sudden feel of the cool air against her naked body brought her back to reality as she looked at the vines, sliding up her body, fondling her. She tried to struggle more and more but to no avail as she couldn't get her arms or legs free.
The little vines teased her nipples gently as they began to penetrate them. One long, thick, vine wrapped around her thigh and slid between her legs, rubbing against her warm center. Her underware was ripped off and replaced with several tentacles, touching and feeling her over.
"no no no!" She shrieked. She tried to struggle as the vines played with her. She felt them tear off her panties expose her slit. The feel of them touching her sent shudders along her spine. She tried to struggle but each time she was met with failure. Her mind started to panic as she was touched and groped, the fear of being raped by some odd force started to fill her.
The little vines moved between her legs, probeing at her womanhood. They lathered her lips with warm sap, making her tingle wherever it was left. One long vine slid between the folds of her rear, leaving behind a thick layer of sap.
Her efforts to struggle became more and more half hearted almost resigning to the fact she was caught. As the vines began to probe at her, she tried to squeeze her legs shut, the last ditch effort to maintain some dignity as she laid there helpless.
The vines parted her legs and kept them still. Two of them began prying at the entrance of both her lower holes, making the entrance slick with their sap. They pushed in slowly, first filling ther pussy, then her ass, each taking turns thrusting.
Kiara let out a loud gasp as she felt a vine push into her, filling her tight cunt. As it slid out, she felt the unusual and unfamiliar pressure of a vine pushing into her ass. She lout out a scream as the sharp pain of her ass being stretched forcefully came over her. As the vine slid out of her ass, the pain became more of a throb as she was filled once again by the vine into her cunt and then just as quickly back into her ass. Her body writhed with discomfort before the pain mixed with pleasure and then simply pleasure.
After a minuet or so, the vines pushed deep into her at once, wriggleing in and out of her holes. Many more worked over her chest, pulling and squeezing on her breasts and nipples. One thick vine slid accross her lips, drizzleing sap against them.
She felt her body start to succumb to the constant filling of her holes, the pleasure that came with feeling the tight filled feeling. Despite the her body's desire for pleasure and her submission to it, she still struggled away from the large vine at her lips, turning her head away from it.
THe vines continued pushing into her, sap dripping and lathering the inside and outside of both her holes. The large vine pushed again at her lips, wanting entrance. Several small tendrils touched at her nipples, wriggleing deeply into the little nubs, attempting to stimulate her fluids.
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