My Request Thread

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Dec 10, 2015
In the forest

About Me
My name is Wolf and I have been roleplaying for about 2+ years now if my memory serves me right. I have been on different sites before I had been recommended for this one by my good friend TwistedNightmare. I have never roleplayed in a place like this before so this is new for me. Anyway's I do have a son so I may not be able to post as much as I can but I will get to you no doubt about that.

Oh Yeahs!
Strip tease
Rough Sex (Face fucking, Chocking, Slapping)
Bondage (Light/Medium)
Double Penetration

Hell No!!!
Incest〉 Biggest Turn off
Beastuality〉 Biggest turn off
Bathroom control
Extreme Humiliation

  • [*]Rest my rules & Bluemoon's rules
    [*]Respect me as a person and you will be treated the same
    [*]I do have a child so please be patience with me
    [*]I do have fandoms which I would like to do (CannonxOC)
    [*]If your going to be away for a while please let me know so I know your not ignoring me or just dropped the roleplay
    [*]Please try and post as much as you can, I understand writer's block
    [*]Please be as literate as you can, I'm no gammer nazi but I do appreachate good grammer
    [*]I like to use pictures but I will describe my character if the other player likes that better
    [*]I like to try and keep things equal
    [*]I like to keep 50/50 story and smut
    [*]Please have a look at my F-list before messaging me
    [*]I will no do anything off the form so no YIM, AIM, Skype so please do no ask
    [*]Anything that has means I am craving, the more the more I am craving it
    [*]Anything that is is striked out and Red means taken
    [*]Please enjoy and have fun, this is what it is all about :)
Fandom List

Avatar The Last Airbender
Black Butler
Blood +
Death Note
Dragon Ball
Fruits Basket
Full Metal Alchemist
Hellsing Ultimate
One Piece
Ouran High School Host Club
Yu-Gi-Oh! (Just the orginal)
Yu Yu Hakusho

Adventure Time

Assassin's Creed
Legend of Zelda (Twilight Princess)
Saints Row
Wolf Among Us

Avatar -James Cameron
Batman (All)
Death Race
Fast and Furious |All|
Guardians of the Galaxy
Jurassic Park/World
Hobbit (All three)
Harry Potter -all and books
How to train your dragon (Animated)
Hunger Games
Lord of the rings
Maze Runner (Both movies)
Spirited Away (Animated)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Old & New)
Rise of the Guardians
X-Men (All + Orgins)

Big Bang Theory
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
Chicago Fire/Chicago P.D
Code Black
C.S.I (Miami)
Criminal Minds
Hawaii Five-O
House M.D
Game of Thrones
Saving Hope
Sons of Anarachy
Teen Wolf
Walking Dead

While driving home on a quiet backstreet, MC spots a wounded animal on the side of the road. Having a soft spot for suffering creatures, MC pulls over and scoops the animal up into the backseat of their car. MC drives home with the good intention of nursing the poor animal back to health, unaware that the animal (YC) is really a shapeshifter. After making a comfortable place for YC to sleep, MC heads off to bed. By morning, YC is feeling a bit better and they shift back into their human form just as MC enters the room to check up on them. YC tries their best to explain what’s going on without terrifying MC. According to shapeshifter law, YC now owes MC their loyalty and must stay with them until the debt is repaid.

▸Boarding School
MC is one of the first of a small group of humans to transfer in to a formerly all-vampire boarding school. MC and their human counterparts are selected to attend this school not only for their impressive GPAs but also because of their rare blood types. Tuition for the human students will be paid by means of bi-weekly blood draws administered by the school nurse; this blood will be rationed and used as nutrition for the predominantly-vampire student body. For the safety of the humans, vampire students are by no means allowed to drink directly from their classmates.. or at least they’re not supposed to.
Boarding School

▸Prison Letters
While waiting in the car for their significant other to return from the convenience store, MC hears gunshots being fired. A masked individual runs out of the store, darting past the parked vehicle, but the significant other doesn’t follow. MC learns that their significant other was fatally wounded during an attempted robbery. Following the sudden, tragic death of their significant other, MC is desperate for a way to cope with their loss and insists upon seeking justice. YC has been accused/convicted of the crime and faces life imprisonment (or the death penalty). A prisoner of their own grief, MC begins to write to YC in prison, seeking answers. YC is surprised to receive any sort of correspondence from MC, but they write back as a means to make amends. While both await final sentencing/an appeal, MC and YC develop a relationship through letters.
Option A:YC is innocent and wrongly accused/convicted.
Option B:YC is guilty.

Prison Letters

▸After Midnight
MC and YC were in a tumultuous relationship years ago. It was full of lust and desire, but the young lovers had a tendency for hot-tempered, vicious arguments. They broke up mutually and moved on, realizing that the situation was never going to give way to something healthy, but neither truly got over the other. Even though MC and YC are both in loving, stable relationships in the present time, it lacks the fervor of the connection they had with each other, and thoughts constantly wander to their old flame, wishing their new relationship had that same passion. Late one night, YC picks up the phone and dials MC, simply wanting to hear their voice. MC is shocked and hesitant to speak with YC considering their significant other is sleeping in bed in the next room, but is unable to hang up, emotions running high. The calls continue nightly in secret. After several conversations, both agree they need closure to move on, and decide to meet in person.
After Midnight

▸Old Love
MC and YC were a couple in HS (however long is up to debate), even though they were complete opposites. YC was the 'bad boy' of the school, skipping class, sleeping with whomever he wanted, generally breaking rules and causing mayhem. MC was quiet, sweet and utterly, completely devoted to YC. Well, come the last day of school/prom (whichever) YC randomly breaks it off and is seen the next day/week with a new flame.
Now skip a few years...
MC has never been the same since YC broke up with her (he could've been a real ass about it). She's gone through one boy after another, turned to drugs and drinking, generally made a huge mess of her life. YC, on the other hand, has turned his life around; good job, wife/girlfriend (maybe?), nice apartment, completely opposite of how he was in HS. Coming home late one night, he finds what looks like a street kid in a bloody, crumpled heap, apparently the victim of a mugging. He takes the kid home, cleans the kid up etc... only to realize its his old love! What will happen? Will old flames be rekindled, or has YC not changed all that much after all?
Old Love

MC and yc share a one bedroom apartment as it’s all they can afford in the neighborhood they live in. Despite their cramped quarters, they’re happy with their living arrangements and more importantly they love living together. They’ve been together (roommates/lovers/dating/married) for a little over a year now and they have a healthy intimate life behind closed doors. Both MC and YC are adventurous spirits, typically willing to try anything at least once. When YC comes home with a brand new video camera, the couple is quick to put it to use by making their own sex tape. The frisky pair have a blast performing for each other and for the camera and enjoy the end result when they play it back. Curious and turned on by the steamy footage, the couple decide to post their video online and see what others think of it. When the feedback is overwhelmingly positive, the pair can’t wait to get started on their next video. Eventually, the couple ventures into the adult industry by starting a live webcam show together.

▸The Tracks
YC and MC are part of a tight-knit group of friends who are daredevils. Every Friday night the group gets together in search of their next big thrill. Their favorite pastime is partying on the train tracks on the border of their humble town. There’s nothing quite like the rush of feeling the hard, metal tracks vibrate underneath them as the train comes barreling around the bend. Sometimes they run alongside the train as it rushes by and jump on, hitching a ride to the next town over. Sometimes they climb to the top of the train and jump off into the town’s reservoir for a late night swim. One night, the gang’s party unexpectedly gets broken up by the cops and everyone scatters. YC and MC head off in the same direction, but YC is the one who gets nabbed. It turns out that the police have been monitoring the tracks following reports of delinquent behavior in the last month. As hard as they push YC to identify their friends, YC refuses to cooperate and they end up taking the fall alone. YC is sentenced to a short term in jail and MCis the only friend that takes the risk to visit. YC and MCs bond grows exponentially over the course of the sentence, developing into something deeper than friendship.
The Tracks

▸Power Couple
MC and YC are two halves of an A-list celebrity couple. Together, they have millions of adoring fans and millions of dollars to spend on whatever they could possibly desire. Despite the occasional tabloid article, MC and YC seem to be living a Hollywood love story, complete with cozy rendezvous in VIP sections of the hottest nightclubs, romantic dinners at the chef’s table in the trendiest restaurants, and affectionate touches on the red carpet at public appearances. Being as famous as they are, MC and YC are mobbed by paparazzi everywhere they go. Outside of their glamorous, gated home, the star couple can’t get a moment of privacy. But that’s perfectly alright with them because the truth is that MC and YC are together strictly for publicity. Behind closed doors MC and YC absolutely despise one another and they secretly do everything they can to sabotage the other’s career.
Power Couple

▸Get In the Spirit
YC is having their first Christmas alone in their small apartment. Their neighbor, MC, has been in the spirit since November, decking the halls, playing seasonal music and wishing everyone they come across ‘happy holidays.’ For reasons unknown to MC, YC seems like nothing more than a miserable Scrooge, and they make it their Christmas mission to pass a little of their enthusiasm to YC.
It starts small, MC hanging a wreath on the door of YC's apartment. YC promptly takes it down, having no idea that MC is the culprit. The next day it’s a plate of homemade cookies, and the following it’s a small snow globe.
The pair carry on like this until Christmas Eve, MC leaving YC little tokens of the holiday, and YC tossing the kind gestures into a box to be forgotten. Tonight though, MC is ready to kick it into high gear, presenting themselves at YC's door with a drink for them to share.
YC sighs and invites MC inside. Upon seeing the box containing all the Christmas cheer they tried to deliver, MC quietly asks for an explanation. After some small talk, YC finally opens up as to why it’s so hard for them to get in the spirit. MC listens to their story, the whole time pulling items out of the box and decorating YC's apartment. When all is said and done, YC is truly grateful for MC's efforts.
Get In The Spirit

▸Reservations & Revelations
MC and YC have been together romantically for 2 years and they’ve known each other for almost 5 years in total. Since their second date they’ve sworn to a policy of telling each other the truth no matter what, which they believe has kept their relationship strong for so long. Lately, the honest couple has been incredibly busy with work and family obligations, barely having time to sit down together for a full meal before one has to dash off. Their anniversary date approaches and the couple promises to set some time aside for the occasion. Whether by pure forgetfulness, a lack of time to talk, or a desire to surprise their significant other, Muse A and Muse B have been keeping some news from their partner –news that each of them will share during the anniversary dinner. The couple dresses up and heads out to their favorite spot in town, each person waiting for the right time to confess what they’ve been hiding. While waiting for dessert, MC finally speaks up and says they have news to share. But so does YC, at the same time. Each insists that the other say what they have to say first and they ultimately rely on the flip of a coin to decide who spills first. MC is one month pregnant. YC is leaving (for someone else or for a job assignment thousands of miles away).
Who will lose the coin flip and have tell their secret first? Will the other person decide to keep their secret (or change plans) after learning what their lover has been hiding? Will the sharing of the secrets make or break the relationship?
Reservations & Revelations

▸I Know What You Did This Summer
A group of campers decide to play an initiation prank on a new camper at the start of camp festivities. After lights out, when MC is fast asleep, the group grabs MC out of bed and makes haste to the lake. When MC awakens to the sound of raucous laughter, they’re startled to suddenly be adrift in a canoe in the middle of the dark, deep lake waters without a paddle. Despite MC's pleas that they can’t swim, the group leaves MC out on the lake for the night, stating they’ll be back by morning. When the group returns at dawn, they’re confused to see that MC is gone. They quickly fish the canoe out of the lake and can only assume that MC got to shore on their own. The day goes by and no one sees MC around camp, nor has anyone in the group gotten into trouble for the prank they all pulled. The group begins to worry that something might’ve gone wrong; maybe the prank went too far. YC, the leader of the group insists that MC will turn up eventually; everyone agrees to keep the prank a secret.. at first. Several days pass and the group is unable to keep covering for the missing camper and paranoia starts to spread when it seems like someone is following them around camp; YC is worried most of all, since the prank was their idea. Little do they know that MC isn’t missing, but hiding, and plotting revenge against them all.
I Know What You Did Last Summer

▸Stranger Danger
MC is driving on a dark road in the middle of the night, trying to get home before an impending thunderstorm. They peek up in the rearview mirror briefly, out of habit, though there’s no one behind them. When MC's eyes return to the road, they have to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting the human figure suddenly standing in the path of their vehicle. MC shifts into ‘park’ as calmly as possible and gets out of the car to make sure that the person standing in the road is alright. YC is quiet and staring off into space, but otherwise they seemed unharmed. Worried, MC insists that YC get in the car so they can be taken to the hospital. MC figures that YC must be in shock; they’re certainly shaken up. YC says nothing, but follows MC to the car and gets in. MC proceeds to drive straight on the road, sitting in silence with their eerily quiet companion. After a few minutes, YC murmurs that MC needs to “turn left”. MC is caught off guard, but they know that the hospital isn’t that way so they explain that they’re going to keep driving straight. As they draw near exit on the left, YC reaches over and yanks the wheel hard to force MC off the road and down the off ramp. Panicked because they could’ve been in a wreck, MC regains control of the car and demands an explanation. YC sits back in their seat calmly replying that they would have been in a terrible accident if they didn’t turn then. MC thinks that YC is crazy and swears that once they reach the hospital (via local streets) they’ll get as far away from YC as possible. When they arrive at the hospital, MC escorts YC in, though YC is resisting. MC struggles a bit to get YC inside, but the news story playing on the waiting room TV catches their attention before they can reach the nurse’s station. Sure enough, there’s a breaking news bulletin about a turned over truck and a massive fire on the road that MC was determined to take..
Stranger Danger

▸Beyond the Kingdom
MC is a princess living in a peaceful kingdom, with no knowledge of the whole other realm that exists beyond its borders. While wandering in the forest near dusk, much to their escort’s dismay, the kingdom comes under attack by creatures/beings thought only to exist in fairytales and ancient legends. When a rider comes to warn MC that the castle has been taken, they are beseeched to flee to safety. Fearing for their parents’ lives, MC refuses to run away and makes haste back to the castle. Before they can reunite with their royal parents, MC is captured by the enemy. YC is MC's captor, who is under orders from their king/queen to kidnap the prince/princess for the purposes of ransom. MC is taken to the other realm, where no person in the kingdom has ever gone. MC is locked up in a cell with YC as their guard.
Despite the circumstances, YC treats MC with compassion, providing companionship, kind words and extra sustenance. After a few days of captivity, MC and YC are managing to get along; MC is terribly homesick and worried about the state of their kingdom. In an act of selflessness, YC helps MC escape. YC promises to keep MC safe from harm, as long as MC does not run away from them. MC agrees and YC keeps their promise. One night, while they’re asleep in the forest, soldiers from MC's fallen kingdom attack. They rescue MC and take YC as prisoner. Upon returning to the castle, YC is imprisoned. Feeling for their captor/turned savior, MC shows YC the same compassion and care that Muse B showed them while they were imprisoned.
With the threat of backlash from the other realm looming, will MC and YC's budding friendship survive? Will MC appeal to the king and queen to spare YC's life and to end the impending war between realms?
Beyond The Kingdom

▸Strictly Business
YC is a wealthy CEO who runs their own fortune 500 company in a bustling city. YC is in their 30s-40s and has been married to their college sweetheart for 12 years, though the passion between them has long since fizzled out. MC is a 20-something, fresh out of college, possessing a business degree and needing to get their foot in the door of the business world. MC is lucky enough to be hired by YC's firm and becomes YC's personal assistant/secretary. YC and MC exchange pleasantries from day to day, but don’t socialize much beyond the details of their business together. One evening, MC gets a call from YC asking a favor. YC must go to a charity gala and their spouse is not able to attend; they want MC to attend the event with them. MC is flattered and agrees to go for the sake of not letting their boss down.
YC sends a private car for MC along with an expensive outfit for them to wear. When MC arrives at the gala, they are blown away by the elegant venue. Champagne is flowing freely and YC looks attractive as ever in formal wear. Throughout the evening, YC reveals a playful, charming side to MC that they don’t get to see in the office. YC is flirtatious even, lightly touching the small of MC's back, sliding their arm around MC's shoulder, complimenting MC in front of business associates. MC knows that they shouldn’t read to heavily into YC's flirtation, because YC is married and they work together, but it’s difficult not to get swept up.
When the gala is over, YC insists that they retire to the hotel room they’ve reserved upstairs until they’ve sobered up some. MC agrees to stay and the pair takes the elevator up to a penthouse suite, the likes of which MC has only seen on luxury blogs and in travel magazines. Fueled by a mutual attraction and champagne, YC makes a bold move on MC, crossing professional and marital lines. MC feels guilty the next morning, knowing that YC is married, but the attraction between boss and employee can no longer be ignored. Over the course of the following weeks, YC and MC embark on a secret affair; sharing intimate moments between business meetings, going away on overnight “business trips” together, indulging in private shopping sprees with MC's platinum card.
Optional: When NPA (YC's spouse) finds questionable charges on YC's credit card statement/gets a call from the credit card company about suspicious activity, they become concerned that their spouse is cheating. NPA confronts YC, who denies an affair, but it doesn’t take long for NPA to fixate on MC as the source of their spouse’s deception.



▸Housesitting NEW
MC is houesitting for her longtime best friend while they go out of town for the week. MC is only into the second night of housesitting when someone arrives late one night at the door. Turns out, MC's best friend’s older brother, YC, came into town to surprise his sister only to find out she was gone for the week. MC has always had a huge crush on YC and offers him to stay in the house to take the chance and spend some quality time with YC. Muse B finds it hard to turn down the offer from the very attractive and now very grown up MC and decides to stay. YC has always harbored a crush on MC, but didn’t want to upset his sister by going after her best friend. After only one day of hanging out together, MC and YC waste little time to catch up on the years they spent pining away for each other by fooling around in every single nook and cranny of the house.

▸Open House NEW
MC is a realtor, helping YC look for a new place to live. Both are attracted to each other, but YC uses their hunt for a new home as a way to spend more time with MC. YC turns down house after house, forcing MC to keep looking around and showing YC more potential homes. Eventually, MC grows frustrated with YC and tells YC that there is one more place to look at and that’s it. During the showing of the final house, YC makes their move on MC, giving into their desires on the kitchen counter of YC's potential new home.
Open House

▸Private Party NEW
Bored and preparing for a tame Friday night at home, MC is thrilled to receive a phone call from an attractive, old friend. YC is visiting town just for the weekend and asks MC to be their plus one to an exclusive party; the requirements for entry to this event (aside from the invitation) are a black satin mask and formal attire. When MC arrives at the address provided, they meet YC at the gates of a glitzy mansion. MC and YC enter the party together and immediately, MC realizes that some of the guests are half-nude. YC casually explains that it’s a sex party and proceeds to show their stunned companion around. When they reach the landing to the second floor, MC catches the eye of NPC?, a regular at this monthly party, who asks for a private introduction. MC and NPC are left alone for a while, accordingly. To MC's surprise, the two of them hit it off and just as things are getting hot and heavy between them, YC returns and joins in on the fun.
Private Party

▸Partition NEW
YC works as a personal driver for a notorious boss in an underground crime organization. Throughout their employment, YC has seen and heard things that most people couldn’t stomach, but they keep their mouth shut because they’re loyal and they know the consequences for snitching. MC is the significant other of YC's boss. They know what their spouse does for a living, and they’re fine with it as long as they can maintain their comfortable lifestyle. The only problem MC has is that their spouse is always off handling business, and it gets lonely living the high life all alone. YC often drives MC around town, especially after events that MC's significant other stays late at. Frustrated and feeling neglected one night, MC rolls down the partition and does a spontaneous strip tease for YC. YC's always had a thing for MC, but has never thought of crossing that line and incurring the wrath of their boss… until now.

▸Mile High Club NEW
MC and YC are on a flight to a far away island, for a destination wedding. MC is about to be married to YC's best friend. The bride and groom-to-be are on separate flights, due to MC wanting to adhere to the tradition of not seeing the bride before the ceremony. MC is seated in first class with YC and her maid of honor; the maid of honor is fast asleep. The rest of the wedding party is flying coach. MC and YC stay awake for the majority of the flight’s duration, reflecting on shared memories, and flirting with an attraction that’s been buried for the sake of both of their relationships with the groom-to-be. Spurred on by liquid courage, MC propositions YC for a one time , get-it-out-of-our-systems fling several thousand feet in the air. It’s their last chance to see what it’d be like to be lovers. Will YC take it? Will there be a wedding?
Mile High Club

▸Spring Fling NEW
Several years ago, MC moved away from their quiet hometown to explore life in a busy city, only to discover that it’s not as great as they’d once hoped. Looking for comfort and a break from the hustle and bustle, MC travels back to the place they grew up in with the intention of staying only for a few days. As MC crosses the town limits, they recall one of their favorite childhood places to hang out - a small field out by an abandoned farmhouse that had an old tree with a wooden swing. Taking a chance, MC drives out there, pleasantly surprised to see the tree and swing still there. MC remembers how they used to meet YC at this swing after school when they were kids. YC was MC's first everything. They grew apart just before MC decided to move away and then they completely lost touch. Unbeknownst to MC, YC still comes to this spot to reminisce about the good, old days. When MC takes a seat on the old swing, relaxing in the gentle breeze, the familiar, but aged, voice of YC catches their attention.Spring Fling

▸Meet Me by the Window NEW
MC undresses habitually in front of their bedroom window, one day discovering that YC is watching them from the building across the street. Rather than shrink away from the attention, MC embraces it and makes a little show of undressing the rest of the way for YC before pulling the curtains closed. Over the course of the following few days, MC and YC meet at the window for some shared exhibitionism. MC and YC both shed their clothes with the express purpose of teasing the other into a state of sexual frenzy. This little game is thrilling for MC because they know absolutely nothing about each other and anyone could catch them if they look up to their windows at the right time. One day, after a particularly steamy session, YCpresses a note to the inside of their window asking if they can meet MC face-to-face.
What will MC say? Will meeting up with YC destroy the fun of their flirtation from-afar? Or will it only raise the stakes?
Meet Me By The Window

▸Coffee and Comfort NEW
MC is a college student, reeling from a bad breakup/stressing over midterms/(etc.). Drowning their sorrows/worries at the campus coffee shop one night, MC encounters their professor, YC. YC is looking for an outlet to plug in their laptop and MC offers the one beside their table. YC joins MC for a coffee and they exchange small talk as Muse B grades coursework. As the evening progresses, the conversation continues and by the time the cafe is ready for closing, the pair is left with a desire to keep the conversation going. Feeling it inappropriate to “hang out” together off-campus, MC and YC make unofficial plans to continue their chat at the cafe the following night. MC and YC have such deep/meaningful/enjoyable conversations that they resolve to start meeting each other to talk once a week.
Optional: Gradually, an attraction develops between the pair and they cautiously embark on a relationship. The pair must keep their affairs secret because of potential repercussions for them both
Coffee Comfort

▸Brave in your arms NEW
MC lives in an abusive environment. For years, MC has kept what goes on behind closed doors a secret, for fear of what their abuser might do if anyone found out. One night, the chaos and the fear become too much to bear alone any more. When there’s an opportunity, MC escapes with no plan of returning. MC runs straight to YC (their best friend or former flame) and confesses everything that’s been taking place, begging to stay with them until they can figure out what to do next. YC promises to keep MC safe no matter what, and that they’ll figure out what to do in the morning. Relieved and grateful for YC's comforting, MC spontaneously kisses YC. Though surprised, YC doesn’t pull away.
Brave In Your Arms
Roleplay Spots

I will only take a number of roleplays at a time so please be patience with me :)

  1. [*]Closed
December 12th updated First post added
Turn ons and off's along with a little about me
Added 14 plots to the plot section

Along with a small bumpy
December 15th
Updated Plots Added pictures to ones I already had
Also added Nine new plots that are marked with New! beside them.
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