The New Girl in the BAU (DaddysLittleSkankxMadam Mim)

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Oct 3, 2012
Elise Boyer looked in her full length mirror to check out her appearance before work. She was black slacks, a blush pink blouse, hot pink blazer, flats, and silver jewelry. Her medium curly hair was back into a twisted bun. Elise normally spent an hour doing her makeup, today she had sharp wing tip eyeliner with a soft pink eye shadow and light red, almost pink, lipstick.

Finally deciding she was happy with her appearance, she left her small apartment before getting into her car and going into work.

Although her next case only be her tenth case, not only with BAU but also altogether. Despite her inexperience, Elise had proven herself more than capable, especially after having talked William Taylor out of taking a last victim. The young girl did feel guilt for having had lied to the man, but she had plans to make it up to him later.

Elise had a certain way about her that made people trust her. She was quiet, soft spoken, and patient; the kind of girl who believed there was good in everyone, even if it was just a little.

About an hour after leaving home, she arrived at work. As usual she was the first one there.
"Agent Boyer, good. You're here." Hotch looked a little surprised to see her there before him--after all, he practically lived in the office--but so far she'd been even earlier than he by a good twenty minutes most mornings since she'd started. "I was just about to send a text to the team; we've got a case."

Poor Garcia had been living out of her office for three days now and was already up and about, making coffee and getting case files together. She smiled at Elise and gave a perky "good morning" as she passed to the conference room. The others weren't due for another forty-five minutes, though they would probably be earlier once they got their texts from Hotch. Penelope and Hotch busied themselves in their respective offices while waiting for the others, leaving Elise alone in the bullpen to catch up on any work she might have before the briefing.

"Two victims, both males from the Phoenix area," Garcia informed the team as she clicked through the slides. They were tired and clutching cups of coffee but they were there. "One showed up dead two days ago, the other hasn't yet been found. But the guy who was found showed signs of extended captivity and torture, including electrical burns and--here's where it gets kinda icky--his eyelids were at one point stapled open." She pulled a face and moved on quickly from that particular slide.

"Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us," Agent Hotchner commented grimly. "Wheels up in thirty."
In the air Rossi looked over the case file. He shook his head, flipping through the pages. "Why the eyelids?" he mused.

"It could be symbolic," Hotch suggested. "Perhaps they were supposed to keep watch over someone or something and they didn't do their job properly."

Rossi nodded. "Or he was making them watch. But what...?"

In the war room they'd been given by the local precinct, pictures were put up on boards and whiteboards had been supplied as well. It wasn't much to go off of, but the BAU had dealt with less. Hotch looked over the boards before giving out assignments.

"Morgan, you and Agent Boyer head out to speak with the victims' families. Rossi and JJ, head out to where the body was found." He turned his usual scowl back to the boards. There must have been something they were missing...
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