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Blue Moon Roleplaying Constitutional Convention

I have the solem right to apple people, at will.


I will photoshop this into a reallllllll constitution when we finish. :)
All members of the BM forums and chat have the right, and responsibility to mock the stupid, or generally annoying.
As the representative from Hell we hereby demand more suitable breeders for our army....
Which might we add is not for the sole purpose of taking over. We people of hell are a peaceful rape loving people who only want to spread the joy of rape and children is that so hard?
Those users with drawing ability are entrusted with the right to draw hilarious comics relating to the chatbox, the PvP forum, and whatever the fuck else they feel might be necessary.

Also, Kite Xiroh maintains the right to be so awesome, it's criminal.
All people of Blue Moon have the right to remain sexy. If they choose not to exercise this right, it's just too bad for them.
That all members are demanded to bring all of their friends (18 and over, of course) to this establishment by hook or by crook. Preferably hook, at this point.
Amendment 1 to the Chat Marriage Law:

DJBayview is the only chat bachelor.
if one claims to be married to this individual
one shall be punished by the brutal rape and
destruction via ONE MILLION HELLDICKS.
DJBayview said:
Amendment 1 to the Chat Marriage Law:

DJBayview is the only chat bachelor.
if one claims to be married to this individual
one shall be punished by the brutal rape and
destruction via ONE MILLION HELLDICKS.
Ratified and passed into law.
BlisteredBlood said:
The Crook Clause... Ah yes. I can see it now.

"I am not a crook!"

Bill 5: Even trying to assume what trygon can and cannot do is silly and will be punishable by rape and destruction via

OldSchoolRPer said:
BlisteredBlood said:
The Crook Clause... Ah yes. I can see it now.

"I am not a crook!"

Actually, I just thought of something.

The Crook Clause (Article 3 of the Blue Moon Constitution): However the recruiter of Blue Moon does it, he or she is entitled and/or demanded to use whatever means he/she has at her disposal (i.e., intimidation, force, coercion, bribery, blackmail, etc., etc.) in order to bring new individuals (henceforth to be known as Space Junk) into our galaxy. At which time they do so is not applicable, for they must spend day and night of all 365 (366, counting the leap year) days of the year going to a website, introducing themselves, their intentions and then lead however many individuals to our establishment via the Cool Links page if the website offers it on their message boards.
Regarding Chat Marriage:

Henceforth I hold the title of official BMChat's Surprise Priest. I have the authority to marry any and all to one another at will.
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