A Trip in Time {KayLove & TheCorsair}


Seaside Sun Bather
Aug 11, 2015
The Cave of Wonders
Name: The Shaman
Age: 1,326


Eyes: Hazel. They appear medium brown most of the time, but take on a pale green color in direct sunlight.

Hair: Dark brown. He keeps it short, and frequently looks like he needs a comb.

Body Type: Broad and muscular, but not bulky. He's tall, and sometimes looks like he should be clumsy, but he moves with an athletic grace that implies training in either dance or martial arts.

Clothing: The Shaman dresses like he's raided a Salvation Army or a military surplus store. He typically wears a faded, worn olive drab jacket with many pockets, and a white t-shirt under a faded denim button-down shirt. His khaki cargo pants are tucked into battered, scarred black leather boots.

Unique: The Shaman is cool to the touch, having a body temperature significantly lower than that of humans, and he has a double heartbeat (thanks to his redundant circulatory system).

History: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Well, half of that is true. The Shaman was born in a galaxy far, far away. But, when you're speaking of the Time Lords, what does "a long time ago" mean? Suffice it to say that, once upon a time, there was a man born to a race of virtual gods. And then they fought a war, a conflict that shook the universe. He survived. And now he roams space and time, aimless, rootless, and homeless.

Name: Athena St. Clare
Age: 22


Eyes: A light green hugh with a dark green ring around the edge as well as golden flakes flaked around like dust.

Hair: A dark red with shimmers of golden brown. She usually keeps her hair in a loose braid down the center of her back but when freed it reaches all the way down her her lower back. She can often be found fiddling with her hair as she thinks, constantly.

Body Type: Athena is tall and slim with a definite curve, she has delicate shoulders that taper down in to a small waist and flare out into wide 'birthing' hips as her mother liked to tell her.

Clothing: Athena can usually be found wearing long stylish coats with wide brimmed hats, one reason so that people don't recognize her but that never seems to last for long. But on a normal day she wears some sort of skirt, tights underneath and a bottomed up blouse. Formal in a way but not too much.

Unique: Athena has a Latin scripture on both sides of her legs from something that she saw along an old churches wall, it was roughly translated to "A heart that wonders is never lost and a person who lives in the clouds is always free."

Athena St. Clare is the adopted daughter of Robert and Remora St. Clare, she is the youngest of her three siblings that live in London. While her brothers have long since moved away from London Athena still enjoys the busy city. But seeing as she is the daughter of one of the wealthiest families in London it is very hard to go around unnoticed. Both her mother and father come from wealthy families but her father is far more known, being the CEO of a very large motor vehicle company. His family also owns the railroads, what few there are left, that is where the 'old' money name comes from. But seeing as Athena never took an interest to her fathers work like her two brothers she decided to publish her stories, children and adult books. Unknown to her, her books did have a slight shove from her father to become known world wide. He simply liked all of his children to succeed no matter how much he thought that Athena's head was in the clouds.
London was abuzz with activity in the early days of December, snow had just fallen and the streats practically glittered with the on coming holiday on its way sooner rather than later. But for the St. Clare family it was more than just a beautiful night, tonight was their annual banquet ball that had been held for generations now. Athena's father had made some changes though, now it was a charity ball, all of the proceeds went to local cherities and ultimatly to the people who needed it the most. Seeing as that was the only reason that Athena atteneted the thing year after year she never attempted to make a fuss when her mother shoved various poofy ball gouns her way and inststed her only daughter look for a husband while she attended.

But all this passed easily enough and the night began smoothly. Sparkling people filed in from streatched limousines, beautiful pale women handing off the arms of handsom men. Every last one of them getting their photograph taken in front of the famous London hall. It was a sight to be seen indeed.

And finally the host and family arrived in a slightly more humble limo and strode out into he flashing lights confidently. Her mother, Remora, smiling ith her bright red lips and dark brown hair tied into a high bun and a long deep red dress trailing behind her. Robert St. Clare was the main focus of the on lookers but he gave them nothing to question as he was the perfect picture of a St Clare, he two had dark brown hair and a sleek black tuxido with finally a matching red bow tie as well as his lion headed walking cain supporting him as he walked.

Next were Athena's brothers, the twins Eric and Stephen, they were the heart throbs of the country it seemed. They wore dark gray suits not much difference but how they filled them out, one being slightly taller and thinner while the other slighty shorter and bulky from working out. They were confident and headstrong like their father.

And lastly came the adopted daughter as she stepped out of the car, her feet tucked into black stiletto heels that made her anckles wobble every time she walked. Athena wasn't as glamorus as her family but her mother tired. She wore a deep blue dress that hung off her frame, hugging every curve but draped down to the ground, a slight slit going up to her knee revealing skin but not enough to cause chills as she walked towards the entrence. Her blonde hair hung in soft curls around her face and she wore a heavy necklace that she could swear was weighing her down enough to cause her to walk slower.

As the night began and the music played by the small band and the evening was in full swing, glasses of champange were being handed out by their waiting staff, appetizers eaten by the handful, and grand crystal chandeliers hung above them all as if watching and laughing along with the pleasantries.

The night was only beginning and Athena was already exausted as she slipped her way through the crowd, a sweet smile spastered on her pale pink lips as she headed to the ladies room for a moment of peace. She swiftly locked the door behind her, they could use the other one she thought to herself, not feeling the slightest bad about that as she sat upon the marble counter and kicked off her far too expensive shoes as well as unclasped the large thing from around her neck and let it clank onto the counter.

"Its just for tonight 'Thena..." she mummbled to hereself as she rubbed the back of her calves through her dress, these shoes were simly torture....
Snow squelched under his battered old boots as he trudged along the sidewalk. He was tall, and his close-cropped hair was dark, and he wore a weathered old Army coat that had seen better days and khaki cargo pants in desperate need of ironing. The entire effect was shabby and disreputable, and the few people who passed him dismissed him as homeless and immediately ignored him.

He paused at an intersection, consulting an electronic device of some sort. It had apparently started life as a phone, bit with the casing torn off and various other bits wired and soldered on, and then the whole thing held together with glossy black strips of tape. He tapped the screen with a callused finger, stirring it to kife, and examined the flickering glyphs that danced across the screen. Finally, with a curt nod, he turned left and stride towards the brilliantly- lit hall at the end of the road, stuffing the device back in his pocket as he went.

"If they're going to ask me for help," he muttered as he approached the hall, "you'd think they could have offered more information." A snort of disgust. "But, no. Of course not."

Walking in the front door was not an option, he decided. Oh, he could probably manage. But it would attract too much attention. Same with the service entrances, he decided. Which simply left an oblique approach. Specifically, it meant producing a slim bronze rod from a pocket, and thumbing it into life with a dull squealing hum. And then, at a convenient break in traffic, shimmying up and over the wrought iron fence and its not-quite-decorative spikes.

A few minutes after that he was hanging one-handed from a windowsill, using the shrieking bronze rod to cajole a narrow window into opening. And then, when it ooened only 45 degrees, to work the hinge screws out. By the time he was squeezing his shoulders through the smallish windowframe, he was also flexing his fingers in an attempt to restore circulation.

He dropped to the floor, the motion lighter and more agile than would be exoected from his size. Barely sparing a look at the room - furnished with marble floors and tile walls and multiple stalls of some sort, he produced the device again and thumbed it to life. At the sight of the display, his eyes narrowed. "Hmmm... closer..."

Glancing up from the screen, he realized for the first time that he wasn't alone. An attractive blonde woman in a gown of sapphire blue.stared at him with startling green-gold eyes. Moving slowly, he tucked the device away. "Ah... hello," he said carefully, his deep voice touchec with a slight, unplacable accent. I'm the Shaman. Not to alarm you, but have you seen any shadows about?"
Athena was in the process of slipping back on her shoes when a noise made her look up only to see the small window to her right opening and a pair of legs slipping through. "What in heaven..." she whispered to herself as the man's frame continued on, "What in tall heaven more like it.." she trailed off hoping that he hadn't heard that since it wasn't very good, definatly not going to be in the book.

Athena's green eyes never left the man before her as he literally dropped in and continued on as if she weren't even there, a face of complete bewilderment upon her features as he pulled out something electronic before he finally met her eyes with his own hazel ones.

Her delicate brows furrowed as he spoke to her as if she were a frightened animal, "Shadows? No, well they are all over the place with the chandeliers and crystals and whatnot." she answered without a second thought before realizing the problem here, "Why are you asking me the questions? I should be asking you why some odd man just happened to drop into the ladies room." she managed to slip on her shoe as she spoke and put the necklace into her clutch bag, "What was that for?" she asked her eyes flickering to his pocket and really all over the scruffy looking man, "Wait did you say the Shawman?" she asked as she took a couple strides towards him, her head tilted slightly with utter curiosity just as there was a jiggle on the handle to the entrance of the restroom.
The young woman - who was really quite attractivem he noted in a distracted fashion - just stared at his hand for a moment before launching into a barrage of questions. He let them roll over him, listening more to the harmonics and tones of her voice than anything else, then held up a hand as she drew a breath. "In order," he said, beginning to tick his remarks off on his fingers.

"First, not those kind of shadows. The... hmmm..." he chewed his lip in thought. "There's no good word in English. Ah... archetypal shadows? Creatures of the id? Maalyngynshulidinazj?" The last wird rolled off his tongue, a flowing stream on nonsensical sound. "Perhaps a better question would be if anyone here is acting peculiar ir out of character?"

He ticked off a finger. "But I digress. Second, you're here. So if course I'm asking you. And why would you have an entire room reserved for the use of a single gender? It's wasteful, unless... wait... a matriarchy, perhaps? Yes, that could be it..." He scratched his head, seeming to forget Athena was there. "Culturally that would... wait, off topic again."

He ticked off another finger. "This," he declared, patting his picket, "is a nouspathic field strength gauge. It... uhm... well, think of it as determining the relative power of sentient minds. I'll be happy to explain the technical details later, if you're curious." His last finger folded down. "And it's the Shaman, actually. And you are..?"

A piercing scream interrupted at that moment, a sound laced with fear. The Shaman's head whipped around, and he strode towards the door. "And that's orobably the shadow. Pardon me while I go have a look."
The way he spoke now, so matter-of-factly, caused a blonde brow to rise on its own. She found it intreging now only because he was telling her everything she wanted to know but he was doing it in a way that had strucutre as well as a calm air about himself that oozed confidene. It was all very fasinating to watch, as well as hear, him speak. Her arms crossed before her chest and she let a hip lower in a slightly more causal posture and although she didn't understand half, alright more than half, of what he was saying she nodded along anyways.

"Archetype shadows? Are you saying there is something that is mimicking someone else so perfectly that we cannot even tell the difference?" she asked but he was already off on another tangent. Even though she herself didn't understand what he was proposing was happening at the moment she would go along with this strange man's antics for now.

"So that detects minds that are aware, as in functioning or simply not things that are supposed to me.." her words trailed of as she herself was talking mainly to herself as she watched his last finger fold over before she attempted to introduce herself.

"I'm Athena-" the scream pierced through the bathroom door and she too became aware of the utter panic in the shrill scream, "No, wait! You cannot go out there looking like that," she told him as she picked up the skirt of her dress and could only watch as he left the ladies room.

There were a couple of prude looking women beyond the door as she followed the Shaman out to the ball room, no one seemed to pay any mind to Athena or even the strangely dresed man but there was a large group of people gathering around a certain spot below the high staircases. Athena squeezed her way though people, all murrming with wide eyes and worried glances to and frow.

Finally, peaking over the shoulder of an older woman she spotted the calamity... Athena herself couldn't help but gasp at the sight. A younger man, in his thirties perhaps, light patches of gray peeking through on his temples, was scewered straight through by the ice large ice sculpture of a castle with a spiriling center tower putruting through his abdomen. Although the sculpture was cracked in several places it seemed to be holding for the time being, as crimson blood ran down and filled the icey trenches with red rivers. It was truly a sight to be seen.

If the Shaman hadn't just been talking about shadows Athena might have missed the slight movement that the impailed man's shadow made. It was as if his shadow moved on its own and flickered, the blurred movement seen through the crystaline ice. She gasped once more and looked up to see if the chandelier had moved but it was perfectly still above the crowd.
"They're not mimics," the Shaman said as he strode past the two women waiting their turn to enter the Matriarch's Chambers - implying that Athena was an important personage in this House. "They're parasites. They feed on the persona and the ego, stripping away what their host is and laying bare all the dark impulses that lurk in the subconscious." He grimaced. "And none of that is strictly accurate, but we're dealing with the vagaries of English here. Hosts rarely survive long - barely a decade, typically. But these shadows are starving, so..."

He stopped, staring at the scene in the main room. People stared in shock and horror at the figure impaled on the ice sculpture. The Shaman, however, seemed utterly unphased. He merely extracted his device as he crossed the room, moving it carefully over the corpse. "Hm... distinctly parasatized, and not too long previously. The damage to his fine structure of his nousystems is far too great to be accounted for by violent death."

"Who are you?" demanded Robert St. Clair, advancing on him.

"I'm the..."

Robert whirled on his daughter. "Athena! Who is this... this ruffian?"

"...Shaman. What happened..."

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "It's bad enough that we have a suicide at our party, Athena. Now, with the Metropolitan Police coming, you allow a... a homeless vagabond in here?"

"...here. And summoning the Police is a terrible idea, sir."

Robert whirled on him, putting all of his dominant personality into his next words. "Of course you wouldn't want them summoned, sir." The last word dripped with contempt. "Because I'll have you arrested for trespassing."

Unphased by the man's bluster, the Shaman shook his head. "No, not at all. I don't want them summoned, because you'll break what little quarantine this building offers. Right now, we have a chance to capture the shadow."
"Who are you?"

"Father he-" her wide green eyes flashed with a slight worry as she now caught herself between her father and the Shaman.
"Athena! Who is this... ruffian?"

"Father he-" her wide green eyes flashed with a slight worry as she now caught herself between her father and the Shaman. Athena always saw her father as an unyielding mountain, but then again that is how he became so known throughout the high class society.

"Because I'll have you arrested for trespassing."

Her mouth closed abruptly as her father was right.

"Robert, why are you yelling you are only making matters worse." said Ramose St Clare, as she gracefully walked forward and stepped between the man and her husband, the regal tilt of her head one that knew how to deal with her husband.

"No, not at all. I don't want them summoned, because you'll break what little quarantine this building offers. Right now, we have a chance to capture the shadow."

"Father!" Athena said, receiving a disapproving look from her mother, "Didn't you just hear him? This was no suicide," she gave an unsure glance back at the Shaman, as if hoping she was right, "Its a parasite that caused this poor man's death. You have as much power in this city as any policeman, tell them to stay out Father. Tell them you can handle this." at that moment she felt much like a child again, demanding that her father do as she wanted or else she would stamp her foot and hold her breath, she heard a faint laugh, spotting her brothers out of the corner of her eye. Typical that they would laugh at a time like this.

'Gods help me...' she thought to herself but to further her cause she took a step back to stand next to the Shaman, "He is the Shaman father, he fixes things, he can see things we cannot." she was truly going on a limb here, hoping that some sliver of proof would manifest.
"The Shaman?" Robert sneered. "What sort of name is the Shaman?"

Ramona, for her part, gasped in shock. "A shaman. Athena!" she caught her daughter's hand, scandalized. "Don't tell me you've gotten involved in some New Age cult!"

"It's a title, actually," interjected the Shaman. "Although it does serve the same function as a name. And this is not…"

Robert wasn't listening. Instead, he turned and gestured. Two of the plain clothes security personnel approached. "Hold this man until the police arrive! I've no doubt he's responsible!"

"We tried to raise you right," Ramona was in tears. "Our family has been Church of England since the days of Henry the Eighth. Why, dear?"

"...the time for..." He broke off as the two guards grabbed him, trying to pull away. "Don't do this! More people will dis!"

"Threats, now!" Robert boomed. "Do your duty!"

"BASTARD!" a viice screamed. "I'll fucking kill you!"

Everyone watched as Stephen tackled Eric to the ground, then grabbed him by the throat and started punching. "She was mine," he screamed in time with the punches. "And you…"
Athena snatched her hand away, "Mother, really? Why would you think such a thing?" her face now utterly torn between pleasing her family and doing what she thought was right, "I would never disgrace the family like that, not ever!" she said as she could only watch as her mother began to tear, the liquid spilling over.

She didn't know what to do, this was a hurricane of a mess. Why exactly was she defending this strange man anyways? He literally just dorped into her life, she held no ties towards him and he was of no real care to her.

Her quick thoughts were interrupted by the familiar yell of her brothers. She looked on as did many of the spectators at her family drama that was unfolding minute by minute. Catching the very few snippits of words that were exchanged she quickly concluded that this scuffle was about Stephan's new found curiosity, Violet, the daughter of her father's friend from America up here for the winter months to discuss the business and its growth.

But that was the least of her worries as she once again picked up her skirts and hurried over to the two of them. Violet right behind her as soon as she heard the commotion. Violet was a tiny thing with lithe features that would make any woman jealous to have two men fighting over her . But her pale face was anything but happy as she skirted to a stop next to Athena and tugged at her arm.

"Athena! Do something!" she pleaded.

"I-I can't!" she told the shorter blonde beside her not knowing how to stop the all out brawl before her, both brothers spitting curses and bloodied.
Security intervened, quickly separating the brothers. Professionals, they made the difficult task appear easy - Stephen struggled and fought, trying to break free and get at his brother. "Mine!" he screamed. "She should have been mine! And you stole her! Fucked her! I'll KILL you!"

Erik, nose bleeding and one eye already purpling, just stared at his twin in shock. "Steve? What..?"

"I'll KILL YOU!"

"Had a bit too much to drink, I think," one of the guards restraining him said. "We'll get him somewhere to cool off."

"He's infected." The two words seemed to cut through the commotion, and all eyes turned to the Shaman. Despite being in an arm lock, he gave the impression of being in charge. "The shadow has..."

"Get him out of here," Robert ordered, voice cold. "Hold him for the police." He turned back to his son. "And you! Brawling in public like a... a.. hooligan! Hiw dare..."

"Blow me, you old fossil," stephen snapped.

"Quarantine him!" the Shaman shouted as security pulled him away. "You're all in grave danger!"
All Athena wanted to do was melt into the background and that is what she was going to do. It was literal madness in here... But there could be no denying the fact that something was wrong. The kind of wrong that could be felt in ones bones. But by everyone? Perhaps not.

Athena once again kicked off her high heels and threw her clutch onto a nearby banquet table the gem necklace spilling over and glittering sharply in the dim lighting. And she started to run towards the door.

"Athena!" Yelled her mother, " Where do you think you are going?"

"Just checking the front door mom! Don't worry I'll be back before everyone dies..." Her words tapered off as she ran, passing the guards that held the Shaman, her dress hiked up past her knees she knew she must look like some sort of crazy person.

The wild haired blonde came to a sudden stop as she neared the door, it was a grand door, large and wooden, but anything could be stopped from opening. Her mind sped as she looked around the small lobby. Exuberantly large potted plant? Too heavy. Wooden display case? Possibly, but could be moved. Coat closet?....

"Perhaps..." She said with a tilt of her head almost like a cat. She hurried over and began to search through the pockets of expensive jackets. She found several key chains, lipsticks, and condoms (awkwardly).

She took the keys and began using them to put into the door lock until one fit, taking the paper weight from the desk and jamming it in as far as it would go before smashing the paper weight against it to bend the key. She then attempted to open the door and smiled triumphantly when it refused to open.

And she was off, remembering the set up of the hall from her parents talking about it constantly and continued to do it to the rest of the doors. She hoped that she might run into the Shaman on her adventures thought the corridors.
"Look," the Shaman said, reasonably, "I appreciate your position. I suppose that, since you aren't in full possession of the facts, I must sound somewhat deranged."

The security guard on the other side of the desk glanced up, then returned watching the CCTV displays on his computer monitor. Idly, the Shaman tested the metal restraint that bound him to the chair. Nice and solid. And distressingly low tech. Given time he could probably pick the locking mechanism, but that would require a certain amount of non-interference. Somehow, he doubted the guard would be so obliging.

"But - and I assure you that I have full possession of the facts - I assure you that I am not." This probably wasn't going to work, but it was worth a try. "There is a noetic parasite loose in this building. One man has died as a result, and a second is infected and will probably..."

"Will you shut the fuck up?" the guard demanded, sounding bored and irritated. "Bad enough I've got to babysit you, I don't want to listen to you ramble and rant as well."

Sighing, the Shaman settled back. Staring at the guard, he let his eyes close slightly and his focus soften. Humans had a woefully underdeveloped neuralectric system, but the primitive nature of it could work to his advantage. Once he'd spent some time observing the architecture, at least. But even as the broad details of the man's mind began to become observable, something caught his attention. A brush of a familiar mind, close at hand.

The woman. Athena.

He smiled.

"I assure you!" he said, raising his voice in hopes that she'd hear him in the hall. "You are in great danger! You should trust me! Assist me!"

The guard sighed. "Shut. The fuck. Up."
Athena skidded to a stop as the familiar voice floated down the corridor, The Shaman, she smiled. She hurried in the direction of his voice, slowing as she reached the doorway, taking a moment to peep quickly around the doorframe to see the Shaman restrained to a chair, and the security behind a desk with his feet up reading something.

She returned to hiding as she juggled the options and finally came up with an appropriate one. She took a couple steps back and sprinted towards the door.

Athena stopped in the door, the strap on her dress fallen, skirt hiked up to reveal far too much leg for a lady, her blonde hair was wild and she looked utterly frantic. "Even?" She asked with a ragged breath

The security guard, Even, stood at her presence, "Miss, you shouldn't be here, go-"

Athena cut him off, "They need you, they couldn't no then they just-" she knew she wasn't the best actress but she did her best, "Just go, they asked me to get you," she told him in a pleading voice.

The guard rolled his eyes as he started out the door, "Fine, lets go." Athena started after him but as soon as he turned the corner Athena ran back to the Shaman with a wide smile on her face as she immediately went to his hands tied behind him taking a stray bobby pin from her hair to pick the lock.

"I'm really a horrible actress," she told him as she fiddled with the lock before hearing the familiar click.
"Perhaps you are," the Shaman agreed, rubbing his wrists where the cuffs had sat. "But you're good with locks. And right now, that seems a far more useful skill. But perhaps we should..."

"Hey!" the guard shouted, bursting back through the door. "Get away from him! He's dangerous!"

"...leave?" the Shaman finished, looking around wildly. "I'm terribly sorry about this."

"What?" the guard asked, then shouted in surprise as the Shaman grabbed his coffee cup and tossed the contents in his eyes. It was hot, but not scaldingly so, so the guard just staggered backwards and rubbed at his eyes. The Shaman grabbed his long coat from the hook by the door, gently pushed the man aside, and held the door for Athena. "Shall we?" Then he jerked it shut as they stepped into the hall.

"That won't stop him long," he said casually, breaking into a jog towards the stairwell he saw at the end of the stairs. "We need to find somewhere to regroup, while we decide on our next step. Any suggestions?" A moment later, he added. "Oh, and thank you for assisting me. I might have been able to pick that lock, but not with my bare hands while they're pinned behind me. It was most helpful."
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