When Crime Pays [Azecreth & Karigaya]


Aug 23, 2013
Ohio, America
Roman hummed to himself as he relaxed in the darkness of his prison cell, stretched out on the bunk that was definitely not long enough. Beneath his feet he could feel the hum in the deck, from the engines which kept this ship flying and not crashing into the ground like a sack full of bricks. Light filtered in from the door, not a lot, but enough that he could barely make out things. There wasn't much else in here, just a place to use the bathroom, and that was it.

This, this was his existence now. Roman Torchwick rested, he ate, and he was interrogated. He'd counted the bolts in the cell already, and badly wished that he had his top hat, Melodic Cudgel, or even just a cigar. But for some reason, Ironwood didn't feel like giving him such luxuries. So he'd had to stick it out and wait for an opportunity to get the hell out of here. Oh, he knew that Cinder had some sort of master plan, but a guy could only take so much of it before he got tired.

Still, even if he did get out it wouldn't be easy. There was a bunch of people and who knew how many robots between him and a way off the ship, to say nothing of the stuff he needed to get back from Ironwood as well. So it was not a simple task, that much was obvious. But if anyone could handle it, then it would be Torchwick. He wasn't called a Master Thief for nothing.

For now though, he relaxed, kept his strength up, and waited for an opportunity. If he could make it past their interrogations, then he'd be doing fine today. And that was all that mattered to him.
After bugging her about it for a while, Cinder had told her, in a nasty tone, that if she wanted him out then she'd have to do himself. She snarled at her. She didn't have to deal with her. As far as Neo was concerned she didn't work for her. Well she did, but she but she was mainly ordered around by here beloved Torchwick.

She stormed off with her umbrella and grabbed one of the pilots and dragged him to one of the ships, pointing to it for him to get in. He replied with confusion and nervousness. She pushed him inside and put in a few coordinates. After nodding he sat down and lifted up, flying off into the sky. Once they arrived where Torchwick was held, sirens alarmed. Neo nodded at the pilot before falling gracefully into the air. Once she landed, few over ten guards had instantly started to fire at her. Neo whipped her strawberry pink and chocolate brown hair and walked towards them, dodging every pulse of energy shot her way. There was one that came directly to her face. She turned deploying her pink umbrella behind her. With a grin on her face she ran towards the guard and fought them twelve to one.

She continued her way toward where Torchwick was held. Two more guards were patrolling down the hallway. They readied their guns and ordered her to halt. She didn't respond, she sprinted towards them then slid, knocking them to the grounds. One of the gaurds grabbed for. She grabbed his wrist twisting it, then slamming his head to the ground. Retreiving the security card for his belt she continued down the hallway, before reaching the cell room.

She swipped the card. The door lifted open and Neo continued to Torchwick's cell, looking at him through the glass. She gave him a cute smile and waved before opening the door and backing up to let him out.
An eye blinked open as Roman heard the noise out from behind his cell, the fighting that seemed to be going on at the moment, and which was rapidly drawing nearer. That earned a grin from him, since it could only really mean one thing. It was about time that someone got around to rescuing him, and he had the feeling that he knew who it would be. So he rose to his feet and brushed himself off, ready for what was to come.

And it was soon confirmed as the door slid open, revealing Neo standing there, looking quite pleased with herself for having fought her way here from wherever she had landed the ship. He was impressed, but really she had to be used to that by now. Certainly she was the most competent and effective of his subordinates. So he would just be glad that she was here to help spring him.

"It's a good thing you showed up when you did," Roman said nonchalantly as he stepped past Neo and into the hallway, breathing in the sweet scent of freedom. "Another ten minutes and I was about to break out myself." A lie, but he had an image to keep up. Neo would understand. It was part of his appeal and roguish charms after all.

With that said he looked both ways before he began moving at a quick walk, gesturing for Neo to follow while alert for possible attacks by guards responding to the break out. "Come on," he said with a hint of impatience. "I need to get my stuff back." He could hardly call it a successful breakout without his things, and he was not leaving without Melodic Cudgel. She'd just have to deal with the guards along the way until he could get a weapon himself. But it would be fine, he was sure of it.
She smiled up at him, showing almost a two feet difference in height, an expression showing joy. She was happy to see him. He was her favorite person. She followed him quietly, rolling her eyes at the obvious lie he had told, amused.

She let him lead the way, as she had no idea where to go. She kept an eye on the corners of the hallway. As they closed in on another corner she boosted forward to get ahead, clear. She waited for him to lead the way again.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder and immediately she threw her weapon back, causing a grunt of pain. She spun around kick the soldier in the head. Still standing, she withdrew the blade from within her umbrella and peirced the man's stomach, letting him fall to the floor. She turned to face Roman then shrugging her shoulders and waved for him to continue.
Roman led the way with a quick step, retracing the route that he had followed when he first got here, to the evidence room or the armories and such. He was in a hurry, and all he needed to know was that he was going the right way. They didn't have a lot of time, that was for sure, and he wouldn't give Ironwood the chance to catch him again.

He grinned as Neo stepped ahead to clear the way, just in time to quickly, efficiently, and ruthlessly take down some guards that were responding to the alarms. That was the sort of thing that he liked to see, the skill that emphasized Neo as his most effective of subordinates. He knew he had made a good choice when picking her up. "Good job," he complimented her before moving on.

At last they made it, though it was guarded at the moment by two guards. They seemed to be alert, and Roman pulled back around the corner before they could see him. "Two guards," he told Neo. "We get rid of them, get inside, get my stuff, then get out." It was a simply plan, and he readied himself to move when the opportunity came. He was so close that he could practically taste it.
As Neo followed roman, she cleaned the bloody blade with her pink handkerchief befire stick back into her back pocket. She could clean her clothes but she hated a blood stained blade.

Sticking close to roman, she watched every the passed, ready to parry any attack thrown her way. Hurry, she thought. There was no doubt everyone on the ship was heading towards the both of them. If they were caught, Neo could easily escape by disapparating before they had a chance to imprison her. She wouldn't dare leave her other.

As she stayed behind him, following his direction, she bumped into him before stepping back so that he could pull back. He didn't have to say, she grabbed his shoulder pulling him behind her, gently. She stepped from around the corner and stood there. The guards aimed and ordered her to surrender. She responded only by making a specific motion with her umbrella in hand, activating her semblance. This instigated the guard and they opened fire. Though it was too late. Neo was, in an instant, above both of them, leaving behind an illusion of her which shattered like glass on impact. Landing on the left guard's shoulders, making him fall to the ground. She extended her umbrella, just in time as the other guard had began to fire. Kicking her leg up, she knocked the man's gun from his grip. The spinning of her oppisite leg sent him unconscious. Grabbing the security card from his belt, she handed it to Torchwick and watched the corridors.
Roman watched from his place behind the corner as Neo went to work, quickly removing the guards as they tried to stop her. It was more of what he liked to see, and he wore a grin as she returned with the key card. "You are spoiling me rotten," he told her as he took the key card, resisting the urge to pat her on the head or something like that. Really, with her around how was he supposed to get any work in?

But he wasn't complaining as he ran forward, past the guards, and to the waiting door. Once there he swiped the keycard as needed, and waited for the door to slide open. Once it had, he stepped into the waiting armory, eagerly looking forward to this.

"Ah, there you are," he said as he walked over to the place for evidence, retrieving his cane. He looked it over and gave it an experimental twirl, confirming that Ironwood's people hadn't done anything to it. This place was loaded with other weapons and guns, but he ignored most of that in favor of his hat, which he put back on his head, and Melodic Cudgel. Well, he grabbed a bit of Dust too, but that was to be expected. Just some compensation for the inconvenience, that was all.

With it in hand, he walked back outside and nodded to Neo. "Alright, let's go," he said, striding off down the hall and towards the nearest exit. He had his stuff, and now it was time to bust this joint. He could already smell that cigar,and was looking forward to freedom.
She smiled happily at Torchwick's amusement. She continued to keep and eye out for anyone else coming their way while he was gather his belongings. Neo could hear the sound of an entire squad of troop, marching their way from the left. Neo guessed at least twenty. Not hard to deal with but risky enough to get caught.

Once he got his things Neo pointed for them to go the other way. She closed the door and and follwed him from behind. They both took out a few guards on their way back to the ship. Halfway there, Neo blinked her multi-colored eyes at a figure which stood down the hall, blocking their exit. Dressed in solid white, white hair, and weilding a rapier. "Stop now!" She spoke formal and confident. "Surrender or their will be consequences!" she demanded, flourishing her rapier.

Neo stood beside Torchwick, umbrelle in hand and her finger on the trigger. She grin at her with a tilted head. She glanced at Roman, before extending her umbrella and making a few shots, giving Roman the chance to advance if he planned too.
The two proceeded along at a run now that Roman had his stuff back, any guards in the way easily removed, if not by Neo then by himself. It was nice to be back in the game, fighting and giving as much as he got. Sure, he wasn't a combat specialist, but he could handle himself. Those kids had definitely seen as much. At this point it was just a matter of getting to the exit and making their escape from this place before they could come down in force.

Before they could escape though, they ran across a figure dressed in white, some woman with a rapier who was aligned with the Atlesian military. And judging by how she was dressed compared to everyone else here, and his own sense of intuition, he had the feeling that she wasn't just a normal soldier. Well, this was the only way out, so he didn't have a choice.

"Thanks, but I think I'll take my chances," Roman replied, twirling his cane. The food here is terrible." With that the fight began, Neo firing off a could shots to let him advance forward. So he did, hurrying ahead before taking cover, firing off a few shots with Melodic Cudgel. Time to get this over with then, now, before they could be cut off and then captured again. Wouldn't that just be a wonderful end to all of this?
The white warrior took her stance dodging every shot Neo sent her way. As soon as Torchwick had advance, firing the rounds from his cane, the woman held up her weapon, creating a white symbol behind her, causing her to fly forward. Her semblance, Neo thought. Neo knew then, that this woman was related to the little brat from the tain, who also could do the same ability.

As the woman came towards Neo, who was out in the open, blade pointed towards her. Neo parried. She made another attack immediately after. Again Neo blocked before throwing a couple of strikes with her closed umbrella. Though every strike she threw, the woman had blocked as well. It looked like a stalemate.

Neo thought it was time for a little mix up. She grinned at her which seemed to make her oppenent angry. Neo jumped back, baiting her opponent to come after her. Falling for her trick, the dashed forward once more shattering another illusion. The real Neo disapperated, now standing behind her. No longer blocking their way, Torchwick and Neo had a clear path to the exit where their pilot was waiting. Just after, another man had approached. He stood tall and equipped with attire that told he wasn't of low rank. "Torchwick!!" He yelled in anger.
Roman figured out what Neo did at much the same time, though it was more because he'd seen more of that annoying brat than even she had. Well, that was just how things went. They would have to do their best, which Neo did as she moved to engage their current opponent in close range, just like he had taught her. Or rather, as he liked to think that he had done. But he would admit that his own impact might be a bit inflated.

So he watched and waited, until Neo's trick went into effect, dodging the woman and giving them a clear shot for the hangar bay. "Alright, let's go," he said to Neo as he moved from cover then, the two of them running for it. He knew when to cut his losses, and getting out was more important than simply beating this lady. He was not going to waste this opportunity, and he was definitely not going back to jail.

Before they could make it out though, Ironwood appeared, as Roman had expected that he might. Still, that wasn't about to stop him in his tracks, not if he could help it. "Sorry General, much as I'd like to stick around, I think I'll take my leave," he called back. "I'll end you a card or something." Bringing up Melodic Cudgel, he fired at Ironwood as he moved for the Bullhead, not stopping for anything. Time to get out, while they had the chance.
Neo sprinted beside Roman as they headed towards their escape. "Winter" Ironwood yelled. The woman stated after them again. Neo turned back for Roman to continue. She planned to catch up though needing to slow her down. She opened her umbrella, automatically block every attack of the white witch. Somehow the women broke through her defense and thrusted her rapier from beside her.

Neo, whom was extremely flexible, extended her leg directly upwards, kicking Winter's weapon, making it stick into the roof. The look on Winter's face, Neo wanted to laugh. Winter switched to hand-to-hand combat, though clearly she wasn't mean for it. She threw one punch and Neo grabbed hold of her, flipping over her then using that momentum to send her flying against the roof and fall to the ground.

Ironwood started towards her. She gave him a salute, twirling her umbrella in such a motion and she dissappeared, and in an instant she was standing in the Bullhead as it flew off. Watching Ironwood bursting through the door as the flew off.
Roman fired as he ran, tossing down a bit of Dust to aid in the escape as Neo kept Ironwood and his flunkie from interfering. That was the sort of thing he liked to see, and he resolved to show her his gratitude for it later, when they had the time to do so. But for now he merely ran, taking advantage of the opening it gave as he hopped aboard the waiting Bullhead, unmolested thus far.

"Go," he called to the pilot, who obeyed without question, the airship lifting up as it prepared to leave. Still, he didn't close the door, the right decision to make as Neo appeared inside the Bullhead, as if she had been there the entire time. "See you later General," he called with a wave and a grin as he stood at the middle of the vessel. "We should do it again sometime." Not really, but he couldn't resist the parting jab.

With that said he closed the door, sitting down as evasive action began and they made their way away from the vessel that he had been held on. "Get us somewhere far away from that thing," he instructed the pilot before looking over to Neo, grinning. "I suppose I should thank you as well. You're the only one who could do something like that and pull it off, and I'm glad for it. I was getting dusty in that cell."
She watched closely, smiling at Ironwood as the door slowly closed. She loved to instigate, it was fun. Once the door closed, the sound of rushing wind was muffled. She watched Torchwick take a seat before examaning her hankercheif that was stained with the guard's dark violet blood, making sure it would be washable, she wasn't sure.

She looked over to Torchwick when she heard his voice directed towards her. She walked over to him, leaning over just to ran her finger down his chest, giving him a deviant smile. Even though she didn't speak, she was sure Torchwick knew she understood.

She stood back up looking over to an empty seat in the back then back to Torchwick. Instead of sitting alone, she sat on Torchwicks lap facing towards him. Looking down at him she lean forward to kiss him. After she had been seperated from him for a while, she thought it wast far past due for a kiss.
Torchwick's grin only swelled as Neo stepped over to run a finger along his chest. Well then, that was hardly subtle, and he had an idea of what she had in mind. With them separated for so long, he did wonder how she had handled her own affections for him. But it probably didn't matter. They were together again, and that was all that mattered.

So he rested comfortably, and was hardly surprised as he felt the weight alight upon his lap, Neo poised and leaning in for a kiss. It was an action that he reciprocated, leaning forward so that their lips could meet in the kiss that she wanted. It really had been too long, and he did not bother to hold back either, as he reached over to take a hold of her waist.

And if anyone else in the Bullhead, say, the pilot, felt like saying something, they kept it to themselves. Just as they should.
She gave a jolt as Torchwick had taked hold of her waist, not used to being touched in such a way. It had been a while. She felt complete. The main reason she had cam to rescue him, the only reason. She was eager for him and wanted him to prove how much be felt same. He pushed forward, lightly biting his bottom lip. He dropped her weapon on the ground, wrapping her arms around his neck.

She broke the kiss, pulling back to stare into his eyes for a moment. She gave him another deviant smile, reaching down below just to grab at his junk, his pants in the way. She was showing how hungry she was. She knew she would have to wait a bit, but she was a real tease and loved to do it to him.
Torchwick didn't react as Neo wrapped her arms around his neck, expecting as much as he responded to her touch. The devious smile though, that was just as alluring as one might expect, and he was always a sucker for that sort of thing. The grab earned a shudder on his part, just as she had to know that it would. He was aware of how much she liked to do that sort of thing, but he would give it a pass.

Instead he rolled his eyes at the same time, indicating his feelings. "Neo, please tell me you didn't break me out of jail just because you got horny," he said in a deadpan tone, sighing before rubbing the bridge of his nose in mock sincerity. "Really, what am I going to do with you?"
She was just adoring the physical contact of whom she loved. She searched of any sign of desire in his eyes. Though thus far couldn't find any. She leaned back a little, aggravated. Her lips pursed, she crossed her arms and stared at him, disappointed. She had been a good girl, keeping her loyaltly strictly to him. Though she knew when to stop and refrained from continuing any further.

Neo raised an open hand gesturing to him that it was part of the reason. She might have been feeling a bit needy, though she also couldn't stand the thought of him staying there, alone, any than he had. When Torchwick asked of what to do with her, she shrugged her shoulder, giving him an expression that told him it was obvious what he could do with her, to her.

She raised up from off of his lap, and took a seat next to him, grabbing her umbrella that started to roll on the floor.
Somehow, Roman wasn't surprised to find that his question hadn't been too far off when it came to an answer. That was just how her mind worked, even if it wasn't the full reasoning either. But he wouldn't hold it against her, not when it got such results. And he would admit that he did enjoy it as well. Master Theif as he was, he wasn't exactly lacking when it came to the clamor for attention, but Neo was one of those people who could more easily grab it than others. She definitely used that.

Still, he had to sigh a bit in turn as she shot him a disapproving look, indicating that she wasn't pleased with the reception that she had been getting. "When we get back," he told her then, as she sat down next to him. "I'm still not ruling out the possibility of getting shot down by scrambling Atlesian military aircraft. Once he was sure that they were home free, then he'd loosen up a bit.
She understood. It may have be unprofessional to try and seduce him. She couldn't help it. She was alone, without the one person she wanted to please. She rolled ber eyes, remaining quiet, something she always did.

Neo thought for a minute. Something wasn't right. Possibility of getting shot down. It lingered in her mind, thinking it was suspicious that they hadn't been hit already. Roman was the most wanted criminal in remnant. He had just escaped and yet a couple of guards and one trained fighter was all they had to offer? Neo wasn't buying it. She stood up slowly, walking over to the pilot to check the radar. It was clean. She mashed a button opening the large side door. "Hey!" the pilot yelled. Ignoring him, she stood on the edge, looking behind them, 3,000 feet in the air, the wind trying hard to push her off balance. Squinting her eyes, at first she couldn't see anything. Then she could make out faint glare of the another aircraft behind them.

She looked back at roman. Gesturing him the something was up.
Roman took the time to relax, eyeing Neo for a moment as she rose to go do whatever it was that she was going to do, while he went back to wishing that he had that cigar. It would be nice right about now, so he could relieve some of the stress from escaping from prison and getting away from Ironwood and his groupies. He was not above living the good life when he wanted to.

But it seemed there was a problem as Neo slid the side door open, sending wind whipping through the thing, and Roma had to grab for his hat lest it be blown away to oblivion in the rush of air. "May I ask what you're doing," Roman said, nearly yelling at this point if only so Neo could hear him trying to speak more than anything else.

he caught the gesture though, leaning out to see that there was a plane coming up behind them. "I suggest you step on it," he yelled to pilot. "We appear to have made the good General a bit angry, and I'd like to make it home in one piece if you don't mind."
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