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Camp Half Blood RPG Interest Coordination

Apr 27, 2015
Bathing in the Lovely Moonlight
I simply flatly abandoned my prior idea about a Camp Half Blood roleplay because one, I simply dislike doing too much fanfiction and sticking with the book and two, no one stayed that long.

:) Anyway, my idea is to have a modification on the common roleplay and have some more interaction going on, such as living out the experience of a demigod in the camp. That entails having some vaults with drachmas and shops where you can purchase cool magical items, as well as participate in a quest.

:huh: Erm, I'm not sure if this should be in Open roleplyas or System roleplays. if it's in the wrong category, kindly inform me. :heart: Thanksies!

So... looking someone who's interested. ( :D Post below)
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