- Joined
- Mar 24, 2012

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call me a s i n n e r, call me a s a i n t ❜ ❜ ❜
tell me it's over, i'll still love you the same
tell me it's over, i'll still love you the same
Hello, lovelies! ❤
I hope you've entered my domain to sate my desire for a POKEGIRL roleplay! For now, that will be the only subject I'll be interested in playing for a while, so please do not contact me if my humble request doesn't pique your interest at all! But if it does, do continue ~
WHAT ARE POKEGIRLS, YOU ASK? Well! My idealized concept of a Pokégirl is essentially a gijinka (mainly human features with distinctive Pokémon assets). The Sylveon gijinka pictured above would be the closest visual to what I imagine a Pokégirl I'd be playing would look like. I don't do full-Pokémon nor furries, so please don't ask! Pokégirls behave and function like their monster counterparts; although, for the sake of character development, Pokégirls in our dimension have adopted the ability of speech and basic human understanding. They are, however, quite powerful compared to humans and are capable of committing powerful acts like their monster forms. So, you're asking what the fun part of the deal is, hm?
In order to successfully bond with their trainer, a Pokégirl must be tamed by sex. The more sex, the happier and stronger a Pokégirl becomes! The world of Pokémon we'll be playing in has limitless opportunities for the pieces of your childhood to be tainted by our sexual twists and ploys! Imagine Team Rocket leading an underground mass of sex slaves... or PokéMarts selling sex toys and condoms! If you really want to get twisted, we could even do a Daycare scene where a trainer's Pokégirl is left to be bred by horny Pokéboys. Mm ~ ❤
As you can see, this subject has plenty of leeway for plot twists and adventure, so I'm not expecting our roleplay to be short term. I want to see our characters interact, grow, confide in each other, and more than occasionally have steamy, descriptive sex! If you want more sex than plot, I can always cater, but no plot at all makes for a very dull roleplay.
Now, if you're interested, there are a few requirements you'll need to get started on your journey! First of all, please have some kind of idea in mind! It can be a vague one, I don't care, as long as you have one and toss something better than a 'I'm up for whatever you want' (what a turn-off). Do our characters already know each other? Is your character a Team Rocket member? Is he a starting tamer? IS HE A POKEBOY?! Second, you'll have to be okay with roleplaying over PM or a private thread. Absolutely no messengers for me (unless you're an absolute darling and I'm smitten with you). Third, I require at least two paragraphs per response. I'm a loquacious woman and don't think a dinky paragraph does written sex any justice, if at all. Fourth! CHOOSE YOUR POKEMON! Naturally, I'll be playing the Pokégirl (I can play multiples if you'd like), so if you have a favorite Pokégirl species you'd like me to play, tell me! I have a collection of girls I'd love to play sometime, each one possessing their own unique personality. Do you want a fiery, dominant Houndoom? A playful, flirtatious Floatzel? Let me know! If you really don't mind, just tell me that it's my choice and I'll narrow your options down to three Pokégirls, just like the games, heh ~ Last of all, I'll need a reference picture of your character. Since Pokémon is an anime (or an animated cartoon, whatever), I would really like, no, I want our character visuals to be anime, as well. This almost seems like a shallow request, but I do need a reference image of your character, so grab one off of Google Search or Photobucket if you must.
That's all! For those that couldn't sit through the wall of text, here's an abridged checklist: have a rough idea of who you want to play, be okay with roleplaying over PM/private thread, write at least two paragraphs per response, tell me what Pokégirl you'd like me to play, and provide a reference image of your character!
Update: I will delete any and all messages that do not contain any of the roleplaying requirements I highlighted in pink. Come on, guys, it's not brain surgery.