MalFrost & Twisted


Nov 24, 2015
In your nightmares
Yuzuki had woken with a start, she had that same dream again. She had placed her had on her head. "Yuz" She had heard Grandpa calling for her. "I'm up" She called as she had heard her brother talking to his own spirit, yes she knew about Yami. She had soon got dressed as she had gotten dressed into some clothes as she had soon grabbed her deck in case as she had smiled. "Yuz come here" Grandpa called as Yuz had looked to her grandfather as he had held a box toward her. "Whats this?" She asked as Yugi smiled. "Happy birthday!" They both cheered as Yuzuki had opened the box to see a blue crystal as she had gasped. "Grandpa" She said as she had smiled and hugged them both before putting the necklace around her. "Come on we need to head off and meet the gang" Yugi said as Yuzuki smiled as she hugged granpa again before heading off wondering how this day would go for her.
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