Ĝetting Ʈrained {Ɉunior & Ⱦwisted}


Nov 24, 2015
In your nightmares
Hoshi had looked toward her brother as he was sitting on the ground. She had looked around at the little group of friends they had gained over the little while as she had soon stood up. "Where are you going Hoshi?" Ichigo called toward his sister as she had looked back. "I'm going to see Kenpachi" She replied as Ichigo had given her a look before Hoshi had turned her back toward the orange hair male and left in search to find the tall bell haired male.

Hoshi had soon finally found the 11th divison building. "Ah perfect" She called to herself as she had stopped as she had heard yelling and clashing of swords no doubt it was Ikkaku and Yachiru training as she had walked in. "Hey!" She yelled which caused Yachiru to stop. "Oh Hoshi" He called and blinked. "Have you guys seen Kenpachi I want to talk with him" She said as Yachiru had looked toward the girl before shaking his head. "Check with the office, he might be there" He said as Hoshi smiled and walked toward the office wondering if Kenpachi was even here at all.
Kenpachi was avoiding Hoshi. For the last several days she hounded him about training her after seeing an intense duel between Ichigo and himself. Kenpachi reused her multiple times but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Normally he would just kill her but Ichigo was extremely protective of his adoptive sister. Last time he tried, it nearly got him killed. Plus his squad seemed to lime her so he just avoided her. She was weak in his eyes and not worth worrying too much about.
Hoshi had gotten to the office as he seemed not to be there. Hoshi had glared at the office as she had sighed. "No luck?" Ikkaku asked as Hoshi had shaken her head. "That man gets to me why won't he just train me!" She called as she had growled as Yachiru had chuckled before Hoshi had walked off as she would try and find Kenpachi she wanted to be trained by him he was strong he could teach her hot to fight and not depend on anyone else. Hoshi had soon noticed something as she had grinned and ran at Kenpachi stopping in front of him. "I've been looking for you!" She said pointing a finger at him. "Train me!" She demanded.

Hoshi was a demanding woman, she was strong in her own way but not strong enough like her brother Ichigo. "Please Kenpachi I seen the way my brother is and I want to be just as strong, I don;t want to depend on others" She said as she had looked up at him in the eyes, compared to Kenpachi she was short she reached about his mid chest as she had smiled innocently. "Please I'll do whatever it takes" She said looking at him with her soft eyes.
Her passionate words had little effect on Kenpachi. He walked off saying the weak will always be weak. He stopped as he thought of a great idea. Just like Ichigo tried to slash him in their first encounter, Kenpachi decided to issue a challenge. "If you can manage to cut me, you might at least have soon potential. He showed off his rock hard abs and increased his spiritual pressure. "Take your best shot!'
Hoshi had looked at Kenpachi as she had stomped her foot, Hoshi was not weak. She hated being called weak as she had glared, but when Kenpachi had showed her his rock hard abs she had felt a small blush come to her cheeks as she had shaken it off. "Fine!" She called as she had grabbed the sword she had at her side.

Hoshi was a stubborn girl and would keep working to what she wanted no matter what it was, once she had her mind set on something that was it just stay out of her way. She had soon took a stance that well it needed a lot of work as she had ran at Kenpachi attempting to cut him to prove she had potential to be trained by the 11th division captain.
Hoshi struck Kenpachi with her blade multiple times but it was like striking metal. Each hit hurt her more it did him. Such was the nature of Kenpachi's overwhelming strength. Even a fatal wound troubled him little so Hoshi's attacks were like an annoying horsefly buzzing around him.
Hoshi had looked to Kenpachi as she had growled. She had soon closed her eyes as she had reopened them and something seemed to click with her, Kenpachi would feel her strength increase more and more as she had held the sword in her hands tightly as she had looked at Kenpachi as she had yelled and rushed at him making a slice along his shoulder.
It was a flesh wound and could barely be considered more than a scratch. Still, it was an improvement but Kenpachi demanded more. "Come on, is that the best you got?". The wound reminded him of his first fight with Ichigo meant Hoshi was getting better control of her spiritual pressure.
Hoshi had looked at Kenpachi as she had glared. "Damn it" She called as she had stomped her foot more as she had tighten her grip on her sword as she had made her knuckles white as she had looked at the male in front of her as she had soon moved toward him again slashing at the same spot hoping to make more then a scratch on him this time as her power increased.
This time, she drew blood. It was still a minor wound but it looked like she was getting the hang of it. Spreading his arms open to allow easier access, Kenpachi increased his spiritual pressure. "I actually felt that one! Did a mosquito bite me, hahaha!"
Hoshi had looked at kenpachi as she had yelled clearly pissed as she had soon focused her energy as her power increased a lot, she had pushed his own spirtual power back some as Hoshi's eyes changed from their loving color to a dark grey color as she had rushed at Kenpachi as she had stabbed the word right into his left shoulder as she had twisted the sword and pulled back seeing the blood drip to the ground.
The next attack finally pierced his iron like skin. He glanced at it and wasn't too worried. Technically she had already passed his test but both Kenpachi and Hoshi was in the zone. Other squad members could feel Kenpachi's spiritual pressure rise. He roared, "Come on, give me your best shot!!!"
Hoshi had looked to Kenpachi as she had watched him ask for more. Was he really serious. She had soon shaken her head as she had moved her foot back as it seemed they were getting a few people watching who all included Yachiru, Ikkaku, Ichigo and his little gang. "Oh my is Hoshi going to be alright? Ohrime asked as Ichigo nodded. "Yeah she is strong she needs to unlock her true power" Ichigo said as calm as he could be. "You hurt her Kenpachi and I'll tear you apart" he yelled to the male.

Hoshi had looked to Kenpachi as she had yelled again as her power spiked up her sword seemed to get a purple glow around it as she had focused her energy toward the male in front of her. She had soon rushed at him her hair blowing behind her as she had jumped up and slashed at his arm causing a large gash in his arm as she had soon slashed at him again and again giving him a few more cuts before she had fallen to her knees the power had drained to fast form her as she was now on her knees breathing hard.
For Kenpachi, a few gashes were just a warm up. Pulling out his blade, he advanced toward Hoshi. Luckily Ichigo blocked his path. "That's enough Kenpachi!"
Ichigo had blocked the bath as he was holding Kenpachi back as Hoshi had looked up. "Enough Kenpachi she is tired you worked her to hard" He yelled at the male and pushed him back as he had put his sword away and picked up his sister. "She proved to you that's enough" He added as he had handed Hoshi off to Ikkaku who had walked off with hoshi in his arms toward the 11th division building
Kenpachi was still itching for a fight so he called all available squad members to spar with him. "Come on, my blood is still boiling!" A brutal fight broke out as Kenpachi fought his entire squad by himself. Blood was split, blades were broken, and bones were crushed as the fight got heated.
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