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Little Red and Big Bad Wolf- A Modern Twist (Vampy&Dawn)

Sep 11, 2009
Bailey, The Modern Little Red Riding Hood.

Moving slowly she entered the woods, her eyes went around searching for who knew what. Bailey, Little Red Riding Hood, walked through the dark woods, it may be daylight outside these woods, but you would assume it's midnight inside the woods. Holding her basket in one hand, she moved forward again, listening to the animals in the woods. Her green eyes moved frantically around ever since she'd been little she had always been warned. "Watch out for the big bad wolf.".....sadly she never heeded that warning to much. And now? She was going to be staying in Grandma's cabin....alone for a month. While Grandma was on vacation. In truth, Bailey didn't mind staying in Grandma's cabin alone, she always had fun, always made a way to have fun, even if it meant she had to pretend and play make-believe. Most eighteen year olds don't play make-believe...but when you're eighteen and alone what much is there to do? Lifting her head she peeked out from under her red hood, her outfit didn't leave much modesty to her, gave her more of a "Come 'ere, let's play" appearance. Shaking her head she continued walking...almost skipping as she headed towards her Grandma's house. She'd have fun, what could possibly go wrong?
B. B. Wolf, our modern wolf

A long, white figure lay sprawled up in a tree near the edge of those very woods. Now, being as high up as he was you couldn't see him at first, unless you came for a closer look, which would likely have been a very big mistake. But as it was he lay there peacefully, yellow eyes gazing out through the leaves. One would think that, with his blueish-white fur, a wolf like him would be practically a mess, but interestingly enough he kept himself fairly well groomed, a sign that he was at least more modern than his predecessors. Oh, yes, he wasn't the first 'Big Bad Wolf' to be found in this forest, it was sort of a family legacy that he was thrilled to uphold. Just as he was considering how to best spend the rest of his day, a noise caught his attention. Turning over he peered through the branches, the keen eyesight of his wolfish genes picking up the source, someone moving not very far from his tree.

And what a lovely sight he beheld. Her clothing indeed left little to his imagination, which was considerable at the least, and his eyes were drawn to the stockinged legs which shot down from the ever so short skirt. For a moment he watched her and, seeing her direction, a slow smile drew itself over his face. A pair of long, curved fangs flashed from between his lips as he pondered her. Quietly, so that his movement was masked by the wind whispering through the trees, he rolled off the branch, catching it with his powerful hands, and swung down to grasp the trunk. Dropping to the ground, thickly muscled legs absorbing the impact, he moved towards her, circling fully behind her. Slowly he stalked her, watching the girl, moving closer with each step while his mind worked, so many images of her, and things he could do to her, going through his head.
Her eyes blinked quickly as she glanced back behind her, and what a mistake that had been. Finding a root sticking out of the ground her foot got caught and she fell to the ground with a scream. Once she hit the ground, she groaned, lifting her head she glanced forward and shoved her hood off of her head. Bailey slowly pushed herself up until she was kneeling on the ground, inhaling she looked to her side and found her basket. Reaching over she grabbed it and pulled it closer to herself, she then looked down at her body, just to make sure she wasn't bruised or hurt too much. Sighing she only saw some dirt marks on her outfit. The palms of her hands were a bit scraped up from the fall but other then that she appeared fine.
Slowly he moved closer and closer, the thick trees providing excellent cover as he slipped around them. Already he could tell where she was headed: that cabin deep in the woods. His lips curled, exposing his sharp teeth. And the old lady would be gone, too. Suddenly she fell, tripped over something, and he made his move. As she was pulling up to her knees and looking at herself, the wolf quietly stopped next to her. Extending a long arm her reached down, hand held in her view as if to help her up. "That looked like a nasty tumble." he commented, his voice deep and resonating, "Need some help?"
Bailey wasn't paying much attention to everything that was going on around her, fixing her hood she jumped in surprise at the site of the hand, hearing the voice she nodded, not looking up right away, she took his hand. "Yes, thank-you." she said softly. Getting up, Bailey brushed a hand across her butt. After a moment she finally looked up, and stared at him, her eyes went wide, she was frozen in place, the fact that this was the big bad wolf everyone warned her about setting in her head. She couldn't believe this, she was standing there with the wolf. Her hand that had taken his offered one began to move away from him, worry filling her features.
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