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Looking for something new! //m

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Dec 10, 2013
Hey kids! Looking for some new stories, thought I'd throw up my guys and see if anyone cared to play with them. Or, if you have a plot you want to do, I might make a new character for it if I like it enough, so throw me a PM either way!

-I post anywhere from one paragraph to one or two pages, depends on what I'm given and how often we post. Quick back and forths can be short, weekly posts can be super long. I just want excellent grammar and detailed plot building. No one or two liners though.
-PMs or semi-private threads only, nothing off site. I do like chatting though! So an OOC PM or something is preferred.
-Speaking of smut. Sometimes lust comes before love, I'm cool with that. BUT! I do want romance, and eventual love is something I like. No insta-love. Crushes and dating is fine, but declaring love withing an hour of meeting someone is creepy. Unless that's what we're going for I guess.
-I want GUYS please, not like, you have to be a guy I mean, but I prefer playing against actually masculine characters. Some of my guys really only go for super-manly types anyways. I will not be accepting twinks.
-I don't care if you use RL pics, I don't, and I'm not a fan of heavily anime characters either. You are welcome to simply write a description of your character instead as well.
-PLANNING, I love it so, I like having a direction to take our characters, so don't be afraid to talk to me!
-PM me with a plot or character or something in mind. I like heavy story and plot, so be prepared to have ideas for it.


Name: Daniel Rosario (X)
Age: Early twenties
Best settings: Fantasy or modern, political/corporate intrigue
Preferences: Can be switch, prefers bottom, but is not sub
Likes: Animals, people, weaponry (swords, guns in modern plots)
Dislikes: His brother (Richard, who is trying to kill him, no matter the plot)
Extra: Kind, people person, seems extremely soft-hearted at first. Has severe trust issues.

Name: Gabriel (Gabe) Masters (X)
Age: Early to mid twenties
Best settings: Modern, superheroes or magic
Preferences: Switch
Likes: Manly guys, fighting, working out
Dislikes: Reporters, not being able to help someone, feeling weak
Extra: Extremely protective of little sister (Jenna). Has a secret weakness of manly guys in crossdress. Swears a lot. Does surprisingly well with crazies.

Name: Canum Wicks (X) (X)
Age: Mid twenties
Best settings: Modern, magic/supernatural
Preferences: Switch, prefers bottom
Likes: Studying, making new things, his dad, helping people
Dislikes: Having to interact with people, being close to anyone
Extra: Not born an albino. Is medicated for depression. Has a tendency to be obnoxious to drive people away.

Name: Sean Morgan (X)
Age: Early to mid twenties
Best settings: Modern
Preferences: Power-bottom
Likes: Good food, making his own money, cats, computer games
Dislikes: Not having control, being reliant on others
Extra: Foster kid, slightly narcissistic. Used to work as a stripper/fetish model.

Name: Derrick Ross (X)
Age: Somewhere in his twenties
Best settings: Modern, slice of life, supernatural
Preferences: Switch
Likes: Understanding what the hell is going on (fairly rare), fixing things, being useful, cooking
Dislikes: Being looked down on, things that are out of his control
Extra: Surprisingly normal, and yet somehow always ends up in some weird supernatural stuff.

Overall plots I'm looking for-

I know little to nothing about this, but I'm a little curious. I'd still rather play a Beta (any of my guys, really), but Daniel could easily be an Omega and Gabe might work as an Alpha, but I'm not really looking to play him that way. Basically I'm looking for an Alpha.

Modern fantasy/supernatural <3 <3
Fucking anything man. My guys tend to be humans, you can be whatever the hell you want, demon, angel, gargoyle, werewolf, hunter ect. We can make a plot up for it, I guarantee you.

Gabe and Canum are the only ones with powers right now, but any of the others can be 'damsels in distress', however well that works out for them. My favorite super types are (for reference, not for you to play, mind) Deadpool, Ironman, Captain America, Nightcrawler, and Daredevil.

Political/corporate intrigue <3 <3
Pretty much all Daniel. Daniel has this little problem of, no matter what plot he's in, it all comes down to the fact that his bother, Richard (usually king, or mob boss, or owner of the family company) wants him dead. Like, has actively been trying to kill him since he was ten or so. Sort of a sociopathic dick bag. Maybe he's sent of to 'slay' a dragon (read: get eaten by a dragon), or seal a deal with another gang (read:get killed by another gang), has a hitman put on him, or someone just tries to get 'in' with Richard and kill Daniel themselves, it could be anything. Been wanting to try this in a modern or space-opera type setting.

Hoverboard gangs <3 <3 <3
Okay, seriously, don't laugh. I was inspired by air gear until it went all weird with the powers and stuff. No powers or anything, just hoverboard teams/gangs fighting for money, parts, sponsorship, and in tournaments/races. The boards can be as small as skateboards or as big as snowboards, and generally fall into the categories of trick, speed, or power. I do have one female character I could play for this as a m/f pair instead of a m/m pair, but I'm gonna have to like your guy, cause she's picky. Be prepared to play multiple characters in this eventually.
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