- Joined
- Jun 17, 2015
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- South Carolina, Camden.
Hello there fellow perverts!! Lets get started. I have been craving a pokemon roleplay. In which take place of a dystopian society. As a child your character has been learning on many different types of banned pokemon. And the place in which you live at the time (Look below) we can discuss how you come across one of these pokemon. Rumors have been spread that the government corrals and kills or does cruel experiments on such pokemon.
I havent thought so much as a major goal or plot, cause i rather us discussing something up together. But The setting is a go. Depending on the partner and roleplay, will depend whether or not I am up for human/pokemon scene. Not sure. Here is the map for the roleplay that I put together.
In the spoiler shows description for each label on the map.
Roma: The center of power and government. It’s a city of riches and poverty. The highest highs and the lowest lows. The road to the left eventually leads to a small port leading to the first isle. The road to the right is closed.
The Basilica:In Roma, this is where the decisions are made, important people meet and those who control the region reside. It is ancient and colossal.
The Colosseum: Licensed Trainers hold vicious Pokemon battles here, broadcasted as entertainment across the region, it is a famous pastime of the wealthy to watch and bet on it’s battles.
Pax: Technically a part of Roma, but not many consider it such today. A town of steps and slopes that serves mainly as a crossroads. Almost every surface is graffiti ridden as there is little police presence.
Victoria: Another smaller town. Also known as The Town On The Peak. It’s built onto a large hill and it’s surroundings, with ancient castles topping it off. Sadly, the city reeks of pollution, being part of the industrial trinity despite it’s small size.
Naenia:A member of the industrial trinity, and the largest of them. It’s buildings and towers have been repurposed into creation and the results of its pollutions are obvious everywhere, the splendor of its past a mere echo.
Opis:The third part of the industrial trinity. It was hit harder than any, with cathedrals and towers holding centuries of history crumbling in the wake of business and factory production. It is a brownish landscape and the very picture of depression.
Spes: The hometown of our adventurers. It’s close proximity to the industrial trinity results in notably poor air quality, but not nearly as badly as it could be. It’s small, but is well known for having well performing schools and being slightly lax on regulation.
The Leaning Tower of Spes:An ancient structure, tilted on it’s side by a slight but noticeable degree. It is a complete anomaly how it remains standing to this day, and it is completely roped off to the public.
Neverita: Unlike many cities in Myra, Neverita is said to be almost as splendorous now as it was during it’s prime. All is not well, however, as storms pelt the city unrelentingly. The strong souls that reside in the town make their wealth on the sale of rare sea life and minerals.
Bacchus: Close enough to the industrial trinity to be impacted notably by their pollution, the city is famous for it’s maze-like construction. It’s a city where decadent pleasures run wild, where sex and drugs rule the world. The city landscape is dreary, overall, however.
Mithras: An expansive city, filled with training camps. medical schools and retired soldiers, along with the regular citizens around them supporting its economy. The strictest and most intense when it comes to regulation.
Moneta:A recluse of history, the arts and writing. Though everything produced is heavily monitored, it is where a select few creative types can make a real living. It houses by far the largest museum in Myra, several of them, in fact.
Lake Nascio: A serene, blue and beautiful body of water with an extremely small settlement surrounding it. The people here make careers of breeding pokemon. No matter what occurs, it’s waters stay pure and sparkling and the food delicious.
Fontus: Primarily known for the export of water from its wells and the melting of snow, due to the widespread pollution elsewhere.
Mt. Pluto: An icy mountain near Fontus. It is said to be unscalable, though it’s base is searched for rare pokemon, minerals and gems regularly. There are no records of what is higher on the mountain.
Ceres:An obscure but very large farming settlement. It’s products go on to support the entirety of Myra.
Mt. Tellus: Actually an entire mountain range, and a huge one at that. It, prevents any viable travel between Myra and outside lands. The location marked is the only known path into the mountains, which is near Ceres.
Minerva:The only active international port in the region, the city itself rests on the sea. It is rustic and splendorous in a way few other places are, making a good impression of the region to outsiders.
Laverna: A den of thieves and con-men. If you want to find something that you shouldn’t have, aside from drugs, you can find it here. Weapons, pokemon, faked documentation, money and more.
Peona: Long ago a center of art, Peona is now a military controlled prison-state. Though a more or less regular economy holds on outside of it, the amount of and variety of prisons and torture institutions are quite large.
Jupiter: A mountain topped with obfuscating fogs and plagued with constant thunderstorms. It cuts the road between peona and Pietas in half.
Pietas: A city where those who are truly proven to be loyal to the the region of Myra’s government go. It has an overall higher quality of life compared to most places and is said to be home of the Dictator. Little is known of it to those not chosen. The lower side of it meets a private channel which can provide transportation.
Flora:A farming settlement, very large and somewhat obscure, just as the other one. This one exports very different plant and animal life, but also services the entire region.
Nona: The true center of research. Scientists work tirelessly at projects unknown to the public, though more mundane researchers and their familieS also exist in the city.
Fauna: A specialized breeding and training center with specifics are generally unknown to the public.. Rare and banned breeds of pokemon and elite trainers receive training here and a small economy surrounding it supports the project. The public is assured that confiscated Pokemon will have a good life here, though most rumors run counter to this idea and the majority of people feel that it’s untrue.
Mt. Mars: A huge volcano, rather unexplored but with a slew of mystery and legend surrounding it. It is nearly untraversable and only well known thanks to the teaching of geography.
Latona: A strange, crescent shaped town. It used to export rare resources throughout Myra long ago, but has been abandoned for quite a while. Recently it was struck out of the geography curriculum and was said to be destroyed by a natural cataclysm.
Mantus: A building project was underway here and many citizens called it home already. It was going to be part of a new Industrial duo alongside Mania. When the Trivia Forests were deemed too dangerous to cross the project abruptly ended. Those remaining were selected to live in Pietas.
Pania: The other half of the failed industrial project. No settlements had yet been made when the project was cancelled, though settlements outdating Myra exist. Both of these places are still on history curriculums as the project is considered to merely be delayed until the wilderness can be tamed.
Janus: A city rumored to be host to a hidden terrorist organisation. Due to this area of the region being cut off from the rest, investigations aren’t possible. In school it’s location is taught because it was planned to become a new trading and farming center, and because of its historical significance.
Meditrina:Once an international port, it was abandoned in favor of Minerva. It eventually was evacuated as it was deemed to be in a dangerous location, at risk of storms and rising tides. It was said to be destroyed in the same accident as Latona.
Trivia Forests: It’s rumored that any who stay in the wilderness here too long will forget themselves and wander off, never to be heard from again. Trained guards used to escort people through the forests so as to reach the project at Mantus, but it has recently been considered too dangerous of a path and the project is on hold.
Manes Shore: A wilderness location across the shoreline. It was forbidden for anybody to take the path leading to it even before the problems in Trivia, though officiated explorers have brought back pictures. It’s said to be haunted by spectrums.
Murcia Plains:Another forbidden location, though it remained unexplored until late into the the Mantus project. The common myth of this place is that any who traverse it will be drawn to it’s ancient structures and lulled to eternal sleep.
Robigo Fields: Back when Meditrina was used as a port, the fertile fields nearby were was a place where rustics lived and a sanctuary for wild pokemon. Allegedly, when the cities were destroyed, the impact of salt water and the drifting of polluted waters down the currents worked to turn the fields into a rotting swampland.
Salus Caverns: Unlike most southern landmarks, this one was open to the public. It’s immense beauty drew many people to it, but it’s dangers were quickly realized. It’s depths remain unexplored and it likely will stay that way for a long while now that the area is blocked off.
The Basilica:In Roma, this is where the decisions are made, important people meet and those who control the region reside. It is ancient and colossal.
The Colosseum: Licensed Trainers hold vicious Pokemon battles here, broadcasted as entertainment across the region, it is a famous pastime of the wealthy to watch and bet on it’s battles.
Pax: Technically a part of Roma, but not many consider it such today. A town of steps and slopes that serves mainly as a crossroads. Almost every surface is graffiti ridden as there is little police presence.
Victoria: Another smaller town. Also known as The Town On The Peak. It’s built onto a large hill and it’s surroundings, with ancient castles topping it off. Sadly, the city reeks of pollution, being part of the industrial trinity despite it’s small size.
Naenia:A member of the industrial trinity, and the largest of them. It’s buildings and towers have been repurposed into creation and the results of its pollutions are obvious everywhere, the splendor of its past a mere echo.
Opis:The third part of the industrial trinity. It was hit harder than any, with cathedrals and towers holding centuries of history crumbling in the wake of business and factory production. It is a brownish landscape and the very picture of depression.
Spes: The hometown of our adventurers. It’s close proximity to the industrial trinity results in notably poor air quality, but not nearly as badly as it could be. It’s small, but is well known for having well performing schools and being slightly lax on regulation.
The Leaning Tower of Spes:An ancient structure, tilted on it’s side by a slight but noticeable degree. It is a complete anomaly how it remains standing to this day, and it is completely roped off to the public.
Neverita: Unlike many cities in Myra, Neverita is said to be almost as splendorous now as it was during it’s prime. All is not well, however, as storms pelt the city unrelentingly. The strong souls that reside in the town make their wealth on the sale of rare sea life and minerals.
Bacchus: Close enough to the industrial trinity to be impacted notably by their pollution, the city is famous for it’s maze-like construction. It’s a city where decadent pleasures run wild, where sex and drugs rule the world. The city landscape is dreary, overall, however.
Mithras: An expansive city, filled with training camps. medical schools and retired soldiers, along with the regular citizens around them supporting its economy. The strictest and most intense when it comes to regulation.
Moneta:A recluse of history, the arts and writing. Though everything produced is heavily monitored, it is where a select few creative types can make a real living. It houses by far the largest museum in Myra, several of them, in fact.
Lake Nascio: A serene, blue and beautiful body of water with an extremely small settlement surrounding it. The people here make careers of breeding pokemon. No matter what occurs, it’s waters stay pure and sparkling and the food delicious.
Fontus: Primarily known for the export of water from its wells and the melting of snow, due to the widespread pollution elsewhere.
Mt. Pluto: An icy mountain near Fontus. It is said to be unscalable, though it’s base is searched for rare pokemon, minerals and gems regularly. There are no records of what is higher on the mountain.
Ceres:An obscure but very large farming settlement. It’s products go on to support the entirety of Myra.
Mt. Tellus: Actually an entire mountain range, and a huge one at that. It, prevents any viable travel between Myra and outside lands. The location marked is the only known path into the mountains, which is near Ceres.
Minerva:The only active international port in the region, the city itself rests on the sea. It is rustic and splendorous in a way few other places are, making a good impression of the region to outsiders.
Laverna: A den of thieves and con-men. If you want to find something that you shouldn’t have, aside from drugs, you can find it here. Weapons, pokemon, faked documentation, money and more.
Peona: Long ago a center of art, Peona is now a military controlled prison-state. Though a more or less regular economy holds on outside of it, the amount of and variety of prisons and torture institutions are quite large.
Jupiter: A mountain topped with obfuscating fogs and plagued with constant thunderstorms. It cuts the road between peona and Pietas in half.
Pietas: A city where those who are truly proven to be loyal to the the region of Myra’s government go. It has an overall higher quality of life compared to most places and is said to be home of the Dictator. Little is known of it to those not chosen. The lower side of it meets a private channel which can provide transportation.
Flora:A farming settlement, very large and somewhat obscure, just as the other one. This one exports very different plant and animal life, but also services the entire region.
Nona: The true center of research. Scientists work tirelessly at projects unknown to the public, though more mundane researchers and their familieS also exist in the city.
Fauna: A specialized breeding and training center with specifics are generally unknown to the public.. Rare and banned breeds of pokemon and elite trainers receive training here and a small economy surrounding it supports the project. The public is assured that confiscated Pokemon will have a good life here, though most rumors run counter to this idea and the majority of people feel that it’s untrue.
Mt. Mars: A huge volcano, rather unexplored but with a slew of mystery and legend surrounding it. It is nearly untraversable and only well known thanks to the teaching of geography.
Latona: A strange, crescent shaped town. It used to export rare resources throughout Myra long ago, but has been abandoned for quite a while. Recently it was struck out of the geography curriculum and was said to be destroyed by a natural cataclysm.
Mantus: A building project was underway here and many citizens called it home already. It was going to be part of a new Industrial duo alongside Mania. When the Trivia Forests were deemed too dangerous to cross the project abruptly ended. Those remaining were selected to live in Pietas.
Pania: The other half of the failed industrial project. No settlements had yet been made when the project was cancelled, though settlements outdating Myra exist. Both of these places are still on history curriculums as the project is considered to merely be delayed until the wilderness can be tamed.
Janus: A city rumored to be host to a hidden terrorist organisation. Due to this area of the region being cut off from the rest, investigations aren’t possible. In school it’s location is taught because it was planned to become a new trading and farming center, and because of its historical significance.
Meditrina:Once an international port, it was abandoned in favor of Minerva. It eventually was evacuated as it was deemed to be in a dangerous location, at risk of storms and rising tides. It was said to be destroyed in the same accident as Latona.
Trivia Forests: It’s rumored that any who stay in the wilderness here too long will forget themselves and wander off, never to be heard from again. Trained guards used to escort people through the forests so as to reach the project at Mantus, but it has recently been considered too dangerous of a path and the project is on hold.
Manes Shore: A wilderness location across the shoreline. It was forbidden for anybody to take the path leading to it even before the problems in Trivia, though officiated explorers have brought back pictures. It’s said to be haunted by spectrums.
Murcia Plains:Another forbidden location, though it remained unexplored until late into the the Mantus project. The common myth of this place is that any who traverse it will be drawn to it’s ancient structures and lulled to eternal sleep.
Robigo Fields: Back when Meditrina was used as a port, the fertile fields nearby were was a place where rustics lived and a sanctuary for wild pokemon. Allegedly, when the cities were destroyed, the impact of salt water and the drifting of polluted waters down the currents worked to turn the fields into a rotting swampland.
Salus Caverns: Unlike most southern landmarks, this one was open to the public. It’s immense beauty drew many people to it, but it’s dangers were quickly realized. It’s depths remain unexplored and it likely will stay that way for a long while now that the area is blocked off.
When creating your character. Make them interesting as well as your pokemon. If you have any questions, pm me please. Ill update this thread as time goes on.