Imperceptible Importance of Impact *X-Men/Avengers* (AsianPsuedonym & Defiant)


May 19, 2015
“Just one more time for clarification,” Bucky said, turning to face Steve as the jet moved them closer to their target. “This anti-serum or whatever it is, is supposed to suppress the mutant gene in mutants but also possibly de-serum you and or me?”

Steve lifted his head from where he was fastening his utility belt and gave a nod. “Yes. That's what the rumours are. Better to be safe than sorry and not let them test it out and turn those rumours into facts,” Steve said, lifting his shield and securing it against the magnets on his forearm.

“I get that, but why send us? I mean if it does work and they prove it with us? Well then you'll just be useless. You're clothes will weigh more than you do,” he said and shrugged a shoulder at the chafed look he received. “It's the truth. Before you got serumized you were 80 pounds soaking weight. If they hit you I'll have to carry your puny ass around again,” he pointed a single metal digit towards the other man to enforce his point.

“I was 92 pounds. Dry,” he reminded his old friend as the ramp lowered and both moved towards the open night sky. “And you never had to carry me anywhere,” Steve stated but couldn't help the small smile on his lips from the friendly banter. “Don't deploy your chute ti...”

“Yeah, I know,” Bucky interrupted before stepping off the end of the ramp and plummeting into the darkness.

“And serumized isn't a word!” Steve called following close behind.


Logan paused in his footsteps as he turned his head and sniffed, holding his hand for the rest of the X-Men to pause as he frowned. “Smells like righteous patriotism,” he spoke louder than warranted for a team sneaking into a secret base.

“What are you...” Storm cut off when she saw Captain America and the Winter Soldier turn around a corner, neither looking ready for a fight in that moment, obviously having heard Logan's comment.

“Giving up the flashy red, white and blue for navy?” Logan asked, stance becoming relaxed as the two approached.

“The usual outfit doesn't do well for night missions and getting around unnoticed,” he clarified. His ability at handling Tony Stark having assisted him with dealing with Wolverine since the X-Men and Avengers interests had begun coinciding.

“Might as well go ahead together then. Assuming you're here for the new shit they're loading their guns with?” Logan asked, his gaze flicking between the two.

Bucky nodded his head. “We are. Haven't they tried this before? It was in the news they were promoting it for mutants to go and get... non-mutantized?”

“Again Buck, you can't just add 'ized' on the end of everything and it's a word,” Steve sighed, glancing to the other Avenger.

“I'm alive in the 21st century. I can do what I want Stevie. So what's the plan exactly?”

“Hydra hasn't been active in the role of neutralizing mutant powers. So far as we've been able to gather this is the only location of the medication they've been developing. And the other stuff they marketed was not permanent. Many mutants experienced their powers returning within the first year,” Storm explained. “We have a few members of our team scouting ahead.”

Steve was about to open his mouth when an alarm sounded. “Our people went to the main power room and the labs. “I'll go for the power room, you take the labs,” Steve said to Bucky and, having memorized the layouts knew which hallway to make. Bucky in turn, knew which direction to go to find the labs.

Bucky heard a few of the X-Men behind him as he moved quickly through the halls, the thick rubber soles of his tactical boots keeping him relatively silent. “Got one of yours on the floor,” he said after turning a corner and unholstered a weapon as he stepped forward then knelt down and pressed two fingers to the woman's neck. “She's got a pulse,” he said quietly, pulling his fingers away as Storm came up to the unconscious woman.

“It's Loa, Rogue was with her,” she said quietly and glanced further down the hallway. “They must have run into a few of the guards.” Storm pulled a tranquilizer dart from Loa's hip and glanced up at Bucky.

“Get her back to the plane, I'll find the rest of your team,” Bucky said and began to walk forward.

“It's just Rogue ahead, she'll be heading for the labs to finish what we came here to do,” Storm said, nodding for the others who'd come with them to help get Loa out of there.

The labs were still a few corridors away, Bucky moved quickly but quietly, finger on the trigger. He heard a few of the guards talking rather loudly on their radios and stepped up to the door they were behind, searching through one of the labs. He reached back into his tactical belt and pulled a silencer out and screwed the extended barrel onto the end of the gun. Standing silent a few more moments he opened the door and stepped forward. Within the first few seconds he'd noticed the Hydra patches on their uniforms and fired two bullets.

The main difference between himself and Steve, Steve tended to leave a trail of unconscious bodies while Bucky left a trail of bodies.

“Alright then Rogue,” he said as he turned from the room. “Where are you?” He asked to himself as he walked though the hall to the next set of swinging doors leading into a lab. “Rogue?” He asked, poking his head in to make sure not enough of his body was exposed for an attack from the mutant who wouldn't know who he was.
Rogue shook her head silently and she slinked through the corridors of the Hydra facility. Lao backing her right flank. She knew the necessity of having them both, and the necessity of her being there. There were the forerunners. Loa having the ability to move through walls like Shadowcat, or, at least destroy them in Loa's case. Another reason why Loa was present was her ability to destroy things on a molecular level, no traces of this Hydra test serum would be left once Loa was through. Rogue however, while her power was just as needed, was still the most experienced of the two. She had been running with the X-Men since shortly after her arrival at the Institute, against Logan's approval of course. She supposed she had kinda been inducted into it.

As they crept down the hall to the lab Rogue looked to her companion and held up a hand for them to stop. "This isn't right... there's been no guards patrolling the halls of a Hydra base..." she whispered looking to her.

Loa nodded her head at Rogue. "This place should have at least a few guard patrolling the halls."

"Especially around the labs..." Rogue finished. "Alright. We'll keep moving but stay alert. I have a bad feeling about this." She said.

Rogue unbuttoned the forearm arm piece of her gloves and she tugged on the finger tips pulling the gloves half off, exposing her hands, before buttoning them to their respective sleeves.

The two women carried on through the halls watching each others six and taking great care to watch for Hydra guards now.

It was when Loa suddenly dropped to the ground as they passed a hallway that Rogue suddenly realized why she had such and uneasy feeling. Her first instinct was to check on her fallen friend. Rationally however Rogue kicked into action. She moved against a wall and slid into a small alcove near a door. She glanced towards the fallen girl. Loa was not bleeding and the red patterns on her skin, which were markers of her X-Gene, were still present. She could even see the steady rise and fall of her chest, out but not dead.

"Hydra's using trancs, that means they haven't weaponized the serum yet..." She thought to herself. A hydra cronie walked down the hallway Loa and she just passed when Loa went down. He checked the fallen mutant before reaching to radio his status. Rogue quickly sprung to grab the guard. Her uncovered hand touched the open skin of his cheek for a split second and her was down, out for the count. Rogue sighed softly to herself. "That was way to close." she said to herself, quickly dragging the unconscious guard to the alcove she had been hiding in.

She shook her head then before proceeding to move on to the labs, knowing the team was right behind her. "Alright Hydra let's find out where you hide your experiments...." she said.

Rogue found the doors to lab and she glanced around before crouching low and moving to open the door. She stayed low and peered around the room from behind a table. There were two lab technicians but no guards. She quickly moved and dropped the techs with a single touch just even long enough to register a few faint memories, and long enough to send them off for a nap. She stood then and glanced around the labs. She moved to one of the computers in the lab.

She quickly tapped on the keys before placing a drive into the side. The files were loaded and then consecutively wiped from the database, the direct uplink to Hydra's system making this possible. She took lot of the room before moving to the heavy standing metal cabinets. Inside appeared to be test copies of the serum as well as mutant, super soldier and hulk DNA samples. "They were certainly busy" she said before glancing to the computer.

It was when she heard her name being called that she whipped around. She moved quickly to the door her hand held out inches from a face she thought she might have known but also was not expecting. "I wasn't aware the X-Men were collaborating on this mission." she said warily. "But you know my name so I'm going to guess you know what will happen if I touch you." she said eyeing him suspiciously trying to calculate his movements with no information to register. However, Rogue was still confident in her ability to take him down.
Bucky's gaze caught the movements and he tilted his head curiously. His gaze flicked from her face to her hand and back again. “I'm going to assume it's something bad,” he offered though he wasn't 100% sure how bad it was or how much it would affect him. He'd knocked Logan on his ass during an unfortunate, misguided altercation. He'd much rather fight the Wolverine again over most of the mutants they ran into so a number of things crossed through his mind on the least concerning spectrum but she looked very sure of herself and not the least bit nervous. “Something pretty bad,” he added with a slight nod of his head.

“And we, well you weren't. Neither were we. But we both ended up here at the same time and we're both after the same thing,” he said and glanced at her hand again. “You can put that down. If I wanted to hurt you I wouldn't have called out your name to try and get your attention. Storm and another of your teammates took... Loa back to the jet,” he said, hoping the name drop of the fallen mutant would make her trust him a little.

“Also I'm not really an official Avenger, just tag along with the Captain when he's going against Hydra. Got a personal bone to pick with the folks in these places,” he supplied, slipping into the room completely so his back wasn't exposed to any approaching Hydra operators. “So to answwer you're earlier statement, no. I don't know what you're particular enhancement is. There's so many out there it's kind of hard to keep track of everything that's possible.”

A small smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Ya know, when I was in my time, Steve was the probably the most scientific, publically, scientificly advanced human,” he pointed out with a small smile. “Now between him and I with the super solider serum and my arm, we're kind of mundane and average,” he chuckled and watched her for a moment longer then looked forward to the rest of the room.

“You get everything you came for? We got dropped in so I guess we're catching a ride back with you and your team,” he turned his gaze back onto her, finding nothing particularly interesting about the room. “I'm Bucky by the way,” he introduced himself and held out his right hand, the flesh and bone one, figuring whatever her power was, even though it included touch, could be controlled. Also choosing a quick introduction so she wouldn't feel at a disadvantage with him knowing her name and her not knowing his own.
Rogue quirked her lips a bit at his answer to her question and then his explanation "Pretty bad... yeah I guess you could say that..." she said before laughing and retracting her hands from his personal space. "Storm took Loa? Good. I knew they were inbound but I wasn't quite sure how far behind they were." She sighed slightly in relief knowing her younger teammate was taken care of. When he explained why he was there and who he came with she nodded accepting his presence more now. If he was here with Captain America it was likely this man was trustable. He had good judgement and honestly it was kind of impossible not to trust the well-liked Avenger. "I can imagine, it looks like Hydra has been very busy." she said shaking her head a bit at the thought.

When he said he didn't know what he mutation was she laughed a bit at his following statement "Yeah, there really is, but then again my power is entirely unique..." she said wistfully. "What I wouldn't give to be a mundane and average mutant..." she frowned then. She had tried once before, a cure, a chance to be normal and to touch and feel like everyone else. The cure didn't work, it lasted 4 months before she started to notice the familiar feeling of thoughts being transferred. Her powers were back in full effect by the 7th months. Rogue never left the institute despite getting the cure. She stayed at the school, it was her home. So when her powers began to return she immediately began training with Logan and the Professor again.

Her power were controllable to an extent now, with the Professors help she broke her mental blocks from years of absorbing the conciousness of others. Rogue learned to control the strength of her power and no knew how to sort out the things she absorbed. However, Rogue still was wary of her own skin and perhaps worried that one day she would lose that carefully cultivated control she had. Warily she looked at his outreached hand and took it with her own, her hand soft from year of wearing silk gloves. She shook it lightly and let of a sigh of relief when the the physical contact ceased. "Rogue, but you knew that, and my power? I can absorb the life of people I touch." she said with an air of finality apparently not wanting to say anymore.

She glanced around the room then and nodded at Bucky. "The software should have finished running it's program, but we need to destroy the samples and trial serums." she said as she moved to the metal cabinet she had been looking at earlier. "These are supposed to be the only copies they have, but knowing Hydra there might be more stashed away somewhere." She said before passing her hand through the vials, using a remnent of borrowed power from Loa, the glass crumbling into sand as she moved her hand across the shelf and through the vials.
When she said she can absorb the life of the people she touched he couldn't help but look down at the hand she'd just hand shaken and then gave a nod. “Alright, well, thanks for not ya know... absorbing my life,” he said and gave another nod to give acknowledge the finality she answered his question with.

“Hydra's blinded by their ignorance. They think they're powerful, untouchable no matter how many times their plans are soiled by government, Avengers or the X-Men,” he offered, eyes watching at how she dissipated the glass into sand and the liquid absorbed into the sand, giving it a muddish look. He opened his mouth to ask, but the finality she'd used before made him second guess that choice. If they got out of this together, unharmed, he'd ask. Should she seem open to having a discussion.

After everything he'd been through, Bucky was very protective of his past. Some things he remembered he didn't want to utter. It was difficult enough having to remember, he was not one to talk about it. The way she spoke, he had a feeling she'd been through more many others had been and even if he knew her, he'd have the respect not to push what shouldn't be pushed.

“It could just be easier to blow the whole place up, we probably don't have the luxury of going from room to room and looking for vials of this stuff,” Bucky was a lot like Tony in the blowing up department. As long as it was Hydra and not around civilization he was more of a just drop a bomb and enjoy the show kind of guy where as Steve and a few of the others were into collecting valuable information and whatnot. But if they had collected some information already then blowing this place would be easiest and fastest.

Static buzzed in his ear with the choppy voice of Steve. “Say again. Comms must be compromised,” he said and tapped his ear to try and get the little communication device to work. His brows furrowed as his friend's voice came in choppy again. “Okay, by the sound of it they had to take off cause of reinforcements and we should move,” he said and moved towards the door, opening it and lifting his weapon as he checked the hallway. “You ready or do you need more time in here?”
Rogue shook her head at the man when he said they should just blow the place. "I don't think the Proffesor would approve of that method... there are some innocent people. Not all of the people in here are sympathizers. Hydra takes what they want under threat most of the time, and as much as I'd like to see this place decimated I'm not the one who gets to make that call..." She said with a laugh shaking her head. She brushed her long Chestnut hair away from her face before glancing at the computer where the drive had been running it's program. When he spoke again and tapped his ear she realized he wasn't speaking to her and she lifted a curious brow at him before he answered her unspoken question.

"No I think I got it all" she said as she gave the room another once over. She moved to the computer and tapped a few keys before pulling the drive out of the computer. "Alright, let's get the hell out of here." she said following his lead out the door. She kept his six staying on his left flank as they moved through the corridor. She watched him warily as he moved cataloging his movements before her eyes fell on the shiny metal of his left hand holding his weapon. She wouldn't ask now but she was curious as to how he gained that particular enhancement. She wasn't left long to ponder in thought as a tranquilizer dart whizzed past her face. "We've got company!" she called as she moved up against a wall. She watched as Bucky fired at the Hydra cronies and she quickly moved from her spot sprinting towards the remaining agents.

She turned into the three remaining agents touching the exposed face of one before sweeping a foot under the other. When that agent fell to the ground Rogue was quickly to press her hand against his face as well. She watched as the last was quickly taken care of by Bucky and she sighed in relief. "That was a little too close for comfort..." she said "We have to get out now and rendevous with the team, I have a feeling Hydra won't take to kindly to me wiping their database and destroying their test samples..." She said to him as they picked up the pace. She watched with fascinated eyes as Bucky managed to drop the agents they came across with single shots.

"Remind me never to get between you and the door out." she remarked as she stepped over a Hydra agent laying on the ground entirely unmoving. Reaching the exit Rogue squinted at the sunlight before pointing to a spot. "There" she said running towards nothing. However, the X- Jet quickly made it's presence know as the cloaking dissapeared and the jet's sleek black color was revealed.

The ramp had already been lowered to the ground and Rogue moved behind the jet and sprinted up it. "Storm, status?" she asked as she took a open seat along the wall of the jet buckling the criss crossing belts.

Storm glanced back at Rogue before pressing several large button on the cockpit panel and throwing the engine switches. "Hydra is certainly aware of our presence here but everyone is accounted for."

Logan sniffed the air as the ramp closed and shook his head "Let's get the hell out of here then we've got incoming." His sharp eyes turned to Rogue then. "You get it done kid?" he asked

Rogue nodded at Logan and smiled "I managed to wipe their system and destroyed all the samples in the main lab." she frowned then "They had DNA copies though, on all of us, mutant, super soldier, they even managed to get a copy of the Hulk's dna. I would assume this isn't the only facility they're doing work in." she said

Logan frowned and shook his head "Well hopefully you got us some info when you wiped their computers..." he said turning away from her and facing the windows in the cockpit again.

Rogue sighed as she unzipped her jacket and pulled the drive off of her neck where it had been hanging on a chord. "Here's hoping" she said, a little disgruntled at Logan's usual abrasiveness. She then turned her eyes on Captain America and Bucky. "I'm sure the Proffessor will get a copy to Tony. It's probably still encrypted despite our decryption algorithms." she said
Bucky gave Steve a silent glance, they're eyes locking for a few seconds as they had a silent conversation and assessed their situation. Bucky broke the eye contract when Rogue said this facility isn't the only one they were doing this sort of work in.

“That's not really surprising. We've been hitting them a lot harder and they're compromised. They won't keep everything of anything in one location,” Steve reasoned, giving Rogue a quick nod when she said they'd get a copy to Tony. “Thank you,” he said then turned as he connected his comms with someone from their own HQ.

Bucky stepped closer to Rogue and offered her a smile. “You did good, I'm sure you got us more than just a few usable pieces of intel,” he commented, having noticed the way she replied to the other man who was now turned away from them. He himself hadn't worked much with anyone but the Avengers so he didn't know Wolverine by appearance or reputation.

“And Tony's computer will decrypt anything you can throw at it. It's kind of unnerving how intelligent machines are these days,” he said with a warm smile and could feel eyes burning into his back but ignored it. He'd enjoyed working with the young woman and though he didn't really know her he felt a bit defensive of how Wolverine had spoken to her.

While they were escaping the facility Logan had been nice and secure in the jet. And while Rogue had been hacking into their systems she'd had to deal with Hydra coming after on her own before he showed up. He had respect for her, not because she could get the job done but her power required her to get close, literally hands on close and it was dangerous given the type of weapons Hydra was arming themselves with.

As the jet moved them away from the facility many of the members had taken to their respective seats and began talking amongst themselves. Bucky however stayed where he was close to Rogue and now they were out of the frying pan he really took notice of her more delicate features. Though there was one thing which seemed to be gnawing at the back of his mind.

“So, he called you kid,” Bucky said, his voice going a bit more quiet as he nodded towards Logan. “How old are you exactly?” He asked, curious because he wanted to make sure he wasn't overstepping a line he doesn't want to overstep.

Despite everything he'd been through, Bucky Barnes would always find a reason to flirt with a beautiful woman.
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