In a basement during midnight, A scientist, named Dane, was working on a DNA morpher, which would be able to manipulate DNA of any creature, allowing them to live in any climate. He was testing the solution to a rabbit since he taught a mouse was too clique to use it on. Besides, they ran out of test mice for him to buy and had only rabbits. Even so he keeps working on the formula and tests it on the rabbit, who he has grown attached to over the months.
"Sorry girl, I hope this doesn't hurt you much." Dane said, always a bit uneasy with testing his experiment on live subjects, especially one that he has a bit of attachment to. He injected the formula in its bloodstream, seeing what happens. He didn't expect any sudden changes but he still got his camera ready and his notepad out to write on, wanting to know if it cause any harmful effects.
"Sorry girl, I hope this doesn't hurt you much." Dane said, always a bit uneasy with testing his experiment on live subjects, especially one that he has a bit of attachment to. He injected the formula in its bloodstream, seeing what happens. He didn't expect any sudden changes but he still got his camera ready and his notepad out to write on, wanting to know if it cause any harmful effects.