Tyrande's Favor (MysteriousD & Kaybee)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
It was a beatiful evening in the fantastical world. Near the location of the Night Elves, near the Temple of the Moon, a rather large group of young children were following the young man who was protecting them throughout their trek. They had been traveling for several hours and they were cold, hungry, and tired. The young ones looked at awe when they saw the beautiful temple that was to be their new or at least temporary home. Their awe grew expontentially as they entered inside, the guards removing their protector, the one in charge of bringing these young ones into the temple. Clad in a beautiful gold and silver armor, there was a human paladin. He was tall with a stocky complex, giving a big and protective build, suiting his protective nature.
The young man possessed dark brown, almost black hair, which matches his chocolatey brown eyes. Both of them serve to frame and enhance his boyish face, which is finished up with a smile filled with optimism and hope. He was none other than Diego Sunheart, a somewhat well-known Paladin.

Known for being merciful, friendly and well-meaning, he is repsected and liked even amongst the Horde. Recently, he was asked by a traveling Sister of Elune to take the children to the Temple as their new home, which he did. The children were picked up and led by the various Night Elf sisters who worked in the Temple. Diego decided to inform one of the sisters of the completion of his mission so he headed upstairs to do so. His breath was taken away when he saw the beautiful Tyrande, Queen of the Night Elves amongst them.
The position of Priestess of the Moon was a lonely one, and Tyrande's tenure in it was made lonelier still by her mate's slumber, as his duties required him to remain within the Emerald Dream for years or even decades at a time. She lounged against the edge of the fountain at the temple's centre, watching the sedate bustle of Darnassus flow through and around the open-air building in placid silence, eyes alert as she viewed the crowd. Many acknowledged her with a bow or whispered prayer, a few even approached to speak, some with earned familiarity, others without...

As the paladin approached she slowly rose to her feet however, the priestesses approaching to greet him backing away as she strode forwards. "You have brought the foundling so to be schooled, and for this Darnassus and I thank you." A couple of the priestesses exchanged glances behind her, knowing ones, and Tyrande smiled. "You must be Diego Sunheart then, if it would please you, accept the hospitality of our temple for a while, that you might recover from your journey?" The only chambers in the temple were Tyrande's, but few outsiders knew that, aside from those she had invited into them in the past...
Diego Sunheart did not expect for the Queen and High Preistess to acknowledge his presence, much less personally thank him. Despite known and regarded as a chivalrous, valiant and kind-hearted knight, he is also pretty awkward. Having grown up as a shy child and as the scholarly sort, he was the type to be modest when thanked or praised and attractive women (well, who were on his side anyway) brought out his shy side out. "No problem, your Highness," Diego said to her with a smile although the blush on his face and how he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly showed off how flattered he felt by this.

"Yes I am, your highness," Diego confirmed when she called him by his name. His eyes widened in surprise when she asked him if he would like to stay. He was quite flattered to say the least. "Thank you very much, your highness. I would be honored to accept your hospitality," he said, flashing her a smile. In many ways, Diego wasn't your typical paladin. While a noble and heroic young man, he also possessed a quirky and eccentric charm that made him endearing and his smile was an example. Personally, Diego hoped that being in such a powerful and sacred place would help him with his own personal problems.
The paladin's awkwardness and the way his cheer felt forced was odd and worrisome to her but the clear display of uncertainty and youth was also endearing in some ways, even if it spoke to the personality of a man both younger and less capable than Diego was purported to be. (She had never entirely learned to tell the age of humans beyond late adolescence despite multiple attempts to do so as their aging was so fast and at the same time slow by comparison to that of her own people.) Which in turn spoke of worrisome rifts in Diego's mind...

It was not her place -High Priestess or not- to instruct a paladin of the Light in matters of faith, and Tyrande doubted she could do anything in any case, but perhaps she could ease his mind for a while, give him something else to worry over at the very least. She ascended the marble ramp that spiraled around the great guardian tree that grew from the moonwell in the centre of the temple floor, letting Diego follow at his own pace as she rose to her chambers. They were illuminated by the trees outside whose gentle light seeped in through an open balcony and the room was dominated by a lush bed, round and covered in simple-yet-beautiful patterned silken (faintly purple) sheets.

To one side, robes hung from pegs, day to day clothing was laid out carefully, and Tyrande's War Regalia stood upon an armor stand, reminder to all that the High Priestess had served as commander of the sentinels once upon a time and had lost little of her skill in battle since, though she did not like to fight for any reason besides the protection of her people...
Diego's philosophies always were a bit unorthdox and sometimes esoteric. To those who some of his past, they attribute this to his mentor. Diego's first mentor on the path to being paladin had him learn healing the old-fashioned way, First Aid. While many adults found him him strange or somewhat charming, the children flocked to the kindly old man. A former healer, he spent his time either taking care of the children or telling his strange stories that always brought a smile. According to Diego, the old man took him in after Diego questioned the entire point of the Alliance/Horde conflict and just some of the things that adults just accepted (or resigned) as just being how life was. The old man took Diego and advised him to "never lose that spark of his." To the old man, children being blank slates, questioning matters and having an unbridled curiosity were what helped throughout the world.

Becoming a Paladin certainly helped Diego in terms of finding a pupose of life and channel his good nature into a constructive means, but he certainly found himself questioning himself. While insecurities has always been something he combated it, it wasn't in his faith he had trouble in. Diego smiled fondly, recalling a conversation with a Tauren Sunwalker he met when both had to rely on one another to survive a nasty storm. Perhaps it was that talk that stirred Diego's sense in hiis Paladinship, or at least where he gets the Light from. Considering how the Tauren follow the Sun after talking with the Night Elves and their moon Goddess, its probably why he took this job in the first place.

Diego followed the High Priestess up the marble ramp around the massive tree. He did feel a sense of peace and calm he hadn't felt in a while. "It's very beautiful here," he commented, taking in the entrity of the temple before he found himself in what appeared to be High Priestess Tyrande's persona room. He admired her war regalia and wondered what the immortal lady saw in her life time. However, recalling her words of hospiality, he turned to her, a look of surprise on his face.

"This is your room, your highness. Are you saying that I will be staying here?" he asked, very veyr surprised.
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