Pokemon Master [ Bear & SethElwood ]

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In the world of Pokemon, a young adult and choose a pokemon that could be your companion in the world. Just recently, the laws had changed due to some terrible occurrences with the young age of trainers to begin with. The starting age of a trainer had been raised from the tender age of 10 to a more reasonable age of sixteen, when a person was not only able to defend themselves but mature enough to properly care for these rather powerful beasts.

And because of this new law, Cheyenne had been in almost physical pain waiting on her birthday, because she knew that the day she turned of age she would start her Pokemon journey. She had a goal that was much like Ash Ketchum's -- to become a Pokemon master. SHe'd had everything planned out already, from the pokemon she would choose as her starter to begin her adventure.

The sun had barely risen when she'd left her home, a smile plastered on her face and her violet eyes gleaming like polished jewels. She'd dressed in typical trainer wear - a skirt, shirt, and comfortable shoes. The trek to Professor Oak's residence seemed shorter than usual, mostly because she ran the entire way there, but also because her excitement was too hard to contain. Chey didn't feel the butterflies until she'd entered his lab, staring at the slab that held pokeballs.

She was wringing her fingers as she approached, staring at the simple red and white balls. Her future lay in one of those, the pokemon that she would use to start off on her fun. She could barely hear Oak as he ran through all of the preliminaries that he had to do with each trainer, explaining the care for the Pokemon and how to fight a battle properly... Finally, she heard the words she'd had to wait an extra 6 years for -- choose your pokemon.

She bit her lip, looking from Oak to the collection. "I choose you," She grabbed the pokeball with a small flame emblem on it, "Charmander."
As most people know, pokemon are strange and wonderful creatures. With the ability to be turned into data they are stored in the pokeball. When Cheyenne chose the fire type Charmander, she unknowingly chose a rather hard headed pokemon. Out from the pokeball cane the orange-red pokemon appeared with a happy, "Char!" He was happy and yet weary of his new master.

Oak smiled and began to explain a little about the fire type. "Charmander the flame pokemon." He began. "This little hot head is very difficult to train but if you can form the bond, they are loyal and dependable partners. Good choice."
From the moment that her new companion had come from his pokeball, Cheyenne was head over heels for him. He was absolutely adorable, with colors that reminded her of a sunset and a personality that was already so apparent, though he wasn't any different from other pokemon when it came to speech.

"Hello, Charmander." She greeted, giving him a soft smile, "I have waited so long to meet you." She got down on a knee and opened her arms to him, "We have so many adventures waiting for us, so what do you say? I'll need your help to become a pokemon master..."
Charmander looked at her as she opened her arms. "Char?" He questioned. Then he turned away from her a little. Like Oak had said he wanst about to just let her push him around. If she wanted his help she would have to earn it. One way or another.

Oak laughed a little bit. "See i told you. They are hard headed." He gave her her pokedex. "Now remember, there are dangerous pokemon out there. You have to train your new companion."
Her smile fell just a little bit when the small creature turned away from her, treating her like she wasn't worthy of his time. It was part of who a charmander was to be stubborn and obstinate, but she'd expected to have... She didn't know. Some sort of immediate bond? Oh well. She had read about it all in her research and knew that it would be worth it to gain his trust.

"Yes, I'd heard all about that. I think he and I will learn to be such good friends." She said, offering the charmander a smile even though he didn't seem to want to do anything with her. "Come now, Charmander, let's see what we can find." She attached the pokeball to her waistband and started off towards the door, "If you want adventure, you should follow me. I won't make you do anything... I just hope you're not too scared to leave this nice, safe lab..." She added that last bit as a taunt, smirking just a bit as she pushed open the door.
Charmander watched as she walked away. Was she going to let him walk around? This was new. Most of the time Oak left him in the pokeball. She added the last taunt and he ran after her. He was determined to prove he wasnt scared. "Charmander!" He roared though it came out as more of a sqeack.

Once outside he started to look around this world was new to him. He was taked from the daycare right into the lab. So all of this was different. He didnt know this vast place and he was eager to see it. He followed close behind as they walked. He started to sing to himslef. "Char. Char. Char." He said with each step. He lookex up at his trainer. Who was she? Was she nice? Would she hurt him? There were so many questions. But that was the adventure.
The taunt had worked well in convincing her pokemon to follow, the poor thing having to run to catch up with her. In all honesty, it was a rather adorable thing at this stage, barely able to fight and adorably sized. But when it evolved it would become steadily more fearsome until eventually it would be the might Charizard. The beast would be worth the baby.

"They say you can find wild pokemon in grass areas." She spoke to the charmander even though she knew it wouldn't matter much to him as long as she treated him fairly. Cheyenne led the way into the grasses towards the nearest town, on the lookout for anything besides her and charmander that moved. "Be careful, charmander. I don't know what's out here..."
Her words of caution meant nothing to the small Charmander. He was the descendent of the mighty Charzard. He knew where he had came from. Following his trainer into the tall grass. "Char!" He growled as something moved.

Out from the grass appeared a wild Pidgy. The small bird glared at the two of them. Charmander looked at it with an angry look. How dare this little bird glare at him. He was going to be a Charzard. "Charmander!" He looked at his trainer waiting for her to tell him to fight.
There was first a small rustle in the grass, then suddenly a flurry of feathers and an angry bird burst from the grass. Cheyenne sprung back, shocked but not afraid. Her Charmander was just as cool as if he were a water pokemon, standing tall and ready to fight. There was an awkward pause as she struggled to think of what to tell him.

It was her first fight, after all.

"Charmander, go!" She assured him, motioning towards the Pidgey, "Use scratch!"
Charmander lunged forward and scratched the small bird. She wasnt all that bad. Though this was her first battle, she commanded him like a pro. His tail burst with flame. He was excited. This first battle was going to be his ticket inti evolving.

The wild Pidgy took the hit but was still able to fight. "Pi!" It yelled aas it scratched at charmander. It had the look like he wasnt strong enough.
Even as a start pokemon, he was a good one. He lunged forward with confidence and made a good strike against the Pidgey, but it didn't want to go down without a fight. She sucked in her breath sharply as the pidgey struck back, an attack on her poor pokemon that didn't hurt him much.

"Again, Charmander! He's weak!" She insisted, knowing that the pidgey was far outmatched by companion, "Just one more strike will do it!"
With new found confidence Charmander lunged again striking the pidgy with a hard hit. It went down and Charmander felt stronger. Luke this battle made him better, more experienced. "Char!" He squealed in happiness. He went and turned to his new master. "Char charmander char!" He hugged her leg. Then he turned and stuck his tongue out at the pidgy.
Cheyenne did a small leap in the air, pumping her fist in victory at such a small thing. The Pidgey was defeated and her Charmander was the victor of its first battle. "You did it, Charmander! I'm so proud of you!" She bent down to her knee and hugged him, kissing his forehead. "Do you believe me now when I say we have so many adventures ahead of us?"
Charmander hugged her and smiled. Then he blushed a little his skin tone turning more red. "C-char.." he said in a meek voice. Then she mentioned their adventures. "Charmander!" He smiled and nodded at her. The he licked her cheek. He was a little more receptive of her now. But he wasnt ready to give full control over to her. She still had to earn that.
It wasn't much, but it was progress beyond what she had been having before. "C'mon, you know you are enjoying this as much as I am." She stated, taking off into the grass with far more confidence than she'd had before, disappointed that there seemed to be nothing more important lurking nearby. "Well, that was anticlimactic," She stated, crossing her arms as she came through the edges of the grass, frowning just a bit. "Is there anywhere you'd like to go? We can't very well go to a gym with no experience."
Felt the same with no other opponents in the area he felt discouraged. "Char.." he slumped a little. When they walked out of the grass he was sad. "Char.." he shook his head. Though he was going to be a Charzard. He was still young. When she asked him where he wanted to go his head picked up. He thought a moment before sprinting off. He ran and looked back. "Charmander!" He yelled as he waved for her to follow. There was talk in the pokemon world that there was a training spot with plenty of wild pokemon. Most of them being bug type which gave him an advantage.
Her pokemon picked the way this time, head off towards the woods where bug pokemon were abundant. "Good idea," She followed him, careful to keep close to him just in case a pokemon would jump out. The first that they encountered didn't come from the grass, but instead from above. Chey let out a small shriek of fear at the buzzing as a Beedrill descended, angry and ready for the attack. "Charmander, go!"
Charmander ran in and stood ready to battle. "Charmander char!" He squeaked. He felt strong enough to take on that beedril. "Charmander!" He yelled getting its attention. He wasnt about to be ignored. He then awaited her command.
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