The Fairy and the Guardian (Starring Frogger and CaptainNexus616)


Apr 17, 2014
Many do not remember the dark days, before the time of Zeref the dark wizard or the fearsome dragon Archegolia. Lost to the slow decay of time there was once a period where mankind was not at the top of the foodchain.

A mansion was currently lit ablaze as various wizards clad in dark robes were about killing any they found and destroying all in their path. A blood red skull badge keeping their cloaks pinned in place.

A time where man was at war with an inhuman force.

"There is one fleeing into the crypts! Stop her!" a dark wizard shouted as a figure was seen forcing the gates open and hurrying inside to safety.

A time where man needed an inhuman force to defeat it.

Panicked footsteps moved down the stairs as the black key dangled around the neck of a 12 year old girl. The sounds of her pursuerers not far behind.

Listen to me, my dear daughter. Here on my death bed heed my final words. Should this day I speak of ever come. When all light is gone, the hour is at its darkest, when there is no hope for your survivial. Enter the lowest chamber within the family crypts.

Reaching the bottom of the steps the girl entered a large chamber with the only item present was a large black coffin with multiple chains wrapped around with a large padlock in the center.

There resides our family's greatest secret and the key to your salvation

The words her father spoke of a year ago would ring through her mind as the sound of the attackers drew close. If this young woman chose to heed her father's final words she must open the coffin before it was too late.
A quick glance over the shoulder revealed a pair of blue eyes, wide and fearful. Pieces of gold fell against the girl's pale cheeks, having escaped her twin pigtails. Daddy... I'm scared... Genesis shoved her tiny body against the gate and, with a groan of protest, it opened just enough to let her through. A mansion -her home- was lit ablaze... destroying everything she knows, everything the little girl cares about. Her parents didn't die that way, no, she knows better... but she cannot help hoping they are alive somehow, and have managed to escape.

Fear pounded in her chest, urging the poor girl on. A black key dangled around her neck, bouncing with her every step. Genesis reached a hand up, gripping onto it as she began running down the stairs. “Should this day I speak of… ever come… when… when all light is gone, the hour is at… its darkest…” she repeated under her breath, reciting from memory the words Father said nearly a year ago.

“When there is no hope for… for my survival… Enter… the lowest chamber within… the family crypts…” Genesis slipped into a large chamber, the only thing present being a large black coffin. Her fingers gripped tighter onto the key.

This has to be it… A hand reached out, tracing along a chain.. slowly tracing it to the padlock, which she looked at for a long moment. Of course time is running out, but… what could this thing possibly have that will make things all better?

Genesis nearly jumped out of her skin as a cry rang out, breaking the silence.

Eyes wide, fear once again making her heart beat faster, Genesis looked at the coffin… and with a determined set to her lips, she shoved the key into the padlock, twisting it with both hands.

Whatever is inside will be unleashed… and hopefully, it will be like what Father told her so long ago.
The moment the key turned a gust of air was released from the coffin's seal as the chains rattled and came undone falling to the ground in a heap all around the black box. Before Genesis could see what was hidden within, a person clearing their throat was heard behind her. "Lookie what we have here." standing before the only exit to the crypt was six men all dressed in black with the skull pin keeping their hooded cloaks in place.

"Yeah a poor little girl lost in the crypts." one of the men laughed drawing closer to the 12-year old girl. "Are you lost squirt?" this brought forth another chuckle from the group moving closer and closer to the child. "Don't worry we'll make sure you get to your mommy."

The men were nearly upon her as something occurred. A hissing sound suddenly cut through the dark silence of the room. The sounds of something moving as chains ripped free of the coffin each have a claw on the end. The wizards couldn't react in time as the chains grabbed them forcefully slamming them against the wall. The lid of the coffin sliding off with a heavy thud crashing down onto the ground.

Something emerged from the coffin, with the chains attached to its body. Emitting a glowing green aura, cloaked in a red cape with glowing green eyes. Then the figure's eyes turned to the little blonde haired girl. "Are you the one that released me?" a deep voice asked the little girl.
“No!” Genesis stumbled back from the men, a fierce determination blazing in the girl’s blue eyes. Panic was fluttering inside her chest… telling her that she should run, that she should hide somewhere out of sight, but… no, she can’t, she just can’t. “I’m not lost! Leave me alone, you big bully!” she yelled at the black-robed men, fingers curling into the oversized white shirt she chose to wear for bed… just half an hour before the men decided to attack.

A hissing sound suddenly cut through the silence… chains falling onto the floor… only for the chains to fly out, wrapping around the wizards, slamming them against the wall. Genesis screamed, eyes wide, stumbling back just as a heavy thud rang out, the lid of the coffin having crashed onto the ground.

Something… emerged from the coffin, the chains attached to it. Her heart racing, pounding, really, Genesis was about to run, hide… something, anything… but the green aura caught her attention, as did a red cape. It is her favorite color… “Are you the one that released me?” a deep voice asked, and the girl blinked, focusing on green eyes that were not unlike the aura in color. Tears stung the back of her eyes, however, she managed to swallow the lump in her throat and lift her chin.

“Y-Yeah… What about it?” Genesis declared, pouting while looking to him with watery blue eyes... but with a sort of bravado that most would find impressive for someone so young. Her fingers curled into the shirt again… trembling in the cloth, and she was trembling, too… it didn’t stop her, though.
So it was time once more for his service to be needed. Eyes turned to the wizards he restrained by his chains, the need to murder easy to see in each of them. With a growl the being slammed them onto the ground hard knocking each man out as his chains detached from them reeling back into the confines of his cape. Moving out of his coffin the figure slowly approached the girl standing right before her easily standing at 6'4 and towering over Genesis. The aura coating his body providing illumination in the darkness as he gazed down at the small child.

Then the cape parted and the figure kneeled before her in the manner of a knight. "Greetings my master." the figure spoke with his head bowed. "I am Azrael. The guardian of your family."
Master? Genesis looked between him and the fallen men, torn, confused, and above all else... just not sure what to think. A few pieces of gold managed to escape the girl's pigtails, framing her features... not to mention the blue eyes that lifted to look at him. Guardian? None of it makes sense... or does it? "I want Daddy..." she declared after a little while, her lip quivering as tears pooled in the corner of her eyes. "Where's my Daddy? I want... I want my Daddy!" Genesis sniffled and rubbed at her face, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.

Of course, she is never to be reunited with her parents again, except in her dreams... or in some cases, her nightmares.
And so it begins once more A man with a long white beard narrated flipping the pages of his book. "A guardian awakened at the call of a soul in need of aid. Their path would be long, dangerous, and filled with more peril than most souls have seen. he said turning the page to show a flaming inferno with piercing red eyes amongst the flames. Another page turned to show a group cloaked in black with a red skull. However this is not a path our protagonists will walk alone. He said stopping on the page of a particular guild mark appearing behind a blonde haired woman and a tall figure cloaked in red with glowing green eyes as dozens of others stood behind them. "So it begins again he spoke with a sigh.

-Seven Years Later-
The sounds of frantic screaming were heard as helpless children were forcefully separated from their parents and corralled into separate cages. Buildings lit ablaze in the helpless town that fell pray to the infamous Cackling Jackals. A dark guild that was infamous for taking on jobs from a large selection of slavers and less than pleasant people seeking new subjects for experimentation.

Small villages were known to vanish overnight by this group of skilled maniac oriented wizards. The Jackals made sure to waste not any product of value. Children fetched higher prices for their longevity and long term investments. Males as soldiers and workers. Women as breeders and concubines. However the elderly had no value for their age and frail structure. So they were rounded up and brought to the center of town, where they would be disposed off properly.

This dark guild was gaining infamy throughout the lands of Fiore. It was reaching the point other countries fearing these strings of abductions would grow. The Jackals greatest mistake however was their pride. Each time they took the innocent away from their home they left their signature amongst the dead. Their guild seal on proud display to the authorities that arrived too late each time. It had drawn the ire of many seeking to make these monsters pay.

The Jackals loading the remaining product into the cages preparing for departure were unprepared for what their fate would yield. Screams rung out as the Jackals preparing to dispose of the elders were beaten into unconsciousness. It was quite unfortunate for this band of slavers for hire, for they had began to become predictable in their actions. The Jackals guarding the perimeter began to panic as they were slowly picked off. Predictable enough for one politician who's favorite mistress had relatives living in this family.

Enough persuasion can make any man set up a reasonable solution to a woman's concerns. The members of the Cackling Jackals watched as a figure emerged from the flames. For now the members of this dark guild had gained the attention the predators who specialize in neutralizing this kind of prey. Fire streaking across his red cape as his glowing green eyes glared at his foes. There had to be thirty of them, all strong and no doubt skilled in their craft to the verge of perfection.

The Jackals knew all to well who this individual was. The cape parted revealing his body all muscle covered in a tight black suit with a white v shapped detail on his torso with spiked red gloves and boots. This was one of the two Hunters, those who hunted Dark Guilds as their job "My master!" Azrael's voice boomed out to Genesis. "What are your orders!" he requested. His cloak moving and about as if it was made of nothing but fire. Chains writhing in front of him with spikes and claws at the end of them.
From that moment on, Genesis was taken into his custody. Over the years, her memories blurred around the edges, time playing its part and making it to where the horror was not so… razor sharp, however… she never forgot entirely. Of course she can’t ever forget how terrified she was… or the blood red skull badge the wizards wore on their black robes… but at least the crackling flames didn’t haunt her dreams, or how the blood splattered across the floor. It gave her a sense of purpose. If these wizards decided to hunt down her family… what other families did they slaughter, did they kill in the dead of night? What dreadful things have they done… and for what reason? Every question had to have an answer… and she was determined to get her answers, one way or another.

Terrified screams echoed through the air, helpless children torn from their parents in some way, shape or form.

Buildings were lit ablaze, much like that fateful night seven years ago… and people were in cages, the flames reflecting in their eyes… causing shadows to dance over the horror written all over their faces. The Crackling Jackals, a dark, infamous guild, are known to take on jobs of this nature… but… this is too much. Small villages have vanished overnight. Children were sold to the highest bidder, men as soldiers and workers.

Women, on the other hand… became nothing more than… than… Genesis didn’t let her thoughts go any farther, knowing fully well what will happen. Dark blue eyes studied the scene, watching as several men threw the last villagers into cages. Others prepared to dispose of the elders, beating every single one unconscious first. From everything she had seen, this group has become… predictable, overly confident… which will lead to their downfall. Don’t they realize that with power comes powerful enemies?

Don’t rush in… I just have to wait for him to break through their ranks, then I can step in myself… Genesis lingered in the shadows, making sure to stay out of sight. It wouldn’t be any good if she was caught and dragged into this mess… Her arms crossed, one leg went over the other, her impatience and displeasure shining bright. Her long, golden hair was pulled up in a high ponytail, cascading down in a rich waterfall to the small of her back, kept in place by a blue ribbon.

No longer a young girl of twelve, Genesis has matured into a young woman at nineteen. At five foot eleven, she is tall, with a curvy, somewhat slender figure most girls envy. Her fingers tapping out an impatient rhythm, her dark blue eyes ventured out to the wizards… a scowl settling over her features once again. Come on… Hurry up… A sigh left her lips. It’s hard enough, watching everything happen right before her very eyes… but to do nothing? Excruciating. Absolutely… positively… agonizing. How much longer does he expect her to wait?

A figure emerged from the flames… gaining every eye within a twenty foot radius. Fire ate at his red cape, and his green eyes were glowing amidst the crackling orange inferno. Underneath the cape he had on a tight black suit with white detailing. “My master!” he called out, summoning her from the shadows. “What are your orders?” he requested. Genesis frowned, tilting her head towards him. “How many times must I tell you to call me by name?” she grumbled, letting out an aggravated sigh.

In a pair of blue jean shorts, a green tank top, and a blue jacket buttoned to right below her breasts… she was certainly a sight. “Round them up,” Genesis told the man, having her arms crossed still. “Make sure they can’t escape. I want to ask these guys questions before we hand them over to the authorities.”
"As you command." Azrael stated towards Genesis as he slowly stalked forward. The wizards slightly trembling held their ground as what appeared to be a nightmare personified moved closer. Step after step of impending doom as those soul piercing green eyes glared at its prey knowing it was apex predator. The first wizard to react was a fire mage, screaming as he unleashed fireball after fireball at Azrael foolishly believing his fire would have a different effect compared to the inferno. The attack declared the beginning of the battle and the end of it. In an instant Azrael was upon them in a blur of his red mantle bringing his fist down upon the fire mage that dared to attack him. Sending the foolish soul into sweet darkness as his unconscious form fell to the ground in a heap.

Several more where next all experts in the use of Gun magic. Rifles and pistols all loaded with anti-personal rounds opened fire in a rain of bullets. Each fired with precision impacting the figure in his torso, arms, and even in the head directly; but he did not move from his spot as glowing green blood seeped from the bullet holes for a brief second as the injuries began to close up leaving no marks behind. To dumbfounded to reload they were not ready for what would happen next With a growl and a magic circle appearing around his hand Azrael raised up his own arm to reveal a magic rifle of his own. With a squeeze of the trigger the Jackal gunmen were assaulted with lighting rounds stunning the men and causing them to drop their weapons and fall to the ground squirming and twitching in pain.

The rifle vanished as Azrael's eyes turned to the 10 men armed with blades that charged forward towards him. Chains shot out from underneath his cape as the men approached and were assaulting the would be attackers. Ten men attempted to battle the multiple chains whipping about, slashing at each link in a never ending supply of metal as their swords grew dull and their bodies fatigued. Then with one chain longer then the others it swept the feet out from the men allowing the others to beat the Jackals into submission.

Panic began to form as Azrael stepped over the fallen forms of those he had defeated. Their numbers nearly halved in such a short period, panic erupted from the remaining men. Already some began to flee climbing atop the wagons with their hostages. A bold attempt if it were not for a sudden green flash and before them was the monster they now feared strands of his cape shooting out towards the men and wrapping around their necks reeling them in close to their attacker's masked face. "You have two options." Azrael stated his voice dark and his wrath evident through the controlled the tone he spoke in. "Surrender or join those on the ground in pain." the words backed as a eerily green glow coated Azrael. Some began to cry, one actually wet himself in terror, the others whimpered in defeat before they were thrown to the ground.

Moving towards the wagons his fingers sharpened into talons as he sliced the locks on the wagons free before opening the gates. The Jackals still conscious thought that maybe they could gain the upper hand now that Azrael's back was turned. Instead the figure grasped something from the wagon and threw it to the men and women of the Cackling Jackals. It was a box of cuffs, the same magic restraining handcuffs they carried in excess to capture individuals non-wizard and wizard alike. "Restrain yourselves or I will remove your arms instead." Azrael ordered as he continued to open the wagons freeing the people.

One hesitated and even scoffed ignoring the fear in his heart before those green eyes turned sharply towards him. In no time at all those that remained conscious of the dark guild in their fear and panic had bound themselves in the handcuffs they used to steal the freedom of others away. "It is done." Azrael said with a nod of his head as he moved to stand by Genesis's side.
An eye opened, light reflecting off the deepest blue. Within the depths is hints of other colors, green and purple and, surprisingly enough, silver right around the pupil. Genesis let her arms fall, both hands resting on her hips. This will not last long. Azrael is… a demon, in the eyes of his enemies… which isn’t too far from the truth, really. In fact… she has no idea what he is. In the beginning, she didn’t ask this important question… mostly because the wizards in black were still coming after her, and partly because it kept slipping her mind. It’s to be expected of a twelve-year-old girl. Problem is… as she got older, the question lost its relevance… and quite honestly, she grew to not care. Azrael is Azrael, plain and simple. Does it really matter what he is? In the end, he is protecting her… and helping her find the people who killed her parents.

Gunshots broke her line of thought, making Genesis focus on the battle taking place. It was nothing too exciting. From what she can tell, there were several wizards that use Gun Magic, and several others that can use swords, or some kind of blade. It’s not as though it’d help them any, though… A hand lifting in order to brush aside pieces of gold from her eyes, Genesis let her thoughts drift off… lingering on that fateful night. Flames flickered against inky black… and smoke curled skyward, whimsical and without purpose. Her eyes drew to a close… dark blue hiding from the world as she let herself… draw not only strength, but other things from the memory. It is this that moves her forward. If it wasn’t for her not knowing… she would never be able to put one foot in front of the other. Their deaths will not be in vain, no… their deaths will not be left unpunished.

“It is done.” Genesis tilted her head towards him, once again crossing her arms. A disgruntled sort of frown was along her lips, not a hint of a smile or anything remotely softer that is better suited for one such as herself. “Hm,” she replied, moving to approach the captured wizards. “You are known as the Crackling Jackals… thirsty for money and blood, it seems.” Not all that interested, Genesis studied her nails for a moment before continuing on. “All I want are answers. Give me that much, and I might spare your pathetic lives… maybe.”

Of course, that isn’t the case… and it will never be. Their deaths are inevitable. Genesis will give the word, and their deaths will be swift… that is, if she wants it to be. “Do you know of a guild… that wears black robes, with a blood red skull as a badge?” the girl spoke at last, her dark blue eyes going from one person to the next. Every word was given carefully… and had a touch of something… dangerous lurking under the surface. “Heard any rumors? Know any tales?” Genesis began to pace in front of the gathered people, fingers tapping out an impatient rhythm against her bicep. “Well?” A quick glance over her shoulder, and she focused on one person, who had a frightened look in their eye. Perhaps they can give her some answers...
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