Dane Stalling
- Joined
- Mar 10, 2014
- Location
- Midwest

Welcome Visitors!
I like to RP with female partners that are accomplished writers and can twist a plot. I appreciate some give and take in driving a story, and I'll get bored if all your character does is "Yeah, what he said."
I'm most comfortable with modern and historical settings, realistic situations (okay- somewhat realistic situations) and fairly normal, smart people. I'm going to disappoint you if you want me to play a character that someone else made up. I'm pretty good at creating dynamic, realistic characters and I don't need help in that area. In historical stories, I love to get lost in the diction and language of the day.
If you're into doing deep background on potential partners, you can see a modern story thread here. I'm also writing historical and steampunk styles or if you have time to spare, I have some stories up on Literotica.
I'm a straight male and I play the role convincingly. Anything else is going to be a crapshoot. (Oddly, my writing comes out 60-80% female at genderanalyzer.com. I'll be okay with it after some chocolate and a good cry.)
I don't have a bunch of numbered rules, but use common sense. I like most of the things most people like and I dislike most of the things most people dislike.
I enjoy developed characters, banter, creative situations and settings. I read everything from Shakespeare to Anaïs Nin to Ray Bradbury. I have a soft spot in my heart for nerds and geeks. They are my people.
Creating pairings is highly cooperative, and I will tend to subvert (read: ruin) any stock plot that I see developing. If I ever agree to another prof/student story, it's not going to be blowjobs for extra credit. I have too much respect for my partners and myself to phone in a tired old plot like that. If you write with me, we'll be creating something new. With that in mind, here are a few characters I've enjoyed writing and some that would be interesting to tackle for the first time:
Modern (20th and 21st Century)
Photographer, Tattoo Artist, Professor/Teacher, Student, Detective, CEO, Restaurant Reviewer, Publisher, Actor, Graphic Designer, Security Guard, Corporate Heir, Neighborhood Oddball, Programmer, Hacker, Musician, Lighting Tech, Writer (duh), Mechanic, Single Dad, Poet, Importer, Bodyguard, Nerd, Iconoclast, Soldier, etc.
Historical and Steampunk (these are only different in the trappings)
Shipping Magnate/Heir, Musician, Poet, Inventor, Hunchback, Clown, Sharpshooter, Blacksmith, Knife Thrower, Illusionist/Magician, Aerialist, Carnie, Doctor, Quack, Con Man, Lord, Pirate, Thief, Actor, Royalty, Explorer, Pioneer, Sailor, Locomotive Engineer, Tinker, Architect, etc.
Your character can be anything that fits with any of the above (or someone that doesn't fit... what if your character was a successful CEO and mine was a professional clown? What would that look like?) We'll talk about it and discover our story.
Let's stick to threads, PMs or email. My time zone (UTC+2) rarely matches up with my partners, so anything in real time is tricky. I have a real life and I'm mostly a once-a-week guy. I try to make it count. The story will dictate the length of post, but I find that less than two paragraphs probably won't give you enough to work with. I'll post 11 paragraphs if the story needs it.
I'm not taking new stories right now.
I like to RP with female partners that are accomplished writers and can twist a plot. I appreciate some give and take in driving a story, and I'll get bored if all your character does is "Yeah, what he said."
I'm most comfortable with modern and historical settings, realistic situations (okay- somewhat realistic situations) and fairly normal, smart people. I'm going to disappoint you if you want me to play a character that someone else made up. I'm pretty good at creating dynamic, realistic characters and I don't need help in that area. In historical stories, I love to get lost in the diction and language of the day.
If you're into doing deep background on potential partners, you can see a modern story thread here. I'm also writing historical and steampunk styles or if you have time to spare, I have some stories up on Literotica.
I'm a straight male and I play the role convincingly. Anything else is going to be a crapshoot. (Oddly, my writing comes out 60-80% female at genderanalyzer.com. I'll be okay with it after some chocolate and a good cry.)
I don't have a bunch of numbered rules, but use common sense. I like most of the things most people like and I dislike most of the things most people dislike.
I enjoy developed characters, banter, creative situations and settings. I read everything from Shakespeare to Anaïs Nin to Ray Bradbury. I have a soft spot in my heart for nerds and geeks. They are my people.
Creating pairings is highly cooperative, and I will tend to subvert (read: ruin) any stock plot that I see developing. If I ever agree to another prof/student story, it's not going to be blowjobs for extra credit. I have too much respect for my partners and myself to phone in a tired old plot like that. If you write with me, we'll be creating something new. With that in mind, here are a few characters I've enjoyed writing and some that would be interesting to tackle for the first time:
Modern (20th and 21st Century)
Photographer, Tattoo Artist, Professor/Teacher, Student, Detective, CEO, Restaurant Reviewer, Publisher, Actor, Graphic Designer, Security Guard, Corporate Heir, Neighborhood Oddball, Programmer, Hacker, Musician, Lighting Tech, Writer (duh), Mechanic, Single Dad, Poet, Importer, Bodyguard, Nerd, Iconoclast, Soldier, etc.
Historical and Steampunk (these are only different in the trappings)
Shipping Magnate/Heir, Musician, Poet, Inventor, Hunchback, Clown, Sharpshooter, Blacksmith, Knife Thrower, Illusionist/Magician, Aerialist, Carnie, Doctor, Quack, Con Man, Lord, Pirate, Thief, Actor, Royalty, Explorer, Pioneer, Sailor, Locomotive Engineer, Tinker, Architect, etc.
Your character can be anything that fits with any of the above (or someone that doesn't fit... what if your character was a successful CEO and mine was a professional clown? What would that look like?) We'll talk about it and discover our story.
Let's stick to threads, PMs or email. My time zone (UTC+2) rarely matches up with my partners, so anything in real time is tricky. I have a real life and I'm mostly a once-a-week guy. I try to make it count. The story will dictate the length of post, but I find that less than two paragraphs probably won't give you enough to work with. I'll post 11 paragraphs if the story needs it.
I'm not taking new stories right now.
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