Ariana at the Elysian [SarneAlK x darkest_fate]


May 8, 2015
The night in San Javier was better than the daytime; you could actually feel the seabreeze against your skin and the sun didn't beat down and chase you into the water. It was especially perfect for a cigar, rum, and a girl to enjoy. At present, Pierre Murat had only two of those things, though there were always options on his phone or on his staff.

He'd created the Elysian as a relaxation and pleasure paradise, and it had a solid reputation as a place people could get away with just about anything. Above the law in his domain, he traded location and luxury for near-infinite tourist dollars. And occasionally, celebrities would enter his domain. In this case, the young Ariana Grande had found her way to his island. Extinguishing his cigar and setting his drink aside for now, he stood and moved inside the luxe penthouse.

One good thing about the tropics was they kept you lean; Murat was no exception, spending time on workouts and keeping things simple, giving him a body that he currently showed off with an open white shirt and shorts. He looked a wealthy patron, but the owner liked to move about unnoticed except by people who knew.

Minutes later, he arrived at Ariana's suite door with a package in hand. A new bathing suit branded for the Elysian, navy. A silk sheer cover-up. Some massage oils. Coupons for free everything. The full celebrity treatment. His Haitian accent infused his voice as he knocked lightly, smiling through the peephole. "It's Pierre, Miss Ariana. I am here to welcome you for your stay."
Gah, was this trip something that Ariana needed just desperately. She'd been working nonstop for, like, ever at this point. All the performing and recording and press interviews and her new stint on that one show. It all was just all kinds of overwhelming. So when she'd gotten the invite to the Elysian, this one of a kind relaxation destination where you could get literally everything you ever wanted to chill out and just enjoy yourself? Yeah, Ariana would've teleported there if she'd had the chance. Unfortunately, technology had not quite caught up to the whims of teenage pop stars just yet, so Ariana had to settle for the much longer way.

The pretty young thing had arrived with all the pomp and circumstance a diva should. There had been a near whirlwind as she brought in her luggage and talked to the various employees to get everything situated. Yes, she had reserved a room: not just a room, the room, the best room they had, and the sooner she got it, the happier everyone would be. She'd been hustled right along, the smiles and the "ma'am's" doing wonders for her disposition.

The place helped too. Elysian really lived up to its reputation: all warm and tropical. There were palm trees and a beach practically shoved up against the resort proper. How cool was that? and that wasn't even taking into consideration all the tropic luxury that had greeted the petite performer upon her arrival. She'd practically been dancing by the time they'd showed her to her room. Ariana had wasted no time in flopping down onto the bed, reddish brown hair flying out around her. She looked every inch the teenager who'd stolen daddy's credit card to get away for a weekend. All five feet of her practically vibrated with excitement, from her perfectly trimmed and lightly painted little toes to the top of her expertly coiffed hair. Excitement shown in those dark eyes as she pushed herself upright, looking around the room. Each gestured caused her hair to flip around her shoulders, practically hitting her perky, yet small bust. Within moments she'd launched off the bed, taut abdomen muscles rippling with the motion. Years of dancing and performing had left Ariana with an exquisitely lean body, genetics and training only adding further to it.

This girl bounded up to the door as she heard the knock: "Coming!" she called in a sing-song. She didn't waste any time in opening the door. "Hello there!" she called, looking up at him. She met his eyes for a moment before falling on the stuff in his arms. "Oh wow, is this the whole VIP treatment thing they mentioned in the email? Because I totally wasn't expecting it."

This last was said in a way that clearly indicated just how much she was. The girl stood to the side, nodding and gesturing for the man to go right in, smiling all the while.
His answer was simple enough. "It most certainly is, Miss Grande. My name is Pierre Murat, and I am the owner of the beautiful Elysian. I attend to our most high-profile guests myself, and you are certainly one I had a personal interest in meeting. Very lovely, and very talented I think...and more beautiful in person!" He took her hand and gave it a courtly kiss, ever the apparent gentleman. In truth, a greedy one.

He smiled a bit, this flattery obviously a standard surface thing that he'd said to all of Ariana's pop rivals when they'd visited as well. Still, there was something a little less jaded about it all about this one, and that intrigued him just as much as the videos he'd seen. "I have brought you several things here..." He pulled out first the cover-up and the bikini. "Just in case someone takes a viral photo...we get the product placement. I'm teasing of course, but these are yours. We had them fitted already." He showed her the rest: frangipani oil, all the best care products from the gift-shop, tanning aids, and a VIP hotel card that would make all of her drinks, food, and other purchases free of charge.

"Now please, you may call me Pierre and I've taken the liberty of giving you my card. You may call for whatever you wish, and my penthouse is always open to you of course. there anything else I might help you with before you turn in or go out for the evening? Perhaps one of my famous massages? That was my first resort job, you know." He smiled; anything was possible of course, but he also saw in Ariana the doll she presented herself as and he wanted an opportunity with her.
Pierre Murat, the owner. Ariana had to smile as she heard those words. They sent the owner to attend to her? Personally? now that was definitely more like it. Plus, he kept showering her with compliments, only making her smile grow more and more. The whole kiss on the hand was really just the finishing move, drawing a giggle out of Ariana. She nodded and withdrew her hand as he continued, leaning over to take a look at everything. Part of her wondered if she should be so eager to put on outfits specifically with the resort local on them. That sounded like something that she needed to check with her handlers first...

but, well, he had provided quite a bit, inviting her, flattering her, giving her all these things. Ariana took them and eyed the bikini. It looked custom made, practically designed to fit her petite body almost too well. She lowered it as he continued, talking about his card and how his penthouse was open and how she could take full advantage. "A massage would be great!" Ariana said, smiling and nodding. "I should totally change into this first though, right?" She held up the bikini with one hand, giving it a little swing. "Just to advertise and all. Just hold on a minute and I'll totes get all ready!"

Ariana practically skipped off then, heading for a bathroom. It took her a matter of moments to shuck off what she'd been wearing, leaving it lay on the floor around her. There was no cleanliness or organization here: just pure teenage frivolity. She shimmied into the offered bikini in no time, sliding it over her lithe body. It cupped her breasts and offered a decent amount of cleavage, as well as clinging to her hard ass. Ariana spent a few more moments twisting her hair into the topknot pony tail that she so often favored, figuring that the more tanned skin she had bared, the better off they'd all be. Then it was a matter of slinging the wrap around her hips and getting her sandals back on her cute little feet.

"Ta da~" she sang out as she exited, lifting her arms wide and even giving Pierre a little spin. "It fits great, really, and I'm sure I look super hot," she pursed her lips to blow him a little kiss before giggling. Then her hands linked behind her back, pushing her breasts up a little bit while she looked up at him. "Soooo... masssssaaaage?" she asked, smiling a little. The thought of getting immediately pampered sounded all kinds of crazy appealing right now.
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