The Legend of Zelda - The Missing Link (Mystearica x Silverscar)


May 20, 2014
Lightning cracked and thunder bellowed as Impa's horse tore across the fields outside Hyrule Castle Town.

It had all happened in a flash; a dark and malevolent man driving a blade clear through king and throne... a brilliant violent light that simply hollowed out the guards, leaving nothing but hulking and autonomous wrought iron suits of armor... and those eyes, glittering with lust and gold as they turned onto the princess...

It was Impa that had grabbed her and a few of the last Sheikah that owed their loyalty to king and crown that had risen up before Ganondorf. It was by their sacrifice that Impa had the time to escape the castle with princess in tow.

And as they rode off into the dark, they were trailed. Trailing purest darkness and with a manic grin on his face, Ganondorf the warrior, the defiler, the king of evil followed them, and a boy in green, the same boy from the royal gardens, that had stood between them with blade and shield.

In another time, in another place Ganondorf would have kept going.

But here, his foul horse reared back, and cloven hoof came down like the final nail in a coffin. Splintered wood and bone, a flash of green and red and--

Zelda awoke with a start. Seven years had passed since that night. Seven years of those same ten minutes playing on a loop. Seven years of preparation. Seven years to become the hero Hyrule would need.

She rolled out of her bed and assessed the same little room she had lived in for years. It was an offshoot of a village in the mountains, a place that the Sheikah had called their home. She had spent many long hours here training, learning, readying for the trials ahead... and then like all those before her, Impa had left.

She had had a friend in that time, those six months of Impa's disappearance. Waiting for the day they would travel on the Forest Temple to begin the long process of expelling the King of Evil.

Zelda donned her own Sheikah clothes, grabbing needles and her whip chain. Along with it came her bow which she held across her shoulders. So prepared, Zelda headed out into the morning.

It was time to save the world.
The Princess will need your help Samara. See that she is kept safe and becomes the Hero that Hyrule needs

But Aunt Impa, why can't you do it? Why must you live us?

Have no fear, my niece. I shall return to you, in time...

The words had replayed in Samara's head since Impa had left her with the task of carrying for Zelda. They had trained together since Zelda had first arrived at the Sheikah village, fleeing with Impa from the ruins of the palace. It seemed that Ganondorf's attack had been more devastating than anyone had thought and it hadn't taken much for the new King of Hyrule to unleash his reign of terror on the lands. Many of the Sheikah had wanted to strike out, to fight, to do something but the elders would not allow it. Their faith was placed on Zelda and her abilities, while the Sheikah spread themselves out to gather any intel that might help in the journey ahead.

Now, seven years later, Samara stood outside the village. It was early in the morning still, the light of the rising sun just appearing on the horizon. Zelda wanted to leave early, not wanting any grand goodbyes. Since Impa's disappearance, goodbye's were not what the Princess needed now. What she needed was vengeance, a mission, something hard to hit. Or maybe that was just how Samara felt....

She was tall like her aunt and just as muscled. Her short, cropped hair was a brilliant silver shade, crimson eyes glaring out challengingly into the darkness. Light leather armor was pulled tight against her athletic form with a dark traveling cloak wrapped around her, hiding the longsword within the folds of the dark cloth. Pointed features only served to enhance the intense stare that Samara always seemed to hold. Relaxing was a foreign concept to the newly appointed bodyguard.

Hearing footsteps approaching, Samara's hand instinctively slipped beneath the holds of her cloak, even though she already knew who to expect as Zelda walked out past the gates. Approaching her, Samara gave a slight bow, her surprisingly soft voice speaking in a revered tone "Princess. We are ready to depart whenever you're ready"

Though they were friends, Samara took her position as bodyguard seriously, perhaps too much so
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