Settling the Debt (Starring Frogger and CaptainNexus616)


Apr 17, 2014
The war was over, the Life Fibers were defeated, Raygo Kiryuin and her supporters were vanquished, finally the old man known as Isshin Matoi could rest in peace. That said however there were still some debts that needed to be settled by the two young women that were responsible for this victory. Alexander Chase was many things, however if there was one for certain it was that he was a man of his word. In return for his original assistance in helping young Ms. Nevada Ash escape the perils of No-Tardy day she promised her services to him for an entire day, now he had more than planned to manipulate her into a week. But the events that transpired yielded an even grander opportunity.

Before Nevada could run away in his sister's TARDIS with the Kamui that turned human, she needed to pay his debt. Which required being his for an entire month, just like dear precious Reya. Sitting inside his penthouse overlooking Tokyo, Alexander waited patiently glancing down at his watch as the sun sat in the middle of the sky indicating it was currently noon. The young man glanced down at his watch peeking out from underneath the crimson bath robe he wore along with his boxers before a buzzing noise would be heard coming from the intercom.

"Reya." Alexander spoke up as the blonde turned from her current duties to look at her employer. "Please buzz, Ms. Ash in." he said to which the young woman nodded. For the moment he requested only Nevada's presence for what was about to occur. After all he didn't want his newest prize to get any attempts to back out by anyone else's words.

As Nevada stood before the apartment door it would open to reveal Reya standing before her. However what was most shocking was what the blonde was wearing or lack thereof. Standing before her Reya was dressed in only a short white apron with a maid's headpiece and long white stockings that went as high as her knees. "Welcome Nevada, come the master has been waiting for you." Reya spoke beckoning Nevada in and once the door was shut it was locked. Moving past Nevada to lead her through the penthouse, the young woman would catch sight of the tight black thong hugging Reya's generous backside.

Heading towards the lavish living room, Nevada would find Alex lounging in his bathrobe and boxers still like some kind of billionaire playboy in an armchair. "Ahh Nevada Ash." Alexander said rising from his seat, the loosely tied together robe revealing glimpses of his muscular legs and chest. "Welcome to my domain." he said in his charming sensual voice
...I’m getting a bad feeling about this… The war is over, said and done. Life Fibers are no longer an issue, Ragyo Kiryuin and her people dealt with accordingly. Thing is, though… Nevada still had a debt to pay. On No-Tardy Day, Alexander helped by saving her from certain death… and by helping the students lost in the maze to Honnouji Academy. A deal was struck for doing so: that she do something for him in return. It was fair enough. Not a big deal, really. Nevada didn’t see a problem with it. Now that debt has to be paid, though what exactly she will be doing for him, she has no idea. Well… he was about the same age as her, give or take. What could Alexander possibly come up with that she hasn’t already seen or done herself?

Dark brown eyes looked over the impressive piece of architecture that is his house, a bit in awe. Nevada swallowed the nerves fluttering about inside her chest, lifting a brow as she began to walk closer. Okay… I get why I’m here, but what can I possibly do for a guy who has everything? she had to wonder, noticing the impeccably styled garden, with pink, white, orange and yellow flowers, the tall, stained glass windows and everything else. Alexander has to have servants to do whatever his heart desires… so I don’t understand why… Brushing aside these lingering thoughts, Nevada rang the doorbell, tapping a foot while waiting.

No, correction. It wasn’t his house, but an older house renovated into an apartment complex of sorts. To be honest, though… it’s better than anything she’s seen, aside from the Three Stars’ division. Nevada turned her attention back to the door as it opened… only to blink at who was on the other side. “Reya?” she spoke, voice dripping in surprise… but not because of her appearance -which really wasn’t out of the ordinary anymore- but more because of WHAT she was wearing.

Is this Alexander’s fetish? Maids, scantily dressed? Light pink dusting over her features, Nevada dared to follow after the girl inside… glancing over her shoulder as the door was closed… and locked behind her. That isn’t very reassuring… Nevada wrinkled her nose this time, pulling in a deep breath to steady herself as she went through the hallway… having trouble keeping her eyes off of knee-high white socks, a tight black thong, and an apron that barely hides anything. Easy, there… I doubt Alexander is going to put me through anything remotely close to… this… I really, really doubt it. Reya is here to satisfy whatever sick, twisted fantasies of his… I’m in the clear… Right?

Of course, that wasn’t very reassuring. Nevada forced a smile on her face as she was greeted by the notorious charming young man, keeping her eyes on his face. “Hey… It’s nice to see you again,” she replied awkwardly, rubbing the back of her neck. “I’m here to repay the debt… Um… What can I do for you today?”
Alexander flashed another one of his charming smiles. "Ah straight to business like always Nevada. I like that quality in a woman. " the young man said knowing full well that Nevada was making a physical effort to keep her eyes focused on his face alone. He saw the blush that colored her face, no doubt from the sight of both himself and Reya. "Guess your not used to seeing things like this are you? A young man spending time with a woman barely wearing anything. No you are the one used to wearing less before others if I recall." Alexander said with a deep hypnotic chuckle that could make most girls weak in the knees from the resonating sound.

"Come with me my dear and we will discuss what it is you must do." Alexander said motioning for Nevada to follow him to his dining table as Reya returned with a clipboard with a piece of paper attached to it and a pen. Setting it down on the table Alexander smiled motioning to the seat in front of the clipboard as Reya pulled it out. "Please sit, Nevada." he gestured with a smile once the young woman was seated however instead of Reya pushing it back in place it was Alexander who did his form towering over Nevada in the process before stepping away. "I am glad you came to discuss our little deal Nevada." he began with his back to her as he walked to the other end of the table. "While I am pleased with the outcome of events, I am not a person who does things for free." he purred sitting down on the other end of the table with elbows propped against it.

"In return for my services you promised your own to me, now as to how you can repay it is listed there." a brief pass through the paper revealed its purpose. "It is a contract Ms. Ash, one that is binding between us both. In return for my aid Alexander Chase, in the defeat of Raygo Kiryuin, you Ms. Nevada Ash will pledge your service to me for one month in a series of ways through my various operations. You will do as I requested obediently. Unless agreed upon this contract will not end prematurely nor may you disclose what occurs during this time." Alexander said leaning forward. "What I want Nevada is purely simple, I want you. For one month to enjoy what it feels like to be a true woman serving under a man." he grinned. "You will be one of my maids here and required to do as I ask." the grin not leaving his face in the process as his blue eyes stared directly into Nevada's. Drawing her brown eyes in almost like a trance as he chuckled again.
“Ah…” Nevada isn’t used to seeing things like this, true… but isn’t it bad enough to point out that she has to be practically naked in order to fight against Life Fibers and Ragyo Kiryuin and everyone else? Within seconds, the light pink darkened along her features… bringing out the dark brown of her eyes, the full, kissable shape of her lips… among other details that no one normally notices at first glance. It didn’t help matters any that he was talking in… that tone of voice… “Yes, I suppose you can say that…” Nevada replied in a low murmur, afraid to meet his gaze out of embarrassment. Apparently she’s fine with wearing a perverted sailor uniform, but this -whatever this is-? Not so much.

Following him to the dining table, Nevada sat down in front of the clipboard… curious despite herself. Why the formalities? I don’t see any reason why I need to sign anything… Perhaps her earlier thoughts were closer to the mark than she realized… Nevada blinked as he pushed her seat in, tilting her head back and gazing into blue eyes that would make most girls swoon… and did things to her heart she didn’t know if she liked or not. “I figured as much,” she replied after a moment or two, needing the time for her to find the words. “I’m perfectly fine with returning the favor… It’s only fair, after all, and…” Nevada’s words drifted off as he began explaining the papers, though it did come as a surprise that instead of a week, as they discussed before, it was stretched to a month. Is it because we had to put it off for so long? she had to wonder, lifting the first page to read the next.

“Wait a second here,” Nevada threw out, bringing both hands up as she looked at him… only to find herself captured in blue once again. For a moment… she began to drown in their depths… fall into a trance, maybe… but luckily she managed to tear her gaze away before she was too far gone. “You want me… to… ‘enjoy what it feels like to be a true woman’? That makes no sense, Alexander. I’m fine with… doing what needs to be done, helping you around the house, that sort of thing, but… Let’s get one thing straight: please don’t try and do me any favors here… I’m repaying you for what you’ve done, yes, but that’s all. I… I’ll be a maid, I guess… I just… Is there any way I can wear something different than that?” Nevada indicated Reya with a nod of her head, the blush on her cheeks darkening as she thought about wearing a thong… and in plain view.
At the mention of wearing something different compared to the risqué attire of Reya did another sensual chuckle leave Alexander's lips. "No," he stated simply with a smile on his face. "The outfit you see Reya wearing is standard attire, you will wear one like it as well while you are performing your duties unless told otherwise." Alexander explained clearly. There would be no escaping from any portion of what he had in mind for this beautiful young woman before him. It was just the matter of ensuring she would sign the contract and fully commit herself to his plans. "You just said it yourself that you will become one of my maids for the month and the uniform is required of course." his smooth voice that melted the hearts of so many women before Nevada's spoke. "Do not worry while under contract you will not be forced into sexual intercourse." He said hoping to ease some of her hesitation.

However that was only part of the truth, there was still plenty he could make Nevada do. Plus the contract stated that Nevada would not be forced to have sex, but if she was more than willing to spread her legs then there would be no breach. That said Alexander knew without question that Nevada would not be willing right off the bat for his plans. He needed to weaken her first, open her heart to the sinful pleasure of lust before his real plans could begin. For that matter he would need Nevada's partner Jikan to truly weaken her resolve to his advantage.

"So I believe there you have it, you will obey my commands for an entire month and during this time you will not be forced into any sexual relations against your will. I have no intentions of raping anyone or allowing them to be raped." Alexander said pushing a pen forward. "Please sign, so we may begin. You will start the minute your name is on the paper." He said his eyes pulling her back into the same trance as before to sign the paper in front of her and begin the tenure as his maid.
No? Nevada tore her gaze away from his, her long, thick lashes casting shadows onto her cheeks as she thought over his words. I did promise I will… return the favor, but… I, ah… I never imagined I would have to wear something… so… so… A rather pretty red spreading over her features, her eyes lifted to look at Reya…. unable to look elsewhere, trying to imagine wearing the exact same thing… but finding it impossible. No… No, I can’t… I can’t do it… Nevada was about to shake her head, to refuse… when he spoke, putting her panic on pause. A few pieces of curly brown fell against her flushed cheeks… bringing out her dark brown eyes, the full, sensual shape of her lips, the confusion she felt, among other things. I will not be… forced into sexual relations against my will… she realized, only feeling somewhat better. It didn’t make the situation easier to deal with, but it does make it… well, ah… something.

“Please sign, so we may begin.” Nevada blinked as a pen was pushed closer, lifting her eyes just in time to be caught in eyes that… remind her so much of the sky. No, not quite… It is almost as if his eyes has pieces of different blues captured within, like a kaleidoscope… and now, she is looking into a blue that will only be there for… what? A minute? Two? Dark red burning at her features, nearly hot enough to melt the skin there… Nevada swallowed the lump in her throat, unable to look away. It didn’t help that her heart was pounding so fast… or that there was this nervous… fluttering sensation in her stomach, as if she’d eaten butterflies.

The pen met paper, and without realizing it, Nevada wrote her name on the dotted line in neat cursive. What am I thinking? she thought the moment she noticed this, the lovely red draining from her features until she was pale… almost unnaturally so. I can’t… I can’t do this… I can’t be his maid and… walk around in something so… so provocative! I’m used to wearing Jikan, but that’s different… This is different! With a quick shake of her head, Nevada moved the chair back, about to leave all this behind. Maybe with distance, she can forget this ever happened...
As Nevada pushed the chair back she found herself backing into Reya. "That scared of being half naked for a different reason now? " she asked wtih a smirk before turning her eyes to Alexander who rose from his chair. "Or is it because a handsome young man has found you attractive?" her own voice having a seductive tone of its own to it. Slowly bending down Reya placed her hands on Nevada's biceps massaging the muscles to relax the girl.

Her lips close to Nevada's ears as she began to whisper. "Give it a chance. You will get the chance to be sexy. You may even enjoy it. He will pay you like any other maid as welll while you are under his services." she whispered.

With a small smirk Alexander cleared his throat. "If you two are done. I have a room available for you Nevada. I do not expect you to stay here for your tenure but in there you may use the room to change in and out of your uniform. If you will go and change I will explain your duites. " he said, after all he did state that once the contract signed they would begin immeadiatly. Nevada had signed the paper meaning she had no choice but to comply to his demands now.
“I-I’m not, I…” Lost for words, Nevada looked into the girl’s eyes… blushing a dark, rosy pink as she finally processed the meaning of what she just said. Alexander finds me… attractive? I doubt that, thank you very much… It’s just not possible… No one ever thinks I’m attractive… Kenji is just one example out of many, from her perspective. Reya’s seductive tone making it to where her heart was racing, fluttering… like it was a bird, trying to escape, her breath hitched as the other girl leaned in closer… whispering in a conspiratory tone which didn’t help matters any. ’Get the chance to be sexy’? I don’t want to be… sexy… i just want to pay him back, and be done with it…

Doesn’t she? Nevada wavered, torn between two opposing poles… torn between what she knows is right, and what is wrong. Alexander cleared his throat, breaking the moment. “If you two are done. I have a room available for you, Nevada. I do not expect you to stay here for your tenure but in there you may use the room to change in and out of your uniform. If you will go and change, I will explain your duties.” Dark brown eyes looked to him, a bit big… incredulous, and still trying to process what is going on. It wasn’t long until she got up from her, somewhat shakily, and began to follow him.

Her heart racing fast, pounding, actually… Nevada glanced about, trying to get her thoughts together… trying to see everything, to figure out how she felt about all this. This is the chance… to be sexy? she repeated, her palms sweaty. I don’t know about all that… I don’t… I never… I never wanted to be… No, that isn’t exactly true; Nevada has always wanted to be sexy, but she never knew how to be, what to do in order to change. It’s frustrating, being overlooked… being thought of second, everything.
Both master and maid lead the young woman down the hallway of his home before stopping at a door. Turning the knob and opening it up, Nevada was greeted by the sight of an expensive suite set up. Furniture matching the rest inside the apartment which clearly spared no expense of the unknown quantity of Alexander's money. "This room will be yours and yours alone. While you are under my employment you are free to do with it as you please. As I said before your welcome to stay in here but it is not a requirement and can be used to change." Alexander explained presenting the room to her.

While laying on the bed was the uniform she was expected to wear. A pair of black heels sat at the foot of the bed while atop the comforter was the rest of the ensemble. A pair of fishnet stockings that would go just above Nevada's knees. A short white apron laid next to it and judging by its size it would only cover Nevada's front when fully tied leaving the sides of her body including her breasts visible with the apron's actual length was extremely short. Then of course a black lace thong laid next to the apron. "There are more or each piece in the dresser and closet. When you change out of them discard them into the hamper in the attached bathroom." Alexander said before motioning to the bed. "Go and change into the ones laying on the bed. I expect you to be back in the living room in ten minutes." he added and departed back to the living room returning to the chair he originally sat in when Nevada arrived.

"Remember what I said Nevada." Reya purred moving to stand behind the girl pressing her own assets into Nevada's back. "I know what you really want deep down. I remember watching those days at Honnuji Academy as you desired to be noticed." she whispered into Nevada's ear. "You have been noticed and no matter how much you want to deny it. Alexander finds you attractive. Now is your chance to be sexy...." she said before stepping away and walking away with her hips swaying with each step. "Let me know if you need help." she said with a wink over her shoulder.
On the bed... was Nevada's worst nightmare. A pair of black heels sat at the foot, while everything else was lying on top of the comforter... or what little there is, anyway. Fishnet stockings that will only go just above her knees, a short white apron, and... a black lace thong, all set out with painstaking care... or perhaps it was just in perverse pleasure, who knows? Nevada may be comfortable in her own body -at least somewhat-, and she may be comfortable wearing Jikan... however... this is seriously pushing it. Her heart racing fast, pounding against her rib cage as if it was trying to escape, Nevada watched Alexander leave... wishing she could do the same.

Of course, she can’t do that… because she had a debt to settle. A sigh on the tip of her tongue, Nevada was about to do… something or another, what, she couldn’t say for sure, when Reya purred into her ear. “H-Hey! Don’t stand so close!” Nevada exclaimed, eyes wide and dark red spreading over her features like wildfire. “I know what you really want, deep down. I remember watching those days at Honnouji Academy as you desired to be noticed. You have been noticed and, no matter how much you want to deny it, Alexander finds you attractive. Now is your chance to be sexy… Let me know if you need help.” Red darkening along her cheeks and down the curve of her throat, Nevada whirled around, dark brown eyes narrowing on the other girl. “Who says I want to be sexy?!” she threw out there, several curls falling against her jawline. “Besides… Alexander is just being a pervert!” came her next words, only to fall on deaf ears.

“I swear…” Nevada grumbled, reluctantly looking at the ensemble. Ten minutes later, the girl emerged from the room, fidgeting and trying, with all her might, to cover more skin. It didn’t help matters any that she was wearing these cursed heels… Nearly falling over, Nevada steadied herself and pulled at the apron again… to no avail. Her curly brown hair was pulled back with a cute red ribbon, and the apron, heels and fishnet stockings made her legs look longer, sexy, too… not that they weren’t before, just more so. “I hate this… I really, really hate this…” Nevada murmured under her breath, blushing darkly.
"I don't know I like what I see." Alexander spoke up as he watched Nevada approach. Rising from his seat and approaching his new maid he circled her drinking in her new appearance. The apron hugged her otherwise bare torso quite nicely, due to its size it left the sides of Nevada's breasts exposed as expected. The stockings accenting her lovely legs with the heels improving on their beauty. Finally coming around to her back he was given a full view of her otherwise bare back besides the laces of the apron present. While the black lace thong generously hugged her behind.

It was perfect, now Nevada was all his for the next month. Remaining behind her Alexander shook his head as he examined her posture. "Your stance is all wrong Nevada." he cooed as she would feel his warm hand press on her bare skin to straighten her back. "Place your hands together in front of you and tilt your head down to look at the floor." he ordered, regardless of whether or not she wanted to mouth him off she had signed the contract and was required to obey him now.

"Now that you are my maid Nevada you will follow a set of rules. Ones that we will focus on for today and I expect you to behave. When you are in my presence now you are to refer to me as sir, master, or my lord. You will speak politely to me during this time and keep your eyes on the floor am I understood?" Alexander asked as his warm hypnotic voice resonated throughout the room as he turned to face her directly wanting to see if she would remain in posture and respond with the expected title.
Excuse me? What? No, he doesn’t seriously expect me to-! Nevada could hardly believe her ears. Immediately tensing at feeling his warm hand press on the bare skin of her back, light pink washed over her features… only to be followed by a darker, rosier pink that could very easily be mistaken as red. “Place your hands together in front of you, and tilt you head down to look at the floor,” Alexander ordered then, using that strangely warm, hypnotic voice that, quite frankly… was starting to get on her damn nerves. How did she get roped into this again? Oh yeah, Tardy Day - that one moment where she needed his help, because she couldn’t save everyone, not just with the power of Jikan at her disposal.

A flash of temper went off behind caramel brown, a scowl pulling at her lips. “Now that you are my maid, Nevada, you will follow a set of rules. Ones that we will focus on for today, and I expect you to behave. When you are in my presence now, you are to refer to me as Sir, Master, or My Lord. You will speak politely to me during this time and keep your eyes on the floor, am I understood?” Nevada’s fingers curled into the white, frilly fabric of the apron, really, truly tempted to hit him square across the face.

“I don’t call anyone I have no reason to respect ‘sir’,” Nevada spoke up at long last, lifting her head in order to meet his gaze. “Alexander… I may have agreed to this, I may have to fulfill the requirements of this little contract of yours, which I had no desire to sign… but that does not mean, under any circumstances, I have to call you ‘sir’. You’re my classmate. You’re my… I don’t know, however I really don’t see a reason to go this far.” Proud, Nevada lifted her chin up, light and shadow dancing along her features, bringing out little, nearly indistinguishable details.
Perhaps it was foolhardy for Alexander to expect such obedience right away from Nevada, a young woman who was accustomed to being defiant. As if it was written into the girl's genes themselves for such behavior. She wasn't like most women that swooned over his attentions just by the briefest of touches or the flash of a smile. He affected her on a lesser level, that much was certain otherwise she wouldn't have already signed the contract. Most girls would have melted by now and complied willingly with the contract, the attire, and even the way to behave. Yet here Nevada was, looking directly at him while fighting her own hesitance over her lack of attire. She had no reasons to comply to what was outside of necessary.

That excited Alexander even more.

How long had it been since he had a challenge in the form of Nevada? Someone that dared to challenge his words and show more than willingness to everything he spoke?

Not since Reya.

Oh how their first few encounters had excited him then as well, yet now here she was as his maid as well. The next month would prove exciting indeed. He wasn't here to break Nevada's will, nor was he intending to change the young girl to the point she was warped beyond comprehension. No his desire was to see what she secretly craved beneath that fiery demeanor and pride. Everyone had their own dirty little secrets they kept tucked away in the darkest parts of their heart.

Reya was always a shut in, desiring a special someone to flaunt her body to. To be wrapped around another's finger and will. It was with Alexander she found that someone and the pair had become inseparable since. Now the real question was what did Nevada desire in private?

"I would not say we are classmates any longer due to Honnuji Academy along with the rest of Honno currently in the process of being decommissioned." he pointed out with a nod of his head towards the remains of the city sitting in Tokyo Bay. Something which to his understanding was being evacuated and prepared to drop to the bottom of the water that once sustained it. Not unless Alexander had his way. Not if Project Re-genesis was a success.

"However I due see the logic in your words Nevada. You are being placed in a new situation, one that is unfamiliar to you but not I." he spoke with a nod of his head while his hands gently grazed her bare shoulder. "I get caught up in my own little games with Reya at times and I should apologize for that." he continued turning and moving back to his arm chair and sitting down. "I need to treat you differently while you are under contract to me." the words were honest and sincere as he waved his hand towards Reya. "I just ask you do no consider me your enemy. Reya if you will please show Nevada what her duties are please?" he asked as the blonde nodded.

"Come," Reya said gesturing for Nevada to follow.
“Oh, uh… Right…” Nevada forgot about that particular little detail. Isn’t it Honnouji Academy the reason she’s here in the first place? No-Late Day nearly killed its entire student population… herself included. If it wasn’t for Alexander, she’d be expelled, for one thing… oh, and everybody would be slaves to clothing. Just the idea of being a mindless zombie, or something worst, to Life Fibers is downright scary. Nevada frowned, dark brown eyes slipping away to focus on something, anything other than him. “I… kinda doubt we’ll ever be classmates again…” Chances are, Alexander will be transferred to some fancy school for the rich and powerful… and as for her… she’d be lucky if she makes it to the next grade. Fighting the Student Council President and her army of starry-eyed goons doesn’t exactly give her a lot of time to study.

Maybe she needs to hit the books…

Yeah, right. How much good will that do her? Nevada isn’t all that great with numbers, can’t keep her head screwed on right when it comes to history, and science? Let’s make it all explode! It’s as if all she’s good for is fighting…

Eh. Let’s worry about the future later.

In a way, it’s safe and sound. Life Fibers ain’t gonna come knockin’ anytime soon, leaving humans to go about their business. Nevada let her gaze drift over the destroyed city, just… remembering how things used to be. Every day was a fight in of itself. First, it was the Tennis Club President… no, wait, it was the Boxing Club President. That’s right. It was right after she found Jikan in the basement of her old house… A fond little smile pulled at her lips, softening the girl’s features around the edges.

Funny how things worked out. Jikan’s now a human… or rather, a Life Fiber entity that resembles one. Nevada is just now coming to terms with it, though she doesn’t understand the hows and whys of his sudden transformation. In any case, she still has her partner in crime, only… he doesn’t have to be worn all the time now.

A hand brushed over Nevada’s naked shoulder right then, having her thoughts focus on the present instead of the past. Blinking, Nevada shifted her dark brown eyes onto him, a hand instinctively coming up to rub over what he had just half a second ago. “I don’t consider you my enemy,” Nevada found herself blurting out. “At least, not really.” Alexander was never on Ragyou’s side… far as she knows, anyway. If anything, he just looks out for his own best interest… which is perfectly understandable.

Nevada tilted her head towards Reya, brown curls spilling against her cheeks and tickling the curve of her jaw. “Oh...kay…” she murmured, not really all that sure how to take this new development. Alexander seemed so… adamant on her being treated the same way as any of his other maids… but how he’s bending to her wishes? Does he have something planned? It’s kinda hard to say… but for now, she just needs to keep her eyes open, and see. “I will… ah… Well…” At a loss, Nevada decided that nodding was her best bet, otherwise she’d look like a complete and total idiot. The heels clicked sort of loudly as she went to follow after the scantily dressed blonde that is a slave not to clothing… but to pleasure of the flesh.

“So, um… What am I going to be doing around here?” Nevada blurted out. “Where are we going?”
"The closet, I'm going to show you where we keep the cleaning supplies and such. You are a maid under the master's employ. You will be doing exactly what the title involves." Reya spoke with a glance over her shoulder, her hips swaying with each graceful step in her heels. Accenting the exposed curves of her body quite well. Truly the blonde had no shame in the little she and Nevada were made to wear. Especially when she knew Alexander was watching them both walkaway and admiring their thong cladded assess.

"At other times he may just simply need an escort for a party or a trip. Nothing serious, merely to keep him company out in public." She continued with a smile as she approached the middle of the hall and opened a door to the closet containing the cleaning supplies. Going over the basics of cleaning around the penthouse including the laundry, dusting, making the bed, setting the table for dinner, and doing dishes. As she finished her explanations did a mischevious smile appear.

"I should note that he enjoys to watch." The evil playful glint in her eyes made it clear why he enjoyed to watch Reya work. "Probably more so than ever now that you are here, but don't worry about doing something wrong." She said before leaning in to whisper. "He wouldn't notice anyway, if he tries to clean he makes a bigger mess." She said pulling back with a giggle. "If you need help just let me know it's what I'm here for." She added with a kind and honest smile
Big fuckin’ surprise. Nevada bit her lip, trying not to say something smart like she’s known to do. It didn’t keep her mind from entertaining the possibilities, though. Her eyes bright, her smile coy, Nevada kept her big mouth shut… at least, for now. It has a tendency to get her in trouble every so often, and this is one situation… she doesn’t want to make ten times worse. Not that Reya would see it that way, oh no! Nevada has no doubt that Reya would absolutely love being punished in some way, shape or form. Rolling her eyes, Nevada tugged at her silly little apron. Emphasis on the word ‘little’.

“Uh huh…” she murmured, not really believing any of it. Alexander, simply needing an escort? Please. It sounds like a bunch of… a bunch of bullshit. Nevada listened in as the other girl went over the cleaning supplies, pointing out the laundry detergent, the feather duster, and went on to explain how to make the bed, set the table, blah blah blah. “I know, I know…” Nevada grumbled under her breath, scowling. It’s not like she’s completely helpless! Tell her what needs doing, and she’ll do it. Simple as that.

No, wait… What?! Seriously?! Figures. “I think it’d be in his best interest if he watches you, not me,” Nevada replied, the words sharp. “I might wear a Kamui… but this ain’t it, and I’m not flaunting myself for his sick pleasure. Now, then… What do I need to do first? Laundry? Vacuum?” Throwing out different ideas, Nevada twisted around to face all the instruments of her torture. It's hard to believe that Alexander is into this sort of thing... but then again, he is a bit of a weirdo.
"I can't exactly control what he does so if he looks at you, then he does." Reya spoke as the smile dropped from her face with a frown and a shake of her head. "I may enjoy this but that is no reason to look down on me for indulging in my desires. Not when I'm just telling you what to expect with him and trying to help." she pointed out growing somewhat tired of the girl's attitude. The rolling of those brown eyes, the scowling, the words sharp as knives.

"So to help you get this day over with sooner so you can get out of those clothes and back to what you enjoy as normal." she continued her voice returning to a normal tone while picking up a duster and handing it to the new maid. "Start with dusting, after that the vacuum, once that's done wiped the windows down and check with the master afterwards. He will probably let you go then." once she was done she turned and walked away. Reya wouldn't deny she was someone who enjoyed her work, heck she didn't want Alexander to bring Nevada into their little world. It felt like an intrusion of something she thought was special between them, yet she swallowed her pride and was willing to help Nevada out, at least when that contract ran out it would be the end of it.

As the day went on
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