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A Siblings Re-union [L337GAM3R & Panties]

Dirty Panties

Oct 9, 2009

Her hand flung to the side, slamming down onto the alarm clock and she groaned out before covering her face with her fingers as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. She sighed and forced her eyes to flutter open, the sun shining into her bedroom and down upon her bed. Wanting to rip the blankets up and cover her face she had to get up and get ready as her plane was leaving in two hours. Hopping into the shower, she turned the heat up as the water poured down onto her and she sighed. Washing her hair and body, waking herself up as best as she could as she stepped out of the shower. Getting herself dressed in a black skirt, white button up blouse and black high heels.

Aubri was her name, short for Aubriana. She stood tall at 5'8'', her hair a dark brown and her eyes a deep ocean blue. She had changed a lot since she had been in high school. She lost weight, most of it was her baby fat. Down to 130 lbs, her hair long down to her shoulder blades instead of being short and barely reaching her shoulders. Grabbing her already packed bags she left her apartment and left to the airport, reaching it just in time as she hopped onto her plane.

A few hours had passed, though she soon reached her home town where her family re-union was being held at her parents house and she wasn't too excited. She hadn't gotten along with her brother and since they both left the house they hadn't spoken to each other. She went to college and he left for the army. So it was hard to keep in touch but it seemed they didn't try very hard. Reaching the city she found her way to her parents out in a taxi. Stepping out, paying the driver and she approached the house, already cars piling up outside of the house counting up to ten right now and fifteen more to come. She groaned as she opened the door and slipped inside, catching sight of her parents.
Jared walked down the ramp from the large passenger plane, dressed still in his standard issue BDU's he walked through security without a problem and went to claim his luggage. The rank on the sleeves of his uniform showed four stripes, the clean cut Staff Sergeant, who also bore the patch of the Air Force Security Forces stood silently waiting for his baggage around the carousel. Looking at his watch he shook his head and yawned. It was nine in the morning on this seaboard, it would have been almost fix O'clock in the after noon in Aviano, Italy where he was stationed. The twenty two year old sergeant had left home at a young age, seventeen, he enlisted in the Air Force and became a cop to get away from the trouble he had with his family and his school.

The Air Force had made him finish high school before he enlisted, which he did, took his to boot camp and then sent him off to tech school where he learned to handle K-9 units for the Air Force. As a surprise for his family he had brought his dog home with him, the three year old German Shepard Raya was the first part of his luggage off the plane, since it was by special arrangement she was in the cargo area anyways. Lifting her crate off the belt caused him to have to jog to grab his duffel bag that was quickly moving away.

Once he had his belongings he pulled a three foot long leather leash from his duffel bag and opened Raya's crate. Hitching the leash to her collar she walked out and set at his side. Lifting his “A” bag to his shoulder he took her carrier in his left hand, her leash in his right, and headed for the courtesy rental car counters. Chatting with a young lady for a moment or two the young man pulled out his ID and his check card and then signed his receipt for the rented Mustang Coupe. Checking his carrier with Airport security he made arrangements to pick it back up when he headed home to Italy. Taking the keys, the dog and his bag out to the car Jared smiled and got in, before starting the three hour drive to his families home town.

Jared was six foot tall, military cut brunette hair covered his skull, a muscled tone to his physique set off the way he looked in his BDU's and above all were his bright green eyes that seemed to always have a spark in them. Now on the road, his left hand on the wheel his right gently petting the young drug dog Jared smirked and put the pedal down hard, ninety on the highway, no cops on the road, the three hour drive took just over two. Before he pulled into the drive way he pulled on his black beret, checked his uniform and sprayed on some light cologne. Driving through the neighborhood he pulled up to the family home just after eleven thirty and got out of the car, Raya following closely.
She heard a slight shriek as she was in line of sight of her parents, her mother running over and hugging her. "Hi mom.. dad." She smiled and hugged them both, kissing their cheeks. A few minutes had passed before her mother left to the door and opened it and heard her shriek once more to see her brother. She saw her brothers car and rolled her eyes a bit, as he always drove expensive cars. Though she walked up the stairs to where she'd be staying for the weekend. Setting her bags down she looked at herself in the mirror. Her fingers running through her thin brown hair, layered and her bangs swept to the side. Fixing her shirt and skirt before she exited her room and walked down the stairs before she entered the living room area.

Pushing through her family and she reached the front door, and stepped outside. Seeing him step out of his car and seeing his dog following him. Though she was a bit shocked as he looked different than when she saw him before they both left which of course would happen. Though she smiled softly and walked down the porch and let her parents greet him first before she would try to say hello, seeing as it had been about four years since she had seen him and she tilted her head to the side.
Looking at his family he smiled and looked at Raya before his parents reached him. “Raye lie down.” Jared reached up and hugged them each smiling as he did. His green eyes moved to his sister and he chuckled. “Well look at you all grown up, even wearing skirts now.” He said chuckling as he moved to her kissing her forehead softly. “How's life sis?” He said with a smile, taking the time to look around the house. Turning back to his family Jared smiled. “So where's everyone else, I mean this shindig is today right?” Jared smiled and looked to the large dog laying on the driveway.

Snapping his fingers Raya stood and moved to sit at his side, next to his right foot. With a smile he put his hand on her head and smiled. “Family, meet your newest addition. This is Raya, my working dog, best nose in the kennels of Aviano.”
She laughed and punched his arm lightly and she smiled, turning to enter the house and she sighed lightly. "You as well." She entered the house and their parents laughed softly. "They're coming, just give it some time." Their mother smile and left to the kitchen to get a small tray of snacks for their family. Though she smiled and walked over to him and to his dog, kneeling down beside her. "Cute. A good dog huh?" She said and scratched behind her ear and under her chin. Though over the past few minutes more and more family continued to show up. Almost the entire house was full as Aubri left to the kitchen to help her mother.

"How long are you staying here for, Jared?" Aubri asked over the chatting.
"She's well trained and can track cocaine from a warehouse to the person carrying it even if they are two buildings away." He said with a smile. Turning to Aubri he chuckled. "Oh well I have two weeks leave saved up, and I got this week off for the reunion so I can, unless I am needed back on base, stay for about three weeks." Jared looked over at the approaching family members. Looking at them he smiled, greeted each of them. Aunts, Uncles, nieces and nephews, the whole lot of them were coming to his parents house to celebrate for some reason. His families home was the smallest of the clan however, his mom cooked the best and dad had the biggest TV. Sighing he looked at Raya. Setting his "A" bag down he pulled two metal dishes out. Followed by a small bag of food and a bottle of water. Filling each bowl with one of each item he smiled as the dog began to refresh herself after the flight. "Who knew flying could make someone so hungry." He chuckled and then looked over at his mother.

"Speaking of when can I sneak into the kitchen and sneak a few bites of whatever smells like roast beef, and if I am correct honey glazed ham?" Jared said with a smirk. A family inside joke of what he used to do when he was a younger child.
Their mother cocked her brow and scoffed, "Aubri please do me the honor.." She said, meaning towards Jared and she smacked Jareds hands like their mother use to do as her hands were full at the moment. "You'll get your food soon enough." She nudged him with her elbow into his side lightly and laughed softly. "We got the pool set up because we knew that the kids will want to swim in it. And you two as well." Their mom said and smiled, nodding her head over to the window where the pool was at. "So how was your flight?" Aubri asked him and leaned against the counter as she covered the pan of mashed potatoes and cocked her brow.

It seemed a little odd to herself that they were... getting along with one another. But then again they both had grown up and she looked to him. He had grown up and changed, he was more handsome than he was when he left. Which was good for him, "So I bet you go all the girls after you, huh?" She grinned and stuck her tongue out at him.
Looking at his sister he shook his head. “The flight was better then the one on the way to Beirut. C130 cargo netting is not very comfortable. As for the girls, have you ever been to Italy, they like guys who are built like Adonis.” With a smile he looked over at the pool from the counter. “Well I guess I could hit the pool, although it's not the ocean like I am used to.” He smiled and pulled a picture frame from his bag. “This is for you.” Jared said sliding her mother a picture of the house he was living in towards her.

The house was a single story bungalow overlooking the Adriatic sea. With a smile he chuckled. “I think you all would love it over there.” He said with a smile. Chuckling he yawned and stretched softly looking down at Raya who rolled over onto her stomach. “You little attention whore.” Jared smirked as he chuckled and knelt down scratching the dogs stomach.
She rolled her eyes and she smiled, 'Well aren't you built?" She asked, cocking her brow. 'I mean, holy hell. You're got muscles unlike before." She said, not trying to be mean but just saying that he looked good. Which was true. "Wow, that's beautiful." Audri said and looked it over, her mother nodding. "We'll have to visit you there." Their mother said with a nod and let the food cook for a little bit longer until it was ready about thirty minutes later.

Soon their family was leaving to the couple large tables outside in the back and it was already pretty much full and Aubri helped her mother bring out the food and the drinks as their family chatted.
Jared watched as they put the food outside. He sighed and grabbed his bag pulling it to his shoulder he looked at Raya and smirked. Pulling a red pinecone shaped rubber toy from his bag he tossed it into the back yard and Raya went chasing after it. With a chuckled he turned and walked up to his old room, dropped his bag on the bed and opened the closet to take off his BDU jacket. With a smile he pulled the jacket off and hung it up before sitting down on the bed and began untying his combat boots, taking them off he set them next to the bed. Standing up he undid the black nylon belt and buttons to his pants before folding them and hanging them up. Moving to his bag he pulled out a pair of baggy blue jeans and another nylon belt.

Pulling on the jeans he smiled and felt a little more comfortable out of his BDU with a sigh he pulled his running shoes from his bag and put them on. Looking around the room he smiled and sighed remembering his days in the room as a child.
Aubri peered up slowly before she turned around and sat down with the family at the old wooden tables. Almost too old to even sit down on as they were quite shakey and were with almost fifteen people per table. She wouldn't be surprised if it would break mid-eating dinner. Though she seemed a little out of place, as she often did with the family re-unions everyone knew everyone at their.. own age. She didn't, not even her own cousins really as they were always too into themselves or they managed to get out of it. Having eaten dinner and leaving her family to do their regular talk, talk, talk session she left over to the pool where it was empty for now She knew the kids weren't allowed to swim in it until an hour after eating.

She sat down, dipping her feet into the water. She often fought with her brother when she was younger, at least she had something to do at the re-unions fight, punch, hit and run. Though now she sat at her pool a little bored.
Jared jogged down stairs looking at the table, sighing he saw his sister over at the pool. Shaking his head he walked over and put his hands on her sides gently pushing her, not enough to push her in, but a light scare. “How was mom's food, I think I will wait til the rest the family has eaten myself.” He said and moved to sit on the diving board looking over at her with a smile. “You know I could slug you in the arm and make you try to catch me.”

Jared chuckled as Raya trotted over to his feet and dropped the “kong” toy. Picking it up he smirked and tossed it into the pool. Raya splashed into the pool getting him and his sister both a little wet. “Damn dog.” He said as she climbed out of the pool and shook some water off.
She gasped out as he shoved her a bit and she growled, sticking her tongue out at him and she smiled. "Yeah..I'll eat some dessert later." She nodded until the kong was tossed into the pool and she cried out. Turning to the side as the water splashed her more so than Jared and she gasped out as the water soaked her shirt and she swallowed. "Yes, Damn Dog. But she's cute." She whistled and patted her thigh trying to get her to come over. "Come here doggy." She smiled and clicked her tongue kissing at her head after she arrived.
Raya looked at Aubri like she was insane and padded over to Jared. "Her name is Raya, she's a military working dog she's trained to obey different commands." He said with a smile as he tossed the kong again this time across the yard. Watching Raya bolt after it he saw one of his nephews go for the toy, standing up Jared chuckled. "Raya hold!" The dog immediatley stopped running and dropped to lay down on her stomach still watching the Kong. "Raya leave it." He said softly. Raya's ears perked as she trodded over to him and laid down at his side. "Good girl." He said rubbing her neck and smiling. "See." He said to Aubri with a smirk.
She sighed and stuck her tongue out at him and she smiled softly as she watched the dog and she turned her head it seemed the dinner was over and she gasped covering her face as the kids from their family jumped into the pool, splashing her and her brother. She smiled softly and looked over to see their mother walk over with a face that said 'i'm sorry' and she cocked her brow.

"Some of your cousins are staying. And I need you two to share a room. You'll share Jareds room. Okay." She said and Aubri sighed a bit and cocked her brow towards Jared. "Can ya handle that?" Aubri asked him and chuckled.
Jared smiled and shook his head. "Sure that's fine mom, I mean she can sleep on the floor." He chuckled and looked at Raya who whined when he stopped petting her. "Shush dog." He said and gently pushed the dog which rolled onto her back and wagged her tail. Being a drug dog she was far more docile than the attack dogs. With a chuckle he looked at Aubri and nodded. "I don't mind, if you need I can sleep on the couch or get a hotel." He said with a smile meaning every word he said as he looked over to the kids in the pool.
"Oh come on." she scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Okay maybe I'll get a hotel." She said and looked to her mother who shook her head. "Don't worry about it." Aubri rolled her eyes a bit and she laid back. "I'll sleep on the floor." She stuck her tongue out at him. She stood up slowly and left into the house to get her bikini. Unzipping her bag she pulled out her white bikini top and bottoms which tied at her neck, back and hips. Pulling them on and she sighed, tying her top on before she walked outside and to the pool.
Walking to the table Jared made himself a sandwich and walked back to Raya tossing her a piece of ham. Looking up he saw his sister coming out in a tiny string bikini. He smirked as he looked at her, his eyes trailing over her body. "I don't think mom will let you out in that." He joked as he sat back in a lawn chair. "Oh and about sleeping on the floor I don't mind sleeping there, trust me I should be used to it by now." He said as he watched her move towards the pool.
She laughed and stuck her tongue out. "Maybe when I was sixteen and I was fat she wouldn't let me out." She said and rested her hands on her hips as she stood at the edge of the pool. Her stomach flat and her abs at least somewhat toned. She looked to him and knelt down, splashing some water at him. "Come on, get in the pool." She laughed and stepped into the pool gasping as it was clod and she sunk down into it the water swallowing her until just under her breasts.
The water didn't reach him and he chuckled at the face she made. "Now see, I don't think you were ever fat, you were my baby sister a little pudgy never fat." He said trying to be nice to her, he hadn't seen her in four years and they both had matured now. Looking at her he stood up and walked over to the edge of the pool. "Now why, after seeing your reaction to that water would I get in?" He asked just out of arms reach of her in case she wanted to drag him in. "I don't understand why they opened the pool early for this event, we should have had it later. I might actually get in in a bit, I missed PT this morning." He said rubbing his chin a little.
"Oh come on. You're my brother of course you thought I was fat." she flicked some water at him and she smiled before she rolled her eyes. "It's cold, wont' hurt ya." She leaned back against the wall and she sighed softly. The sun was setting and dark was taking it's turn and it was time for the kids to leave the pool as the family began to disperse. Getting out of the pool to kiss and hug her family goodbye until only their parents were here.
Raya was laying over by the table watching everyone as Jared said goodbye. Hugs and kisses went around, the occasional tickle on the younger family members. Looking back to the pool then up at the sky Jared pulled at his belt and let it loose, his black shorts beneath the jeans were soon the only thing he was wearing. He had stripped his shirt, jeans, socks and shoes and laid them neatly on the chair he had been sitting in. "Night swims probably won't hurt." He said as he waved to his parents who said they were heading to bed as he ran and jumped into the pool of chilly water. Shivering when he hit the still water he stayed under for a moment waiting for his body to adjust.
Watching him she smiled softly and cocked her brow and laughed as he jumped in. It was time as she followed him and quickly jumped in as well, beside him and surfacing with a slight shriek as it had gotten colder than before but she waited for him to surface before she splashed him though she waded in the water and swam back a bit and she smiled, her head cocked to the side as her water was soaked and in thick strands along side her face. Pulling herself up onto the edge of the pool and watching him.
Splashed while he was above water for hair, he shook his head and smirked. "That was not nice Aubri." He said as he ducked back under, without the sun up the water was dark as he swam along the bottom towards her feet. Reaching the edge he grabbed her ankle with his left hand and her inner thigh with his right before pulling her under the water and then swimming away to the deep end and surfacing to tread water with ease.
She saw him go under the water and she sighed softly and gasped as her ankle was grabbed and then her inner thigh. "Jared!" She laughed and cried out, catching her breath just before she went under the water. She was under for a few seconds before she surface and coughed a bit and she wiped her eyes and she laughed, splashing him and her hands grabbed his shoulders pushing him under the water as best as she could.
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