Tales of Crossover {EroSenninNaruto and Mystearica}

Nov 6, 2015
A final wish and a dream…a place where the world as they knew it could continue onward despite the lack of power the Blastia had afforded them was a risk humanity was willing to take. It was the stake Yuri had invested in with his answer, resolve he had tempered with his sword, and when the confrontation of his strength with the others confronted the decision upon which Duke had called—it came to its climax—to bring about that end to the story. However, not all stories have an end in which their hero, thankless and unknown to the world as he chose to be, would linger onward with those whom he walked beside. Relief had filled his mind; yet, there was an unforeseen backlash…a well of the energies of the blastias were emptying with his own Bhodi Blasti resonating.

“Y-Yuri…what’s going!? Y-Yuri…you’re fading,” the concerned voice of a pinkette reached his ears.

Followed by the sounds of a worried youth, a prideful genius, prominent Krytian, and even the canine whom had been his companion from the beginning. For a moment it was as if the world was losing its sense to his eyes; their voices reaching out but the words which slipped from his lips were far too faint for them to make out. Didn’t bother him. If it was the price of using his will to help open the door for them to make it, it was worth it. Even as the resonance caused Yuri’s body to become enveloped in light, to fade, he took it with a grin on his face as his blade rested along the left handed shoulder and his eyes reflected no regrets.
At least this way he didn’t have to worry about what he could become at the end of it…and they were strong. Strong enough to overcome even without him.

“Well, guess it’s the end of the road…heh, make sure not to cry too much without me, guys.”

Sure they couldn’t hear his last teasing quip as he seemed to condense into the reactive mana and vanish…but it was enough for him to say it. The story would have ended with the life of the Dark Avenger fading into nothing more than the hearts and minds of his companions; however, this was a different ending…the resonance of the effects shifting the male through a world far unlike and yet not to dissimilar to his own. His body appearing in the midst of ruins, causing the ancient language of the angels to react with their own draw of mana before appearing on the floor of an altar.

Appearing unconscious in the world of Slyvrant-Tethealla with naught more than his sword, and the curious bracelet which seemed to feed off the mana in the world around him as some sort of find. At least a find a certain archeologist and teacher would discover as he came to sit up, shaking his head with eyes looking over the area with confusion. Well at least he cheated death again it seems.
“Well that’s one way to work a hangover…though, I suppose mana hits harder than alcohol…still…this definitely doesn’t look like where I started. And there’s no Princess or waterworks…” Shrugging, the male stood with his features stretching despite the stiffness before cutting his attention toward a doorway that seemed to have its own presence from the other side. “And you can stop looking about from behind the corner…I can practically feel the stare you’re giving me from over here….so who are you, and where am I?”

Professor Raine Sage had devoted her time after the journey of regeneration to the exploration of all ruins across the world. After all, the Tetheallans knew little of their Sylvaranti brethren and that was certainly true of the other way around as well. She would always call Iselia her home, but for now... there was a world of history to explore.

She was exploring one such set of ruins in Tethealla, a far offshoot of the lightning temple that Volt had once reigned supreme in. Perhaps it was a first try at such a temple, rendered unstable by Volt's power, meaning that no one had been inside of these ruins for decades!

It was an honest to goodness archaeological find, the first in Raine's career... and she was just about to settle in with her book and pen to take notes when she felt a shift in the mana just beyond the door nearest to her.



"No no no no no," was all Yuri would be able to hear from the other side of the door before it was shunted open with a blast of light. Raine stood on the other side of the door with her staff pointed directly forward, a dissipating Photon spell at the end of it. When she saw him her heart sank. "Nooooo~!"

Raine sank to her knees, staff in front of her. "Just one! One ruin in all of Sylvarant-Tethealla! I thought I'd found one! But no, I come through here and--"

The more pragmatic part of her kicked her straight out of her despair-induced ruin mode and suddenly she was back on her feet. That bracelet of his was sucking mana, that much she could tell, and she immediately took a defensive stance with her staff. "... Raine. Who are you?" she asked, her mood and demeanor having gone a full 180.
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