Pokegirls (sunspark + Google)


Nov 5, 2015
The Ninetails is beautiful, a lucky find for a trainer with no other Pokémon, anyone could tell you that. All long limbs, artful curves, and soft golden fur. The monsters are dangerous, anyone could tell you that too, prone to attacking young men to get what they want. It makes the wild dangerous, since the monsters have no way of breeding otherwise, and many of them aren't ashamed to resort to violence. A handful of Pokémon are placid enough to approach humans on their own terms, though that's much more rare.

Her long tails tend to move of their own accord even when she's still, though she's hardly been still lately. Her master is on a journey, and where he goes, she does. The Ninetails is perfectly capable of walking upright, though in the forest she bounds along on all fours, sometimes ahead of him and sometimes ranging to the sides, always on alert for danger. The light is green-grey where it filters down through the trees, and the air is clear and smells like leaves. It's the perfect sort of place to be ambushed by a wild Pokémon, really - and this is the season for it.

The air is crisp, getting cooler as the season changes, though the Pokémon wears nothing. It's not as if she needs to, and tame Pokémon are only allowed to wear what their masters give them and in her case, that's nothing. The curve of her breasts is obvious, though her nipples rarely show unless she's aroused, the lips of her sex - which belongs solely to him now that's she's tamed - sometimes visible between her curling, twining tails as she runs.

She walks beside him for now, sometimes on all fours, sometimes walking upright. Another is close, she can practically sense it.
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