Pokemon Taming (MysteriousD & sunspark)


Star Fudge
Mar 9, 2014
It was a beautiful day in the region. Diego had been been working up an intense focus as he faced his target. It was an Absol. He certainly didn't expect to find one here, but it definitely meant that it was going to be a good day. The stocky young man stood facing the Absol with a glint of determination and hunger.

He adjusted his glasses before he pulled out a Pokeball and threw it. "All right, Infernape, why don't you get out here and lend me a hand with this," Diego said with a roguish smile as he let out his collared primate Pokemon.
His Infernape explodes out of her pokeball and rolls to her feet. She's tall for a Pokémon, all slim limbs and ropy muscle, with longer white fur on her forearms and shins. Whorls of gold sheath her fists and knees, with two of them coiling out from around her back to cup her breasts, dark nipples poking out from beneath white fur. Her tail is long enough to brush on the ground when she walks, but right now it flicks back and forth in agitation at that thought that her master is in danger.

She looks from him to the Absol, and starts stalking in a slow circle.
Diego smiled as he looked over at his slender and powerful Infernape. Diego loved to do what he did and he made sure his Pokemon did too as well. He surprised his Infernape by hugging her from behind and squeezing her nipples. "You do a good job in helping catch her and maybe you can help me tame her," he whispered into the ear of his fire monkey pokemon.

He faced the dangerously attractive Absol down. "Would you want to make the first move, Infernal? Show her your power," Diego said to her as he prepared for his role, looking excited.
The Pokémon makes a pleased noise as she feels her masters hands on her, her nipples hardening under his touch, not hidden at all by her soft white fur anymore. She's fully tame, for certain definitions of 'fully tame'. Fire Pokémon tend to be rebellious and wild even at the best of times, and she's no exception. So the 'pleased noise' is more a low growl, and she bounds forward happily at the prospect of fighting and protecting her owner.

The Absol isn't far away, crouched down on all fours, though most Pokémon are capable of walking on two legs if they want to. She was the one who attacked them, and it's not unusual. Pokémon need human males in order to breed, and they're known to prey on lone travelers. She looks beautiful and strong, she was probably hatched in the wild, and her black lashes back and forth in agitation at having been denied. When his Infernape hits her, the two of them go down in a pile of thrashing white-furred limbs, striking and clawing at each other.
Diego watched his Infernape and the Absol go at it while lookign around and moving. He got out the collar with a leash in one hand and a Pokeball in another. and prepared himself. "All right Infernape, it's time to prepare to capture her. First, show her your Submission!" Diego told his Infernape.

When the Absol was bound and held down, Diego was able to go behind her and squeeze her breasts while also grinding his leg between her pussy. He even went and licked the Absol's neck. "You'll make a fine addition to the team. Once I capture you, I''ll make you into a good girl," he said to the Absol.
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