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F seeking M for fantasy/fandom RPs!


Nov 5, 2015
Hi there! I'm looking for partners to RP with me, preferably something with a good mix of smut, adventure, and plot. I'm female IRL, and I prefer playing females. Your real-life gender identity does not matter to me, but I'm mostly seeking partners willing to play males. There are a lot of ideas in the post below, and I ask that if you message me, please have one or more of them in mind that you’re interested in. Virtually all of the image links in this thread are NSFW, just a head's up.

I have a fairly demanding full-time job that does not have fixed hours, so I can't always reply as much as I like. That being said, I will try to reply at least once a day to our RP, but I can't promise more. I also have trouble setting aside time for IM-style RPs, so I have to limit myself to RPs done through threads, e-mail, or PM. I usually write about a paragraph or two, but sometimes more if there's action going on, I'm feeling inspired, or I'm setting a scene. I can't do novel-length replies without burning out, and I don't expect them from partners. In general, as long as the RP is moving forward, I'm not picky about length.

I am bisexual, though my primary interest in the RPs I'm seeking is M/F scenes. That being said, I have no problem RPing F/F, M/M, M/M/F, or M/F/F scenes, so long as that focus does not consume the entire RP. I am fine with playing multiples (such as controlling different female characters in a 'harem-type' scenario), as well as with playing males as NPCs or background characters (especially in D&D-esque settings). I don't require my partners to play multiples, but if you want to, I fully support collaborative worldbuilding.

In most cases, I typically like to play OC's- though there are exceptions where I've stated otherwise. Also, I have an f-list, which is much more comprehensive.

Here are some things I like:

Fantasy settings, master/slave, non/dub-con (handled in the imaginary way where the character gets off or comes to enjoy it, and not in the realistic sense with the horror and trauma), light bondage, forced nudity, incest (father/daughter, older brother/younger sister, or twins), knotting, lots of cum, oral, vaginal, (clean) anal, MxF, FxF, MxMxF, and MxFxF. I like breeding and pregnancy, but not playing out all the messy details.

I like fantasy, science fiction, and costumed hero settings, as well as historical games with supernatural elements.

Here are some things I have no strong feelings about:

Mind control, body alteration, and transformation play. I am fine with these as aspects of the RP or short scenes that involve them, but if you are looking for someone with a deep love of these kinks, I'm afraid I will disappoint you. These kinks are negotiable, but I'm not interested in roleplays centered around them specifically.

For the most part, I am not interested in modern day, 'slice of life', or deeply realistic historical settings.

Here are some things I don't like:

Gore, vore, watersports or toilet play, extreme bondage, extreme humiliation, snuff, inflation, wildly unrealistic body types, underage characters (everyone needs to be 18+), and foot fetishes. These kinks are hard nos.

Image Galleries (All NSFW):

Fantasy Faceclaims
Slave Girls
Orcs and Goblins + Girl
Beasts and Monsters + Girl

Exalted (Long Term)
This may be a bit of a niche interest, but with 3rd Edition finally out, I'd love to play some Exalted. Not necessarily a full game with character sheets, but something within the setting. I like pretty much any Exalt, but I'd vastly prefer a game where we both played different Exalt-types (Solar/Lunar, Solar/Abyssal, Infernal/Solar, etc.). I'm familiar with most of the setting and lore, though I'd want to stick with what's available and released thus far (plus Exigents, if you want them) - so no Getimans or Liminals except as NPCs.

While I'd love to bounce ideas off each other, I do have some plot arcs in mind for a solo/duo Exalted game, so there's no pressure here to act as a GM. For this, I’m not really interested in pure porn — though I’m fine with a game that includes sex, and I have some ideas for plots listed below.

  • Your Solar and my Lunar (their spouse) investigate a terrorist plot in the First Age.
  • My Sidereal has to work together with your Solar to overcome a mutual threat.
  • Our Solar and Abyssal have to team up to investigate an Underworld cult.
  • My outcaste Dragon-Blooded is one of your Solar's followers in the Second Age.
  • Our Solar and Lunar characters have to work together to free their homeland from Dragon-Blooded oppression.
  • My Lunar and your Abyssal/Infernal were lovers in the First Age.

Final Fantasy/Fire Emblem/World of Warcraft/Disney/Nintendo (Short or Long Term)
This is simpler, I want to play a female character (or characters) that your character takes captive and keeps as a sex slave. Really, what I'm looking for is porn with a few elements of plot. Breeding is always welcome, though I'd prefer not to linger on things like realistic complications or the real-world technical details of pregnancy.

There are a bunch of pairings/suggestions below, along short explanations, but they're not the only ones (though they are the fandoms/characters I'm most framiliar with). If you have something else in mind that runs along the same themes, feel free to make suggestions. The setup is always My Character/Your Character.

Warcraft and Generic Fantasy

Female Adventurer/Male Monster - My character stumbles into a monster's lair/territory or gets waylaid by a monster looking to breed while dungeon crawling. Pics - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Female Draenei/Male Orc, Fel Orc, Mag'har or Mok'Nathal - Set on Draenor. Your character captures mine, either in a raid or perhaps by pulling her from an escape pod after the draenei crash land. He decides to keep her as a slave. Pics - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Female Draenei, Human, Blood/High Elf, Night Elf/Male Orc, Tauren - Set on Azeroth. Your character captures mine (a raid on an Alliance base, catches her in a dungeon, the Horde have toppled Stormwind etc.) and keeps her as a slave. Pics - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
Female Human, Elf, Half-Elf/Male Human, Orc, Werewolf - Pretty much the same as any of the plots above, but set in a generic fantasy world, rather than Azeroth. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Final Fantasy

Rydia/Your Character - As a punishment for failing to prove herself to a summoned monster, it fucks her. Or she's captured by soldiers from Baron who decide to have their way with her.
Rosa/Your Character - While she's held captive in the Tower of Zot, Kain, Golbez, or a monster decides to have some fun with her.
Terra/Your Character - An Imperial soldier (or Kefka) decides to have some fun with her while she has the Slave Crown on, or during their experiments the Empire forces her to submit to one of the captured Espers for breeding.
Celes/Your Character - Same as above, though minus the Slave Crown.
Relm/Your Character - Relm might run afoul of Kefka and/or his cultists in the World of Ruin, or just be attacked and fucked by a monster. This would take some liberties with the timeline, as Relm would be aged up.
Aerith, Tifa, or Yuffie/Your Character - One of the girls is captured by Shinra agents, or gets in over her head with one of Jenova's monsters. If it's Aerith, maybe Sephiroth catches her in the woods, or Hojo orders a member of SOLDIER to rape and impregnate her, or manages to complete one of his breeding experiments by forcing her to fuck a monster.
Yuna, Rikku, or Lulu/Your Character - Could be anything. One of the girls getting kidnapped off the road by a bandit lord. Yuna accidentally angering a fayth and getting raped by it. After the end of the game, one nation uses the defeat of Sin as an excuse to conquer another.
Fang, Vanille, Lightning, Serah/Your Character - If it's Fang or Vanille, they could be captured by a rival tribe, or sold into slavery by Obera. Maybe while traveling on Pulse, one or both of them is attacked by a monster. If it's Lightning and Serah, they could be exiled to Pulse and enslaved once they get there, or used by the fal'Cie in some kind of breeding experiment.


I want to play pretty much any canon princess character (or characters) being held captive and fucked. Originally inspired by this pic, but I'm down for anything that fits into the 'held captive and fucked' mold really. Her kingdom gets conquered and she gets kept as a slave/prize of war. Bandits invade Rapunzel’s tower and have their way with her. Ariel is grabbed by slavers as she’s wandering the beach, or caught by fishermen on one of her trips to surface. Maybe the Beast decides to have his way with Belle, etc.

Chrono Trigger

After being accidentally sent to the past, instead of being found by the Guardia Knights, Marle is captured by Magus’ forces and presented to the Fiendlord as a prize of war, or maybe some of Magus’ minions recognize that she’s carrying Schala’s pendant. I see this as a bit of a slow burn, with Magus recognizing her latent magical potential and training her, or perhaps trying to recruit her into his fight against Lavos -- maybe they even get sucked back in time (again) to the Kingdom of Zeal.

Alternatively, after being sent back in time to Zeal, Magus decides to take advantage of his ‘older’ sister’s promise to do anything he says…

The Sword of Truth/Legend of the Seeker

This is a bit of a deep pull, since I don't know if there are any other fans of the series around, but I'd love to play a Confessor who has been taken captive. Possibly by the D'Harans (and we can say whoever owns her has a way to block her magic), or maybe a tyrant from the Old World. I'd also be down to play a Mord Sith (along whatever girl she's breaking so your character can fuck them both, possibly at the same time), probably someone from one of the past ages (though if you want to fit her into the modern day, we can) in service to one of the previous Lords of D'Hara.

Fire Emblem

I'd be down to play pretty much any female Fire Emblem character, either against your OC or canon (or a monster, of course). We can add OC's pretty easily, since we can always just say they're from a new nation and they've attacked and conquered my character's nation. I don't have a huge preference, but favorites are Lucina, Hinoka, Sakura, Eirika, Hana, Panne, Natasha, Tethys, Sumia, Cordelia, Tharja, Olivia, Nowi, Nah, Cynthia, and Severa.


It's hot as hell and the setup literally writes itself. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Comic

Dungeons and Dragons (Long Term)
My character is a powerful, well-respected drow priestess, and your character is another member of her noble house (possibly her brother, or maybe even her father). My character is attracted to yours, albeit in a dangerous, slightly toxic way, and she often calls upon him to serve her in bed. If she is not already the Matriarch of her House, she is certainly conspiring to overthrow her mother. Together our characters get up to all sorts of trouble in the Underdark - conspiring against political rivals, assassinating other nobles, perhaps even raiding the surface for an elven slave to share between them...

My character is a prominent noblewomen and sorceress and your character is her bodyguard. The catch is that your character is a member of a species (or perhaps just a certain group) that’s considered ‘undesirable‘ in my character‘s county. Depending on how dark you want the setting to be, maybe this is a Rome-like fantasy setting, and your character is a slave owned by my character’s house. Our characters find themselves attracted to each other while adventuring around the world/Empire, getting into dangerous (and sexy) trouble.

One of our characters is a Templar, from Athas, the Dark Sun setting. The other is a slave owned by the first character. They might be a gladiator or a bodyguard, or a simple pleasure slave. Perhaps the slave was taken in a raid and has valuable information about secrets from Athas’ past, or knows the location of hidden waters or a valuable artifact. Naturally, this ends with them traveling together and lots of danger and smut.

Your character is a conquering Warlord or Emperor, maybe human or maybe something more - like a dragon, vampire lord, rogue demigod, or orcish chieftan. His armies have toppled many nations and he's amassed a harem of beautiful and exotic slaves. Perhaps he even has a personal bodyguard of concubines or a cadre of captive sorceresses to serve him in bed and on the battlefield. From here we could really go anywhere, from him invading and conquering other nations, to dealing with assassins and uprisings, to political intrigues.

Harry Potter (Long Term)
I want to play Hermione in an AU where Voldemort was successful in killing Harry and Neville (or the prophecy regarding them never existed, if we don't it to be quite so dark) and the dark wizards rose to power. After conquering the Wizarding World, they spilled out into the real world, toppling the muggle governments and carving up the world into fiefdoms for the Dark Lord's favorites to rule. In this world, muggle witches and wizards are heavily persecuted, and Hermione was never able to go to Hogwarts. However, she's managed to teach herself a few spells and tricks, and she has a stolen wand. She dreams of starting a resistance against the ruling class of dark wizards, but is short on allies.

Who you play is up to you. She might get arrested and caught by Draco (or Viktor, or your OC) - who's a sort of Inquisitor in this new world, though they end up working together when it's revealed that she has useful information. She might run into other wizards (maybe Harry, Cedric, or your OC) who want to help her start a rebellion. She might get captured and kept as a slave by a dark wizard (Lucius, Draco, or your OC).

Pokémon (Long Term)
Your character lives in a world where all males are born human and all females are Pokémon. These are not gijinka, but furries or anthros, and this album should give you a good idea of what I'm talking about. Common Pokémon (pidgey, sentrets, skwovet, wooloo, miltanks, etc.) have been domesticated and live happily with their masters or on farms. These domesticated Pokémon are property, they can be bought, sold, traded, and used for breeding, with one or more of them typically given as gifts to young men when they come of age. Wild Pokémon, however, are another story. Pokémon who haven't been 'domesticated' (read as: fucked into submission by their master) are much more dangerous, and travel between major settlements is perilous, given that it's common for men to kidnapped off the road to be used for breeding. Wild Pokémon are often of more dangerous types, such as Dragon, Dark, or Steel types, as well as most starters.

Your character is a young man (between the ages of 18 - 21) who sets out from his isolated village on a Pokémon journey. The story can be as simple as that, with him ecountering various Pokémon and 'taming' them. However, if you want to include this additional aspect, he was abandoned at the village as a baby, and he does not know who his mother is. However, as he grew, he manifested strange abilities (magic, psychic powers, spirit/ghost speaking, enhanced physical abilities, etc.) that have led the village elders to believe that his mother was a Legendary Pokémon - something that was previous thought impossible...
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