The King's Game [ShimapanMan & Mystearica]


Pantsu Thief
Jul 10, 2013
Your Pantsu Drawer
Rise had out done herself this time. The first night of the school trip had been off to a boring start, and she mentioned a club she had performed at. She made some calls, and had a room set up just for her and her friends. The group of friends from Yasogami High - Yu, Yosuke, Kanji, Chie, Yukiko, and Rise herself - had their own room to escape the quiet hotel room the school had rented.

Rise led the Investigation Team in, eventually finding out the room was upstairs. "Let's go!" He said, giggly as usual. No one really knew what to expect, and when they arrived, they were greeted with a room similar to a karaoke room, a nice table adorned with several shiny glasses and colored liquid in them. "Don't worry guys, I told them non-alcoholic drinks." He said, winking before sitting down. She picked up a yummy looking blue drink, taking a sip before wincing. It was strong! Maybe it had a weird ingredient?

The group followed suit and sat down. Yu picked up a red drink and took a sip. "W-whoa." He said, making a face as the drink burned his throat. What was in this? The group chattered among themselves, talking about the trip, their advancements in the TV World, among other things, as they drank. As time went on, Yu, Yukiko, and Rise had definitely fallen under the effects of the non-nonalcoholic drinks, a light blush on everyone's face. "I-I think... These ha-hic-had something in them." Yu said, pulling at the collar of his shirt.

"I told them non-alcoholic!! I really did!!" Rise said, her pouty face on as she looked at everyone.

"I knew these were weird. Well... we just have to not let anyone catch us. It's not far to the hotel, right?" Yosuke said, looking at his bro, Yu. "We are underage... We don't need to be-" Yosuke was quickly cut off by Rise, who was holding up some sticks.

"Wait!! We can't leave yet! We need to have some fun." She said, standing and holding out six sticks, one with a red mark. "We should play the King's Game! The king's orders are absolute!" She said. She quickly explained the rules, how who ever draws the red marked stick is the 'king', and everyone else has to do everything the king commands. "Take one, everyone." She said, leaving one for herself.

Each of the group took their pick. Yosuke and Yu bowed their heads when they noticed they lost. Chie closed her eyes before she revealed that she didn't have the red stick. Rise had the red-marked stick.
Chie's cheeks flushed almost immediately after she had taken a long sip out of her own beverage, something green, minty, and strong. "It'll be fine, guys," Chie said, both hands wrapping around the glass as she leaned forward. "Besides, these are tasty!. Thanks for setting us up, Rise!" Chie said.

It hadn't taken long for all of them to fall under the effects, though perhaps Yosuke had abstained the most. Chie's cheeks were pleasantly red by this point, and she felt nice and warm. Maybe it was alcohol, maybe it was a placebo, but she wasn't letting go of her glass any time soon either way.

When the sticks got passed out among the group, Chie dreaded who might end up with the red stick... and it ended up in perhaps the worst possible hands -- Rise. One of two people to know about her crush on their glorious leader and the only one of the two that could act on it (Yukiko was too nice, far gone into her giggles, and didn't have the stick to boot).

"I don't think this--"

Rise's eyes flashed dangerously. "Number 4!"

Chie gulped and spard a glance at her stick. Oh, shoot.

"Sit on... oooon--.... number two's lap!" she said, pointing right at Rise. If they'd been more sober, they might have questioned how Rise would know who had which randomly drawn stick... but such was a question for later.

"Um. A-alright," Chie said, pushing herself up to her feet. She sidled arond the table, and slowly sat down on Yu's lap, pressing her firm bottom right against the seat of his pants. "L-like this?"
Yu had had his own fair share of drinks, opting for the slightly sweet, sour blue cups, trying to mimic some blue raspberry flavor. He had already downed a couple, having been watching and listening to the others when Rise pulled out the sticks. He had heard of the King's game before, back in the city, but he hadn't played it. And now the fairly drunk Rise was forcing him and the others into it! He figured he would play along, and he took one of the sticks when she handed it to him. He glanced down, seeing the number two on the shaft... Then hearing Rise call out number four.

He turned his attention to Chie, seeing her squirming a bit, before hearing her command. His lap? He hadn't really been that close to Chie before. "A-ah, Chie, are you sure..." He said, sitting up straight as she began to sit. He felt the softness of her well toned behind pressing up right against his soft length. "This isn't so bad." He said, looking down at her from behind before glancing over at Rise. They were playing it off well! However, where Yu would normally be able to keep his composure, he found himself thinking. The alcohol had lowered his inhibitions a bit...

He had seen Chie's spats a few times. The tight black shorts she kept on under her skirt. The way she fought shadows made her sometimes flash them, which she didn't seem particularly bothered by. But... What would she be wearing under those? And she had such a nice ass, from what he could feel. If she didn't move soon, she'd be feeling the pressure of his hardening length pressing up against her from behind!
"The king's orders are absoluuuute~" Rise said, holding up that red stick like the scepter of divine judgment.

Chie settled herself carefully on Yu's lap and settled her hands on her own knees. She wasn't there for very long when she felt something shift beneath her -- she shifted her own body on his lap, thinking it was just a ridge in his pants, and all she accomplished by doing that was grinding her ass against the seat of Yu's lap, only really exacerbating the core issue here.

"I... oh-" Chie gasped when she realized just what was happening beneath her taut behind.

She turned to give Yu a look straight in his eyes. She'd always had a crush on him, and under the effects of the drink he was... well, just as handsome as ever, but now she was more inclined to act on it. Had she caused this reaction in him? She started to do it on purpose, slowly grinding herself down against his lap.

Rise, meanwhile, declared Yu and Chie to be temporarily out of the game. The sticks were redrawn, and it wasn't long before Yukiko was ordering Kanji to sit in Rise's lap in turn, giggling all the while.

But Chie had more important things to consider right now.
Yu had been waiting for Rise to tell her it was over and time to crown the new king, but that never came. He was soon noticeably hard, and when Chie ground her backside against him, he couldn't help but release a soft moan, which helped cement what it actually was poking her from behind. "Nngh, Chie..." He whispered, looking down at he as she turned to face him. He wasn't in a position to really ask her to move! Not that he would want to any ways.

Rise had probably planned something like this from the start! Getting everyone drunk, then start pairing them up. So devious! But that didn't matter. Yu's mouth dropped open slightly as she more purposefully moved against him, as if coaxing him to get harder. And just to make the situation even more intimate, Rise declared them out of the game for now. He chuckled. "I suppose it's just the two of us for now, Chie." He said, looking down at her with his grey eyes.

He expected her to have a fairly athletic behind, but this was even better than what he thought. He was pressed right up against her, and if she were to unzip him, his length would go right up between her legs, hidden under her skirt. "Do you like that you make me this way?" He asked, moving to put an arm around her.
Chie couldn't resist the only chance she was ever likely to get. Her hands slid down between them as she raised herself up a touch higher on his lap and there was a muted sound of a button being unsnapped and a zipper being dragged downward. Chie let out a startled little sound as something hard and hot slid out of the front of his pants, right up against her but totally hidden by the skirt.

Chie's hands settled down on where he tented against her skirt and wrapped her hands around him, feeling him through the material of her skirt. O-oh my. He was bigger than she'd thought he'd be and the whole scenario gave her butterflies in her stomach. And then set those butterflies on fire.

"Y-yes," she whispered. "I... I always wanted to make you feel this way," she admitted, the liquor doing much to loosen her tongue. "But I... thought... that it'd be Rise or Yukiko that--" Her voice choked and she swallowed down her nervousness. "Not... me," she finished, giving his cock a firm squeeze through the smooth hounds-tooth material of her skirt, holding him between her spats and that skirt.
Yu didn't actually expect her to be so forward about it. His length was fairly thick and long, and very warm since she had him so excited! He moved slightly to let it come out easily, his cock plopping out and sliding right in between her toned thighs. He could feel the fabric of her spats, and the rougher fabric of her skirt around his length, completely covering him from anyone else's view.

The fact that she was actually doing this, something he never imagined shy Chie doing, was extremely arousing to him. Her hand snaking around his length, the first time someone had actually touched him, even if it was through her skirt. "Ah, Chie..." He whispered. He didn't expect her next words. She wanted him like this... since she had met him? He actually had quite a crush on all of his friends, but this was the closest he had ever been to any of them. He had personally expected Rise to be his first, given her more... open personality. However, he was actually glad to have the surprise!

"D-don't worry about it. I'm glad it's you." He whispered, releasing a soft moan when he felt her hand give him a squeeze. "Chie, your spats are so smooth." He whispered, moving slightly and sliding his cock between her thighs and against her covered lower lips. "This is so naughty..." He said, holding her against him. He wasn't sure if Yukiko or Rise, or anyone else was watching them, and frankly it didn't matter. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Chie's neck.
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