FF7 - The Jenova Cancer ((Lilly and Mysty))

Sep 18, 2015
The Moon
The City of Midgar, a multiple layered city. Home to many societies and districts. The district we begin our story is, the lower district.. A woman garbed in a dark cloak moved through the junk lined Lower District, junk and debris. The woman's silver hair lingered out from the shadow of her black cloak hood. At her hips two swords one longer then the other, katana like but not like a katana at all. The girl was about 18 in height and appearance, her slender figure adorned with a shadowing, her feet carrying her towards the center of the district.

Her stomach growling and her posture seemed like that of someone about to keel over, a drunk wandered by singing a tune and swaying to and fro, bumping into the girl spilling his bottle all over himself. "What the hell were ya doin standing around like that, bloody kid spilled my drink.... now how ya gonna pay fer it...." The poor girl would look to the man, her silver blue eyes looked to the man, and she gullible as she was began searching her pockets for a way to pay back the man, feeling she had wronged him... Her pockets had not a single gill to give unfortunately... "I... I'm sorry sir, I don't have any money to pay you back...." The man growled and raised his hand up as if he were about to strike her, and she flinched and backed away, the look of a flutter of black feathers puffed out when she moved suddenly, and the feathers seemed to blow away immediately, she looks up slowly.. The man was bringing his hand down and she flinched, she was going to get hit for not paying, across the street was a bar, the 7th Heaven.


"Scuse me."

That was all the warning either the young woman or the drunk man were going to get before a woman stepped right between them. She was in her twenties with the build to match, all wide hips, large chest, and disconcertingly (for the man) well-developed arms.

Seraph would feel a hand on her chest pushing her back just a touch as her other arm came up, catching the man's forearm with her own. The hand on Seraph's chest left and came rushing forward, her palm striking the drunk man.

It was not a hard blow, but the man's stupor would see him in the gutter in record time. The woman slowly returned to a neutral stance, glancing down at the drunk man who looked like he was about to say something.

"Walk away, Cal, or I'm taking your tab away. You know what I've said about those anger issues," the woman said.

The drunk man, apparently Cal, widened his eyes and muttered something under his breath.

"What was that?"

"S-s-sorry," he managed, before Cal turned to start crawling rapidly away.

The woman turned on her heel, about to head back to the bar before... the girl made Tifa think twice of it. Silver hair, black cloak, katanas. Four faces quickly danced through her head and her mouth went dry. "Hey. Who are you?" Tifa asked.

Sephiroth. Kadaj. Loz. Yazoo.

... and now this girl.
Seraph was ultimate surprised, when the woman stepped right in... To save the girl from getting hit by the drunk. The young Jenova spawn was looking on as the woman forced the drunk to retreat back. Her light silvery blue eyes looked up at the woman. Who was more then 4 inches taller then her.

"I am.... I am Seraph...." The girl said when asked for who she was, and lightly the young woman dressed in black, cursed with the Jenova cells in her body, resulting in her current appearance.

Seraph was worried revealing her name, would cause the woman to try and hurt her. Being as she was she concealed herself, however she had rebelled against the ways of her brothers, especially big brother Sephiroth.

She was flinching a bit as if expecting the woman to turn around and suddenly begin wailing on her, Seraph could explain herself, but she was worried it would be to no avail.

Suddenly, her stomach growled and she blushed tucking her head back under her hood which had fallen back when the woman stepped in and pushed her away from the drunk.

Her hair matched Kadaj's in length, but was done up with two braids along the crown of her head the braids looped back a little and would trail along the sides of her head, giving her the look of a princess if that could be a term used for a monster like her and her kindred.

"I uh...." She fiddled with the sleeve of her cloak, she certainly did not act like her brothers, in fact her mannerisms were particularly shy in truth, like a small bird her brothers had compared her too.

Even the name--

But... Tifa had known the displeasure of direct confrontation with Sephiroth and later Loz, and had the unenviable fortune to have known Kadaj and Yazoo as well, even if it had been Cloud that had been the most direct in his encounters with the group of Sephiroth's splintered fragments.

In each of their gazes they carried pure malevolence. A malice that cut through the soul. And this girl... whatever she was, Tifa couldn't see any malice. Any hatred. Anything short of a girl just worried about very mundane things like food and shelter. Was all of this just a coincidence, a foul joke? Or was there something more to all of this?

Tifa reached out and grabbed Seraph's hand.

"Come on." She gave it a squeeze and should Seraph meet Tifa's own red eyes, the woman would smile. "If you're hungry, I have food," she said, beginning to tug the girl back toward the 7th Heaven. One thing was for sure, if this girl was part of Sephiroth, the others needed to be made aware of it. Moreover, she needed someone to watch over her, and the only person more powerful than Tifa in this world was Cloud (or possibly Vincent).
Seraph was ultimately surprised, as she was being tugged along by the woman, she tried to speak up as to tell her it wasn't something she needed to trouble herself over... However the growl from her stomach shut her up instantly.

"Oh.... okay but... I... don't have any gil...." She flushed, her voice was very small, almost as she tried to oppress the very fact she had a physical form.

It wasn't long before she was however inside the 7th Heaven, and looked around. It was a small comfortable place... Her eyes drift up to the woman and then... her breasts... Then resulting in Seraph looking at her own slender less filled out form, if she was a part of Sephiroth it was very clear she was a very tiny part of him if anything, most likely over shadowed by the others.

"This place, I can feel the warmth here... its a very dear place to you isn't it?" The girl asked innocently, her features while alike to Sephiroth's were so much softer compared to the others.
7th Heaven was a little slice of its namesake, all warm and cozy and comfortable. The original, of course, had perished beneath the sector 7 plate, but its successor had been doing just fine as both Tifa's place of business and one of a few places people could use to reach her erstwhile friend, Cloud. It would never be the original home of AVALANCHE or anyone else, but for them it was home. Pictures were spread across one wall, a testament to the times her and her closest friends had saved the world. Once against Sephiroth, once against Kadaj, and a third time against the Tsviets.

"Don't worry about the gil. I don't even technically need to run this place anymore," Tifa said. They'd had enough gil after their adventures to set each of them for life in their profession of choice. Everything else was just gravy.

"And yes, it is. Here... you should come through here and get a shower. I'll get some food for you in the meanwhile," Tifa said, gesturing for Seraph to follow her. It would give Tifa a moment or two to make some phone calls as well.
When she settled inside, and looked to the woman. Seraph flushed when the word shower left the woman's lips... On instinct she lifts her arm to sniff... Did she smell, and then her nose crinkled, she did, and the cloak would need to be washed as its covered in dirt and soil-age... "Sounds... good." As she walked along the hall, she saw the pictures. The women's friends were in them, and she drew to a stop slowly and looked at them.... 'these were....' She shook her head.

In the shower room finally, she turned to look at the woman one last time.. "You have been... awfully charitable... you have my gratitude.." She said calmly. Her tone timid at first but it grew more gentle as she said what she wanted to say. Soon she stepped into the shower area, and begins unrobbing the cloak falls around her feet, she wasn't wearing much of anything underneath, she slipped off her shoes. Turned to look back once to see if she was still there or not... Upon the girls back there was a crease with black feathers pocking through which linked her easily as a part of Sephiroth, however it didn't truely explain why she acted so unlike Sephiroth. She slowly steps into the shower, her slender figure was pale and her hips and bust were small compared to Tifa's. She turned the water on and began basking in the warm water that graced her body.
Tifa followed Seraph all the way to the shower room and lingered at the side of the door for a moment or two longer. "It's no problem," Tifa said as she waved off Seraph's words. "Really, it's what I'm here to do. If I wanted to live anywhere else.." She shrugged a shoulder. "I could. But I live here to help people who are down and out. And you kind of looked like you were both out there," Tifa said.

She watched Seraph slip off the cloak, and it took a while to notice the feathers. Most would have seen it right away, but Tifa's eyes instead dragged along slender legs and hips, catching sight of the bust in profile before she finally saw the feathers. Black feathers -- Sephiroth's calling card. She would need to study that further... which was precisely the reason why Tifa stepped into the shower room.

"Need any help?" Tifa asked. "I... know it's difficult to reach certain spots," she said.
Seraph hears the woman and she carefully takes note how the woman seemed to be looking at her one wing, or rather all that was left of her wing... Unlike Sephiroth her wing looked to be placed right where Sephiroth was missing his...

The young woman however did not seem all to proud to have the reminder of what she was, and what she was part of... She tried her best to turn around so the fragments of her wing did not cause any more strange observing gaze from the woman.

"I.... can wash just... fine... but... if... if you want I don't mind helping you wash the tough to reach spots..." She said idly eying Tifa's trademark bosom. Her gaze lingering over the woman like she had her...
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