Heirs of the Red Lotus (MewMew og Jan)


Oct 20, 2012
The bodies had been cleared days ago, but the debris and the dust, like the city, hadn't yet settled. Nor would they, not for a long time. A terrorist bombing that had been covered, live, by a news station that happened to be in the area--and the group that had taken responsibility for it was the most terrifying threat to Republic City yet.

That was because of their ideology. Or their lack of ideology.

The Heirs of the Red Lotus, they called themselves, and as their name implied, they took after the anarchic foursome who had brought the world to its knees just years before. But the Red Lotus, the true Red Lotus, had goals. Insane goals, to be sure, but consistent, philosophically sound goals. Theirs Heirs, however, did not.

The letters they sent and the statements they made were incoherent at best, insane at worst. And their members--the few of them who had ever been caught, dead or alive, were young people. Teenagers, college students, no one over the age of thirty, ever, anywhere. They were all young, alone, scared, angry, and so dedicated to their cause that they killed and died for it.

None had ever spoken about the internal workings of the organization, not even when the grim men who wore masks carted them off to deep prisons where only rats and screams lived. None had ever been taken into custody through investigation. But all that was about to change.

There. That young slim man in a red shirt and tough leather boots. That dark hair, that friendly smile, those toned powerful arms... there was no mistaking him. He had been spotted lingering around the police station before the bombing, and then mysteriously retreating into the crowds in the moments before the explosion. He was the right age, and the way he maneuvered through the throngs of people into a nearby bar... there was no doubt about it. He was a master of vanishing into thin air, even when you were looking right at him.
Korra didn't know what was going on in the republic city but whatever it is, she will stop it because as the avatar it is her job to stop evil doers that try to destroy peace. The young water Bender yawned tiredly, she hasn't gotten any sleep due to fact she been determined to find the bomber. Whoever it may be they weren't going to get far not while Korra is around.

She determine to send them to jail and get justice for all the people that perished during the explosion cause my the bomb.

Unable to understand why anyone would want to bomb the republic city filled with innocent citizens. What kind of human would do such an inhumane thing? Thinking about this made Korra mad beyond imaginable. She never been so angry before! She didn't understand why anyone would want to kill someone when their life is valuable! Did they even consider that the person might have a family? If not, then their heartless bastards! Korra would rightfully give them an ass whooping of their life!

Whoever these people are, Korra would make them pay. Dashing down near the police station nearby, she decided to ask Mako if there is new information about the bombers. As she make her way there she sees a incredibly handsome man walking pass but as soon as she makes attempt to get a good look at him he already left.

Korra doesn't know why she getting her hopes on since her love life is destined to doom anyways. She had dated Mako that definitely didn't work. Ever since then she didn't bother to date anyone else. Certainly she is beautiful with her bronze skin, short black hair framing those trademark icy blue eyes from the Water Tribe, along with a good chest and curvy body inAnyone would like her but can they handle her personally and the fact she is the avatar? Well Making couldn't handle her not for long at least.
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