Consuming Dark :: AR x PP ::

Dec 3, 2013
It came in like a storm, but one that had a consciousness or directive. The Darkness seemingly seeped out of the clouds, even the rain was tainted and turned cattle into horrors. There was nothing that could be done aside from run or die, but that didn't change the fact that people wanted to save others. Especially their family, for a twenty seven year old male this was the worst of the worst nightmares. He watched as his youngest brother was drug off, clawing and screaming for help. Extending out his hand to the young boy, the platinum haired male jolted awake. Sitting under a large tree, he had fallen asleep there as it was finally a place that he felt comfortable enough to let unconsciousness take him. Eryan had been on the run for the last four days, literally walking day and night until he felt like he had put enough distance between him and the Darkness. Everyone knew it was coming, but didn't know what to do and instead of leaving and finding a new place to live, the humans all hunkered down together to try and ride out this inevitable storm.

Eryan rose to his feet, wearing simple work pants that were a faded black color, he also wore a long sleeve grey shirt that buttoned up in the front. His hair was tied back in the typical pony-tail style that he normally wore it in, his face was a very pale color which was a clear indicator of undernourishment. Wiping his face with his hand, Eryan rose to his feet and dusted off his legs as well his backside. Birds flew overhead out from the tree he had been sitting under and he looked up to the blue sky. Standing straight up and stretching his hands out above his head, Eryan stretched out to his full height of six feet five inches tall. His green eyes scanned the horizon and he couldn't spot a black cloud in the sky. Which was a great thing as far as he was concerned, it meant the Darkness was still very much away from this area.

Walking off from the outskirts of the town he had made it to, Eryan headed in towards the center of town following his nose. He hadn't eaten in over four days now, fortunately he had found a stream to follow for the majority of his journey which allowed him to drink water. But he had left everything he owned and everything he had of value behind when he ran; Including his entire family. Eryan's nose caught the scent of meat being fried and he couldn't help but blindly be pulled in that direction. He didn't have money so to speak, or at least not enough to buy anything that would fill him up. But that didn't mean he couldn't work for the food, and that was his intention and goal. Find someone who would cook him something in exchange for his manual labor. In his haste to find the food, Eryan was walking clumsily and he hadn't noticed there was a female crouched down in front of him. Bumping into her Eryan tumbled over the female's form and he collapsed over top of her. "I am so sorry!" Eryan said from the ground as he looked up to the female's beautiful face. Her red eyes immediately grabbed his attention as well her blonde hair. "I did not hurt you, did I?" Eryan asked as he stood slowly and offered out a pale hand to help pick her up.
RE: Consuming Dark

Perhaps she shouldn't have stopped in the middle of the road to tie up her heeled boots, but she had never dreamed someone wouldn't see her since her sleeveless dress was an endless cascade of ivory, splayed out beneath her. The force was abrupt and at first she had no idea what had caused her to fall into the dirt, but then the warmth of the weight on top of her touched her skin and she knew someone had actually fallen on her. She was more than displeased, but when she decided to turn her fiery red spheres that were her eyes towards him she couldn't help but feel her breath catch in her throat. The minute her eyes met his eyes, which were the color of a shining emerald stone in every sense of the word considering they were so bright they practically reflected what they looked at, she felt something within her. She didn't know what.

It was enough for her face to relax, since it had tightened upon anger when she had been knocked to the ground. Not that it mattered anyway because her expressions did not do much to ruin the femininity and softness to her face. She simply stared for a moment at him, as if she was trying to remember someone who she simply had never met before. Slowly, her eyes went to his hand and then back to his face. Taking a second glance, he looked more than just handsome. He looked like he wasn't healthy, something that was common among the poor. His clothes also told that same story being so faded and worn. "No, you didn't hurt me." Her voice matched the softness of her face. It could only be compared to a serenade of bells far off into the distance. Beckoning. Comforting. She had a voice that should have belonged to a Siren.

She took his hand, feeling the roughness of his skin. Her hand was not much better being that it had just been in the dirt and dust clung to them. She used most of her own strength to get back to her feet and then patted down her cotton dress, attempting to remove most of the dirt. It was rather loose on her, but the collar of the dress dipped down to a low V that accentuated the cleavage she had. The first button was undone, the rest were secure. She sighed a bit as she moved to fix the golden locks of her hair that looked to be slightly unruly. She could never quite get her hair to sit straight on her head. But it was soft, and wispy enough to where it followed wherever the breeze took it.

"Were you in a hurry?" She asked as him as she looked towards the direction he was going. What could he have possibly been running to that he didn't see her? There was not much in this town, just tired people who worked their hardest to live a decent life. She herself was on her way home to change so she could help out at the farm, and make sure that no monsters were bothering the livestock. The darkness was real and everyone knew of it. They knew those things used to be animals. Swallowed and corrupted and made into twisted things that did nothing but seek out life. Seek out their next targets to be swallowed up whole.
RE: Consuming Dark

Eryan felt a wave of comfort emanate from her the second she looked up and spoke, his body relaxed some and the tension that he'd felt before seemingly washed away as if she had managed to Cure him. It was as if she had washed away all the worry and concern he had, and was forcing him to live solely in the moment. When she told him that he hadn't harmed her by bumping into her roughly as he had, Eryan was relieved completely. When she took his hand Eryan was able to fully take in her features, and he gave her the same exact expression she gave him. One that said he was searching for something, but like she would find in him; something was different about her as well. Eryan's mother had told him something, something that only began to make sense right about now. Everyone has a destiny, and everyone is meant for someone, that is destiny; A sentence that he had not truly listened to until this moment.

When she rose to her feet, Eryan realized just how much shorter and petite she was than him. Though she was incredibly gorgeous and her dress flowed about her as if she were some Princess of a faraway kingdom. Eryan was stunned he had no words to say thus when she asked him what he was in a hurry for, he had no words. Eryan simply felt like the entire rest of the world around them had collapsed away and he couldn't break his eyes off of her's.

Eryan closed his eyes and swallowed hard, and when he opened them everything had come back to the way it was before. People around them, street vendors on the sides of the alleys, he took a deep breath and released her hand. After she had finished patting herself down and fixing her hair Eryan felt a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Which he quickly folded between his teeth to stop his smile from fully forming as she asked him if he was in a hurry. The scent of cooking meat him again and his stomach rumbled.

"Uh, yes, I apologize for running into you like that. I was going to see if one of the street vendors would let me do something for them in return for some food," Eryan apologized again as he looked over her shoulder and down the street. He could see the man on the grill cooking meats on skewers, Eryan licked his lips and then looked back to the girl he'd ran into. "I am not from around here... My hometown was recently destroyed, or worse. I ran for my life and ended up getting here, and I haven't eaten in a few days." Eryan explained as his stomach growled loudly.
RE: Consuming Dark

Hearing his story made the corner of her lips sink so that she was now visibly frowning. She didn't have to ask to know what happened to his to village. There was no war amongst the humans, not when The Darkness existed. How awful, she could only wonder if he was the only survivor from his village if he were alone. Not only did his story compel her to want to help him, but there was that spark. That connection. That pull she felt when their hands separated. She had truly never experienced such a sensation until today. It was odd, but not unwelcome. In fact, she actually liked it since it had been some time since she experienced any emotion other than complacency. What else was there to feel at a time like this, where simply being alive and away from the unending abyss was enough?

"I see," She began as she turned around to see what he was looking at. She knew the man that ran the stand over there, and she had some time before she needed to go home and change. Perhaps she could help him, in more than just giving him a meal for the day. There was a lot of work to be done at the farm, an extra set of hands was always needed and she was sure her Aunt and Uncle would not mind at all. Especially if he told his story to them. "I'm sorry to hear that your town was destroyed. I don't need to hear any more to want to help you. Perhaps I could buy you lunch and discuss a job opportunity? That is if you plan to stay here for a little while. My name is Melody." Her name matched the sound of her voice, honestly.
RE: Consuming Dark

Eryan was not expecting what came next after explaining his situation in it's entirety to this female. Not only had she offered him a meal, but also assistance in finding a place to stay as well a form of income. Eryan's heart sank in his chest some, he felt like she was taking pity on him because well, he was pitiful. But when she told him her name, Eryan looked up with a smile and looked into her beautiful eyes. "While I won't accept you giving me a free meal, I will accept it if you allow me to repay you the debt." Eryan said firmly, reaching out and taking her hand in his Eryan wrapped both hands around her smaller one. "I am Eryan Shinra, it is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance miss Melody." He said introducing himself rather formally.

"I do intend to stay here as long as it is possible, this town has a quaint charm to it that reminds me of home." Eryan responded to her statement, there was a tinge of sadness as he spoke about his home. The memories were sharp in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel that he had been followed the entire time he was running. Or that perhaps he was bringing the darkness to this new place with him, there were a million fears he had but somehow when he was in this one female's company they all seemed to fade away. Eryan followed alongside Melody as she lead him to the cook's stand. She purchased for him one full meat kebab and a vegetable kebab, as well a small rice ball for the side. It wasn't much considering she didn't have more than what was necessary on her, but it was a lot for Eryan.

Even though the food smelled so mouth-watering, Eryan found it hard to take a bite. It was as if the fact that she had been so kind to him, and he had so little to offer in return was making him not have an appetite. But he knew it was rude to deny food given to you, and that even if something isn't as good as you would like it, always appreciate it. So Eryan took a bite of the meat, and as soon as he had chewed it he was hooked and began to eat the rest of it. Once he had half of both kebabs devoured, Eryan took a bite of his rice ball and chewed that up before swallowing. Melody had gone and sat at a table, which Eryan had slowly followed her over to and then sat down. Once he swallowed everything down, Eryan looked up into those beautiful crimson orbs of her's. "I am really good with my hands, if you have anything that needs fixing or anything you need built I am great at that. I would really like to repay you for this," Eryan said smiling with a small piece of rice hanging from the right corner of his lips.
RE: Consuming Dark

Melody was quiet as she watched him eat. She herself was not hungry, mainly because she had eaten a little while ago with one of her friends. But she was happy to buy this stranger named Eryan lunch, even if that meant she had spent her budget for the day. It was alright, because he needed it more after what he experienced. She was an empath naturally, but there was something infectious about his sadness when he spoke of his hometown that she felt. Although that sadness was gone when he appreciatively at the food she had bought for him. She was a little too in sync with his emotions, but she was at least glad that he wasn't hungry anymore.

She was about to speak when she noticed the rice at the corner of his full lips. They were still masculine, but for heaven's sake, they looked much more kissable than they should have been. She didn't even know why she was thinking about such silly things, with a stranger that she had just met. She had heard other girls talk about this, about love at first sight, but she didn't actually believe in that until now. When her heart was beating faster than normal, when she could barely think because she got lost in his gaze every once in awhile. Even the sound of his voice was appealing to her.

"About that," She started finally, after being quiet for the majority of their time together. "I work for my Aunt and Uncle. They have a farm and a ranch. I'm sure they need help and would be willing to pay you. We also have an extra room, I can talk to them about letting you use it while you work for them." She told him. She didn't really want him to repay her for today, money was money that could always be earned back. "If that sounds okay, you can come with me to talk to them after you're finished eating."
RE: Consuming Dark

Eryan really couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. He had no clue where he had actually walked to, after the second day it became increasingly hard to even keep his eyes focused on any one thing. By all means Eryan should not have of made it out of the Darkness alive, he shouldn't have been able to walk for four days and three nights. But something drove him on, it was as if there was a great power here that lured him to this place. But he was beginning to piece together the reality that he was in now, it was fate that brought him here. To her in order to start his next point in life, his next event that would change him for the rest of his life. The only thing being that he had no idea that this change would also change her, and the courses of their destinies altogether.

Eryan's emerald eyes glistened over slightly, he blinked a few times and stopped himself from tearing up. For a split second her kindness and compassionate nature reminded him of his sister. She was younger than him, and probably her as well but the likeness was uncanny. His kid sister was always helping anyone and anything, she would have liked Melody a lot especially considering how gorgeous she looked. Eryan had a hard time breaking his gaze from her's every time they met, but he sat in silence for a few seconds after she'd told him about what she thought she could for him. He had almost finished eating by the time she had finished explaining everything to him.

Looking down to the meat and the rice ball that he had left, Eryan quickly ate the rest of it and swallowed it down. Looking up into her eyes, Eryan felt the single piece of rice at the corner of his lips and wiped it away with his hand and brushed it off to the ground. "You have only just met me, but yet your kindness knows no limits," Eryan said as he moved off the seat and went beside her before knealing and taking her hand in both of his. "I will be forever indebted to you Melody, and I will happily assist your family with whatever they need done." Eryan finished his thought, before looking up again into her beautiful eyes. "And please let me pay you back for the food!" the man insisted.
Melody would have normally pulled away if someone had taken her by the hands like that, but she didn't this time. Maybe because she really enjoyed the way his hands felt against hers, or perhaps because of the connection she felt with him earlier and even now. Either way the only thing she was concerned about was people getting the wrong idea. This was a small town after all, and news would spread fast. Her red eyes showed of hint of bewilderment as she stared down at him. "Umm, it's really nothing. You don't have to repay me for the food. Or anything. At times like these, we have to help each other, so..." Ugh, that was wrong. It's not like she wasn't a nice person, but wouldn't have just done this for anyone. Only him. And his eyes were just murder. She could get lost in his gaze for weeks.

She could only rise to her feet to keep that from happening, and she gave him a bit of a smile before helping him to his feet. "Eryan, the only thing I ask of you is to take care of yourself. I know the pain of losing people you love. I lost my parents to the Darkness, or I can only assume. I was sent away with my Aunt and Uncle. My parents had them take me knowing that the Darkness was approaching. They tried to defend our home, but they didn't make it. That was a long time ago, though. I can barely remember where I used to live. For the most part, this is where I grew up." She didn't tell very many people what happened to who parents, only the one who asked. She just knew that...she needed to tell him. For whatever it was worth, she needed him to know that she understood to some extent what he was going through.
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