Come & Get It (Niah & jefflalex82)


Jun 4, 2010
"Five minutes Miss Gomez" one of the crew said politely to the young woman. Selena looked up from her dressing room table and gave a pretty smile. "Thank you" she replied, before rising from her chair and brushing her dress down. No matter how many times that she performed, there was always a slight hint of butterflies in her stomach before each show. However the moment that she walked out onto that stage, it all went away. When she began to sing, a professional calm took over her and all those nerves just disappeared. Under those spotlights is where she was supposed to be and performing for her fans always made her feel so happy and loved. Selena had been involved in the industry since a very young age and as she grew, so did here fans. What were once preteens that adored her show Wizards of Waverly place, were now young women that bought all of her albums. They showed her complete dedication, even when her personal life came under attack and for that she would always be grateful. Which is why tonight she intended on a little surprise. To say thank you, a select number of fans were going to be chosen to come backstage and spend some time with her.

The brunette female smiled at the thought, her full lips glinted due to the plum gloss upon them which caught the light. Her long dark hair shifted around her shoulders as she ventured towards the stage. The black dress that she wore allowed her long, smooth, olive toned legs to be clearly visible. Her heels adding an extra several inches to her modest five foot five frame. The skirt part of the dress expanded out a little in a skater style and the top was laced in a beautiful pattern. It was see through at the front, but completely backless from behind. Allowing her sleek, unblemished skin to be on full display. The cheers from the crowd became louder with every step that she took and finally she found herself at the side of the stage. Her dancers all gathered around and they bowed their heads as they took a moment to gather themselves and be thankful for the performance that was about take place. Music began blasting from the speakers, the lights and smoke machines started to go insane and a wave of intense noise and heat washed over Selena as she stepped out onto the stage. Her voice began to sing and her dark brown eyes took in the sight before her. Thousands of people were screaming her name as the concert got into full swing.
Niah said:
"Five minutes Miss Gomez" one of the crew said politely to the young woman. Selena looked up from her dressing room table and gave a pretty smile. "Thank you" she replied, before rising from her chair and brushing her dress down. No matter how many times that she performed, there was always a slight hint of butterflies in her stomach before each show. However the moment that she walked out onto that stage, it all went away. When she began to sing, a professional calm took over her and all those nerves just disappeared. Under those spotlights is where she was supposed to be and performing for her fans always made her feel so happy and loved. Selena had been involved in the industry since a very young age and as she grew, so did here fans. What were once preteens that adored her show Wizards of Waverly place, were now young women that bought all of her albums. They showed her complete dedication, even when her personal life came under attack and for that she would always be grateful. Which is why tonight she intended on a little surprise. To say thank you, a select number of fans were going to be chosen to come backstage and spend some time with her.

The brunette female smiled at the thought, her full lips glinted due to the plum gloss upon them which caught the light. Her long dark hair shifted around her shoulders as she ventured towards the stage. The black dress that she wore allowed her long, smooth, olive toned legs to be clearly visible. Her heels adding an extra several inches to her modest five foot five frame. The skirt part of the dress expanded out a little in a skater style and the top was laced in a beautiful pattern. It was see through at the front, but completely backless from behind. Allowing her sleek, unblemished skin to be on full display. The cheers from the crowd became louder with every step that she took and finally she found herself at the side of the stage. Her dancers all gathered around and they bowed their heads as they took a moment to gather themselves and be thankful for the performance that was about take place. Music began blasting from the speakers, the lights and smoke machines started to go insane and a wave of intense noise and heat washed over Selena as she stepped out onto the stage. Her voice began to sing and her dark brown eyes took in the sight before her. Thousands of people were screaming her name as the concert got into full swing.

It had been two weeks since Jeff had first surprised his daughter with the tickets to the Selena Gomez concert, and the screaming had not seemed to stop since. He knew he was winning some serious greatest dad points and that all of his daughter's friends would be envious. He spoiled her, but she was his only daughter. He also hoped that taking her to the concert might cut down on the amount of her music he constantly had to listen to, from her room, on the way to and from school, on tv, coming from the computer, its almost as if he was leaving with Selena. Not that he would have minded. He had watched along with his daughter as Selena grew up and became quite the attractive young girl. A cute baby face, with a very womanly body, he would be lying if he said he never thought about her sexually. He helped him get through the countless award shows and performances his daughter made him watch. Finally, the day of the concert had arrived and the two of them drove to the arena where it was being held. Traffic was horrible, and soon Jeff began to realize just how popular this little girl was. After what seemed like hours, they finally parked and made their way up to the large building, decorated with giant posters of Selena.

Jeff wore some dark jeans and a button up black dress shirt, with boxer briefs underneath. His daughter tried her best to dress like Selena, but quickly put on a t shirt with her face and name on it, right after Jeff bought it for her outside the concert. Combined with the food and other merchandise he was buying, this concert was starting to cost him a fortune. They finally took their seats, just a few rows back from the stage. Surrounded by the young screaming girls, Jeff hoped his hearing would survive the night. Seeing Selena walk out onto the stage lifted his spirits though. She was quite attractive, her legs looking longer than usual, and her full breasts amazing as always. He watched her as she performed, his daughter lost in the moment. He had to admit, she was quite talented, even if he did not care for her music all that much. Soon, he had to stop himself from thinking too many dirty thoughts, as he was sitting right next to his daughter after all. He mainly stayed seated during the concert, only standing up a few times, when his daughter dragged him out of his seat. He checked his phone more than a few times, wondering just how long it would all last.
Adrenaline pumped through the young woman's body as she danced up and down the stage. Her enthusiasm never waning, instead seeming to grow with every step that she took. Her eyes scanned across the audience, doing their best to pick out the individual faces of her adoring fans. She smiled at them, called to them between verses and choruses and even walked up close to the ones that were nearest the stage. As she sang, she would lean down lower and take hold of their hands affectionately. Once in a while she took a small break, during which her dancers gave outstanding performances or her opening act reappeared to keep the crowd entertained. She was never gone for too long, only a enough to ensure that she stayed hydrated. Stage lights were immensely hot and if performers weren't careful they could easily collapse from dehydration or heat exhaustion. Two long hours passed and after multiple costume changes, Selena now stood on stage back in the same dress that she had begun the night in. Her skin was littered with tiny beads of sweat and her chest rose up and down heavily as she stood there out of breath.

"Thank you so much for coming out here!" She called out to the crowd, who all began screaming back at her in excitement. "You're all so awesome and to show you how much I love you guys... I have a little surprise." One of the dancers walked up to Selena with a bag in his hands. "In here are all of your ticket numbers, I'm going to randomly pick five out, ok? If I call out your number, then head on round back and show your ticket to the crew!" The young woman then placed her hands into the bag and took hold of one of the many pieces of paper. "The first ticket number is... 624... next one... 1270..." Selena continued until she had read out five numbers. She thanked the dancer and then looked back to the audience. "All of you with lucky tickets, head backstage and bring your family or whoever came with you tonight. Everyone else I love you so much! You have no idea how much it means to me to have all of your support! Drive home safely, I love you!" She took one last bow, before exiting stage left and away from the crowd. Instantly her team began handing her bottles of water and towels. Telling her how amazing she had been and praising her performance. It was quite a frenzy to make it back to her dressing room, but eventually she was there and began to make sure that she looked presentable for her backstage fans.
Jeff watched as the young woman performed for all of her fans. She was a hard worker, that was for sure. He would also smile every time she changed into a new costume. Some revealed more than others, each seemingly showing off one of her many great features. As she bent over to shake some of the girls' hands, he would get a few glimpses of her cleavage, her breasts so young and firm. While she was just a few years older than his older daughter, she looked much more like a woman and the age difference barely bothered him. Jeff was making it through the concert fairly well, occasionally taking a picture of his daughter and some of the friends she had made, but otherwise just watching the girl on stage sing and dance. By the end, she had a nice sweat over her body and Jeff knew he would be thinking about her later that night. He could tell the concert was winding down, when she announced the surprise. Looking at their tickets, he found he was holding the winning one. At first he almost did not tell his daughter, as he had had enough of the screaming and young girl chaos and wanted to go home. But he could not do that to her.

"Looks like our night isn't over yet honey" he said to her, showing her his ticket number. He hugged his daughter as she practically leaped into his arms. He looked around for some of the security, waving his ticket at them, as they ushered them around the stage and up some steps, to a group of the other winners. There were a few older girls there, by themselves and a couple of moms, he was the only man. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache he had been developing for the past two hours. At least he would get some up close looks at Selena, and maybe even a picture or two. He waited for instructions from what he assumed was her management team, as his daughter talked to the other girls, laughed and jumped. A man walked over and told them what was about to happen. While Selena rested for a minute from the show, they would be given a tour of the backstage area, where they could take selfies and look at Selena's make up and costumes, then she would come and meet and greet them for a bit, taking a few pictures and answering some questions. While he went over the rules, Jeff's mind wondered about, not paying the closest of attention.
Selena had been under the impression that the fans were being brought to her straight away. However she breathed a sigh of relief as one of her team came in and informed her that they would be given a tour first, in order to give her some time to rest. "Oh good!" Selena replied with a small laugh. "The tour should take around half an hour, maybe a bit more if the fans would like to meet the opening act as well, that ok?" The lady asked her kindly. "That's great!" The singer replied. The chances of the fans wanting to meet the opening act were pretty high. Selena's team had managed to secure her Shawn Mendes and teenage girls were crazy about him. This meant that there was plenty of time for her to get some much needed relaxation in and change her clothes. As gorgeous as her dress was, it was becoming tight around her torso and the heels upon her feet were beginning to hurt. You know what they say, beauty is pain and all that. She had set aside a nice loose, white dress to slip into after the concert. However before changing into it, she really needed a quick wash. The beads of sweat were now beginning to dry, becoming sticky and uncomfortable upon her skin.

Selena slipped out of her dress and heels, before walking into the en-suite washroom attached to her dressing room. There wasn't time for the long hot bath that she would have liked, plus of course there was actually no bath in here, just a sink and a small shower. Selena decided to avoid the second option, once again due to time constraints. So instead she took hold of a washcloth and began running it under the warm tap. The young woman removed her underwear, before then gliding the wet flannel over her skin. Rubbing away the sweat and replacing them with clean droplets of water. Her skin glimmered as a trail of the clear liquid began to slip down her toned stomach. Selena maneuvered the washcloth up and around her breasts, holding them gently as she caressed them clean. The rest of her body received the same treatment, before finally the brunette began to dry herself. Once she was done, Selena grabbed hold of her kimono styled gown and wrapped it around herself. The fans weren't due for a while yet and she'd be informed about five minutes before they arrived. So until then she'd just relax in the gown and get dressed quickly before they turned up.
Jeff waited around with his daughter and the other girls, smiling at her when she turned to him and smiled, she was clearly enjoying the evening. The first stop on the tour was where Selena had made some quick costume changes. The girls marveled at the make up and dresses and accessories, while Jeff thought about Selena, taking off some of her clothes right there, her young almost naked body, beginning to get sweaty. He was getting more turned on as the night went on and was looking forward to actually meeting the young starlet. The leader of the tour then asked the girls if they would like to meet the opening act, which elicited a loud yell from all of the girls. They quickly grabbed their phones and got ready. Jeff knew they would only get louder when they met the young man, whom they all seemed to be in love with. He quickly wondered if Selena was seeing him behind closed doors. Still having a headache from the music and yelling earlier, Jeff asked the tour leader if there was somewhere he could get some medicine. He was not sure, but told Jeff there might be a dispensing machine in the bathroom. He looked around but did not see one immediately. The group then headed off towards another long hallway.

As they walked down one hallway, Jeff saw what he figured was a men's restroom around the corner. He quickly headed off, walking over to the door, only to find it was a janitor's closet. He shut the door, heading back to where the group was, only to find they had walked off. He followed the laughter of the girls down a hallway, before seeing what he assumed was another restroom. He quickly opened the door and stepped inside. He immediately knew where he was. It was a larger room, and clearly Selena's dressing room. He heard some water running from a side room and assumed she was in the bathroom. He thought about what he should do. He knew she might scream when she saw him, and that he could get thrown out with his daughter. On the other hand, it was an honest mistake. And there was the chance he could see the Disney Princess in a more revealing state. Eventually his lust won out over his common sense. He opened the door again, standing in it, waiting for Selena to come out, so he could pretend he was just stepping inside.
Selena took one last look in the mirror, running a hand through her long, dark locks. She then took hold of her underwear and threw them into a small, travel sized linen basket that was kept in the washroom. Turning around; the young woman exited the en-suite and re-entered her dressing room. The silk gown clung to her skin from the front and plunged dramatically around her chest, providing Selena with an inviting cleavage. It hugged at her petite, nicely rounded behind and her back was once again fully revealed. The gown was laced all the way down to her tail bone and to top it all off; it was short, barely covering the bottom of backside cheeks. Although the piece of clothing was definitely alluring, she hadn't actually bought it to please anyone else as she was currently single. In fact it had been a while since she had been fully intimate with a guy. Loneliness was definitely something that celebrities could feel, even when surrounded by their huge entourages. Selena was only human after all and even she had urges. Take this gown for instance; sometimes a girl just wanted to feel sexy for herself and so she had purchased it on a bit of an impulse. Right now she was glad that she had, the material felt cool and fresh upon her skin.

As the young woman walked into her dressing room, she was given the shock of her life from a man stood in her doorway. "Oh God!" Selena exclaimed, jumping slightly in surprise. What the hell was he doing here?! Where was her security?! Selena tried not to panic, as it appeared that the man was only just entering her room at that very moment. So it wasn't like she had caught him snooping around inside. Perhaps he was simply lost? She looked up at the older man, he was clearly in his forties and not her usual type of fan. Though he could have easily been the right age to have a young teenage daughter. He was rugged and handsome, with sharp features and deep, dark eyes. He was attractive, no doubt about that, but Selena didn't really have to time to focus on his looks right now. Her first concern was getting him out of here! "What are you doing here?! Are you supposed to be with the tour?!" She asked assertively. Of course if he was simply a lost father of one of her fans, then she didn't want to be rude. However he could have also been a creepy and even dangerous stalker who had managed to get past security. Without knowing which one it was, she kept her distance.
Jeff waited until the bathroom door began to open, stepping back some, then entering through the dressing room door, looking up quickly as he heard the young woman react to his presence. He jumped a bit himself to help add to his little charade. "Oh god, Im so sorry" he blurted out, trying but failing, to keep his eyes on hers, and not looking down at her young petite body. Her breasts were being displayed nicely in the robe, so young, perky and full. He was immediately turned on by them. He quickly took notice of the rest of her, her legs sticking out from the bottom, almost able to see every inch, before finally making his way back to her cute face, looking into her big eyes. She seemed shocked but not too scared, which was a good sign. Her first reaction had not been to call for help or reach for a bottle of pepper spray, so he felt safe for now to continue. He stood in the doorway, his hand still on the knob, looking across the room at her. "Yes, I was in the tour, well I mean, my daughter is" He said, before looking back out into the hallway, as if he was looking for her, when in reality he was searching for anyone who might have heard her yell.

"Im so sorry, I was just looking for a bathroom, one of your guys said there would be some headache medicine in there, and I thought this might be it, I had no idea it was your room" He said, looking around the room, gradually moving a few inches closer into the room. "Sorry to scare you." He added before looking her body over again. She had clearly cleaned up. The sweat was gone, and her skin looked fresh and dry now. She was even more beautiful in just a little robe, compared to the outfits she wore on stage. "My daughter would die to come in here..." He said, moving over to one of the little tables in the room, checking it out. 'Im sorry, I should really get out of your hair, Ive just never been around someone famous" he added, smiling at her, trying to lower her fears. He stepped every so slowly towards her, looking down into her big eyes. "God, you really are a beautiful young woman arent you? I can see why my daughter wants to be just like you." He smiled down at her, again bringing up his daughter to alleviate any fears she might have about him being some type of stalker. "Talented and beautiful, thats just not fair" He gave her a little wink, staring down at her, as he towered over her, especially now that she had removed her heels. He did not know how she would react, or how much time he had, but he was going to go as far as he possibly could.
Selena began to feel a little less tense, as the man revealed that he was indeed with the tour. He mentioned that he was here with his teenage daughter, which the Latino beauty felt herself believing. However there was something about him, the way that he spoke and looked at her. Almost as if some of what he said was true, but other parts were laced with a different intent. Regardless of whether or not he was being completely honest with her, he still needed to leave. The older male then mentioned how he was looking for some aspirin or something. "I'm sure I can get someone on my team to help you out... let me just give them a call..." She began to say, intending to head towards the door so that she could find somebody to help. However she stopped when the man took a step inside of her room! He was certainly brazen, waltzing on in uninvited! "That's ok..." Selena replied warily as he apologized to her. Even though he had stated that he was one of her backstage visitors. She still had to be careful about the fact that she was now alone in a room with a man whom she didn't know. He began to gaze around her table, before finally smiling at her and saying that he should get out of her hair. He became even more attractive when smiled and Selena could feel her cheeks flush slightly.

"Don't worry, I get it, but you're right... you should probably go..." She agreed and gestured towards the door. However he didn't leave, instead he began to inch even more closer to her. Selena began to take a few steps back and soon found herself hitting a wall, unable to go any further. The man was tall, probably around six feet, making him practically a giant compared to her small stature. As he ventured nearer, his appearance became all that more visible to her. His shirt, though plain and black, clung to his arms and chest tightly, which gave Selena a slight impression of what his body might have been like underneath. His biceps clearly appeared toned and muscular, his chest strong. The two top buttons of his shirt were undone, revealing the slightest bit of skin. He began telling her that she was beautiful and ended his statement with a wink. God he wasn't just attractive, he was smoldering. Selena swallowed, before beginning to speak again. "Thank you... it's really sweet that you'd bring your daughter all the way out here to see me. I can't wait to meet her. Maybe you should just... go find her and the rest of the tour. I can get someone to help you look for them... Mr?" Selena was trying her best not to escalate the situation. She didn't want to begin shouting at him to leave, but at the same time, she was become increasingly aware of just how close he was getting to her.
Jeff was standing quite close to her now, looking down at her robe, her breasts almost on full display. He could not get over how firm and perky they looked. He had never seen a pair so large and so pert at the same time. He could tell by her glances that she was both hesitant and worried about what was going to happen, but also that she was somewhat turned on. The blush on her cheeks gave her away that she thought he was attractive. Jeff crossed his arms, causing his arms to flex more, the fabric of his shirt stretching tighter over his biceps. "Oh, Im sure shes just fine meeting Shawn and drooling over him." He said with a little laugh. "I just hope she doesn't grow up to be as sexy as you. All those boys chasing after her, lusting after her, I dont know how you deal with it all and stay sane." He added. Looking into her eyes, he knew she could go and get help at any minute now, so he decided to go ahead and make his first move and see how she responded. He uncrossed his arms, reaching over, his fingers trailing gently over her cheek, staring into her eyes, his thumb sliding down over her full soft lips. "Even sexier in person than on tv" He added, his thumb playing with her lips, pushing between them every so slightly.

Even though his heart was beating quite quickly now, he did his best to hide it, to stay cool, calm and collected. In truth, Selena could yell for help at any minute and her body guards would surely come running and whisk him off to prison, leaving his daughter behind. But seeing this famous, sexy young girl in front of him was not letting him think very straight. Her lips were amazingly soft and full, and soon he was fantasizing what they would feel like wrapped around him. "I bet most boys and guys are afraid of someone so beautiful and talented, arent they? It must get so lonely" He said, his hand moving down, rubbing the side of her neck, before he leaned over, his face in front of hers, kissing her soft lips, his lips pressing against hers, softly at first, then a bit harder, sucking on her bottom lip, as he felt more and more blood rush down his body, his erection growing harder and larger, his jeans becoming quite tight now. She tasted as good, if not better than she felt. Jeff's hand rubbing the back of her neck, pulling her into the kiss, a soft moan escaping his mouth and landing on her lips.
Selena's back was now pressed up tightly against the wall. It was almost as if she thought that by pushing it hard enough, a door would magically appear. The man, whose name she still did not know, was gazing down at her chest. His glances weren't subtle and even though he was speaking softly, there was still no attempt on his behalf to hide his urges. At first Selena tried to avoid eye contact, determined to keep looking straight ahead. However this only made things worse when he crossed his arms. The material of his shirt constricted around his impressive biceps as they flexed slightly. She tried not to stare and attempted to hide her attraction, but it was all too clear as her breathing became labored. Selena's eyes darted towards the door, as if trying to plan her escape. Though as he began to speak again, his smooth voice washed over her like warm caramel across her skin. She found herself being drawn in and couldn't help but look up. They locked eyes, his own so dark and deep.

"Yeah... a lot of girls get that way around Shawn." Selena replied. She was just trying to keep the conversation going. If she kept him talking long enough, maybe someone would come back in time and help her. Then the touch of his fingertips tracing over skin made her freeze. She tensed for a moment, as his thumb began to caress her plump lips. Complete strangers finding her attractive she was used to. People waiting for her autograph and yelling how much they loved her, that she was also used. Heck she even got the odd creepy love letter. However someone coming into her dressing room and actually making a move on her, she wasn't prepared for this. Selena felt herself unable to move, to yell or shout out. She just stood there in shock. His touch sending shivers down her spine. "Sometimes..." She responded in almost a whisper, as he said that she must get lonely.

Then before she could even register what was happening, he began to lean in and kissed her. Selena tried to pull away, but his hand was against the back of her neck and pulled her deeper into him. He nipped her lower lip ever so slightly as he began to suckle upon it, causing Selena to let out a gasp. A heated sensation began to stir within her. The young woman's body was becoming aroused, but her mind still knew that this was wrong. Placing her hands upon is firm chest, Selena attempted to push him back. Though one of her fingers accidentally found itself in the gap provided by his undone buttons. The tip of her finger grazed across his bare skin. "Stop... please..." she managed to gasp.
Jeff was pleasantly surprised when Selena did not try to bite his lips or shove him away at first. Feeling her warm small fingers on his chest only drove him crazier. He broke the kiss, his hand still on her neck and check, rubbing it, his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes with a large smile on his face. He heard her words, but had no intention of stopping. He knew she was hesitant, but she was clearly attracted to him and was not that alarmed at his actions, or her bodyguards would have already taken him away. His breathing was a bit harder than before. "Shh" he said, his finger running over her soft lips again. "Just enjoy being with a man for once." He said, a little wink following his words, before he kissed her once again, harder this time, his tongue slipping between her perfect lips, swirling around inside her warm wet mouth. His body pressed up against hers fully now, pushing her back against the wall, trapping her. His hand slowly ran down her neck, towards the opening in the top of the robe. Feeling her warm skin, smooth to the touch, his fingertips, sliding closer and closer to her waiting breasts. Sliding them over the tops of her perfectly shaped breasts, he could feel his hardon pressing against his jeans.

He nibbled at her lips, moaning into her mouth, as his hand slipped inside the front of her robe, squeezing her breast, her hardening nipple pressed against the palm of his hand. They felt amazing, perky, young and all natural. His mouth left her lips, trailing down, kissing her chin and neck, sucking on them, licking over them, as his free hand went further down, untying her robe, letting it fall open to reveal the rest of her naked body. He leaned back for a moment, looking at her body, smiling at her. "Perfect" he said, before kissing down her chest, still holding her against the wall with the weight of his own body. His lips and tongue moving down her chest, over her breasts to her nipples. His tongue making small circles around them, before taking them into his mouth, sucking gently. Jeff's hand moving down over her flat stomach, inching closer and closer to between her legs. His fingertip finally finding her clit, using the sides of his hand to spread her legs wider, pressing her asscheeks flat up against the wall.
Every time the man took in a hard breath, Selena could feel her insides twist. His moans of enthusiasm only causing her body to react even more so to him. The young woman's heartbeat was racing and as he broke the kiss, she found herself hyperventilating a little. He began shushing her and told Selena that she should enjoy it. Unable to barely breath, never mind even talk, she responded by rapidly shaking her head from side to side. It didn't matter though, as he was soon pressing himself into her once more. His kisses were passionate and but also rough, as he forced his tongue into her mouth. Their bodies meshed together when he pushed her back into the wall, using himself to hold her there. The heat coming off of him was intense and as he leaned into her, Selena could feel something hard in his lower regions pressing against her body. Her nipples became erect and one of them was welcomed by the warm sensation of his hand as it gripped onto her breast. The other brushed against the silk fabric of her robe, causing a tickling sensation that only stimulated them more.

Then his lips left her mouth and began to venture down. His hot breath felt so good against her skin and she found herself panting ever so slightly. As her robe began to fall open, Selena attempted to pull at it in order to cover herself back up. "No!" However at this point it seemed that her protests were falling on deaf ears. Her whole body began to quiver as his tongue started to play with her nipple. Then she let out a soft cry as he clasped his mouth around it and began to suckle lightly. Her vagina started to pulsate expectantly as the young woman's arousal levels rose. She could feel herself become wet down there and instantly tried to cross her legs. A job which became near impossible when his hand ventured below. It felt like a shot of electricity coursing through her body, when his fingertip pushed against her clit. An uncontrollable moan escaped her lips and in a panic; her hand dived down on top of his, attempting to pull it away. "No! Stop! Stop it!" Her nails began to dig into his skin slightly as she attempted to get a firm grip on his hand, which was so much larger and stronger than hers. Whilst her other hand was now trying to push his head away from her chest. "Please..."
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