The Love That Never Dies (MewMew & MellowYellow)


Oct 2, 2015
At first Korra didn't know what she was going to do in the spirit world aside from helping spirits that needed her help and spend some girl time with Asami. She didn't plan on her falling for Asami, it happened all at once, one moment they were laughing, next they were gazing into each other's eyes. Unlike her to feel so strongly towards someone, sure she had feelings for Mako in last however they weren't as passionate like feelings she had towards Asami.

According to Korra, Asami made the avatar happy beyond words. She was there for her when she needed her to be — she wasn't saying anyone else wasn't there for her but Asami, above all people made her feel better. Apparently, Asami had magic touch or whatever you called it, whatever it was, made Korra return to her original self. If It wasn't for Asami, Korra doesn't know what she would have done. Thinking about it now, she never realize how strongly felt towards Asami, hopefully their relationship could be more than just friends, perhaps even lovers.

Korra never considered on dating another female however Asami made the avatar feel complete like there was nothing to worry about. For this, Korra thinks they would be great couple. Sure it made seem awkward, many would be shock definitely Mako however Korra doesn't care, all she wants is to be with Asami.

"Asami, let's go home together." She said as she grabbed Asami's hand, ready to go back to their world to start their new life together as a couple. "Can you imagine the look on Tenzin's face when he arrive back at home?" Korra crackle into a fit of laughter. Imaging Tenzin's face would be priceless once he finds out they are dating!
In truth, Asami had never really imagined herself as one to be attracted to another woman. While she wasn't the sort to scorn such people, it always seemed to her that it was the kind of feeling that she herself could never get engrossed in. How wrong she was. This time with Korra, in between making discoveries and observations on the Spirit World that few other people would ever get to experience for themselves, had already added to a strong friendship and allowed it to become something... well, something more. It was fair to say that none of her other relationships had her so intrigued and fulfilled.

So... now she supposed she was a woman into both men and women. Though it likely helped that Korra was quite the tomboy... a gorgeous, powerful, incredibly fun tomboy. An ideal combination in her eyes.

This whole venture had come about not too long after the dramatic passing of her father, and it had been her time with Korra that helped her overcome that. Asami had her doubts anyone else could have managed it. "Hmhm... well, if we're going to break the news it should be to those closest to us." A casual flick of her wrist sent some elegant dark curls back into place behind her ear. She was following behind Korra at a quick pace.

She was no Avatar, but the wealthy heiress was quite trained and in good shape- though this time in the Spirit World had left her with a few nicks and cuts along the dark leather of her attire, her body beneath was in relatively pristine shape. "His reaction will be priceless. I'm sure Pema will be thrilled, and Mako... well he'll likely faint from shock, but I'm sure he'll wind up being happy for us." Not that she was going to give this up just because it upset their mutual ex.
"Agreed!" She replied, admiring how beautiful her girlfriend was. Part reason why she had fallen for Asami wasn't only her beauty but due to fact Asami made everything so much easier for her. She had went with her to the spirit world even though there were many other things needed to be done in their world. Korra was grateful that Asami went with her to the spirit world. "But who should we tell first?" She asked. The closest person to them could either be Bolin or Mako. "Want to tell Mako or Bolin first?' The avatar would much rather tell Bolin first because it would he much easier than telling Mako. It wasn't as if she was afraid or ashamed, she would rather tell Bolin because his reaction would be hilarious as way if you think about it. Korra needed a good laugh.

"Yeah Mako will be happy for us but don't you think it will be awkward though?" She asked Asami. Most definitely will be awkward considering they both dated Mako and it just happened they were now dating each other. "You know what, forget it for now and whatever happens, happens!" Korra was to proud to be ashame of herself or be afraid of what her friends and others thinks so she decide to forget about it for now.
"Awkward? Most likely," Asami replied. Though, for as off as it would be to break the news to him, they could hardly keep it a secret. The head of Future Industries and the current Avatar, two of the most powerful and famous women in the world, dating? That was the kind of thing that would spread like wildfire if any newshound heard it, and in the span of a day would become common knowledge in Republic City, and doubtless further afield soon after.

She wouldn't be ashamed, but bottling the truth of their relationship seemed an exercise in futility in her mind. She was sure Mako would understand, and she doubted he had any lingering feelings for either of them.

The winding hill they were walking upon, which upon closer examination seemed to be a colossal root from some unseen tree, seemed to lead up to a vibrant shining light. "Ah, the way out," or Asami hoped as much. Hopefully it wasn't some manner of trick being played on them. She flicked her silky black locks back and then adjusted the heavy bag of goods on her shoulder. "Well let's head on through. The Spirit World is marvelous, but I've missed having running water and other comforts."
"Agreed!" Korra affirmed that their ex boyfriend would feel awkward around them if he find out that they were together. No matter how much Korra believed it would be easier to keep it a secret, it would only be harder do the avatar decided she is done keeping secrets, decide to tell only the truth. Sure the two or them dating is crazy but people would learn to deal with it. Korra knows for a fact if any reporter finds out they are dating and able to get nation wide, many people would be shocked upon the discovery. Even so Korra wouldn't hide their relationship or deny her love for Asami.

She wasn't ashamed of anything aside from not being able to protect world that is. Her friends and family would understand, they had to understand, Korra needs them.

"Yeah that's the way out." Korra knew the spirit world like her own very home. This is way out, the avatar certainly knew for sure it is. "Yeah let's go home!" The avatar had to admit she preferred taking a bath in an actually tub rather than a lake but the spirit world was fascinating and beautiful as ever. With that said Korra took Asami's hand, led them out of the spirit world to their own world.
Asami felt Korra's strong grip, the warmth of her hand even through the thick leather of her special gloves. It was a reassuring sensation, one that she had grown accustomed to. It seemed appropriate that, as they had entered hand in hand, they would do the same on the way back out. "Hm... home. Don't worry, I have something very enjoyable in mind for when we get back," Asami assured her, a wry smile on her face. They had kissed, groped around a bit, but had not entirely indulged in sex yet. It was something she found herself quite looking forward to.

It was hard to describe the process of moving through one world to another- the rush of motion, the blur of alien lights, a warmth that alternated between comforting and dissuading... all occurring in the span of a moment that seemed to last forever. The to young women emerged from where they first entered, under the cloudy night sky of Republic City. From here she could hear the sounds of the city, and see plumes of smoke rising up from various buildings.

"Ahh, I missed that smell... shall we be off? Seeing everyone else again can probably wait until morning."
Korra smiled happily at Asami as they hold hands. Reminded her of a time when Asami held her hand when she severely injured, was in a wheelchair. Although Asami only hold her hand, assured the avatar that everything was going to be okay. Whenever Asami held her hand, Korra had nothing to worry about since all her worries in the world went away instantly. "I can't to find out what it is." Korra giggled, knowing what exactly Asami meant by her words. Thinking about having sex with Asami would be wonderful, Korra couldn't wait until night, this time they will be together more intimately.

Used to moving through one world to another, Korra smiled the entire way there. She couldn't wait to go home to see her friends and family not mention all of Republic city. When they finally arrived, it was just as Korra remembered Republic City. Nothing has changed. Well that is good to know.

"Yeah that's good idea. You're right let's see everyone tomorrow I am tired!"
"Not too tired, I hope," she purred.

It was not wildly difficult to get a ride home. They may have been gone for a little while, but the head of Future Industries and the current Avatar were famous faces all the same. Any cab would have been happy to have them, and one was kind enough to give the two a ride. Naturally Asami paid after they had pulled outside the main gate of her estate, a paltry sum with a decent tip, and after the driver was satisfied she started to lead Korra up her driveway.

"I'll admit," she began, a twinkle in her eye. "The closer we get, the more nervous I feel. I want to make this good for you, but I've never been... with a woman. I've read a bit on the subject but..." She laughed a bit to herself, her free hand roaming up to nervously stroke her dark locks. "The worst thing would be disappointing you on our first time together."
"Well I am not too tired for you." The avatar crooned, sweetly.

A cab quickly picked them up sooner than Korra had expected. Korra thanked driver before hand, even paid him extra. The driver of course said he didn't need any money but the avatar insisted, would not take no for an answer.

"Don't worry Asami, I never been with a woman either." Korra reassured her girlfriend by placing a hand in her cheek. "And besides it doesn't really matter if our first time is disappointing or not, all that matters that we have each other." Least Korra cared about was their first time, besides they will have sex more than once, and beside the avatar cared about making Asami happy than their first time.
"I know... well, I suppose we'll just have to start and see where things go from there." All she would have to do is... emulate what she liked and do it to Korra? What if she didn't get off on the things Asami got off to? After all, pleasure could be something that was a bit... distinct from person to person.

Asami worked to exorcise those worries from her mind, opening up the front door and leading the way inside with a wry smile. She reached up for the collar of her jumpsuit, gripping the front zipper before she slowly slid the zipper down. She sighed as her skin got to breathe again, the pressure on her bosom lessening until the two pale orbs were visibly, nestled inside her dark bra. Pale and porcelain, unblemished.

One thing was for sure, for as fit as the rich girl was, it seemed her body had not suffered a mark.
"Yeah whatever happens, happens." Undoubtedly in Korra's mind they were going to have fun regardless if their first time isn't as pleasurable as they would have hope it to be. Never been a picky person, or one to hard to please, the avatar was content with mostly anything even the exploration of sex was fascinating. Either it be with a man or woman.

Korra entered shortly after Asami, unaware that her girlfriend was dealing with something internally, perhaps needed her assistance. Just when Asami stripped out of her jumpsuit, the avatar felt little self conscious, nevertheless she licked her lips nervously, proceed on taking off her own clothes. Beneath her clothing, revealed swarthy, slightly blemished skin. Her breasts were normal size, a suitable size for Korra at least, nicely settled in a tan bra.

Rest assured, these blemishes were years old from when she was a child. At a young age, Korea always found herself getting injured, resulting in her getting blemishes. Although her body was marked up a bit, it was stunning, nonetheless.
Asami's eyes reflected her desire, roaming over Korra's frame. Exceptionally fit, and very nearly as curvaceous as Asami herself. She had a few markings, but it didn't seem to really surprise Asami. She knew that her girlfriend had always been a 'rough and tumble' sort, and such things were natural. Really, she would have been more shocked if Korra didn't actually have such marks. "You look amazing," she remarked.

With that she stepped out of her heavy boots and left them by the door. With those out of the way she could peel her suit off entirely, and it left her fully bare before the powerful Avatar with her curves contained in her tight and dark undergarments. "Come along," Asami said, smiling wryly as she made her way down the nearest corridor. The manor had a few different bedrooms, but it was clear that Asami was leading the way directly to her own room.
Korra chuckled upon seeing Asami's eyes glancing over her naked frame. It is very clear that her girlfriend was checking her out. Relief wash across her face when Asami didn't overreact about her having bruises. Last relationship with Mako, he had overreacted, and insist on her informing her how she got the blemishes. She didn't mind sharing however after Mako had asked she completely got turned off and decided to go home. Korea didn't understand why Mako bother asking, already knew pretty Mich where the bruises came from. Part of the bruises were for recklessness during fights and as a child she used to fight anyone and anything if they challenged her. Call her crazy however when she was younger, Korra thought she was invincible! Perhaps unbreakable too! "You look beautiful," She commented, never looking away from Asami's beautiful face.

Kicking her boots off to side, Korra neatly placed them in the side near the door, ran after Asami to see her stripping her suit off. Korra's heart start to beat rapidly at sight of Asami's naked frame. Remarkably fit and voluptuous in all right places with tight yet dark garments covering them. "Alright." Korra replied, following behind Asami to the nearest corridor. Walking behind Asami, Korra start to wonder where her girlfriend was leading her to, that is when it hit her, maybe they we're going to Asami's room. Could this be it? Will this be their first time together? Korra couldn't keep herself composed fue to fact she was overjoyed upon the discovery.
Asami's eagerness seemed boundless, her heart aflutter. This night had been on her mind since they crossed over into the spirit world, and she couldn't quite seem to keep her thoughts coherent. After all, she was about to sleep with the woman who'd been her sole company for months at a time. Would she mess this up? Would Korra prove more skilled at this? Pleasing a girl must've been a whole lot different than working with a guy, but she was at least somewhat familiar going by her experiences with her own body.

Upon entering her well maintained, well furnished room, Asami proceeded to unhook her bra and discarded it, fumbling a bit then with her panties once they hit her ankles. "W-well... let's get to it," Asami said, smiling warmly. The naked heiress took a seat on the side of her bed and quickly beckoned her lover over, hungry eyes roaming over her strong frame, the rich caramel skin and the heavy surface of Korra's bosom.

Whatever happened... Asami knew she'd be having plenty of fun tonight.
Korra wasn't nervous in the slightest. Ultimately, she confident more than anything else in the world to be one with Asami. She had been nervous in the past with her first with Mako however she was so comfortable with Asami, eager to pleasure her in all possible ways available. Be it kissing or having sex with Asami! You name it, Korra will enthusiastically participate in whatever activities that make Asami feel amazing!

"Nice room, Asami." Korra remarked, admiring how neat and comfortable her girlfriend's room was. She watched eagerly as Asami removed her panties and bra, revealing herself completely to Korra. "Alright!" The avatar chirped, leering at Asami. When Asami beckoned her forward to join her on bed, Korra laid down beside her girlfriend, started to caress the contours of Asami's breast. She then proceeded on fondling Asami's breast in her other hand.

"I am new at this so uh sorry if I don't know if I am doing this correctly." Apologizing to Asami in advance just to be safe, Korra continued to fondle Asami's breast with her hand. After she finish doing that she proceeded on kissing Asami on her neck towards her stomach.
Asami's breath caught in her throat when the strong hands of her girlfriend me her pale silky flesh, the sensations making her mouth run dry. Holy... "Hah, it's okay Korra, I'm new to this too. So, it's a learning experience for both of us." And Korra was nothing if not a fast learner. She'd been proficient in three forms of bending before she even entered her teens after all! And Asami was quite the prodigy herself, so she was sure she could pick up on what Korra liked just as much.

Or, she hoped so at any rate.

Asami moved a hand around to stroke down Korra's strong back, slim fingers sinking into the caramel surface of Korra's rear, stroking and admiring the warmth and tone to her backside. She leaned into Korra's touch, her free hand pressing into her abdomen and feeling the rich and deep muscle she'd built up over the years. "Did I ever tell you that you're in great shape? I'm actually a little jealous, these muscles look great on you."
God, touching Asami is wonderful! Her pale silky skin is so soft, so beautiful... and irresistible! "I am glad we are both experiencing this together." Together they could learn how to pleasure each other equally definitely considering neither have actually been with a women before aside from now that is. Although, they both may be a novice, Korra is certain that Asami make her feel wonderful. After all, they both have been with same guy so they must have some tricks they used before on Mako to make each other feel satisfying.

Think, Korra, think! What could she do to make Asami fall in a pool of pleasure? Make her moan? Korra wondered if fingering Asami will do, or perhaps use a sex toy? There is a perchance they could do scissoring too. Yet Korra never have done such a thing as scissoring.

Korra soon started to gasp slightly upon feeling Asami's willowy fingers on her backside, heading downward to touch her rear. Remarkably, Asami's hands felt so nice and gentle on her backside that Korra drooped her eyes close. As Korra continued to caressed Asami's breast, she grew bolder and squeezed the mound flesh gently. Korra giggled as sensation from Asam's slim fingers touched her abdomen, feeling her muscles. "Thank you. You are exceptionally fit too, Asami. I am envious of you too. You're so beautiful." She said as she use her free hand to trace over Asami's cheek.
"Oh hush, I'm not that great. But feel free to keep complimenting me," Asami joked. She could feel it, the heat of their intimacy, and that there was certainly something more to this than simply indulging in sex for the fun of it. She bit her bottom lip and pushed herself forward, allowing Korra to grope her breast more eagerly, an act that had her pulse racing. "Just like that," she assured her girlfriend. "Not too hard, just keep feeling it like that."

After some more moments spent exploring, appraising Korra's fine body, Asami flicked her eyes up to meet Korra's "You know," she began "I've heard... stories of different couples. Women who have been in our position. And some of them are known to ah.. how should I put this?" Asami raised her hands up and formed the first two fingers of each hand into v-shapes. Whereupon, she had those hands intelorck at those points.

"Grind their ladybits together, the friction being used to get them off."
"You're great, Asami. I am glad you're all mine." To have Asami as your girlfriend is a gift, itself. Nobody else, aside from Asami truly made her happy. Assuredly, Mako made her happy for a certain extent, however, Asami made Korra so happy that the Avatar couldn't help want to always thank her or kiss Asami to show her gratitude. Seeing Asami bite her lower lip, was just so adorable. So adorably so, Korra wanted to kiss those kissable lips of Asami's. Even so, Korra had more things to do at the moment, such as pleasuring Asami. They will do more kissing later on. "Okay." She replied, knowing Asami coaching her will be beneficial later. As she instructed, Asami fondle girlfriend's breasts softly yet eagerly.

Korra listened attentively to Asami as she spoke about two women couple, at first she wondered what this had to do with them, but widened her eyes when she finally understood what her girlfriend was getting at.

"Maybe, we should try it out?" Korra suggested. Besides just groping each other isn't getting them nowhere, sure it is exciting, but if grinding their ladybits, turned them on, why not try?
It was a bit embarrassing to talk about, mainly because she felt always on the verge of flubbing her words or saying something stupid. Last thing she wanted to do now was kill the mood. After all it had taken a fair bit of effort just to get this far. Fortunately, it seemed that Korra seemed to agree with the notion, causing Asami to internally sigh with relief. "Excellent! I believe it's a fair way to start," she assured the stronger woman.

So, now that Korra had given her the go-ahead, the gadgeteer proceeded to scooch a bit closer, moving face to face with the brunette. It was a bit awkward, admittedly, as one leg had to go under Korra's while the opposing leg had to g over Korra's opposing leg. But, ultimately, she seemed pleased once she felt the mutual heat of their entwined bodies. Her damp pussy 'kissed' Korra's, and the act caused her to gasp sharply from the sudden flux of pleasure.
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