Hunters in the New World: One Piece RP [LadyAthene/Sanoci]


Bloody Heart Shaped- Box
Jan 9, 2009
Buffalo fookin, New York
Opposition, better yet targets felt he was obliged to conform to the notion of superiority on the merit of one's luck with a devil fruit. Kelsier subjugate that power in association of intensive and a zealot's motivation. Marginally tattered was the expensive suit marking him as an operative of Cipher Pol although criticized for his barbarous activities. It mattered little onboard a pirate's vessel, probably accustomed to the cozy life on Paradise versus the New World where it chewed out the strong and left only hardened souls. Blood stains left the agent aloof, bodies piling up while shuffling through the list of bounties.

" Dion Paladino. Worth a 200,000,000 Beli. Forgive me if I am not mildly i---BUSOKAII UTSUGI!!!!!!

Dion witnessed plenty of his comrades on the brink of death with others already passing on. Mono logging initially appeared appropriate and very pragmatic to seize an opportunity. If this was simply feigning this bastard underestimated his reputation too easily. Dissipating like a breeze briefly, an eruption was met accelerating at impressive speeds like a cannonball, yet shot out like a vertical tornado. An explosive gust of wind followed, hoping its pure force would devastate the government dog. Pausing abruptly feeling himself frozen like an anvil, horror plagued Dion by the realization this man did not even move an inch; instead finding his body crumbling from his own impact to the ground.

" Like I said...not mildly immpressed! You will join your crew shortly."

Grim without a solace of mercy; reality gave a glimpse of the hopelessness of drowning. At least it was the closest example Dion would likely register to this scenario in the New World. Merging his mastery of Busoshoku haki with Tekkai invented something out of a nightmare. It forged an Anti-devil fruit hunter with no equal, disabling his logia abilities with the hardening of his muscles with armament field encasing it to deliver the force by quadruple.

Kelsier was a robust individual with an heavily sculptured musculature outlining the slick black six-button double-breasted fashioned suit similar to a tailcoat. Other attire for the ten-foot tall agent was black trousers embroidered an emblem for the world government, leather boots with a golden buckle, and lastly a pair of circular, heavily tinted, wire-framed maroon sunglasses with goggle sidings. The momentarily increase of wind barely received acknowledgment on his pale ivory skin containing snake bites and small spikes embedded to the upper portion of both ears. However his shoulder length maroon dreadlocks was indiscriminate to the flow of the wind. Sunken silver hues pierced his figure, sizing him up and enjoying this moment. Gravity sped the descent of the horizontal elbow with the weight of TEKKAI sinking like a stone. Within seconds a crack echoed as the logia known as Dion Paladino was no more. Blundeoned severely with an indent in the cranium, death was instantaneous as his elbow vulcanized with the weight for the executed blow. With pinpoint precision channeled into a downward knifehand infused with haki and shigan to sharpened the fingertips. Beheading the bounty, it was about time to leave the scene of the massacre.

" Shame they lacked women!"

Cracking his knuckles ritualistic during duress, knowing the type of complaint he receive from his superiors for swimming this far. Ironic he was so careless but took a more serious demeanor for his hobby. A dim pulse still register, ominously strolling towards the man. Grasping tightly onto his lower jaw by mouth first, Kelsier just gazed.

" I forgot about you."

Cracking his neck by rotating his head slightly to the left to relieve tension and intimidate.

" Cry if you want to be thrown in the water or blink to becoming my sandbag until someone answers my snail."
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