Nightwing's Queen and Raven's Mage (Krystal x Asianheat)

Feb 26, 2013
Crystal Palace and Egypt
Krystal and raven had been meditating together when they sensed night wing's return. Raven smirked a little at krystal, taking a rare moment to tease the pretty fae. "So, you gonna tell him Krys?" She asked, and Krystal just blushed bright red as she floated around her room for the outfit she had bought for dick's return. It was a pretty dark blue cocktail type dress with similar designs to what adorned his suit. She quickly put it on, fixing her makeup, and finally, putting on the matching shoes. She hoped he liked her outfit.

Raven was the first one out of Krystal's room, floating away to welcome nightwing back home. She greeted nightwing with a small smile. "Glad you're back, nightwing." She said pointing to the two guys fighting about the TV. "Those two were annoying as usual." She added with a derisive snort as Krystal came in, dressed prettily. She smiled at night wing. "Can we talk privately, nightwing?" She asked nervously, replacing a lock of hair behind her ear.
"Of course Rea," he smiled back setting his gear aside from the nights mission. His famous grin masking his slight blush at the women before her eyes. "Oi more than one TV, Dumbasses." He shouted over the fighting duo. As they walked to Nightwing's private spot on the roof. He looked out towards the city much like how the Titians all saw Bruce do in Gotham.
Krystal followed him up to the roof, relaxing on a lawn chair she had just made appear. "You know dick, I've been watching you a long time. now that you aren't with star anymore, there is something I'd like to tell you." she said softly, playing with her hair nervously. She was rarely nervous, but today was different. She shuddered at the thought of being rejected. it hurt her to think that he may not want her.

(it was Krystal who wanted to talk to Nightwing, not raven. lol)
(Oops and sorry for the late reply work killed me) Nightwing raised an eyebrow, "Watching me?" he chuckled looking into Krystal's eyes trying to read them as he listened to what she wanted to say.
Krystal chuckled too. "Fae figure of speech, Dick." Shebsaid, crossing her legs as she relaxed. She blushed a little and her relaxed state became more nervous, taking in a few deep breaths. "Now you don't have to say anything now, but.. I thouhht you should know how I feel about you. I love you." She said it quite bluntly, but her eyes showed just how freaked out about rejection she truly was.
Dick sighed bringing Krystal into his arms, looking into her eyes. "While, I know i feel strongly for you." the dark knight's apprentice smiled. "That I love you as a friend and possibly more so." outwardly he seemed calm and happy while on the inside he was scared of being hurt again after being left at the alter by his former beloved Starfire. "But I can't say for sure right now...." he trailed off becoming lost in both happy and bittersweet thoughts, trying to figure out what he should do.
Krystal gave him a soft smile, stroking his cheek as he pulled her closer to himself. "it is enough to know you do feel something for me, Dick. Time will heal the wound that Star left on your heart. Just know I am here for you." her voice was soft as she spoke, giving him just the lightest kiss on the lips. She wished to heal him, but matters of the heart were more complicated than a simple spell. While the pretty fae queen had always liked Starfire, she couldn't condone what the alien princess had done. She knew just how much she hurt Dick. She felt it the moment he did. Krystal smiled at him gain, then looked out into the sunset. "I too have experienced heartache I never thought would end. My last lover was killed in action in WWII. It will get better. Know this too, Dick. I would not even be able to try hurting you as she did. It would mean my end." her long blue hair blew in the wind as she spoke, though her tone said it all. She really couldn't hurt him. There was some unknown to him force keeping her from it. Could he really be the heart she had wished for all her life?
"Thanks." came the one word reply that meant the world coming from Dick. "And I'm sorry for your loss," he moved behind her and wrapped Krystal in his arms.
"So would you like to go out to dinner or something, maybe a partner patrol?" He asked faking as much bravado possible.
Krystal gave him a soft smile, giving his hand a soft squeese. "You're welcome dick." Her smile became smaller, and she snuggled just a little closer. She liked that he was willing to be near to her. "Thank you. It feels like its been longer than it has." She explained, just relaxing close to him.

Krystal grinned this time, turning to Dick. "How about both?"
"Sound good to me," Dick grinned before his gaze moved to his fallen gear where the distress signal was going off. "Wow how 'bout a blast from the old days Druid needs help. The League of shadows must be in town" He frowned just slightly at the terrible timing as his jet pulled up for them.
Krystal let out a soft chuckle. "Indeed. I haven't seen him in ages." She said, smirking a little to herself. She knew a certain sorceress who would be happy to see him again. She knew Raven well enough to know that she had a crush on the man. She hopped into the jet behind nightwing. "Maybe when we get back then" she promised him, ideas already forming in her mind of where to take him.
A few miles away from the Titian West tower Druid fought against ten league, his elemental magick lighting up the sky. His body lock in a stand still as he block to incoming ninjato blades. (It's morning I apologize if the name of the blade is spelled wrong but i think its just cause of the Japanese.) "Ice Defend me!" He made a wall to keep the others at bay, only to have it shattered by a cluster of explosives.
In an instant his mind went black with pain three blades entering his body pinning him to a roof. "Your City will fall boy." They mocked before fading into the shadows.

"In Air*
"Do you see them yet?" Nightwing asked as he scanned the roof tops his eyes going wide as he caught the glint of forged steel below them.
Krystal and raven could both see the lights from Druid's magic a mile away. "There!" Krystal shouted, pointing to a place where they could land and get to Druid quickly. Her fae eyesight to already tell he was bleeding badly. Raven kept her expression neutral, but n the inside her emotions were on a roller coaster, Nobody hurt her friends.

Krystal smirked at the ninjas, hands and words glowing with blue flames. "Hey douches! maybe you should pick on somebody your own size!" she yelled, back flipping and injuring two of them in a quick swipe.
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