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A brother or master, which is it?(Mr.IncognitoxLust)


Sep 26, 2009
Ebony sighed as she looked out the window of the yellow cab that was driving her to her older brothers house.She hasn't seen her brother in a while, since he actually moved out of her parents house, to live by himself.She was a bit glad to be spending the rest of her life or so with him, since her parents were driving her insane.Talking about the divorce, who gets what and who gets EBony.Ebony felt the taxy slowing down and stop at a nice apartment complex.She even saw the moving truck that had her bed and many dressers that she brought with her, she just hoped it wasn't so much for her brothers room.

"thanks..."she said tiping the driver and stepped out, seeing the driver help her with her luggage and soon saw him drive off."alright..don't be nervous..he's your brother."she whispered as she walked up the steps of the complex and saw his name on the intercom.She pressed the button number 103 and heard a long beep."H-hello...hey...its me there."she called, letting go of the button and hoped her brother was there, since the movers were actually waiting to go in and drop all her crap off."come on..answer...."she whispered and prayed hoping he would.
Richard awoke to the sound of trucks horns and the smell of gasoline. He groaned and rolled over...then jumped when he saw the clock. It was nearly noon. His sister would be here soon, possibly even waiting at the door. He jumped from his bed, muttering a string of curses to himself as he hastily jumped into a pair of jeans, not bothering with a shirt. He bound down the stairs, his feet pounding the wood loudly like a herd of elephants.

Richard had lived alone for quite some time now, and so he was happy to get some company. His parents moving away and having a fight, the sister had been dumped on him. He did not mind, however. He had always loved his sister, and was willing to take her in. However, loneliness had warped his mind to a form of twisted sadism, and he spent nights fantisizning about her in dark, twisted ways. Now that she was here, it would be hard to resist.

The buzzer sounded just as he finished bounding down the stairs. He went to the door quickly, opening it with a wide swing, smiling at his sister, his hair disheveled from just waking up.

"Hey, Ebony! Sorry, I usually sleep in late on...whatever day it is today."
Ebony sighed as she saw her brother.Been some time, though some things never changed.She raised her hand and slapped his bare skin gently, though hard enough for it to hurt."and good morning to you sunshine....god...these guys have been waiting forever."she said poiting at the movers who were on there way and started gathering Ebony's dressers and bed."well..shall we....or you still to sleepy.."she said pushing past him and walked upstairs, looking for the apartment number.She stopped reading the number 103.She opened the door and pushed it open, seeing what she had to live with.It was pretty decent, pretty clean.THe kitchen was alright, except for some dirty dishes, but all good.

Ebony placed her luggage down in the living room and walked around, heading down a long hallway and found her room, nice, empty and dull looking."hmmm..nice and big."she said hearing a loud sound and seeing the movers coming through the door."hahah...just....dump it where ever."she said pointing to different directions.
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