The Majestic Tale of a Box and a Tornado (Starring Frogger and CaptainNexus616)


Apr 17, 2014
It had been two weeks following the events of Honnuji Academy. Raygo had been dealt with. The world was safe, and to H.G.'s own happiness she had two companions with her now eager to see everything her box could show them. The engines and rotor of the TARDIS groaned and wheezed as the box gently shook in transit as its pilot stood at the control console at the center of the large study that served as the bridge.

"So..." a young man with black hair dark brown eyes with a golden tint began watching the woman flip various switches and push buttons. "Where are we going exactly?" Jikan asked as H.G. smirked.

"To refuel." H.G. said pulling a lever down before looking at the screen her proper British accent filling the air as she looked over the diagnostics including the remaining amount of fuel left within the reserves. "I haven't refuled since before Honno City and the levels are getting low...been putting it off too long. Don't worry though the TARDIS has found us a nice little spot that should do the trick." she said before turning over her shoulder to look at the young boy. "Better go wake Nevada up, I'm sure she doesn't want to miss the chance to see where we land." she said as the Time Robe smiled and nodded.

Heading through the threshold and down the maze of hallways Jikan grinned as he arrived at one certain door that had Nevada's name engraved on it before pushing the button to open it up to reveal the darkened interior. Slipping in quietly he ever so carefully made his way to the bed where a familiar figure was quietly asleep. "Nevaaaadaaa." Jikan cooed gently shaking her by the shoulder. "Wakey wakey." he said continuing his motions. "Time to get up sleepy head." He said pulling the covers off her body.
Humanity is saved. Life Fibers are no longer hell-bent on taking over the world -which is always a good thing-, Ragyo is no longer an issue, either, having ripped out her heart and crushed it into little threads once everything unraveled. Heh, the irony… Anyway, everything is returning to normal at Honnouji Academy… or whatever qualifies as normal, leaving Nevada free to do whatever she likes. Rescuing her mother took longer than she expected it to… but with that out of the way, well… on to the next adventure.

Nevada rolled over onto her other side, tendrils of curly brown framing her features… her lips parting just so as a breath escaped. The blankets were tangled about her hips, showing off quite a lot of ivory skin… perhaps more than what is appropriate.

Where they will be heading next, she has no idea… but in any case, it’s gonna be out of this world. Literally. The TARDIS can travel not only from one place to another… but from one dimension to another, one world to another… the possibilities are endless. Nevada’s nose wrinkled as she caught wind of her name, displeasure rippling over her features as reality threatened to replace blissful unconsciousness. “Five more minutes…” she murmured under her breath, burying herself into the blankets before they were pulled off. A chill settled over her body, making her shiver and curl up into a tight ball. Little bits and pieces of brown fell against her cheeks.

“Jikan…” Nevada whined, a sliver of dark brown appearing from behind a closed door and gazing at him. “Five more minutes… please…?” In nothing more than a blue tank top and tiny purple shorts, of course she was freezing at this point… not that he cared, apparently. “I’m still… sleepy…” A balled fist rubbed at her eye, which was hazy and making it obvious that she wasn’t entirely awake. “Pretty please…? With a cherry on top…?” Maybe Jikan won’t quite understand it, but it was worth a shot… right?
"You know your adorable like this." Jikan said with a smile before pulling the covers back over her body before shivering slightly. "You need to turn the heat up in the room. Indeed for some reason it was slightly cooler in this room of the TARDIS compared to the rest of the ship. "I'll give you five more minutes but be careful I can't stop H.G. from coming in and waking you up in her own manner." the Time Robe warned his wearer. Indeed on several occasions when neither of them woke up when urged by the Time Lord she allowed her mischievous mind to do some wicked things to both of them. At first I was simple things like loud music, maybe a water gun, then her methods began to grow more devious.

On the sixth minute Nevada would feel a pair of strong arms wrap around her body. "Come on Nevada." Jikan cooed into her ear. Gently stroking her hair in the process. "You need to get up before you miss the next planet we're going too." He whispered before grinning. "Guess we'll have to do this the hard way...." he said before poking Nevada in her side right where she was ticklish. His hands began to tickle the young woman while she was still trapped in his embrace as he continued to tickle her in an attempt to wake her up.
“ I think not,” Nevada replied sleepily, taking this opportunity to roll over and blink up at him. Little pieces of brown fell against her flushed cheeks… which of course brought out the dark brown of her eyes. I won this battle… she thought, somewhere in the back of her mind… though it didn’t hold any significance, not at the moment, anyway. A hand lifted to rub at an eye… but it wasn’t much use, for sleep fell over the girl’s mind just seconds later. Minutes later -though it felt like a heartbeat later-, Nevada was pulled into a pair of strong arms… brought into a chest that was broad, into a body that was blissfully warm. “Come on, Nevada…” Jikan cooed into her ear, gently stroking her hair while doing so. Nevada could have sworn she told him something or another… but he either didn’t catch it, or couldn’t understand. One of the two.

A groan escaped her lips… right before she flinched, laughter bubbling up. “H-Hey! Stop that!” Nevada cried out, gripping onto his arms and trying to pull his hands away… only for that attempt to end in failure. Figures, really. Tears stung the corners of her eyes… only to trail down before too long, soaking into her hair, the pillow… and she couldn’t… stop… laughing. “Jikan!” she cried out again, her fingers curling into his shirt and shaking him, hoping more than anything it’d make him stop. It’s starting to hurt, laughing so much… if he doesn’t quit, she’ll have to retaliate.
"Glad to see you are awake now." Jikan teased with a laugh of his own as he continued to tickle Nevada for several more seconds before pulling away rolling onto his back with a grin as he looked at her. "Hey I warned you. H.G. wanted to break out her evil bag of tricks." He said as just a few minutes ago the Time Lord gave a sly smile and told Jikan about the thought of a prank that invovled him. Fortunately he was able to quickly talk her out of it.

"Besides, you have worn me enoughin Kamui form enough that I know exactly where all your ticklish spots are." He mentioend. He wasn't lying as her Kamui and being worn by her so much he knew exactly where she reacted when touched. Something that gave Jikan multiple opportunites to make her jump or squeak cutely by 'accident' of course.
Nevada looked at him, tears glittering at the corner of her eyes like diamonds and a rather cute scowl on her lips. "Evil..." she grumbled, taking a pillow and stuffing it into his face. "I can't believe you'd be so cruel as to wake me up with tickling! I swear!" Light pink dusted over the girl's features, just as a few wayward bits of brown fell against her jawline and over her darker brown eyes. "You've just taking advantage of my ticklish spots, and that's just... that's just not fair!"

Picking up another pillow and throwing it, Nevada was pleased whenever it found its target, hitting him right in the face. A smile teasing at her lips, it wasn't long until she chuckled, finding pleasure in such a small victory. "Trust me... One of these days, I'll get you back, Jikan," Nevada promised, throwing the blankets off and rising gracefully from the tangled mess. With a groan she scratched the back of her neck, heading towards a nearby door.
Jikan couldn't help but laugh as Nevada assaulted him with the pillows declaring him as nothing but evil and cruel for tickling the brunette awake. "I couldn't resist and you have to admit it wasn't as bad as some of the things H.G. loves to do when we don't wake up when asked." he countered with a teasing smile of his own before climbing out of the bed. There was no denying however how cute Nevada acted when provoke and when she vowed revenge against his existence. "I'm looking forward to see what you will come up with Nevada." he said before heading for the doorway as the TARDIS suddenly rumbled.

"Hey what are you doing?" H.G. said to the console as several alarms were going off all over the console. The sounds of the engines growing strained as the time machine began to shake. "Stop stop stop!" the Time Lord pleaded as she was hurrying to different sections of the console attempting to stabilize the situation. Turning to one of the screens the situation only grew worse as the remaining fuel began to drop at an alarming rate. "Come on just hang in there almost to our destination." she begged as sparks began to fly from the controls.

Then with a single final violent jerk the engines cut off as the TARDIS landed smoke rising out of the console with several more sparks in the process as H.G. coughed fanning the smoke away. "Just bloody great...." she mumbled.
“...You may have a point.” Jikan may be right, but that doesn’t mean she is going to let him off easy. Light pink dusted over her features still, adding a rather healthy glow to her otherwise ivory skin, Nevada began digging through the closet when the TARDIS suddenly rumbled. Taken by surprise, she jerked into an upright position, her eyes narrowing with a growing suspicion that something is wrong. “What was that?” she asked Jikan, just in time to be knocked off her feet. Pain shot through her temple as she hit her head, on what, she couldn’t say, but luckily she didn’t lose consciousness. Nevada let out a groan, fingers coming back tipped in crimson whenever she touched her head. The TARDIS continued shaking… until a single, violent jerk finished it all off.

Vision a bit blurry, Nevada sat up at this point, rubbing the back of her neck while looking around. Not much was disturbed during… whatever that was, not unless you count the clothes that fell from the closet… though that isn’t much, considering. “Hey! Jikan!” she called out, touching her head as she got up on her feet. “Are you okay?” Trails of red went down her cheek while Nevada started looking around, threads of brown getting caught in the blood and plastering against her skin. All of a sudden, she was no longer blushing that healthy pink… but rather, had gotten incredibly pale. Nevada quickly shook it off, trying to focus.

“Hey! Have any idea what’s going on?” Nevada asked the silence, ignoring the blood and dizziness in favor of answers. Her eyes swept through the room, anticipating an enemy, something out of the ordinary… only to find nothing standing out. Weird. “Jikan?”
Something had happened Jikan was certain of that much as the TARDIS shook out of control but before he could answer Nevada's question, a wave of vertigo swept over the young hybrid before blacking out and falling to the floor. What was happening to him now? That was the question drifting through his semi-conscious mind. Fragments desperately trying to connect and form thought, thought began to take form in a blurry dreamscape for Jikan. It was a beach, that much was certain when or where he did not know. A heavy rain and wind assaulting this landscape as the Time Robe looked around in panic for Nevada thinking she was pulled into this chaos he was experiencing. Then gold tinted brown connected with the site of what was on the water surface before him. A tornado, tall as Honnuji Academy's spire itself, wider than the dome the school sat in. Then something came flying towards him and all went black.

"Hey! Jikan!" consciousness began to return as he heard her voice calling out for him. Naturally the instincts imprinted into his core began to stir awakening Jikan from whatever caused his sudden black out. "Jikan?" a sharp intake of breath prompted his eyes to open as the room began to register into his mind. The lights barely on at the point as he forced himself off the floor from where he fell.

"I'm still here..." a groan escaped his lips as he spoke feeling pain shoot through his new body with arms slightly trembling as he pulled himself up into a crouch before standing back to his full height. Gripping his head Jikan couldn't ignore the intense pounding his skull was feeling, it was as if Gamagori had just decided to use his head as a punching bag. Turning his eyes towards Nevada, the Kamui immediately noticed the wound on her skull and how pale her features already become. "Your hurt," he stated moving towards his wearer before placing a hand on her shoulder and one to her head where the wound was. "Just hold still and give me a minute," Jikan muttered as the gold tint in his eyes brightened slightly.

It was impossible for Jikan to use his powers to turn back time and heal the injury, that would create a paradox. Something H.G. warned him multiple times not to do with his abilities. Instead Jikan was stimulating and speeding up the tissue cells around the wound, prompting them to repair the damage that would have taken at least a week in just under twenty seconds. A gold outline would form around where the injury was along with a small itching sensation and before long the cut was closed up. The moment it was done, Jikan stepped back taking a deep breath, panting as if he ran a marathon. It wasn't the first time he did such a thing, but it wasn't supposed to take this much out of him from such a simple injury. Something was definitely wrong here and if it wasn't for the splitting headache, he was feeling this would be a lot easier to understand.

A moment later H.G. quickly entered the room with concern in her eyes for her two Companions. "Oi, are you two alright?" She asked as Jikan chuckled still trying to get air to his lungs before nodding.

"No thanks to your driving, Time Lord." Jikan said with a hint of sarcasm no doubt picked up from his time with Nevada as H.G. pursed her lips.

"Very cute Stiches." H.G. remarked. "I'm not even sure what happened to us but it completely drained the TARDIS of its remaining reserves. I have it on backup power now but as its stands...we are out of gas." she said before seeing the blood on Nevada's face and hair. "Hey are you alirght?" She asked with concern as she move to inspect the wound only to find nothing.

"Its alright I already took care of that...just took a bit out of me..." Jikan said
A bemused sort of embarrassment flickered over her features, guiding her lips into a half-hearted smile. “Jikan, there’s really no need to…” Of course, her words fell on deaf ears, or held little significance, one of the two. “Just hold still and give me a minute,” Jikan muttered under his breath, one hand placed on her shoulder… the other, where she hit her head. What did I hit my head on? Nevada entertained for a second, her thoughts wandering in a different direction… that is, until she realized just how close they were… among other things. I must have hit my head harder than I thought… came her next idea, light pink spreading over her pale features, providing a healthy glow once again. Threads of curly brown fell against her cheeks, the girl’s jawline… and as the edges of her skin began stitching together. Figures that it itches… but it’ll pass before too long. Jikan stepped back the moment it was done, taking a deep breath as if he’d run a marathon or something.

It wasn’t the first time he’s healed her injuries in such a way, but it usually doesn’t take this much out of him… at least, as far as she knows. “Jikan? Are you okay?” Nevada lifted a hand to press it against his forehead, to check his temperature… only to curse herself seconds later. “Nearly forgot…” she murmured, peeking up at him through bangs and lashes, giving him a sheepish smile that is rather uncharacteristic of her, but cute nonetheless. “There is no way you can get sick…”

Okay, maybe that isn’t entirely true. Jikan is a Kamui…. clothing constructed entirely of Life Fibers, which were hell-bent on taking over the world until recently. It wasn’t until a few months ago that he became… human, changed shape, whatever you want to call it, so there is a lot they still don’t know, a lot left in uncharted waters. Nevada moved back just as H.G. came in, concern written all over her face. “Oi, are you two alright?” she asked as Jikan chuckled, still trying to get air to his lungs while nodding his head. "No thanks to your driving, Time Lord." Did she detect a hint of sarcasm in his tone? Jikan must have picked it up from her at some point or another… though it’s a surprise she didn’t notice it sooner.

“Very cute, Stitches,” H.G. replied. "I'm not even sure what happened to us but it completely drained the TARDIS of its remaining reserves. I have it on backup power now but as its stands...we are out of gas.” It was right then that she caught of the blood, and her attention went in a different direction than it probably should. Nevada let out a sigh, a half-hearted smile tugging at her lips meanwhile. “I’m good, H.G. Jikan did his thing, and there is no wound. I just need to wash off the blood.” A soft laugh following shortly after the fact, she rubbed the back of her head… a dozen and a half questions coming to mind now that that was said and done. “Okay, so… the TARDIS is down, at least for now. Where are we? When are we? I know we were gonna stop for fuel, but you never did mention where we were heading…” At a loss for words, Nevada glanced up, tilting her head ever so slightly.

Unaware of doing so, Nevada reached a hand out to the young man who used to be her uniform, resting it on his shoulder to help him stay on his feet.
"Because I wasn't entirely certain at the time I told you." H.G. stated before raising a hand up to stop either Jikan or Nevada arguing they landed somewhere teeming with danger. "Relax its nowhere dangerous at least. The TARDIS locates the nearest rifts in space and time, then bases this information on what is achieved from floral, fauna, and atmospheric conditions and calculates which of those scenarios is the safest pit stop for it to engage a landing to absorb the energy the rift gives off." she explained as simply as she could as to how they arrived to their destination. "However as to where and when we are. It is currently the year 2013 and we landed in a place called Aracadia Bay, Oregon in the United States in a different universe. Its an alternate earth compared to the one you are both familiar. Turns out there a lot of different earths out there and even someone with my life span may never see them all." she said with a small smile.

"Interesting, still if we are at the site of the time rift, shouldn't the TARDIS be replenishing itself instead of us relying on the backup?" Jikan inquired feeling the knowledge the Time Lord he was created from buzzing in the back of his head only worsening his headache even further. Sometimes it was easier being nothing but a sailor uniform who's only care in the world was being ironed.

"It would, but whatever turbulence we hit on the way did some damage to the engines." H.G. confessed. "Its not even safe to go down there and even work right now either. The entire chamber is flooded with some nasty elements you do not want to be exposed to. Its going to take a few hours to purge it all out safely without damaging the environment where we landed." she said sighing. "Until I can get the engines repaired the TARDIS cannot retain what it absorbs from the time rift. Its like a leak in a car's gas tank while you try to put more gas in. I have the scanners already assessing the damage so once the room is clear I can get to work on repairs."

"So until then we are stranded." Jikan summarized noticing the hand Nevada placed on his shoulder. Wihtout even realizing it a hand of his own was place on top of hers.

"Oh cheer up Stiches, this is just a minor setback until then. Let's go take a look at where we landed. Getting there is the chore, getting out and exploring is the fun." H.G. said with a grin as she tried to brighten the mood up.
“Fair enough,” Nevada replied. It does make sense, in a way. It sucks that it has come to this, but it makes sense, regardless. “I get to see a new world today… a new Earth, kinda? Sorta? I can’t wait to see,” came her next words, a shy, excited smile dancing along her lips as she first looked at H.G., and then at Jikan. The idea that there are other worlds out there, other Earths… other… well, galaxies, universes, all that and more… Sometimes, it’s a bit daunting, but it’s exciting, too… especially since she is getting the opportunity of a lifetime to see everything there is to offer. Nevada lifted her free hand to brush curly brown pieces of hair from her eyes… only to realize that her other hand was held captive by his… no, not captive, but… gently held, which was sweet. Her dark brown eyes lifted to meet equally dark brown eyes, this pair having a golden touch, somehow or another. I still have trouble believing this is the uniform I wore on a daily basis…

To think that he’s a man now is still hard to take in. Jikan is a Kamui, fabricated from Life Fibers… woven into an uniform… but not anymore. Really, Nevada has no idea how the change took place, or even why… but to think it did does make her wonder what else is possible. Does it mean he can change into other forms besides an uniform and a man? Is that at all possible? Or no? Who knows?

With a blink, Nevada returned to the present… and a soft, awkward laugh escaped her lips before too long. “I think exploring is next on our list of things to do. Come on, Patches, let’s see what Aracadia Bay has to offer… I’m starving.” Maybe they can find something to eat while they’re out. The TARDIS is great, don’t get her wrong… but Nevada hates being cooped up for any great length of time. Excitement adding a certain sparkle to her dark brown eyes, Nevada took the hand held underneath his… their fingers twining together as she began tugging him towards the door. A smile burst to life on her features, bright and warm. “Let’s go see Aracadia Bay.” Wait, no… a change of clothes is in order. Nevada can’t go out in her pajamas! Light pink darkened to a rosy pink within seconds, and she stole a glance at the other two in the room.

“Okay, yes… I’ve realized it by now. Can you give me a minute while I change into something more decent?” Nevada asked the Time Lord, not really caring whether or not the Kamui stays.

Fabric is threads, woven together… It’s not as though Jikan finds her to be attractive or anything, right? Jikan is human, she’ll admit that much… but still! Nevada began wandering back to the closet, wondering what would be appropriate to wear when you’re new to a world. ‘I come in Peace’ stands out on a shirt, after all...
Watching Nevada nearly drag Jikan out of the room in excitment made a smile on H.G. as the girl's current state of dress registered in her mind and came to a halt. However what really made that infamously devious smile known for mischief form was when Nevada asked the Time Lord specifically if she would leave so she could change clothes. Crossing her arms under her modest bust H.G. looked between both for a moment. "Ohhhhh I get it~" she said in a sweet tone that signaled she was up to no good. "It's fine I can understnd your hesitance in changing in front of another woman but the young man that has already seen you naked multiple time." the words instantly triggering Jikan's own face to beet red. "Especially when you have also seen what he is packing underneath those clothes." she teased before turning on the heels of her feet supressing a snicker in the process as she waved over her shoulder. "When you are done putting on a private show meet me outside the TARDIS." she said trying not to giggle.

"I am going to kill that woman...." Jikan managed to stutter out. Back when Jikan was only a Kamui, he understood that his purpose was to be worn. Humans needed to wear clothes to cover there bodies for warmth and protection from the elements. During that time Jikan had seen Nevada naked on more than one occassion when she removed him so she could bathe or change. He knew her body better than most because of that reason, not in a perverted manner but the fact that he was her Kamui and guardian.

However after Jikan had been reconfigured into a human form did he notice a change. It had to be releated to the hormones affiliated from being one part Time Lord and part human. Still there was no denying how soft her skin felt against his body. The alluring movements of her lips as she spoke her beautiful voice. Or how gorgeous the maturing curves of her body increased each day. It had to be releated to his body still adjusting to his new state right? Jikan was just going through his equivalent of puberty and couldn't help but staring at her lovely rear as she walked. He didnt even want to go into detail how often he felt blood rushing south when his mind went back to the time he saw her naked.

With an awkward cough and the scrathing of the back of his head his gold tinted eyes turned to Nevada. "I-I-I should go.." he said almost immeadiatly regretting the words leaving his mouth, after all he did want to stay. You know in case someone should suddenly attack Nevada while she changes. She may need his help if that happens right?
Nevada rolled her eyes, a bemused smile playing along her lips. Light pink dusted over her cheeks, bringing out the playful curls framing her features, the full, sensual shape of her lips… the dark brown of her eyes… among other small, almost insignificant details. “Very funny,” she replied, somewhat embarrassed… but not nearly as embarrassed as she thought she’d be. “Buy a ticket, maybe you can have a front row seat for the next private show!” Obviously joking, Nevada cleared her throat and rubbed the back of her neck, brown falling forward to hide her expression for a moment or two. “Um… Anyway…” A smile curving her lips, revealing a dimple in her left cheek, the girl glanced over at him… not exactly sure what to say. Given how red he’d gotten... he was just as embarrassed, if not more so. “You can stay. Really. I don’t mind, and I know you don’t… that we…” Waving a hand back and forth between him and her, Nevada rubbed the back of her neck one more time before walking over to the closet.

Red, blue, purple and green met her eye, all set in different styles, a row of jeans, black and blue, hanging off to the right. Her fingers went through the hangers, and after a minute or two, Nevada pulled out a shirt, dark red, with three-quarter sleeves and a V-neck. For some reason, ever since Jikan went through his little.. transformation, metamorphosis, whatever you want to call it, she’s felt the need to wear black… however, she’d tried to steer away from black for more… bright colors. Okay, maybe red was pushing it, but… today, she wanted to wear red.

The tank top tossed aside, Nevada went through the mechanics of getting undressed… not really minding she’d doing it in front of him. Ivory skin revealed with every piece taken off, she rolled her shoulders before lifting her arms up high in a languid stretch. Muscles rippled beneath the skin, light playing over the developing curves of her body. “Ooh… I wonder what this Aracadia Bay is like…” Nevada murmured under her breath, rolling her shoulders one more time before picking up the shirt and taking it off the hanger. “I doubt it’s much different than our world, but still… Did H.G. tell you anything about… what we’re to expect?” Chances are, H.G. didn’t… however, it didn’t hurt to ask… right?

“Where’s my bra?” Nevada threw out there, glancing about with a frown tugging at her lips. “I know I left it around here somewhere…” Not really feeling… modest, embarrassed, whatever, Nevada began looking around, picking up things here and there in the hopes of finding it. “Have you seen it, Jikan?” she asked, looking to him next.
Jikan couldn't help but watch as Nevada stripped in front of him displaying her still developing body in the process. Not really caring whether or not her uniform was now human. It did make sense though there really was nothing occurring between the two of them. Jikan had learnt his mission was to protect Nevada no matter what and it was practically engrained into his being after all. However there was still denying simple art appreciation of this splendid representation of the female form. The muscles that began to form from the trials of sprinting, dodging, and swinging both her swords and the two Scissor Blades in their possession rippling as Nevada stretched. When asked what Arcadia Bay was like did Jikan shrug.

"I think you may be getting a little over excited Nevada." Jikan said moving to sit back down on the bed his eyes not leaving his partner as he seated himself. "Besides this time rift, H.G. made it sound like it was nothing more than an ordinary town situated in the bay. If its the year 2013 as well then I doubt it will be that much different than our own timeline as well." He commented. Still he could understand Nevada's excitement for exploration. They were no longer in their own timeline, in their own country, in their own universe. Who wouldn't excited to even dissect even the smallest of differences between the two.

However it seemed Nevada's attention left the subject as she noticed something was missing. Immediately she began to wander giving Jikan a full view of her perky breasts which seemed to have matured somewhat faster than her hips that was for certain. As the young woman looked around turning things over Jikan merely sat there leaning back slightly to think. Ok Nevada was asleep before he came in and tickled her awake. So that would mean. Just as Nevada turned to the hybrid did he reach under the bed and pull out a lacy bra that was no doubt under there since last night. "I know you a little to well Nevada." he said with a small chuckle. Back when Jikan was restricted to only his Kamui form he remembered Nevada would always take it off before bed and usually just drop it on the floor before passing out. It didn't take much deduction to figure out it must have ended up under the bed sometime since then. After all this wasn't the first time Nevada conduced an investigation of the missing undergarment in her room onboard the TARDIS.
Dark brown landed on him, looking at the flimsy piece of lace dangling from his fingers before a sheepish smile began to curve her lips. “I must have taken it off as I was crawling into bed,” Nevada supplied as an explanation, chuckling under her breath while shaking her head. Light danced along curly brown, along the full, sensual shape of her lips… the girl’s long, slender legs, not to mention her breasts, perhaps a bit small… however firm and just as desirable. “You know me too well,” Nevada said next, taking the bra from him and slipping her arms through the straps. “Sorry about that. Anyway…” Momentarily distracted, Nevada twisted around, fingers working at the clasps as she walked back to the closet. “I know that I may be getting a little over-excited about all this, but… it’s a new world.”

Aracadia Bay… what mysteries does it hold? How is it different from the world she knows? Are the people different somehow or another? Okay, it’s the year 2013… but is the technology any different than what she is familiar with? Picking up the red shirt, Nevada pulled it off the hanger and threw it on over her head. Back and forth her hips shifted as she fought with the damn thing, emphasizing the shape of her derriere. “Come on, Jikan… You can’t tell me you’re not excited to see this new world.” There is just no way he isn’t...

Nevada finally won that round, and so moved on to what will complete her outfit. For a moment she looked between jeans and skirts, not sure which she should go with… and with a sigh, she picked a random hanger. It had on it a short, flowy black skirt… ironic, seeing as how she’s tried to stay away from black… well, whatever. How often does she get the chance to look… well, cute? Nevada slipped the skirt up over her thighs, adjusting it once she got it at her hips. “Hm… What do you think? Does it look okay?” she threw out there, twisting this way and that for his viewing discretion. “I don’t normally wear skirts, so… it feels sorta… weird…” Her words drifting off, Nevada frowned and looked down at herself, shifting nervously. “Maybe if I wear knee-high socks…” she murmured under her breath, nibbling on the corner of her lip. The red shirt she picked was a dark, almost blood, red… with holes in the shoulders, revealing ivory skin there… and hugging onto her curves just so. All in all, Nevada looked downright sexy… not that she knows it.
"Never said I wasn't excited, just not expecting that much from this place is all. " Jikan said with a shrug watching as Nevada struggled working the skirt around her hips. "You didn't have too much of a problem wearing skirts when I was the outfit." he commented with a grin before rising from his seat and moving towards her as she questioned her appearance. "I think you look great as you are Nevada." he said with a smile. After all when you spend half your time as this girl's sailor uniform you develop a taste for what is stylish and what's not. "Now then..." he said with a grin, his strong larger hand grasping Nevada's smaller one. "Its my turn to drag you out of the TARDIS." He said before leading her out of the room.

As the pair exited the TARDIS they would find the blue police box currently sitting in a back alley, while H.G. was currently talking to a homeless woman whom was sitting nearby. "Just make sure you don't tell anyone about what you saw." the Time Lord said handing the woman several pure gold coins. "I don't exactly need Area 51 coming for my box." she said with a wink as the woman looked wide eyed before standing up and embracing H.G. with joy, thanking the strange woman whom just handed her a fortune. After a few quick words and several more thanks the woman took her leave making H.G. sigh before turning to see her two Companions. "Oh there you two are." she said sticking her hands in her black duster coat. "I'll take it you saw that didn't you?" she asked
“H-Hey!” A startled laugh escaping her lips, Nevada stumbled after him, shaking her head while trying not to laugh. “I swear…” Outside the TARDIS, it was cool, maybe autumn or early winter, it’s hard to say. The sky up above is steel grey, a storm brewing on the horizon. Nevada rolled her shoulders… an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of her stomach, almost like she’d eaten something that didn’t agree with her. What is this feeling? I get the feeling that… something isn’t right… that something bad is going to happen… Not sure what to think, Nevada looked at the Time Lord, and chuckled with a mischievous grin. “I did, I did… but don’t worry, who am I to judge? Besides, it’d be bad if someone starts blabbing about the TARDIS, right?”

Both hands on her hips, Nevada lifted her gaze… studying the Two Whales Diner with a tilt of her head. “Weird name for a diner…” she murmured under her breath, only to clear her throat and look around a little more. “Okay, well… I say we eat. I’d kill to have some pancakes right about now… either that, or a good omelet, one of the two. What do you guys say?” Nevada looked to Jikan and H.G., a cheeky grin revealing a dimple in her left cheek.
"Breakfast it is then." H.G. said moving past them and pulling the doors to the TARDIS shut making sure they were locked tight. "However before we go a step further." she said reaching into the confines of her duster coat and pulling out two familiar red shaped objects. "I know it doesn't seem necessary but I want you each to have one halve of the Scissor Blades on your person at all times when we are outside the TARDIS." It may indeed seem a bit extreme to have such a precaution in place for such a simple and rural area, one that H.G. even claimed should be the safest based on the TARDIS bringing them too. However like Nevada, something about this place felt off and it was only worse thanks to her status as a Time Lord.

That same feeling of uneasiness was forming in Jikan's being as well. Something didn't feel right, almost as if there was some kind of sickness in the air. Doing his best to repress the feeling he nodded to H.G. slipping one of the small red blades into his pocket. Letting the handle barely peek out the top ready to draw should the need arise. Just in case, like the woman standing before them said. "Well enough grim things for one morning...lets go eat!" Jikan said with a smile. Pushing the sense of uneasiness down in the process at the notion of food. After turning human, Jikan quickly grew a fond attachment to most food in general and was usually seen in the TARDIS kitchen snacking. H.G. was going with the theory his metabolism was accelerated and the only reason why he wasn't fat yet.

Heading out of the alley the trio made there way out onto the street next to the diner. Besides the occasional car passing by or the nearby fisherman commenting about the lack of work there was nothing occurring. "Certainly a quiet town, and a little bit cooler than it should be this time of year." H.G. commented as the turned the corner and headed up the steps leading into the Two Whales Diner. The moment the door to the small establishment was opened their sense of smell was assaulted with the aroma of bacon. Immediately making a growling noise form in H.G.'s stomach. Looks like she wouldn't be saying anything about the other's desire for food...this time.

A blonde haired woman with brown eyes dressed in a blue waitress uniform with a white apron tied around her waist was the first to notice them. "Welcome, take a seat and I'll be with you in a moment." the waitress said her southern accent fitting the tone of the music being played on the jukebox nearby. With a nod of her head, H.G. lead her two young Companions to the table at the end on the right H.G. seated herself on one side while Jikan took the other.

"Order whatever you two want. Its on me." H.G. said picking up one the menus laying on the table. "Promise I wont pay in gold coins and make everyone suspicious." she whispered with a small smirk and wink. Her eyes returning to the menu as Jikan picked up his own.

"You may regret that act of charity Time Lord..." Jikan whispered back with a small chuckle as he could feel his mouth water at the selection. "What do you want Nevada?" he asked
Nevada lifted a brow, taking a small red blade and slipping it into her pocket. It isn’t a bad thing to be prepared, in case anything happens… but still, to go so far… “Okay, I gotcha,” she replied, a shrug rolling through her shoulders as she placed one hand on her hip… the other resting over her pocket, where her weapon was hiding. It is actually sort of reassuring, having it on hand. “Enough grim things, let’s go eat!” she agreed with Jikan, rewarding him with a cheeky grin and linking their arms together, everyone going out onto the street. Besides the occasional car passing by or the nearby fisherman commenting about the lack of work, there was nothing really happening… of course, she could be wrong. The Two Whales Diner had quite an assembly of local customers, police and fishermen and who knows what else. A blonde-haired woman, older, with brown eyes, was the first to notice them.

"Welcome, take a seat and I'll be with you in a moment." H.G. led the way to a table all the way down, taking a seat on one side while Jikan situated himself on the other. Nevada slid in next to her partner in crime, picking up a menu to see what this place has to offer in way of food. “Aw… No waffles…” she grumbled under her breath, having scanned to see if it was even an option. “Well… at least this place has pancakes…” Pancakes are similar to waffles, aren’t they? One just has holes, the other doesn’t… or does it go beyond that? Nevada had no idea, it just never occurred to her. It was definitely food for thought, in any case. "Order whatever you two want. It’s on me. Promise I wont pay in gold coins and make everyone suspicious." Oh boy… You are going to regret saying that… she thought, biting the corner of her lip with a smile.

No truer words were spoken than what Jikan said as a reply. “You may regret that act of charity, Time Lord…” Nevada agreed with a chuckle of her own, nudging her shoulder against his playfully. Pieces of curly brown tumbled against her features… emphasizing the smile plaguing her lips. “I have no idea yet… What do you have in-?” Her words were abruptly cut off as images began to flash through her mind, one after another… each and every one fuzzier than the last. It was… disorienting, almost like she’s falling into a dream… no, like she’s falling into someone else’s dream. Lightning flashed, and Nevada could feel rain pelting her skin, a thousand needles pricking… and in the distance was a large tornado, the likes of which she has never seen before.

In and out, the images cut out… making it to where, at one point, Nevada thought the menu was going to be caught on fire because of a particularly bright flash of lightning. All the color drained from her features, her dark brown eyes wide and incredulous as she tried to make sense of whatever the hell is going on. The menu slipped from her fingers, forgotten and not all that important, not with this happening. A small groan escaped her lips, and she pressed a hand to her head… an ache already pounding behind her eyes.

Pale, Nevada’s head fell against his shoulder… her lips parted in order to allow for breathing purposes. “My… My head… It’s killing me…” she whispered, eyes drifting closed as she fought against falling unconscious. Dots danced behind her eyelids, the shadows swirling and making her just that much dizzier.

Okay… What the hell is going on? What was all that about? It doesn’t make any sense, none whatsoever. Nevada let out another groan, resting more against the young man who used to be nothing more than fabric and stitching.
Caution, worry, and concern for Nevada immeaditly flooded Jikan's senses as she experienced a strange episode of pain. It wasn't unnatural for Jikan to behave like this, no it was quite natural as Nevada's parents deliberately designed him to be her protector. "Nevada stay with me focus on the sound of my voice." Jikan whispered an arm wrapped around her soft body leaning against his own as H.G. was searching for something in her coat. "Whatever you are doing hurry it up." He said as a sure of pain erupted in Jikan's own skull making him gasp in surprise and raise a hand up to his own as a school bus stopped outside and let a girl out.

As this was occurring the waitress approached the groups table with a notepad. "Alright what ya'll....iss everything alright?" She asked as H.G. waved it off.

"Yes everything is OK....Joyce." H.G. spoke seeing the name tag lines to her shirt as she pulled out a small bottle of pills. "My cousins suffer from chronic migraines and need their medicine regularly to help numb the pain. Can we get some water quickly please?" The lie that left her lips was flawless, the calm but concern look H.G was giving was valid because she was worried and it served to help reinforce the words as Joyce turned to get two glasses of water.

"What are you really trying to give us.?" Jikan growled out feeling the pounding in his head continue throb in agony

"This will help supress a certain pain caused by temporal anomalies for up to 3 days. Think of it as medicine for indigestion." She said handing them each a pill. "Time Lords rarely experience such pain but the Time Rift here must be causing this." She said taking a look for herself just for safety slipping the pill bottle back into her coat Joyce returned with the glasses of water.
“Focus on… the sound of…” Nevada lifted a hand, the fingers rubbing at a temple to help alleviate the pain, though it didn’t seem to be helping much. If anything… it was getting worse. More lightning lit up the darkness behind her eyes, rain pouring in sideways… a massive storm captured within her very mind. In the distance, she can barely make out a tornado, or a cyclone… tearing apart what looks to be a small town. Dark brown appeared from underneath long, thick lashes… and a groan slipped out, having it to where her head came to rest against his shoulder. “My head… is killing me…” she grumbled, closing her eyes. Why? What the hell is going on? Nevada has never had strange visions before…

It just doesn’t make any sense. Why is this happening now? Why is it happening at all? It makes a bit of sense, Jikan experiencing visions... seeing as how he has power over time... but…

The questions crumbling, falling apart at the syllables, Nevada let her eyes drift shut once again. Another bolt of lightning lit the darkness, nearly making her jump right out of her skin. The crack of thunder echoed in her ears... making the experience a little bit too real for the girl's liking. This is just… her imagination playing tricks, right? Her heart pounding, if she didn’t know any better, she could have sworn it was raining… but they were dining in a restaurant, it just isn’t possible.

An eye opening, Nevada accepted the pill with a tiny, fragile smile… one that threatened to crack around the edges.

“Jikan… Why would H.G. lie?” Nevada pointed out, taking a glass of water and taking a sip first before downing the pill. “Come on… I know we’ve fought a lot these past few weeks, but… there’s no reason to fight among ourselves. You trust me, right?” Dark brown met his dark brown eyes, their bodies but inches apart as she lifted a hand to poke him in the cheek. “Take it, Jikan. I don’t want you to go through what I am…”
"Didn't mean to sound harsh...this pain is just agonizing right now." Jikan grumbled out as he slipped the pill into his mouth and downed it with a sip of water. A few moments passed and the pounding in his head slowly began to subside, Galifreyan pharmaceutical products definitely seemed to act fast. Quite appropriate for a race that deals heavily with the applications of space and time itself. "Is the rift causing this?" Jikan asked with concern as he still held onto Nevada until her own pain subsided. Offering comfort to the one he was created to protect.

"I'm not sure, but it is beginning to concern me. First the near crash and then this sudden pain affecting you..." H.G. mused softly to avoid attention as the door to the diner opened up once more and in came a brunette appearing no older than Jikan and Nevada. "It may be just the nature of this particular rift affecting you both due to Jikan's own unique abilities. I'll have to look into it more once I'm able to get the Tardis working properly again." she said quickly ending that conversation once the newly arrived teen sat in the booth in front of them.

Apparently it was someone Joyce had known personally as the pair began to talk and converse. H.G.'s trained ears picked up all manners of conversations occurring throughout the diner besides the ones between the waitress and girl.

This town was definitely experiencing harsh times as of late. It was something common for the United States in most timelines during this period across the multiverse. What did catch her attention was the words on the news channel. Apparently something was occurring with the wildlife...

"Finish your coffee and I'll be right back." Joyce said before turning back to the three travelers. "Is everything alright now?" she asked in slight concern as H.G. returned her attention to the woman with a smile.

"Yes, thanks for your concerns. We're ready to order now as well. Nevada, Jikan go ahead first." she spoke to her Companions.

"Right I'll have what she's having." Jikan said with a gesture of his head to Nevada.
Nevada cracked a smile, even though she didn’t feel at all happy-go-lucky. A few pieces of curly brown fell into darker brown eyes. An impatient hand came up, though, to brush these aside. “I think… that’s the understatement of the century…” she grumbled, letting her head rest against Jikan’s shoulder. Luckily Galifreyan drugs have a reputation for kicking in fast, cause otherwise… she’d be downing a couple more of those puppies. It won’t be long now… Oh no, wait. There we go. A sigh of relief left Nevada’s lips, making her shoulders sag a little bit.

“Alright. Much better,” Nevada announced, clapping her hands together. Now then. Breakfast. Is she going to have, say, an omelet, or pancakes? Decisions, decisions… Plucking a menu up off the table, Nevada ducked her head down, not really paying attention to the conversation going on between Jikan and H.G. Wells. Now that the headache is gone, Nevada is a tad bit more concerned about satisfying her empty stomach. It feels like she’s swallowed a cat alive, and now it’s trying to claw its way out, it’s so bad. Nevada scowled, placing her chin in the palm of a hand.

“Is everything alright now?” Keeping her mouth shut, Nevada just listened to the exchange, her eyes hopping from one thing to the next. There are so many options… and so little time… It is touching, though, how concerned the waitress is.

Dark brown eyes glanced up as Jikan deflected the question, only to send it her way. An amused smile pulled at her lips. “I swear…” Nevada let out on a sigh, shaking her head. “Sooner or later, you need to start figuring out what you like, and what you don’t like, on your own. I’m flattered, but… come on, Jikan. Really?”

Laughter tumbling forth, filling the otherwise empty silence with music, Nevada pointed to the first picture she found interest in. “I’d like to have the Breakfast sampler, if you don’t mind,” she relayed to the woman, Joyce.

“Um… I’d prefer blueberry pancakes, my eggs scrambled… Out of the three choices, I want bacon, and… do you think I can get toast instead of a biscuit?”

Nevada handed her menu over, just to lean against her partner in crime and her uniform.
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