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A new pet for the collectiong(Karyama xLust)


Sep 26, 2009
Yumie sighed as she watched people pass her form left and right, giving her either cold glances, or giving her none what so ever.She was abadoned by her mother, who apparantly was tired of her.THough truth be told her mother just didn't have the means of supporting and giving Yumie what she needed.Yumie had just barely turned fifteen three weeks ago and she celebrated her birthday with a dirty little alley kitten.She sighed, her cat ears slumped down on her head, her tail wrapped around her waist as she sat crouched on the ground, looking up at passing people, hoping someone would give her some food or some money.

Yumie has been living on the streets for the past three months, living inside a cardboard box and feeding off bread crusts that bakers would throw out, but were kind enough to give them to her, with no questions asked.Yumie was a rare site indeed.Having cat ears and a tail was something that was rarely seeing.Her mother was a laboratory experiment, her body tested with feline DNA.When she was artificially inseminated, she gave birth a girl with feline ears and tail.Fearing her mother ran away and managed to live on her own, but she couldn't take it.Being scrutiniced by having a weird daughter, and thus was the reason for Yumie's abondament.

"why...why won' me."she said, looking back down to the ground.
Urasa sighed softly, sitting in the back of a eccentric Limousine, his fingers idly tapped at the arm rest connected to the door. His blue hues stared out of the window, watching as people walked up and down the street, doing various deeds for the day. He was well known for collecting all sorts of exotic animals, and with the wealth he had obtained, it wasn't usually too hard to acquire them. His gaze shifted up toward that of the sky, it looked as if it were going to rain soon, due to the accumulation of clouds above.

His hues once more returned to the street, until something caught his eye. "Pull over!..Pull over now!.." As the driver did as was told, the Limo pulled to a halt about fifteen yards from the poor female. The back door opened slowly, and out stepped one of the richest men in the city. He smiled to himself as he approached the little girl, his eyes obviously looking over her ears and her tail. "Hey there little one..What are you doing out here all by yourself?.." He crouched next to her, to make himself look less threatening, he meant the girl no harm, but he was curious to how she turned out the way she did.
Yumie shivered as the wind blew a bit harsh.Her purple eyes slowly looking up at the sky seeing the black and grey clouds gather together signifying it was close to raining.She sighed and looked down only to have her ears perk up hearing a kind voice.Yumie's eyes looked up seeing a pale faced man with lovely blue eyes.She blushed and pushed herself more against a wall."mmm....she mumbled, not knowing whether to trust this person or not.

She scanned him, seeing nothing mean about him.He seemed nice and looked nice and was even standing before her offering help.HEr purple eyes scanned the people that passed, all in aww as they saw this man helping her."m-my mother left me here."she said trying her best not to cry.She wiped her eye and tried herself to keep a well composure."she left..because she didn't want one wants me."she said looking back down to the ground.
Widened his eyes as she backed against the wall behind her and spoken, his face reflected the sorrow he had for her situation. "Well that's no good..I cant morally stand by and watch someone suffer.." His blue hues shifted up toward that of the passing people. "Unlike most people.." His gaze returned to hers, offering her a friendly smile, offering her his hand.

"Whats your name?..And how did you get those ears?..I'm curious.." He kept his friendly smile, he meant no harm to the girl. "How would you like to come live with me in my manor?.." He just asked, to see how her reaction to it would have been. "It couldn't be any worse than sleeping out here...and at least let me take you to get something to eat..You look hungry..."
Yumie smiled, feeling safe with this person, though her smile faded when he asked the question of his ears." was experimented...and so..I was born like this."she said slowly raising herself up, though kepted close to the wall, her eyes locking into his." name is Yumie"she said giving him a happy filled smile."i-is it ok if I come with it really.'she said wiping her eyes, trying to make sure he didn't see her crying."thank you...may the heavens bless you for your kind deeds."she said wanting to hug him, but do to the mildly lack of bathing, she stayed and kepted her distance.

"Its..alright, food isn't a problem for me, though, c-can...can I have a bath..."she simply said making it sound as if it was the number one thing she's always wanted in her life."that's all I want, a bath, with warm water, can I have a bath."she said giving him such begging us.
Smiled wider as the the little girl smiled at him. "Don't worry...I'm not going to shun you because of your years..In fact they make you look a cute.." Tilting his head to the side, he offered her his hand. "Of course its alright if you come with me.." He listened to her request about the bath rather than the meal. "Well the just going out to eat was in case you didn't want to come with me.." He stood up and moved toward his Limo, opening the door and waving her over. "Come on, let get you cleaned up, my cook will fix you something nice to eat.."

It didn't seem like it mattered what had happened to her in her past, he didn't think of her any different. He merely waited for her to climb into the vehicle.
Yumie followed him towards his limo, a little hesitant, since she felt cold stares hit her from all directions.She quickly jumped into the limo and sat down, bringing her legs up and hugged them, seeing how nice and big the limosine was.She saw many different drinks on both sides of the vehicle, as well as lots of cups, lights and a nice looking stereo.Her hands itched a bit, wanting to touch everything, curiousity getting to her.

'your car...has lots of stuff."she said seeing him climb on and felt the car pulling away and began to drive off."she said her ears twiching, as she kepted a good distance from him, since she knew she smelled a bit, though not so bad."umm..c-can ......may I ask, what your name is"she asked with a small smile on her face.
Tilted his head as he had climbed in, as not to hit it on the roof. His muscles tensed as he shut the door and motioned for the driver to head back toward his home. Arching an eyebrow, he smiled at her, noticing her sitting so far from him. "I wont hurt you, you know?.." He smiled at her question, nodding for a moment. "My name is Urasa..And yes there is a lot of stuff in here..Most wealthy people have many things, there is some soda over there if you want some.." He pointed to a small fridge bolted to the side of the car to prevent too much shifting.

Soon, they moved through a gate, then another, each opening and shutting behind the limo as it made its way toward a huge manor, the place was well taken care of. "Welcome home Yumie, I hope you like it here.."
Yumie blushed as she stared at him for a bit and looked away.She unbuckled herself and crawled along the floor over to the fridge, her ass sticking up, showing much, though not alot.Yumie opened the fridge door, so many colors."....s-strawberry."she whispered, reaching her hand, but stopped feeling the car turn and head up, hearing gates open and close.She retracted her hand and closed the fridge, her ears perking up at the words he said.'h-home...I..I have a home."she said turning around and crawled back, though crawled back over to Urasa, her hands placed on her knees as she looked up at him."t-this is my home...."she said, her eyes swelling a bit."I'm happy...I'm happy to have a home again.I'll do anything in keep myself in your home."she said, her ears perking up, feeling the car pull to a stop.
Urasa smiled as he watched her move toward the fridge, her ass in the air as she crawled, of course he had noticed, if not just for the fact her cute ass was in the air, then to take a look at her tail. He nodded his head once she had turned around and moved closer to him, he slowly reached out and slid his fingers through her hair. "Don't worry, I don't ask for too much, and I'm glad your happy..And yes this is your home.." Once the limo came to a stop, he opened the door and stepped out. "Come on out sweetheart..No one will hurt you.." As she stepped out, she would see a water fountain sitting in the center of a well kept lawn. He would slowly make his way toward the front door as the driver got out and moved to shut the door once she had gotten out.
Yumie smiled and blushed as she felt his hands through her hair.She almost fell once the car stopped, but kepted her balance.She saw him step out and followed close behind, her eyes brighten up once she saw the large estate and the lovely yard he had.Her eyes wondered everywhere, from the large fountain, to the many beds of wild flowers and many bushes full of different colored roses."Its...its so beautiful."she said.Yumie was happy, she was finally gonna live in a nice place, and no one would ever hurt her.She followed behing Urasa and looked around the room.She couldn't believe it was this big, it even echoed when she simply coughed."your yourself...or do you have a mom and dad."she asked not knowing it that was a touchy question or not.
Smiled softly as he heard her talking about the estate, her new home. "It is beautiful..That's how I wanted it to be.." His hand slowly moved to her head once more, his fingers running through her hair. "Though I think it just even more beautiful.." Smiling once more, he looked around the main room as she mentioned his parents. "Sadly they passed away a long time ago, My mother to Leukemia and my father, lung cancer..He enjoyed his cigars a little too much...But now I am the master of the estate, and I have many people under my employ to fulfill any desire you wish.." He tilted his head and looked her over. "What do you say tomorrow, we take you out to get you some new clothes?..And maybe a few things for you to enjoy yourself with.." He walked toward the back of the house, and revealing large windows leading back to the almost endless stretch of grass, well cut and cared for, and right outside the building, a large pool. "Your welcome anywhere on the estate you like, I will look into getting you into a nice school as well, at least to let you make some friends."
Yumies mind was filling up with every image her eyes layed on.Pool, gardens, nice rooms and everything unimaginable.She looked at him, her ears perking up as so did her tail."school...I can go to school."she said with such excitement."I can have'll always be number one to me...after so much your doing."She said stopped seeing a young woman approach Urasa.

"Sir the bath is ready, as well as her uniform."she said to Urasa, looking down to the ground, not making any eye contact.

"A bath..."she said smiling at the woman.

"Excuse us sir, I'll take her to your room once she is done."she said and grabbed Yumie's hand, leading her upstairs and down a hallway.Yumie found herself in a large bathroom and soon felt her ripped and tattered clothes being pulled off her body as two maids helped her into the large tub and began to wash her, roughly to get evey inch of dirt off her, though they were still nice.
Urasa smiled at her excitement, it was good she had something more than fear and abandonment in her life. "Yes, you get to go to school and make friends, so I expect to see a few when you come home sometimes.." He grinned, he meant the comment as to make sure she made some friends. "Though I doubt it will be hard for you to make a few.."

His head turned toward that of the maid whom had approached and mentioned her bath. His muscles tensing slightly before he nodded. "Enjoy your bath Yumie.." He watched as they walked off, and soon enough he was in his room, getting ready to sleep soon, relaxing in bed, his hands behind his head and his eyes closed.
Yumie's head was washed atleast five times and conditioned atleast seven times in order to return its shiny and smooth texture to it.Her body washed with an exfoliating body wash with small micro beads to clean the dirt off her.Once she was done, they took Yumie out of the tub, drying her well and began to dress and comb her hair.She slipped into a black and white dress, with long black stockings and sleeve cups on her wrists. The outfit looked as if it was specially made for her.

"alright sweety, its time for you to show your master what you look like...and be a good girl for her."The maid said patting Yumies head and lead her out of the bathroom and down the hall towards Urasa's room.They stopped infront of the door, Yumies eyes looking up to the maid." free to be as nice as you like with the master alright."The maid said and walked away leaving Yumie to enter his room by herself.

Yumie sighed, looking down at her outfit, loving the feel, that and loved she had something new to wear.She took a breath and reached for the handle, turning it and gently pushed it open,slipping herself in and closed the door behind her."U-Ura....ahhh...Master..."she called out almost in a whisper, her eyes looking around the room and managed to spot him on his bed.
Urasa couldn't help but smile as he heard the soft voice of Yumie. He slowly sat up in his bed, he was shirtless, as he always had been during the later evenings, and his hair was still wet where he had bathed himself, his head tilted to the side as he looked her over. "Oh good, it fits you perfectly, I had it made during your shower, how does it feel?.." He tilted his head before he moved over to the side of the bed, patting next to him for her to come and take a seat.

For a rich individual, he was rather toned, he looked slim in his normal suit, but now, the cut structure of his form was apparent. He smiled and laughed for a moment. "Well Yumie, how did you like that bath, feel good after so long of not having one?.." Once she had moved to sit on the bed, he would have slipped an arm around her and softly patted her thigh.
As Yumie stepped in, she stopped her cheeks warming up and turning a slight pink.She could't help, but let her eyes scan over his nicely toned body, and to top it off, having his hair in a mess.Her heart began to beat, but she tried her best to keep a wel compossure."I love the fits me really well...thank you."she said to him as her ears gave a small little twitch of excitement and happyness.When she saw him move and pat the bed next to him, she simply stood quiet and nodded.

She slowly walked over to him and crawled over the bed, sitting a bit close and relaxed a bit, looking down at her lap, only to tense a little as she felt his arm around her waist and relaxing on her thigh."I really loved the bath..hahaha..though the maids were really determined to get me smelling really good.'she said grabbing a bit of hair and managed to turned her head and sniff it."its....vanilla and cocoa-nut."she said and smelled the back of her hand."hehe...lavender and peach."She said chuckling a bit.
Smiled once more as he softly rubbed her thigh before he slipped his arm from around her, his muscles relaxed as he sat next to her, she did seem tense. "Well I am glad you enjoy your new clothes, and the bath of course, and yeah, my maids are pretty thorough with their work, thats why they still work here.." He shifted to be a little closer, his hand roaming her back, his fingers gently caressing. He had noticed she had been blushing a bit, so he smiled. "I'm sorry I'm not in my usual attire, I usually don't wear much when I am about to sleep..."

His thumb rotated into the muscles of her back, giving off a slight massage, trying to work the tension out. "Your very tense Yumie, is something wrong?.."
Yumie purred a bit like a cat would, feeling his strong hand massaging her back.She leaned over, her hands placed between her legs and pressed onto the bed, as her body began to relax.Her tail slowly raised upward, the tip curling a bit, showing how much she was liking this." wrong..just a little nervous..."she said blushing a bit more."I'm jsut glad...your giving me so much kindness...and how much your maids are nice as well."she said to him, her voice a bit shakey as she bit her lip a little.

It felt strange, her body reacting this way, just by him massaging and rubbing her back.Though strange it was, it was a good kind of strange."Nehhh...U-Urasa...was there anything you wanted do for you."she asked, not looking at him.
Urasa smiled and leaned closer to her, scooting a but as his leg touched hers, his hand continuing to roam over her back, his fingers sliding along her side, his palm massaging her form. He leaned toward her and softly kissed her cheek, smiling as he pulled her body against his, she was soft to the touch, he rather liked that. "Well, that depends.." He smiled and slowly moved his hand down her side to her thigh, massaging it tightly, his fingers sliding along her inner thigh, loving the sound of her purring.

"Well how could we not be nice to you, your unique, beautiful, and a a little sweetheart..I'd want you to be happy.." He smiled, he was wearing only his boxers, but he seemed not to notice, nor care, his finger brushed against her womanhood for a moment. "I know something you could do for me.."
Yurie quivered against his touch, feeling his hand slowly roam her body, as if he was discovering a special temple.Her ears perked, her body jolted as she felt his hand caress her inner thigh a bit.Yurie learned about this stuff, since she managed to ask her mother about sex, before she was abadoned.She remebered that people, mostly couples who loved each other did something called forplay.It was a act of playing with each other or ones self before actually engaging in intercourse.

Yurie jumped, her legs jerking just a little as she felt him rub her through her panties.What was she to do, scream and say no.No she couldn't do that, she owed this many everything, and he would gladly repay him even if it meant having her body being ravaged by him."U-Urasa.....master...Urasa...I' ask me too."she said to him, her cheeks burning from all the blushing as she slowly moved her legs apart just a bit for him, knowing where this will lead.
Smiled as he looked down over her form, watching as she spread her legs for him, his smile broadened as his hand slid into her inner thigh, then between her legs, his fingers trailing her through her panties. His other hand slid up her side to cup over one of her breasts, massaging it slowly as he leaned down and kissed her neck. "Mmm..I'm glad, I may want you to come sleep in my bed with me.."

His hand massaged her breast tightly, as the other continued to rub her through her panties, pressing against the slit as he ran his finger over her clit. Soon she would have felt his hand sliding under her panties, to touch the bare, soft folds of her, one of his fingers threatening to enter her as he continued to touch.
Yurie tilted her head back as she felt her body heat up.SHe never felt this sort of sensation and it scared her, though she knew Urasa wouldn't hurt her.She leaned back, her back pressing into his chest as she felt his hand massaging her small breast, her ears twitching frequently, her tail flicking a bit as well.She raised her legs a bit, trembling.Yurie soon felt her panties slowly get damp and wet from the rubbing he was doing.She moaned more, her face flushed red.THough soon her eyes widened when she felt him slowly move his hand and slip it into her panties.

It scared her a bit and she couldn't help but press her legs closed, catching his hand and prevented him from moving."n-no..not there....its...its a,"she said, her body trembling.She was scared,sure it felt good to have him rub her outside of her panties, though having him rub her directly was something she didn;t expect.
Tilted his head, feeling her close her legs so he couldn't go any further. He smiled or a moment as he slipped his hand out of her panties and moved it to her other breast, feeling her back against his chest, his muscles tensed slightly as he slowly began to massage them. He leaned down and kissed her neck slowly. "Mmm..Alright then.." His hands moved from her breasts after a moment, moving to her sides before he smiled. "Is there a particular school your interested in?.."
Yurie shook her head at his question."it..doesnt matter...I dont know any school around."she said feeling a bit bad for having closed her legs on him.She knew he wanted to touch her badly and she ruined it by saying no.Her pussy was still wet and throbbing to be touched, and she knew the only way for the feeling to go away was for him to touch her.Without saying a word, Yurie placed her hand on the one he used to rub her and slowly ran it down her body.SHe bit her lip and slipped it under her dress, her legs apread open as she slip his hand into her panties."its...its throbbing....make..make it go away...please....Master..Urasa."she said to him embarissed at her action, but knew it made him happy.
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