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A Whole New World. (ShiningKnight x SeraSalorin)


Jan 23, 2015
The warm sun was beating down on the beach, quiet but for the lapping of the waves and the calling of birds as a woman. floating on the waves arrived and was placed on the beach, seemingly unconscious with her clothes wet through and clinging to her body. All around the beach was forest, with a small stream leading back into the woods on the right hand side, while straight ahead there were hills growing larger in the distance and becoming small mountains the further away they got, the largest of which disappeared high into the clouds. To the left the forestry was thinner and soon gave way to vast expanses of plains, green fields and hills stretching out as far as the eye could see.

"Loz!" Called an angry, rough voice several minutes after the woman arrived on the beach. There was a rustling in the forest and suddenly an Orc appeared, looking around before spotting the human girl. He easily stood eight foot tall, his dark green skinned body rippling with muscle. His arms and chest, which weren't covered by clothes were covered with black tattoos. On his lower body he simply wore a collection of hides and furs wrapped around him. His black hair was long enough to tuck into his belt and was pulled into a single braid. A few moments after his arrival and three more orcs appeared, all slightly bigger and older. The oldest cuffed Loz around the head.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" He demanded.

"Look, I told you I could smell something different." He said, cringing away from a further hit. "It's a human, right?"

"Hmm, that it is. Perhaps we should have a closer look." The older Orc said as they cautiously began to approach the human girl.
Sera started to wake up as her body settled into the wet sand. She coughed up a lungful of seawater as she tried to pick herself up but failed and dropped back onto the beach. She slowly opened her eyes and looked around at the forest that surrounded the beach she floated into. Her head was throbbing as she winced and put her hand to her forehead. How had she gotten here? The last thing she can remember is taking her skirt off as she blew the cabin boy on the yacht. Then a siren went off and the boat shook violently before she hit her head and blacked out.

It was surprisingly warm considering it was late October. She laid there for a couple minutes before trying to get up again, this time succeeding to at least sit up so she could get a better look around. All she had on was a white silk button up top that did very little to cover anything while wet. Underneath, she had on a black and red lace push up bra. As far as bottoms go, all she had was a matching pair of lace g-string panties. Nothing over them as well as no shoes. She ran her fingers through her jet black hair as she got her bearings. Looking out to the sea where she came from was all you could see. Water for miles. Behind her, a dense wilderness with only God knows what kind of animals and predators all waiting for their chance to eat her. She was stranded, alone, with no clue as to how to get home again.
The group of Orcs approached the woman, looking at her with a mix of curiosity, surprise and interest. Not to mention attraction as well for she was only half dressed and what little she wore did nothing to cover her body. There was also the fact that she was the first human to appear in this world in hundreds of years, and like most creatures in the world, the Orcs could feel an unreasonable, almost overwhelming attraction towards humans.

"Do they all dress so strangley?" Whispered Loz, the youngest of the orc to one of his companions. "And are they all so..... attractive?" He added, feeling the pull of the attraction on his heart.

"How the hell am I supposed to know!" Snapped his companion who was also feeling it. In fact they all were, their minds whispering lustful thoughts to them. The only thing that kept them from attempting to ravage her there and then was curiosity as to how she got there and fear from tales of the last human to walk this land, who became a ruthless queen of the land. They all wondered if perhaps this was her, returned to their world after mysteriously disappearing a few hundred years ago.

"Excuse me m'lady?" Said the leader of the group and the oldest of the orcs, with scars covering his chest and face, his black hair slowly turning grey and one of the tusk like teeth that protruded from his mouth was broken about half way down.
Sera froze when she heard the deep rough voice behind her, not recognizing the almost polite way the words were said. She just didn't expect to hear another voice. She slowly turned her upper body around to see what asked about her. Then she saw them. These......giants. All of them towering over her tiny 5' 6" body so much so that she had to look up at them and they weren't even that close to her. Her eyes grew wide and she breathed heavily a couple times before letting out a scream so loud, it might have broken glass, if there were any glass around.

She stumbled over herself as she scrambling away from the four giant green beasts, trying to stand as she kicked sand every which way. She finally managed to get on her feet somewhat and started running as fast as she could away from them. She had never seen anything like them before. She only got around 50 feet away when she tripped on a fallen tree branch that was buried in the sand, causing her to fall forward and smack her head on some rocks, knocking her out cold instantly, her body sprawled out on the sand.
Any fears that Orcs may have had about the human being the queen of old returned to their world were immediately pushed aside when the woman turned and saw them. As she screamed and scrambled away they tried to reason with her and to seem less threatening, but it proved pointless. She was clearly terrified and not listening to reason. They weren't entirely sure why but they followed the woman as she ran, jogging along in great strides that made it easy to keep up, until she fell and knocked herself out.

"Well we can't just leave her here. We'll carry her back to the tribe, the chieftain can figure out what to do with her." Said the leader of the group. And with that he picked her up and they set off in the direction of their tribe's camp. There was thirty Orcs in their tribe overall, and as soon as the group was spotted carrying the human girl in their arms shouts and cries went out, and the tribe surrounded them, wanting to know everything, where she had come from, who she was. They had no answers so they took her straight to the chieftain, an old and wise orc, still a strong and capable warrior. They laid her down in his tent and wrapped her in furs before leaving her alone. On a tray on the floor near her was a a jug of water and a play of fruit. While waiting for her to wake up the Orc tribe gathered, to discuss what is to be done. Many knew the tales of the old queen and how she rose to power and many wanted to set this new human on the same path. But for the moment all they could do was wait.
Once again, Sera slowly started waking up again, only this time was nice and warm, wrapped up in some kind of leather fur or something. Whatever it was, it was soft and enjoyable. She flickered her open, blinking to clear them before sitting up. The moment she sat up, there was a sharp pain on her head that she immediately wince and reached up to find a nasty knot where she had hit her head. She was running. Then she remembered what she was running from and she paused.

She looked down at the bed she was in, finding it way oversized for any normal human. She looked around the hut, everything behind several feet bigger then anything she's ever known. She saw the water and fruit next to her bed but didn't reach for it, even though her stomach started to growl softly. What were those things and why had they brought her here?
As sera began to look around the tent, the front flap was pulled back and the chieftain of the Orcish tribe stepped into the tent. When he saw that she was awake he made no move to get closer to her. Instead he sat down on a chair across the room and tried to look as unthreatening as a giant green skinned monster, rippling with muscle could possibly look.

"Please don't be scared. We mean you no harm. I understand how frightening everything must seem to you, but we aren't going to hurt you." As he watched her he could once again feel an attraction to this human and arousing him slightly, but he managed to avert his gaze and keep his calm manner. After all, he didn't want to scare her. "The men you met on the beach were only trying to help you, I promise. Now, I have to ask, how much do you remember prior to what happened on the beach? I assume you know nothing of this world of ours you have found yourself in?"
When she saw the chieftain enter into the hut, she instinctively righted the fur around her body and back up as far as she could into a corner. She held herself a bit more calmly this time. They obviously weren't going to hurt her as they would have already. She still shakes in fear of this hulking grainy monster talking so causally to her.

She shakes her head to his questions, both of them. She finds her voice, tho a bit shaky and scratchy. "Wh...where am I? Why am I here?" The two most prominent questions that came to her mind then.
"You are in the world that we orcs refer to as Vasmora. As for why you are here I cannot tell you nor can I begin to fathom the workings of whatever power brought you here." Said the chieftain after several minutes of contemplation. He sighed, his face for a few moments looking suddenly much older, as if in that second all of his years were written upon it. He rubbed his brow and looked at Sera for a few moments before speaking again.

"My name is Aghaan Dol Ghrishk and I am the chieftain of this tribe. I can tell you though that you aren't the first human to find themselves in our world, but that is a tale I shall tell you later, once you've recovered your strength and have realised we don't wish to hurt you." He explained with a half smile. He then crossed the room and picked up an otherwise unnoticed bundle of furs and leather. "These are for you, if you wish to replace your clothes. Our women made them for you and they should fit. The water and the food is yours. When you are ready to join us outside I shall explain all that I know." And with that he placed the bundle, consisting of sturdy leather, fur lined boots a sleeveless leather vest and a similar fur skirt that would most likely reach just above Sera's knees. He then left, sighing as he felt the never ending attraction to the human diminish slightly now that she was out of his sight.
Given the fact they had every chance to hurt her if they wanted to, that gave sera a little peace of mind. She watched this so called chieftain as he talked then walked out. She stared at the makeshift clothes for a couple minutes, processing everything. There was something going on here that she couldn't understand. Since when were orcs a real thing? She had thought they only existed in fair tales and video games.

She reached out for the leather and fur to run her hands over them. They were very soft to the touch so she pushes the blanket off her body and stands on the floor, taking off her current ruined clothes and slowly puts on each individual piece that was given her. They all fit perfectly, which was another strange thing to her. How could they have known her sizes?

She walks over to the tray of fruit and water, taking a couple bites of the strange but sweet sustenance and gulps down the water, not realizing at first how hungry and thirsty she really was. Once the tray is empty, she takes a deep breath as she prepares to walk outside to god knows what else is out there. She shakily reaches up to partially pull back the flap coverin the entrance and peeks outside it to see what was outside.
Outside of the tent there were about twenty three other tents of varying size, with the biggest being the one that Sera was currently peeking out of. There were several strands of smoke weaving into the sky from small cooking fires, and male and female orcs strode around, going about their various chores or gathering up their children. The sky was darkening, the sun a dark blaze of orange sinking into the horizon. Directly in front of the tent Sera was in was a large fire pit circled with stones and full of cold ashes. Next to it sat cross legged was a young Orc, He looked up and his eyes widened in shock when he noticed Sera peeking out of the tent.

"Father! She's up and about!" He cried out before scampering to his feet and bolting off among the tents. There was a murmur of voices as several of the nearby Orcs gathered round, peering nosily at the tent.

"Be away, the lot of you, nosy buggers!" Came Aghaan's voice, loud and commanding. The small crowd quickly dispersed although they still kept an eye on the chieftain and the human woman out of curiosity. "I see you are up, earlier that I had expected to be honest with you. Come, perhaps you would care for a walk in the fresh air?" He asked with a smile.
Seras own eyes grew wide at the size of the village, it being quite a bit bigger then she was expecting. Then the other orcs started gathering and murmuring and she got nervous. Why was she getting so much attention? She was about to say 'fuck it' and crawl back into the oversize bed again, maybe wake up from this dream but Aghaans voice stopped her.

She took another quick look around, seeing that while the others had left from the immediate vicinity, they were all peeking at her from around corners or in the corner of their vision. She felt dozens of eyes looking at her. But there was no hostile intent in any of them. So she decided to be brave about it and crossed her arms in front of her as she walked out of the flap slowly till she got to an empty log by the big fire pit and sat down, making sure to keep her legs closed as she had taken her panties off and with the skirt she had on, everyone would be able to see everything.
"Orcish clothes suit you." Said Aghaan as he walked round the fire pit and sat next to her on the log, smiling at her in a friendly manner. His eyes darted over Sera's body briefly before managing to push the lustful thoughts from his mind. Since he had left Sera earlier that day he had spent his time walking around the camp, making sure that no one would go after her before he spoke to her, while arranging for suitable food to be cooked for her dinner and another set of clothing be made for her, which would be ready in the morning. Despite his harsh, brutish appearance Aghaan prided himself on his hospitality and his ability to overcome the barbaric, rage filled culture of most orcs.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, looking intently at Sera. "Our witchdoctor had a look at you when you were first carried here by our hunters and said you will be fine, but I know what a shock this must be and how many questions you must have, so please ask away."
"I feel fine, all things considered." She said without looking at him. She was staring blankly at the pit in front of them, thoughts racing through her mind. There was one particular thing nagging at her that she needed to know.

"Besides the obvious, me being the only human here, why is everyone starring at me and talking about me like they are? Is there something I need to know about this place?"

She had come to terms with her situation of being stranded wherever this place was and that she wouldn't be getting back to her home any time soon, so she decided to make the best of it and learn about her new potential home.
"There are many things that you should know of our world." Said Aghaan seriously, looking intently at Sera for a few moments before looking away. What he was about to tell her was a difficult thing to tell anyone, and he had to word it delicately. The last thing he wanted was to scare her away, to send her running off into the wild, never to be heard of again. He sighed a weary sigh before speaking again.

"The magic in our world is a stranger thing, and perhaps strangest of all is the magic that surrounds humans. Many believe it is a curse placed upon your kind when they appear here, but for some reason all the creatures of this world have a unreasonable, intense attraction to humans." He paused for a moment, glancing at Sera, trying to judge how she was taking this news. "All of us have such intense lustful thoughts about humans, and some of the lesser none sentient creatures will attempt to act out those thoughts regardless of what you want. Earlier I said you weren't the first human to come to our lands, in fact there have been dozens in our history. But unfortunately they never usually meet a happy ending, dragged off by some lustful monster to it's lair and never heard of again." He stopped and looked at Sera again, hoping he hadn't gone too far. There was, after all, more to the story.
She sat there and nodded as he continued to talk. She kind of felt like this was s dream of some kind so in the back of her mind, none of this was real. So as he talked about everyone having a strong attraction to her, she simply nodded again. She can live with that. She liked knowing she turned others on, and apparently monsters weren't immune to this either. He did answer another of her questions while he spoke, whether or not there were other monsters in this place. She was curious where this place was, if it was just a magically hidden island or on a completely other planet or even different universe, but she'll get those answers later. She just continued to sit there, letting Aghaan tell her more.
Seeing as she wasn't visibly freaking out or looking horrified, Aghaan assumed it was okay to continue, finishing his story.

"Most of the tale we have about human women are all different, but there is one thing many of them have in common. After laying with a creature of this world many of the women in the old tales received certain powers, characteristics or traits from said monster. For example if you were to have sex with an orc, you would probably gain certain, limited regenerative abilities, as well as your body becoming generally more resilient. The last human who appeared in our world, about seven hundred years ago capitalised on this. She made it her mission to have sex with as many of the creatures as possible, gaining there abilities before crowning herself queen of this world. She disappeared suddenly many years ago, but she left behind a prophecy; if any human could lay with at least one of every creature of this world and harnessed their powers, she would become queen over them."

Aghaan stopped, his story finished now. He looked over to Sera, a look of mingled sympathy and lust on his face. "What you do now is up to you," He began. "If you want to stay with us you are welcome to, we could keep you safe. But if you want to venture off on your own and try and find some answers then we'll at least give you some supplies."
She sat there, taking all the information in and thinking it over. It didn't scare her like it would anyone else. In fact, she found herself quite liking the idea of having tons of sex. She tilted her head a little as she looked over at him. "So, to be clear, I fuck every living thing here, gain magical powers, and become queen of everything? Somehow that sounds too good to be true...."
Aghaan was surprised by her reaction. From what little was known in his world about humans he gathered they were often peculiar about things like sex, so the fact that she seemed not only okay with it but excited about it shocked him. Despite his best efforts his mind began to fill with lustful thoughts and more than a few times he glanced at her body.

"Yeah that pretty much sums it up. I guess the catch is that there are a lot of animals that would happily drag you back to their lairs and use you for breeding." He explained.
She slowly stands up and starts pacing back and forth in front of him. "That may be true, but if I had some big, strong, muscly, green escorts to ensure their queens safety.......that may be the best course of action.........if this whole scenario were to happen, that is." She looks over at him then back at the ground as she paced. She brushes her fingers through her hair as she thinks things over.
Aghaan watched her as she began to pace back and forth, his eyes lingering on her body several times as his arousal began to grow, a slight but noticeable bulge growing under his furs as he began to understand what she was thinking.

"I see. Well you would be more than welcome to stay with us, and we do like to travel often and encounter many creatures. My Queen." He said with a growing grin. Addressing her as queen felt stranger yet oddly right, as if it fit her perfectly.
She lifts her head as he calls her his queen. This brings a small smile to her face, liking the sound of this monsterous beast saying she was his superior. She stops in front of him and crosses her arms, cocking her hip to the side and tapping her foot. "And I have your promise that I will not be harmed in any way? How am I supposed to know that if I agree to this and it turns into a pile of lies just to get me to open my legs and turn into a sex slave for everyone here?"
"You have my word, you shall not be harmed." Aghaan said with a smile. "And trust me, if we really wanted you to be our sex slave don't you think we would have done so by now, it's not exactly like you could stop us. There are other orc tribes that would have raped you and left you for dead on that beach." Aghaan said sombrely, before looking her in the eye, an idea springing into his head. "I give you my word as chieftain of this tribe that I have not spoken a single lie to you and I ask for the chance to prove it. Come into my tent and lay with me and you shall see the power my seed will grant you."
He had a point. They could do anything they wanted to her if they really wanted to but they hadn't. And it wasn't like she had much other choice in the matter. Not like she had somewhere else to go. She thought about it for a minute before nodding her head. "Ok, chief. Show me the wonders of magical sex." She had a twinkle in her eye. She has always loved sex, even when she was little. She had never shied away from it before. And this looked like a once in a lifetime opportunity, having sex with mythological beasts. Her body couldn't hide the fact that the thoughts turned her on as she started getting moist between her thighs.
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