Welcome to the Universe, heroes, villains, damsels, and other distinguished individuals. We have seen the rise on the Big Screen the likes of the legendary Avengers, whose ranks are filled by Earth's Mightiest and Newest, and we are seeing the formation of the Defenders on our small devices, via Netflix. There's television programs with Agents of Shield filling in the gaps and preparing viewers for what's to come.
But in this fresh, infantile universe, there are no studio company rivalries, there are no beating around the bush when it comes to the terminology of powered individuals. This our universe as we see fit to shape. This is... the Mature Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Phase One- The Mutant Menace...
Film #1: Wolverine and the X-Men

Synopsis: To Be Edited...
Wolverine- Sam Worthington
This is our own, fan created universe, which means that though we start from scratch we are only using characters from Marvel Comics. We will not be going by studio standards of leaving out characters/concepts being used by other studios, for as you can see I've chosen Wolverine and The X-Men as our first "film" of sorts. So any and all characters are free to use, so long as they fit logically into the storyline.
For example: why would Stilt - Man be in such a movie? Or why would pre-Spider - Man Peter Parker be hanging around the Institute? They wouldn't.
This is the Mature universe, because it's on a forum where sex is commonplace, but that doesn't mean that this is a pure smut roleplay. Sure we can have sex alot within such a story, but it shouldn't take up the entire idea. There needs to be lots of character based moments, drama, action, adventure, the works.
Forum rules apply here, so I reserve the right to have my GM duties and do what GMs do.