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Life After (Kevinn and Mim)

Madam Mim

One Big Medieval Mess
May 30, 2013
right behind you
It was quiet. But then, it was always quiet these days; had been for months. Charvi had gotten used to it and now she almost liked it. Her hearing was sharper than it ever had been and even in a city she could hear things coming for at least a mile, both predators and prey. She had been a vegetarian before but to cling to that now would have signed her death warrant; she needed protein to keep going and soy beans would only get her so far. Still, she only took as much meat as she needed; one antelope had lasted her four months after she'd dried it.

The animals had broken out of the zoo after the virus had killed most of the people. What few had stayed in their pens Charvi had let out herself. They might have been vulnerable to predators but it was better than starving to death or being an easy meal for a lion or wolf. Other animals from the meadows and woods around the city had also slowly crept in. Grass sprouted through cracks in the asphalt, trees previously only planted to beautify the city grew wild and their roots ripped up cement and broke into buildings. Nature had begun to reclaim the world. Charvi thought it was fitting...but being the only person left in the city, the only one left in the world it seemed, got lonely. Sometimes she worried, in the darkness when she was left alone in her head, that maybe some day she'd just go crazy and live out the rest of her days mumbling to imaginary friends. But she supposed that wouldn't be so bad if no one was around to see it...right?

Fortunately it wasn't night time and she wasn't left alone in her head. Charvi was preoccupied with finding food when the silence was broken. It wasn't an animal. No, this noise was distinctly...human. She licked her chapped lips.

"H-hello?" Charvi winced at how loud her own voice and the ensuing echo was. She hadn't spoken above a whisper for months, and only whispered to herself to help with concentration as she built and hunted and foraged. She was, quite frankly, surprised that her voice still worked at that volume. Her throat hurt already from the disuse. "I heard you. Where are you?"
Her feet were tired. She had been walking around aimlessly for longer than she could remember now. Grace had lost track of how long it had been now since the virus had swept the country, no, the world. It must have been at least a couple months, she didn't really see the point in counting the days now or keeping track of time. Grace wondered how much longer she could take all this. In all this time she hadn't seen a single other person, the world seemed to be completely rid of humanity except for her. She seemed to be the only remaining survivor. But she couldn't be. She'd seen road signs with words painted on them. The same world all the time. "Haven"

Grace wasn't sure where she'd first seen the signs. She had no way to know if she was heading in the right direction but it was the only hope she had and it was keeping her alive so far. She didn't even have a way of knowing if the person who wrote these was even alive still but she had to keep going, she had to find this "Haven." She'd walked enough for one day though, the sun was setting and she had to find somewhere to spend the night. Nights now weren't the same as before. Now nights were pitch dark and silent, the slightest sound could easily be heard. What's more, since animals now also roamed the cities, it wasn't really safe to be out at night. If any predator was nearby Grace would be at a huge disadvantage if they decided to attack her.

She finally found a place and just in time too. It was already pitch dark. Her vision had grown more accustomed to the darkness since the virus but it still wasn't even close in comparison to that of many animals. She could see well enough to see that the house she'd found was the best one she'd walked into so far. It almost seemed as if someone could have still lived there. Slowly she walked up to the house. She couldn't really let her guard down at this time of night. It was still possible to have some kind of animal inside which may attack her if startled. Grace opened the door silently but something seemed to fall as she opened the door making a soft clinking sound. Immediately after the sound she heard another familiar sound. One she hadn't heard in a long, long time. It was a person. It was a human!

Grace wasn't sure how to react. Was she just imagining things? Surely she hadn't reached that extreme yet, had she? "I'm.." Grace paused. She wasn't sure what to say quite honestly. So she thought she'd just answer the question directly. "I'm at the door. I don't want to hurt you." Not that she could hurt anyone. Since the virus she'd barely been eating, she'd only eaten enough to keep herself alive and had lost almost all her muscle and fat. "My name is Grace." She said, standing still, waiting.
At first her heart leapt. Another human! She wouldn't go crazy! She wouldn't die alone! But almost immediately after elation came suspicion. She had seen enough apocalypse and zombie movies to know that humans weren't trustworthy. Hell, her own life before the virus had taught her that much, and now she was probably worth killing for her resources and shelter. She pulled her knife slightly out of her boot to keep it loose before drawing her pistol; no sense in not being cautious. Carefully she crept down the stairs, gun aimed at the door but finger off the trigger.

"How did you find me, Grace?" Charvi's voice was croaky from disuse and she cleared her throat. "I thought I was the only one left."

Really she supposed it was common sense. Grace probably hadn't 'found' her, but was looking for shelter. The three story townhouse had once belonged to some clearly wealthy people, who Charvi had found dead only a month after the virus outbreak. People were still alive then and marshall law had been declared but she had long stopped locking and barricading the door. Animals couldn't use doorknobs, after all. Still there was no sense in setting up an alarm system of some type in case something decided to show up and the drinking glass had been knocked over but not broken as soon as the door opened. The foyer was lovely but devoid of color and Charvi made a note not for the first time that she ought to paint it some time.

She stopped three steps up from the landing, gun still aimed but no apparent intention of shooting Grace. "Where did you come from?"
Grace could understand the other woman's reaction. She hadn't caught her name yet but it was clearly a feminine voice. Some part deep inside of her was somewhat disappointed for a second as deep down she would have preferred to find a man to satisfy..certain needs. But she was happy enough to find anyone at all. Or at least she thought she was, it all depended how this went down. Right now the other woman probably saw her as an intruder which wasn't something common these days. Grace thought through every word she was going to say. She didn't want to risk saying anything that might upset the woman.

"I.. Well. I didn't really find you per say, I've been walking all day - actually, I've been walking around for days now and was just searching for a place to stay. I also thought I was the only one" Grace spoke with a soft voice. She tried to seem calm, hoping to also soothe the woman's suspicions. She also decided to slowly take a couple steps inside the house. She pushed the door open softly, the glass that was behind it rolling away. She took two steps inside and stood still, lifting her arms up to show she wasn't holding any weapons.

Grace looked up at the woman in front of her. Grace looked her straight in the eyes. "Well.. I've come from further south. I've been walking in this direction for about a month now I guess. I'm not sure. I lost track of time after the first couple of weeks. I just want to rest. Please."
Charvi stood, tensed for a few moments and struggling internally. Grace was quite pretty and certainly seemed genuine enough. Finally she lowered her gun and put the safety back on, muscles loosening a little as she came the rest of the way down the stairs. She took Grace's hand gently and started to lead her to the back of the house toward the kitchen. If by some miracle the first human she'd seen in months were like-minded then the night could pass far more pleasantly than anticipated, after all.

"C'mon then."

There was a living room and half bathroom off of the hallway and at the back of the house was the kitchen. None of it was exactly her taste, but she couldn't complain about having somewhere clean and comfortable to live. Letting go of Grace's hand she knelt by the fireplace and started building up a new fire.

"The stove is gas, hasn't worked in three months," she explained. Her accent wasn't as strong as a fresh immigrant's might have been, but it was noticeable. "By some miracle I've managed to learn how the plumbing works since the water department left everything on so I've got running water if you want a shower and a proper toilet. It won't be a hot shower, mind, but at least it's clean. There are two bedrooms, but if you want company..." she smiled over her shoulder, "well, it's a King and being the last human on earth gets tiresome, doesn't it?"

With the fire built, Charvi stood and crossed to the neatly-kept pantry. There were plenty of canned goods on the shelves and a few pounds of dried meat hanging from the ceiling of it. After the antelope she had managed to kill a bobcat, but that would probably only last her another two or three months. Digging through, she searched for things to make a decent meal and some spices; caring for people was what she was good at and it was nice to feel like she had purpose again even if it was only temporary. Pulling out a can of corn and some green beans she set them on the counter and pulled out a couple of small pots.

"If you're a big meat eater have as much as you like; I've never been much for it. Sours my stomach but a necessary evil, I suppose." She glanced up at Grace as she twisted the can opener. "You're welcome to stay as long as you like. It's been terribly lonely, hasn't it?" She set the pots over the fire, having rigged the oven racks to sit neatly in the fireplace.
Grace sighed with relief as the woman finally put down her weapon, allowing her inside the house. For a moment she wasn't sure what to think of the situation but she guessed that the woman must have felt just as lonely as she did. It didn't seem like she'd seen anyone else in a while either so she must have been just as lonely. It definitely hadn't been easy - other than the difficulty of surviving by yourself and with the possible dangers out there, the worst part of it all was the psychological toll the sense of loneliness and isolation it took on one's mind.

Grace slowly trotted along, following the woman as she pulled her through the living room and into the kitchen. Grace was surprised at how quickly the woman had taken her hand. It was nice to feel someone else's touch, even if it was just holding her hand like this. It felt nice to feel she was not alone. She was happy when the woman finally came to a halt and knelt down. Grace immediately sat down next to her, next to the warmth of a fire - she hadn't felt that warmth in days. Her feet could finally get some rest now too.

"Wow. You really seem to have adjusted to all this. You seem so resourceful. I've just been wandering around aimlessly for all this time just barely getting by. This must be my lucky day" Grace said with a smile as the woman described everything to her. "Yes.. It's nice to have someone else here." Before Grace could speak any more the woman had stood once again and left without saying a word. She hadn't asked Grace to follow so she decided she'd wait here. She didn't feel like she had the strength to get up right now anyway.

Grace looked at the food in complete awe. "You just made all this!?" She hadn't seen so much food together in months. "You must be some kind of miracle." She added as she began gobbling up some of the food. She hadn't eaten such a meal in a long time. Grace really couldn't believe what was in front of her. Either she was completely useless and un-adapted to this world or this woman was some kind of godsend. "Thank you.." She noticed at that moment that she still did not know what to call her. "What's your name?" She asked as the woman finished speaking.

"Yes, it sure has been lonely." Grace could feel some tears building up in her eyes as she thought back to how life had been these months. "I.. I though I was all alone." She said between sobs. "Thank you for taking me in. Thank you."
Charvi chuckled and shook her head a little when Grace claimed it was her lucky day. "You may call it resourceful. I call it squatting. I was...homeless for a while, as a teenager, before a social worker found me and put me into the foster system. So I've squatted in abandoned buildings before...I just happened to luck into one where wealthy people had been living. When I was very little my mother used to tell me that if I ever got lost I should stay put and she would find me." She smiled wistfully. She hadn't seen her parents or her brothers since she was seven; she'd forgotten what they looked like, but some memories came back to her and this among them. "I suppose I just sort of fell back on that. I've lived in this city for ten years now so I wasn't very keen on leaving."

Once the food was done she dished it up in the dishes that had been left behind. While Charvi took a enough for herself she left most of it to Grace; poor woman was skin and bones. It was a miracle she could still move at all. "No, I stole it." She laughed again. "Well, I guess stealing isn't the right word for it since there's no one left to miss it. I get what nonperishables are left in grocery stores and break into houses to find more. The animals I kill myself, but they last me a very long time." She nodded when Grace thanked her. "I'm Charvi," she answered when asked her name.

When she mentioned it must have been lonely Charvi saw the waterworks turn on. Then Grace started crying, hard. Scooting over to her, Charvi shushed her gently and stroked her hair. She'd done her fair share of crying in the beginning, and if she'd gone on the road like this woman had she imagined she would have cried too. She leaned her head against Grace's. It was nice to touch another person again, especially another woman. Once Grace had cried herself out Charvi rubbed her arm and kissed the top of her head.

"C'mon. Once you're done eating you can have a shower. The people who used to live here left clothes behind and I think the woman was about your size; there are some comfy pajamas you can change into and in the morning we can wash your clothes." Once Grace was finished with her meal she helped her up. "It's getting colder but they've got a warm comforter on the master bed. If we sleep in the same bed we'll be even warmer." She couldn't deny that there absolutely were ulterior motives; six months alone was hell when it came to sex. But if Grace were straight or wanted to sleep there was no way Charvi would push her into things.

The sun was setting. While Grace got undressed in the bathroom Charvi brought in a candle so she could see--peeking at her firm rear while Grace's back was turned--before returning to light candles in other parts of the house. For now it was mostly the master bedroom and hallway, giving everything a warm glow to it. Electricity had been gone for quite a while and Charvi had adjusted to moving around in the dark, and the stars were more numerous and beautiful now than they ever had been. While Grace showered Charvi changed into pajamas the former owners had left behind. She was taller, and lithe so the man's flannel set fit her just fine. She slid into bed and grabbed a book she'd taken from a bookstore down the street, reading until Grace was done with her shower.
As Grace sobbed she felt Charvi coming closer to her, embracing her. It felt nice to have someone stroke her hair like that. It was clear Charvi understood what she was going through. Grace didn't know how but she could tell. The feeling of Charvi's soft lips against her head, the warmth of her breath felt so good. Grace hadn't felt anything like that in a long time. Something so simple which one always took for granted before the virus swept the world. Grace was a straight woman but Charvi's touch right now felt nicer than she was probably willing to admit to herself. It was just what she needed.

Grace finally stopped sobbing, her sobs turning into a smile. She was happy. She had every reason to be happy. She thought she was alone in the world but through some miracle she'd managed to find someone else. After months of torture and sorrow she had finally found life. Grace took the opportunity and continued eating. In the past she might have felt as though she was being rude for eating so much in comparison to Charvi but after so long, she didn't really think twice about it and ate until she was fully satisfied. Grace nodded and Charvi's suggestion of sleeping in the same bed. She'd been alone for too long. She wanted the company. She wanted to know once more what it felt like to wake up and see someone next to you. Most of all she wanted confirmation that this wasn't just some kind of dream.

The mere thought of having a shower again felt great. Grace hadn't showered in at least a month and even then it was just with a garden hose. She made her way up to the bathroom as Charvi went to get some clothes for her. She was happy Charvi was so kind. If they could have survived it could have been anyone else who survived and they could have been some sort of criminal or psychopath who would have taken advantage of her. "Thank you." Grace said, looking over her shoulder when Charvi brought her the clothes. She didn't really pay much attention to the fact that she was naked when Charvi entered. She didn't mind another woman seeing her in that state.

When Charvi left Grace slipped into the shower. She turned on the water, a big smile clearly drawn on her face as she felt the first drops come into contact with her skin. It was bliss. Grace simply stood there, letting the water fall on her with her eyes closed. Sure it was cold but she didn't mind that at all. Grace stood under the water for what seemed like hours but were simply minutes, minutes of pure enjoyment. Enjoyment unlike any she'd hand for a while. She remained in the shower for a couple more minutes and then decided it was enough for the day. If she stuck with Charvi she wouldn't have to miss all these things. She wouldn't have to be alone again. She got dressed and made her way to the room.

"Thank you Charvi. That was.. Refreshing." Grace said with a smile as she walked into the room. She felt somewhat shy at teh thought of going to bed with someone else but this was a different world now. It didn't necessarily imply any ulterior motives or anything else. It just meant fighting the intense loneliness that they'd both been living with for so long. "I'm so happy I found you." Grace slipped into the bed, lying down next to Charvi. "So happy."
Charvi looked up when Grace entered. The candlelight cast a glow over her, playing off of her skin and wet hair. She was grateful for companionship, period, but such beautiful companionship was a definite plus. She scooted over though she didn't exactly need to, the bed being more than big enough for the both of them, and smiled.

"I'm happy you found me too," she murmured back. She got out of bed and lightly walked over to blow out the candles, leaving the one burning on her nightstand for last until after she'd gotten back in bed. After she blew out the candle she slid down in bed, snuggling up against Grace to be the big spoon and wrap an arm around her waist. "Sleep well, Grace. You deserve it."

The night passed without dream or incident. Grace had been traumatized, after all, and Charvi certainly wasn't going to take advantage of that. She of all people should know better. Instead Charvi woke with the sun as she usually did and quietly slipped out of bed to let Grace sleep. She looked so, well, graceful while she slept, unlike the Indian who tended to sprawl out, open-mouthed and hair everywhere. Quietly Charvi crept downstairs to make breakfast. It wasn't much: rice and bottled salsa with some canned peppers, but it was food and if Grace's appetite last night were any indication she figured she would need to make a little extra. It was the closest to "traditional" American breakfast food she had that had kept long enough. It had never struck Charvi how perishable American breakfast foods were until she could no longer eat eggs. Breakfast was ready and waiting by the time bed-headed Grace had come shuffling into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Charvi's voice and smile were warm and inviting as she dished the steaming rice out onto plates. "Thought I would let you sleep in today. You looked so exhausted. So...apart from washing your clothes I thought today might be good for a day of relaxation. You've come so far and walked for so long...even people at the end of the world need to rest."
Grace smiled as Charvi snuggled up behind her, placing her arm around her. It felt so nice to have another person's body touching her. Just something as simple as having Charvi's arm around her waist already made her feel safer than she'd felt since everything started - or ended. "Thank you Charvi." Grace replied, already half asleep. "You too." Within seconds after replying Grace was out cold, sleeping safely in Charvi's arms.

When she woke up, Grace noticed something was missing. She looked behind her and didn't see Charvi there. It must have been quite late by now. It was light outside and she felt like she'd slept better than she ever had, even before the virus she didn't remember ever sleeping so much. Slightly worried as to where Charvi might be, Grace got up to make her way downstairs. Part of her was worried that Charvi had just been part of her imagination, that she was begging to see things. However as she walked down the stairs she caught a faint smell of food.

Grace made her way to the kitchen to be greeted by the beautiful Charvi. She was all to kind to Grace. There had to be some way to repay her for everything. Grace walked towards Charvi and hugged her. "You're the best" she whispered into her ear and then took a seat. "I'll rest for today then but I want to help around too starting tomorrow. I want to learn to be more like you Charvi." Grace smiled at the food in front of her. Even a meal like this seemed like a luxury in the world they lived in now. With this thought in mind, Grace began to dig in. She tried to eat a bit more gracefully this time, after stuffing herself last night she could afford to try and not look like a savage.
The whisper sent chills over Charvi's skin but she just smiled and sat with Grace. When she said she wanted to be more like her she shrugged. "It's mostly foraging and not disturbing the animals," she admitted. "Just take things from homes, businesses, stores, take what you need to survive and be very, very still when you see an animal. It's the apocalypse, that doesn't mean it has to be entirely uncomfortable. So long as there are plenty of canned goods we'll be fine. I've been thinking of starting a garden though, to get fresh vegetables. Is that something you'd be interested in helping with? With winter coming so fast we'd only have time to plant gourds and squash and other such winter vegetables, but it's better than nothing."

Grace, she noticed, wasn't wolfing things down like she had last night. It was good that she'd gotten her fill and wasn't starving anymore. Even if, for some reason, she wanted to move on Charvi wouldn't allow it until Grace was healthy again. She kept glancing over at her new companion as they ate.

"So where are you from?"
Grace found it funny how Charvi made it all sound so simple. She seemed so strong whereas Grace had just been feeling sorry for herself since it all started. "That sounds like a great plan!" She suddenly said enthusiastically. "I'm sure I could help you with that. A garden sounds really good!" Grace wore a big smile on her face as she considered the idea. Having fresh fruit and vegetables once again almost seemed like a dream. If they could make it work that would be a huge success. "If it works, I'll be the one cooking for you then, alright?" She asked Charvi cheerfully.

That was a hard question. "Well. I moved around quite a bit before everything went to hell but originally I'm from Barcelona, Spain. I only lived there for a couple years though so I can't really call it my home. I've moved around quite a bit my whole life. I was actually only here on vacation when everything happened. What about you?" She asked innocently.
"From Europe?" Charvi smiled a little. Then the question was turned around on her and she instantly regretted it. She'd forgotten how normal conversation went; she should have expected this and avoided it. "I am from Amritsar in Punjab, India. I haven't been there since I was a little girl, though."

She paused for a moment, internally debating. There was no use dancing around it, might as well get it out of the way now. "I was taken when I was seven and sold. I never knew if my parents sold me or if what had happened to me was just as much a mystery to them; both are equally likely, I think. We were poor and selling a child isn't terribly uncommon. I was sold as a servant then passed around several families all across India until I was twelve. That's when I came here, as a mail order bride." Charvi glanced up to watch Grace's reaction. She was used to the look of pity and sympathy in peoples' faces whenever she told them and she hated it. She'd gotten out on her own and made it on her own for a long time and that wasn't deserving of pity.

"Four years, two miscarriages, and many bruises later I ran away. Took a train here," she continued. "Was homeless for about six months before a social worker found me and put me in the foster care system. I was in six different foster homes before I could legally get the hell out and I haven't looked back since. Before the world went to hell in a handbasket I was a librarian across town. It wasn't much but it was a living." Charvi smiled tightly before returning to her food. "I'm sorry. It's just...a complicated question."
"Yeah, exactly!" Grace replied with a smile before Charvi began telling her story. She had to say she didn't expect the story she was about to hear. With everything that Charvi mentioned Grace wasn't surprised she'd grown up to be so strong. As Charvi spoke, Grace couldn't help but admire the woman in front of her. It was clear she'd been through hell. Grace couldn't even imagine the terror of not only being forced into marriage but being forced to marriage an abusive person like she'd had to let alone spending four years with that person. It was clear that Charvi's life had not been easy at all yet somehow she'd manage to turn out to be this great person who Grace had met.

"Charvi.." Grace quickly embraced her. "You won't have to go through any of that again. Ever." And not just because they seemed to be the only two people alive. "I'm here for you Charvi." She felt sorry for Charvi, sure. But what she felt most of all was admiration. Admiration for the woman after having fought through all that. An abusive marriage, an abusive husband, two miscourages and then the end of the world. Still she'd managed to come out on top and push through with her strong character. "You're so great. I wish I could be as strong as you. I won't leave you alone ever again. Whether or not you like it." She said as she released the woman from her embrace, showing her a kind sweet smile in an attempt to reassure her.
Charvi embraced Grace stiffly. This was exactly what she'd been hoping to avoid. "I know I won't," she said dryly. "Lay a hand on me and I'll leave you to starve. I know this city; won't be hard for me to find another place like this one and I'm not afraid of being alone."

That was a lie, but she had to protect herself somehow. Even before she'd believed she was the last person on earth Charvi had had difficulties letting anyone in. She could form superficial relationships, sure; friends, acquaintances, fuck buddies...but a meaningful relationship was something she'd never had and didn't expect to. She smiled tightly again as Grace promised not to leave her alone and called her strong.

"Well thank you," she returned. "I survived, that's all. I guess that's why I'm still here; I've always had to survive." Scraping up the last of the rice off of her plate the young woman put her dishes in the sink. "When you're ready we can get dressed," she offered, "maybe go to the book store or something. I can show you mendi if you want; I know a place that probably still has henna paste."
Grace couldn't say she knew what Charvi had been through but at least now she had a pretty good idea of how she'd managed to adapt so well after the virus. In a sense, Grace thought the virus might have made Charvi feel somewhat safer than before. Sure, now there were predators roaming the streets but at least with animals, you knew what they wanted. People are harder to read. People are unpredictable and almost certainly end up letting you down.

"And I'm here to help you!" Grace exclaimed with a big smile on her face. She was happy Charvi opened up to her in that way. She felt like she knew her better. "Well.. I was thinking." Grace started. "I'd be more than happy to go out but first.." Grace's face caught a slight tone of red as she blushed. "Could we go back upstairs and lie down for a bit? I.." She paused, struggling to get the words out. "I liked you hugging me like you did last night. It felt warm." She said shyly.
Grace was uninhibitedly chipper and that was a little disturbing to her. Still, company was company and she wouldn't turn it down at a time like this. When she suggested they go back upstairs, though, several images flashed through Charvi's mind, all of them pleasant and none of them involving clothes. Perhaps she had lucked out after all! She felt a primal ache but gave no indication and cleared her throat.

"Sure we can," she said, taking Grace's hand and leading her back upstairs. She waited for her new companion to get into bed before sliding in behind her and wrapping an arm around her, splaying her hand across her stomach just below her breasts. "It's been a long time since I've held a woman like this," she admitted quietly as she lay there with Grace. "You know it's sort of funny...I had this dry spell, you see, maybe two or three months long and I was going to break it. It was the first time in months I'd made it to the third date...then she caught the virus." Charvi chuckled softly and shook her head. "Just my luck, really."
Grace smiled as Charvi agreed to her plan. Grace had never felt attracted to a woman in any way before but the thought of spending a day in bed with Charvi just seemed so right. She hadn't felt anybody's touch in the longest time - even before the virus - it gave her strength.

Immediately after entering the room, Grace rushed straight into bed with Charvi. She let out a soft satisfied sigh as Charvi's arm came round her, settling down at her stomach. Words couldn't describe how good it felt to be there. It still felt somewhat like a dream to have found another person in the huge wasteland the world had turned into.

Charvi's words surprised Grace. "Oh.." The words slipped out of her mouth. Grace hadn't considered the idea that Charvi may have been attracted to women. She didn't want to seem like she thought this was a bad thing so she turned round, facing Charvi. "I'm sorry to hear that." With this, she wrapped her arms around Charvi, hugging her. She didn't feel uncomfortable with the thought of Charvi being attracted to women. In fact. The more she thought about it.. She probably felt attracted to Charvi too.
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