RE: My Bakery~ serving fresh muffins daily
Got another complaint to make...
I've known my best friend for about 8-9 years now. She's the type that feels the need to look out for others. Ever since she went to live with her boyfriend, her tendencies to do this have increased 10 fold. She is REALLY bad at it, to the extent she's simply coming off like a smart ass. She's very "father knows best" except SHE knows best. And if you don't agree in some way, she will dog you for it and interrogate you as a way of proving you wrong.
Years back I was going on a diet, the Scarsdale diet. It's a notoriously diet, but its pretty effective if you can tolerate it and stick to it. She too has struggled to maintain her weight, but her reasons are different from mine. Mine is my thyorid, PCOS, and a lack of regular exercise. Hers is a lack of portion control, a love for fried foods and starch (potatoes), and a lack of exercise.
I was telling her my basic meal plans for the diet. Basically these were my options:
Drinks: Tea (unsweetened), coffee (unsweetened), diet coke, and water
Fruits: grapes, apples, bananas, oranges, pomegranate, melon, raspberries, pears, plums.
Veggies: carrots, celery, broccoli, mushrooms, lettuce, spinach, couliflower, green beans
Meats/Fish (only grilled allowed): salmon, tuna, chicken, beef (steak or hamburger)
Oh and I could have 2 pieces of bread tops a day as long as it was wheat

and cheese twice a week. I could use any seasonings I wanted, for dressings or oils, I could only use oilive oil or vinegar.
freaked out on me and told me I was going to malnourish myself when she found out I had had a piece of wheat toast and an apple for breakfast, and that for lunch I had a tuna salad and grapes... why? What exactly there speaks of malnourishment? Because my portions were smaller?
When I came to visit her in WA, she tried to force feed me a slab (not a slice) of lasagna that was the portion size
of my stomach, and only after I had already been filled with inari zushi, kimchi, and green beans. When I told her I couldn't eat all of that, she fucking scolded me like she was my damn mom. She later tried to prohibit me from buying some dumplings at the market because she had plans for dinner already. Our other friend got on her for that one.
And this chick wonders why she can't lose weight? Urgh!
Anywho, yesterday was my birthday. My mom is a bit different with gifts. She doesn't necessarily make them a "surprise", she doesn't like to guess what people want and risk getting people a gift they won't use or like. So typically she gets gift cards or gives them money. The past few years its become tradition with the girls in my family to go out to lunch for birthday and then to the mall where they can do a little shopping with money they are gifted. My mom knows I always wanted to shop at Sephora, so she took me to the mall that had a Sephora. I bought a few things, spent more money than I ever realistically would on the products there, but since it was gifted to me, I thought what the heck. I spent about $50, 1/4 of the money I got that day, and got 2 eye shadow palettes, a mini brush set, and some eye liner. All of that for Sephora is pretty good sadly. I know she's always wanted to do stuff like that, so I when I got home, I got online to tell her.
Me: Jessica Jessica Jessica :O
Her: Muffin Muffin Muffin :O (keeping my name concealed)
Me: Guess what I got to do!
Her: What?
Me: I got to raid Sephora >8U
Me: My mom gave me some money at lunch and we headed to Sephora afterwards and I bought a few things. I have no one to brag to so I'm coming to you
Her: Okay :3
Me: I got 2 eye shadow palettes, a really nice smudge free pencil liner, and a neat little magnetic brush set (I don't have a brush set)
Her: Did you get the one I linked you the other day?
Me: No, I didn't really like the colors of that one, they were too shimmery and I wanted one with bolder colors, and the one I got was cheaper anyways
Her: nice!
Me: Yup, I would have gotten more, I was tempted but I decided not to. I only bought all of the stuff I just bought because the money was gifted to me. Otherwise, I wouldn't even think of buying them x.x
Her: What you should have done is set all of the money aside to save up for things for your apartment :3
Me: Meh, it was only $50 and I don't really like to plan too far ahead. I like to wait until a road is paved and I know it is definitely something that is going to happen
Her: Yeah but it doesn't hurt to start getting ready now, the things you'll need will add up...
Me: I'm aware of that, but whats $50 anways? I just feel like if I do that I will jinx myself. I'll have all of these things and all of this money and knowing my luck my plans will fall through and the things/money will haunt me and be a reminder of what I didn't do. I don't get to go out shopping often, and I know a day will come when I won't have a chance to get these things at all, so if someone is offering to essentially buy me these things, why not?
Her: Because in the end, not having the things you need will outweight these things that you want...
Me: I know, like I said, it was only $50. I could make that at work in a week. And its not like I haven't thought about this stuff. I was raised by a thrifty woman and I do plan on going cheap when the time comes to stock up for my apartment.
Her: Those things do add up, it'll be more than you think
Me: I'm sure I'll be fine
Her: What do you plan on doing about furniture?
Me: Well, so far we're only going to need a couch and a table. I plan on going to the thrift store for those, or possibly just buy cheap from somewhere like Target or IKEA since it'll probably be lightly used.
Her: What about a book shelf? You're going to be grad students, and you'll probably have a lot of books to keep track of
Me: I didn't say I didn't have a book shelf... I have a book shelf in my room AND in the garage and I'm sure Kenny's mom has a spare shoved in a corner somewhere... I said I had all of the furniture covered EXCEPT the couch and table
Her: You're still going to need things like a vacuum and those aren't cheap, it's probably going to cost you at least $100
Me: Actually my family's vacuum cost $25, we use one of those cheap rechargable Sharp vacuums. They actually work pretty well for how cheap they are, just gotta be careful when handling them cuz the handle can break easily if you're too rough with it
Her: Kitchen utensils? Dishes? Appliances? Have you thought about those? What about curtains and shower curtains? Those aren't exactly cheap unless you want one from the thrift store that looks like it belongs to your grandmother
Me: If my apartment has blinds, I will not bother with curtains, I don't want my place to be pitch black. And I could get a shower curtain at Family Dollar for a few dollars if need be, and I'm not some Betty Crocker. For our kitchen I'll just need some basics and bare minimum which most I can get from the thrift store or from my mom's spares (she's offered to let me take any spares that are packed away). I think the only thing from the kitchen I might need to buy new is a toaster
She didn't say anything after that. But urgh stuff like that pisses me off. If there is one thing that drives me insane, especially from people other than my parents, are people assuming you're ignorant towards something and treating you like a child. This girl is 5 frickin months older than me, not 20 years. Just because she's got her own apartment (her boyfriend's parents pay all of the bills) and she's become some domestic mother wannabe, does not mean she knows more than me and that I am completely ignorant towards these things.
I don't plan on planning to move out until
after I've gotten accepted into the school and in the process of getting a student loan. I haven't even gotten the credits to
apply to the school! I won't be able to apply to the school until January
next year. From then on, my boyfriend and I will have 7 months to gather the things we'll need.
As a bit of info, my boyfriend and I have very similar majors and we both want to go to a school that is as close to home as possible. The one we found is close, but not close enough for daily commute, and with how much dorms + meal plans costs, we figured we could get a cheap apartment or rent out a room or guest house. So we're just toying with the possibility of getting an apartment as a living situation for school... that is all for right now.
But because I chose to spend $50 that someone gifted me I am being irresponsible?