the NEW hunger games (ft. Randomname98766789 & LD)

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Jan 21, 2013
Ohio, USA
It was reaping day, a holiday for most, but not in District 12. Katniss woke and dressed, same as Prim and then together they helped their mother dress. She plaited their hair and together the three of them headed out onto the dirty streets of the Seam. Her heart was heavy, there were many things to worry about. She didn’t worry about herself, only about Prim and him.

Him? His name was Kolton and he also lived in the Seam, just the other end. It all happened a long time ago but, she couldn’t think about that today. Today she had to keep her head present and clear. As much as she loved him thinking of him today made her sad. Right now she needed his strength, but one touch would break her and she couldn’t break, not today.

Head straight ahead she smiled down at her sister who clung to her hand as they stood with the rest of the girls. The nervous energy filled the area and she could feel his eyes on her. Swallowing hard she turned and for one brief second their eyes met. Love, adoration, need, sadness and fear passed from her to him even while a smile brushed across her lips. Just like that she was settled.

The unthinkable happened seconds later, her sisters name was called out, the peacekeepers jerked the young girl from her grasp. So shocked she said nothing, not until Prim screamed her name. Shooting into action Katniss lifted her arms and yelled out over the panicked cries. “I volunteer as tribute!” It took them only seconds to release Prim and grasp her. Guiding her to the stage as though she didn’t know where it was, in reality it was to keep her from running off.

Climbing those few stairs she stood to the side of Miss Effie waiting nervously for her to call out her male counterpart’s name. Her eyes landed on Kolton, this could be the last time she laid eyes on him. This couldn’t be happening. The emotional aspect of what she had done was hitting her, tears came to her gray eyes. She turned her head slightly, if she didn’t look at him, she wouldn’t cry.
Another year meant another day of fear and anxiety for Kolton Smith. The young boy only needed to survive two more reapings before he'd be too old for the Games. Being from the Seam, his family was quite poor and signing up for tesserae was a difficult but necessary thing for him to do. Besides, his older sister just turned eighteen two years before him and she was fine... surely he could survive these next two years, right? In all honesty, his own safety wasn't at the front of his mind. No, it was all about her. In a loveless and hopeless country in a district so poor that it was commonplace to find children with their ribs showing from such starvation and to have so much death from disease and coal mining accidents, he seemed to do the impossible.

This girl named Katniss whom he met a long time ago had really grown on him. They weren't the couple to be seen laughing and playing around all the time, but the love they shared could be seen by anyone that watched them though their most intimate and private moments happened in the woods outside the district where it was like another world, almost, and how badly he wished it was. But here they were again, lining up for the reaping of the Seventy-Fourth Hunger Games. As the colorful Effie Trinket was reaching in the glass ball to grab slip of paper, Kolton prayed to every deity known to mankind that the name wouldn't have the last name of Everdeen. Was it wrong to wish this on someone else? Maybe it was, but as long as it was neither Katniss nor Primrose, he couldn't care less. When the name was read out in an almost happy manner, his heart stopped beating. Before this was even processed in his mind, Katniss was walking to the stage and volunteering for her little sister.

Without having time to realize what was going on, his head was kept lowered and he couldn't look at the stage because that would make this real... and this wasn't real! Just when things didn't seem like they couldn't get any worse... they did... they got significantly worse.

"Kolton Smith!"

Kolton made his way towards the stage when his name was called. Even though he was going to volunteer, the shock of the moment was still registering on his face. His struggle to remain emotionless was evident, but the alarm in his eyes weren't from being picked... the alarm originated from both he and Katniss being picked. Following protocol, the mayor read the long, dull Treaty of Treason and upon finishing, the mayor gestured for the tributes to shake hands. Swallowing hard, he did his best to only show his emotions to Katniss by shaking her hand and holding onto her longer than necessary before releasing her hand while being marched a different direction than her by the Peacekeepers to the Justice Building for final goodbyes.

In Kolton's room first were his parents and sister. Of course, they were all torn up about this and Kolton did his best to remain strong. They wanted him to come back home to them but Kolton reminded them of something. They enstilled in him that whenever he said he loved a girl, he should be willing to do anything and everything for her- that if he really loved her, he'd be willing to die for her. in fact, his father said if he wouldn't die for a girl he said that he loved, then that's not love. Kolton straight up told his parents that he wasn't coming back. He loved them so much but Katniss had his heart and a life without her was boring and dull. After some back and forth, his parents and sister (reluctantly) accepted what he was telling them. They couldn't help but be proud- he was willing to die for the girl he loved and that was true love, that was a true man and that's what they taught him his entire life even with how awful of a world they lived in. After some heartfelt goodbyes, hugs, and kisses, they exited to go see Katniss briefly with tear-filled eyes and broken hearts, but they couldn't stop Kolton and they knew it. A few other friends visited him but what he didn't expect was to see Primrose. When she arrived, he gave her a hug and grabbed her shoulders, squeezing them and telling her that he was going to get Katniss home to her, that she didn't need to worry and that Katniss would be back. They didn't get to talk long before Peacekeepers barged in and pulled her away before slamming the door behind them.
The bottom fell out of her world as his name was called, she held her ground and didn’t swoon. Even if every bone in her felt like it was rubber, she stayed strong for him. It was the worst case scenario to be chosen with the love of her life. It wasn’t fair. Eyes straight ahead and facing the crowd, she didn’t dare look at him. She knew his thoughts followed hers, they wanted the other to live. She would help him survive as long as she could, he would do the same. But, she would sacrifice herself for him. There was no way she could live without him.

The mayor called for the handshake, twice because she wasn’t listening. Her gray eyes met his blue, his black hair falling into his face and it took every ounce of restraint she had not to push the locks from his face. But it was evident on his face that he was as scared as she. Her hand slid into his, trembling slightly. Only letting go when they were forced apart. She turned her head as she bit her lip. Once she was locked behind doors, she let the tears fall.

It was a brief cry, wiping away the evidence as the lock clicked and her mother and Prim entered. It was hard to remain strong and she didn’t say a word of what she would do. Only that she would try her hardest to come home. The peacekeepers came to the door and informed her she had another guest. Prim and her mother said their final goodbyes and left. The door opened another moment later and Kolton’s parents were ushered in, nothing was said of his plans or hers. His mother simply hugged her, but Katniss knew with the way they acted that their plans were the same.

Primrose asked him to take care of Katniss and told him that she wished they both could come home. Then she told him to try to make it happen. She hugged him, the man that was like a brother to her. Away she was drug and taking her mother’s hand they exited the building and went home.

After his parents left she was alone but it wasn’t long and the peacekeepers were escorting her to the train. She didn’t know if Kolton was already there or not, but as soon as she saw him there was a secret smile in place on her lips. Standing in the doorway, close to his side she waved to the crowds before they were told the train was pulling away from the station and to be seated. Effie and the mentor moved away. Her hands slid along his chest and she looked deep into his eyes, “No matter what happens I am with you, I have your back.”

Silently she smoothed the hair back from his eyes, slowly she pressed close to him and tilted her face upwards. Nervously she licked her lower lip before closing the gap. Her emotions were high as she kissed him tenderly, the train taking off pressing her hard into his body, not that she minded as she continued kissing him. Lips parting as she sighed into his mouth and deepened the kiss. She loved him with all her heart, even if she didn’t say it. He held her heart and it was time he knew.
A couple minutes later, another Peacekeeper entered and led him outside to a car. Kolton had never been in a car before. Hell, he'd rarely ridden in a wagon. In the Seam and in most of District Twelve, the only way to travel was on foot. It was a short ride from the Justice Building to the train station, and it didn't allow him to process anything that was going on. The station was swarming with reporters with their cameras trained directly on his face. He could only imagine the treatment was the same for Katniss. While looking up at the screen, Kolton saw himself briefly as he tried to look strong and brave for all those flamboyant viewers in the Capitol. They all but ruined his life now and he wouldn't all them to see him break. letting out a trembling breath, Kolton let his hand run through his hair quickly, ruffling it up a bit. Never having been on the train, the quick acceleration startled him, causing him to grab onto one of the couches beside of him. Traveling between districts was restricted unless it was for some kind of official, sanctioned duties. Participating in the Hunger Games seemed to fall under that category. Kolton learned in school that these trains posses a high speed of 250 miles per hour and the journey to the Capitol would not even take a full day. They were told it was built in the place called the Rockies, on the other side of Panem from Appalachia, where District Twelve was.

His eyes were now focused on Katniss, feeling her hand slide down his chest and for the first time, he was not happy to see her- she shouldn't have to be here with him. This kiss shared with Katniss was different from all of their other kisses. It was more powerful, more heartfelt, and more desperate. His lips were separating so his tongue could reach into her mouth and take all of the kiss that he could possibly get. Just for a single moment, the world around him froze and they were back in the woods away from the world. No Hunger Games. No Capitol. Just them, how it should be but once his eyes opened and he saw the train station disappearing in the background, it became all to real for him again and a shaky breath left his lips.

"I have your back as well, Katniss." Kolton answered while biting his lip. "Effie said that we need to be ready for dinner soon. Let's just go to our rooms to shower and change. We can talk later, okay?" Sadly, he reached down and kissed her on the cheek.

Their rooms were further along the train and right beside one another. Slipping into his designated room, he was surprised at how fancy everything was even on a train. Nonetheless, he took one of the first hot showers he ever had, possibly. After drying off, he dressed in a blue t-shirt and some kind of pants that were labeled as sweatpants. They were dark grey and possibly the most comfortable set of clothing he'd ever worn. His hair was no longer greasy and nasty, but it was shining, clean, and still had that messy look while his bangs were seeming to shade his hiding eyes. After getting changed, the boy decided to walk across the hall to Katniss' room and knock on the door to see if she was ready to meet in the dining cart.
Her body pressed against his, because of the speed of the train and because of her own will. Lips parting to allow her tongue to sweep over his mouth. They were experienced in kissing, it was something they had explored for a while, but there was so much more they hadn’t even tried. It was unfair to them and their relationship. She moaned, softly into his mouth when he released her lips. This wasn’t what she wanted, not here out in the open. Blinking she stared up at him as he spoke. She nodded.

Clenching at his hand she allowed him to guide her to their rooms. She was half tempted to invite him in with her. To shower and then just let the moment guide them. But, she pushed open her door and entered alone. The shower was different, she had never showered, only bathed in a tub of cold water when Prim was finished, followed by their mother. She sighed and spent most of her time in the shower, then she used the contraption on the wall to dry her hair.

Wearing only her birthday suit she rummaged the drawers. Slipping into a pair of thin panties and a soft tee before she decided on pants. The knock didn’t surprise her and she answered before thinking. “Come in.” She was standing in the closet running her fingers over the soft fabrics. Turning she gave him a soft smile before selecting a soft pair of pants. Sliding them on she pulled on some shoes and a warm sweater.

“I am not sure what to even say to you, I never thought this would be our fate.” She gave him a sad smiled before leading the way out. Because Effie and their mentor were around she didn’t hold his hand or give him those looks they always did. She couldn’t bring herself to let them in like that. Though, under the table she planned to slip her hand into his. They needed to talk and they needed to be alone.
After the brief interaction with Katniss, Kolton followed her out of the bedroom car along a narrow path to the dining room. Already, there was food being set up, lined all along the table for them to eat with Effie already sitting at the table, welcoming them into the dining room just as cheerful as ever while Haymitch wasn't present yet. Now, Kolton had planned to take Katniss' hand under the table but the seating arrangements made him frown. A square table with four chairs was the set up, an avox leading them each to their prepared seat which happened to be across from each other, not within reach. Within a few moments, an obviously drunk Haymitch Abernathy stumbled in and slumped down into his chair. Incoherently, the man began to ramble on and on about how his tributes don't have a chance this year and how this was useless and he was only here for the liquor. It stunned Kolton honestly. This was the man that should be helping them formulate a plan to win? Yeah right.

Ignoring the drunkard, Kolton just started to dig into the food. Different meats, mashed potatoes, vegetables, fruits, salads... and so much dessert. How ironic it was to feed tributes as if they were worth something on the ride to the Capitol. However, Kolton made good use of the opportunity to eat all his food until his plate was cleaned. Never before had the boy had so much food or felt so full. At least he would have energy to think about a plan to get Katniss home. All throughout the meal, Effie and Haymitch talked back and forth while Kolton kept rather quiet. Every know and then, the handsome young man would steal a glance at Katniss but keep a straight face, though his eyes were full of love and desire to just touch her and talk to her.

When the meal was over, the avoxes began to clean up the table and Haymitch stumbled out with a bottle of liquor. Then, the brightly colored escort led her two tributes to some sort of screening room where they would have to watch recaps of the day's reapings from all the districts and see how they matched up against their opponents. After all the recaps had finished, it was quite clear that Kolton seemed to be one of the strongest boy tributes or one of the strongest tributes period outside of the careers of course- they trained their entire lives and Kolton hadn't even once thought about being here. A firm difference was seen in these reapings, how the Career districts seemed happy and elated with the choices and how the other districts were in pain and had heavy hearts. No doubt District Twelve's reaping would be all the buzz, though.
She slid into her seat without a word, sitting across from him she picked at her plate. Things were different and she wasn’t sure she liked them. Delicious, but well she was worried if she ate too much she would be sick. Katniss was bare footed, Effie shook her head and gave her a pitiful look. Her eyes fell to their mentor, she wasn’t interested in any plan of his. Her own mind was formulating its own plan, a plan of survival for Kolton and possibly herself. Her eyes lifted to Kolton, was he on the same page?

Most of the district didn’t have much hope for their survival so Haymitch’s response didn’t surprise her. They were basically ignored, being talked about and argued over as if they weren’t even present. When their eyes met, the emotions with in his blue depths caused her breathing to become labored. Her gray eyes held emotion for him as well. They needed to talk and discuss. “May I have desert in my room, later?” She asked the server, who responded with a nod.

Sitting at his side, slyly she held his hand as they watched the reaping’s. It was so sad, the career districts celebrated this day while the rest mourned it. The changes between the two was easy to spot. Long after their colorful escort left she sat silently on the couch. “We need to have a plan, we arrive there soon and…” She took his large hand between hers.

“I love you Kolton. But I don’t want my love to get you killed. I don’t want you to become a target in the games. I want us to be acquaintances outside of our rooms, friendly but nothing like we are. I couldn’t live with myself if I were the reason you were killed in the first five minutes. I want you to live. I want you to flourish.” She glanced up at him. “Kolton, once we are in the capitol I want to be with you… fully. I want to show you how deep my love for you goes and that I am yours entirely.”
After the recordings finished playing and Effie left, Kolton grabbed Katniss' hand and gave it a squeeze. She was right about needing a plan, but then what she was talking about next had his heart fluttering and his desire for her increasing. Even if Kolton would want to be with her for as long as possible in this amount of time, she made a very good point. She could become a target too and he quickly kissed the hand he was holding before standing up.

"You're right, Katniss. Let's go get some privacy..."

After telling this to her, he pulled her down the narrow corridor and down to the bedroom where it was designated for him. Now, despite being given separate rooms in both this train and the Capitol, he knew they wouldn't spend a night alone so after making sure that nobody saw them before pushing her into the room and quickly shutting the door behind him. Without waiting any longer, he quickly grabbed Katniss and pulled her on over to the bed, pulling her down with him as he lay on top of her and quickly pecked her lips.

"I love you too, Katniss. I don't want my love to get you killed either but when we are alone... You are all mine and I will make sure you remember that. When we get to the Capitol, I want to share the same thing with you, because you are my entire world. I don't care if I was offered any girl in this entire world, if I was offered a place in the Capitol to live without worrying about food or water or the Games but I couldn't have you, I would choose you no matter what the circumstance. I love you more than I can even explain, Katniss. I tried to send an angel to watch over you but she came right back and said that angels don't watch over other angels. I know I could conquer the world with one hand if you were holding the other and I hate that we are both here. I know it sounds crazy but we both have to get out of here alive because I refuse to let you die, Katniss and I know you feel the same. I swear, if something happened to you then I would probably just end it all because my life is nothing without you. I don't want to live in world without you with me. I love you so much. Please, be careful and let's figure this out because I don't care if only one person is supposed to win... we will find a way- somehow. someway... We are a team and we are supposed to be together forever... and forever shouldn't end in a few weeks."

He was just pouring his heart out to her, wrapping his arms tighter around her body and pulling her in for a deep kiss once again.
Biting at her lower lip she followed him, it wasn’t as though they were trying to hide, they just needed a moment of privacy. As soon as the door was shut she found herself on his soft bed and Kolton on top of her. Blinking up into his face as he kissed her. This boy, this man took her breath away and she was right where she wanted to be, beneath him.

His words were sweet, then they were a bit sappy and then he was pledging something he couldn’t do alone. But before she could speak his lips were upon hers and they were kissing. It wasn’t just a soft kiss, but a deeper press of lips than they had before. Katniss parted her lips and touched the tip of her tongue to his as she sighed.

It was a few moments and she trembled. “Kolton,” She whispered against his lips. “I want to be yours. I want to be with you and I want you.” She pressed herself against him, arching her body up against his. They both knew it was time to take this step, but on this train was not ideal. To prove her point the train began to slow, its whistle calling out their arrival in the Capitol.

She groaned and pushed against his chest to roll them to their sides. “We should get ready to arrive. I’m sure that Effie will have someone ready to make us acceptable, but before that happens I want you. I don’t want you the way they want you to be seen… I want you the way you are now, scars and all.” She kissed him softly, gently before getting up off the bed. “Let’s go out together and show a united front, if our families are watching then they will want that.”
Kolton was intently listening to what Katniss said to him and found that he shared her desires. She made a good point about showing as a united front so once the train stopped, he leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips smiling lightly at her, pulling her up with him as he stood to his feet. Taking a deep breath, he gazed deeply into her eyes and squeezed her hand before exiting their room. Then, it was time to make the big entrance. So many Capitol citizens just dressed in bright colors, crazy wigs, and just being as loud as possible with bright lights flashing and looking to capture the faces of the new tributes.

Confidently, Kolton strode towards the Tribute Center with Katniss right by his side. They looked as much like a team as possible without doing anything obvious like holding hands or kissing. Once they reached the inside of the building, Kolton frowned when they were told to be separated. They would each head to the Remake Center with their stylist teams to be prepped for the Tribute Parade tonight where they would be paraded out on chariots around the City Square for everyone to see. This was where the first impressions were made and when they were about to leave, Kolton stole a touch from her hand, letting his fingers run over her palm before leaving with his team.

They spent time going to work on his body, waxing him, washing him, shaving him, and just trying to cover up any blemishes he had. Sighing, he thought about what Katniss said to him before and wished they had a chance before this happened. After the team finished, he met his lead stylist, Portia. From there, they ate lunch together and talked about the parade tonight. Himself and Katniss would be wearing matching costumes that could be lit on fire. It wasn't going to burn them of course but it would look as real as possible. She and Katniss' head stylist, Cinna, worked on the design together and were really excited. Kolton wondered how this would work out as he just quietly sat there, listening to his stylist team just gossip and talk while they prepared his body.

Finally, Kolton was all cleaned up and dressed, ready for the parade. It had been all day that passed after they arrived to the Capitol. Kolton was now standing and waiting around in the chariot when Katniss was finally arriving. They were indeed dressed the same and Cinna was talking to them, reminding them about the fire and telling them that they should hold hands and that they should play to the crowd. Finally, the chariot was moving into the city and about halfway through, Kolton grabbed their hands and raised them up. Then, they waved to the crowd and followed Cinna's advice. After the ride was over, they listened to the speech from President Snow and then were finally finished. After it was over, the team praised them for how well it went. The flames looked so real and everything was going great for District Twelve, they definitely made an impression and after this was over, the pair was escorted up to the twelfth floor to their rooms so they could clean up.

Before they went to their separate rooms, Kolton reached down to her and whispered. "After you clean up... meet me on the roof, okay?" After telling her this, he disappeared into his room and went to clean up.
They moved from the train and out to the platform, it was surrounded by people dressed in crazy colors and styles she had never seen before. She wished to hold his hand as they walked, but instead tucked her fingers into the pockets of her sweats. As soon as they entered the building they were ushered in different direction. His finger across her palm made her smile slightly. Her eyes met his, worry and anxiety as well as fear flashed through her gray depths before a door closed him off from her sights.

She was surrounded by equipment that had various attachments her team used on her to smooth her skin, remove her blemishes and scars. Hair was removed, trimmed or waxed. Tears wanted to fall but she held them back, her body wasn’t the same and now Kolton couldn’t have her as her. Being turned over to her stylist after a food filled lunch. Excess seemed to be the theme in the Capitol, especially when her outfit was described to her.

Standing before the mirror she barely recognized herself. Her limbs were moving and her voice was coming out from her lips, but she didn’t see herself in that mirror at all. Would Kolton even recognize her?

Coming to the chariot, she recognized him. He was a sight for sore eyes. “I am nervous,” She whispered softly, grateful for his presence. Once they moved everything was forgotten and she barely felt him clasp her hand and lift it between them. Her hand stayed in his the entire time they were listening to the speech. Getting off the chariot with the other tributes, they were given looks of jealousy which she ignored and so did their teams.

Moving through their rooms she was a touch nervous, tonight she was giving him the last piece of her that she kept safely hidden away. Hearing his words she nodded slightly. “Okay.” Her voice was soft. Katniss watched him disappear into his room and did the same.

She stripped, washed, dried and dressed and made her way to the roof after grabbing a bottle of water from the cold unit. Going back to her room she took the blanket off the bed, she didn’t care that it was white and would get stained, it would keep the floor from hurting her, or him. Opening the door she moved to the edge and looked out over the Capitol, it was beautiful. Popping the cap on the bottle she drank from it and waited for him.
After the brief interaction with Katniss, Kolton disappeared into his room to shower and clean up as well. His clothing was similar to before with a t-shirt and sweatpants. Tonight, although dreary and sad, would have its moments. Tonight, he knew that they would be able to make love together. Maybe they wouldn’t be able to have each other in their true form because these Capitol pigs had already done their due diligence on them, but that didn’t matter. It was something Kolton was looking forward to doing and he hoped it would be worth it.

After spending some time just cleaning up and preparing himself, Kolton was finally ready. He walked up the stairs one more level since they already had the top floor for being the twelfth district. When he pushed open the door, the cool breeze of air hit him and his eyes landed on the beautiful brunette across the way. Slowly, he approached her and leaned against the railing. It was a beautiful sight as much as it pained him to say. Bright lights, calm, and peace. How could these people be so ruthless? They were acting as if nothing were going on.

Shaking his head, he turned away and squatted down to pick up a rock and toss it over the edge which of course was bounced right back because of the force field. That’s what he always heard about the tribute center and he saw it was true. Enough of that, though. The boy turned to his lover and reached down, taking both of her hands within his and began to rub his thumbs over the back of her hands, gently swinging them in the air. This was the most privacy they had the entire time and obviously, they needed to make the most of it.

With just one look into her eyes, he hoped she was feeling the same things as he did. Leaning down, he released her hands, letting them slide to her waist and hold her as he connected their lips. This kiss was slow, deep, passionate, and long. The feeling of her soft lips on his made him shiver because he knew this was the greatest feeling ever. Just for a moment, they were the only two people in the entire world and what was going on around them wasn’t even bothering them. It was an escape that Kolton was happy to have. “Katniss… You are so beautiful…” He breathed out after the kiss, their eyes locked together as he slowly slipped one hand under her shirt, tugging and pulling on it slightly. “I am ready for this… ready for you. You don’t even understand how grateful I am to call you mine. You are the light of my world…” He whispered before starting to kiss down her neck, slowly raising her shirt up her torso.
She turned to smile at him as he joined her on the roof, her heart skipped a beat as he moved towards her. Watching him with the rock she bit her lip, it was a simple test and everyone had heard rumors of the force field. Settling her bottle against the rail she smiled as he took her hands, their warmth encompassing hers. Her eyes met his and held his gaze. “There are so many stars out, it’s lovely.”

No other words were needed, he simply kissed her. Returning his kiss she slid her hands up along his shirt and to his neck, fingernails scraping at the nape of his neck. They had all night and they were taking their time. Parting her lips she tasted him, the sweet and salty flavor on his tongue. Moaning as he broke the kiss off to give her sweet words.

Feeling the warmth of his hand against her flesh, she trembled. “Thank you.” He hadn’t yet touched her and she was already melting. His lips felt heavenly against her neck. Her head tilted as she started feeling air on her torso. Helping him out she tugged her shirt off over her head, there was no bra to obscure his view. After she was free her fingers slipped beneath his shirt and removed the cloth keeping him from her.

“I am ready for this Kolton. I want to be with you. You bring me joy even on the saddest days.” She kissed his chest at his heart, “I love you.” Her words were whispered as she kissed his lips again, her fingers moving to tug off her pants. She didn’t want to wait, she wanted to be bare and she wanted to explore his body just as much as he wanted to explore hers, she assumed.
After the girl's shirt had been removed, Kolton simply stood there, looking at her body in awe and love. Never before had they seen each other like this and Kolton was more than excited to get going. After she had rid himself of his own shirt, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled the girl close. Leaning down, Kolton took one of her nipples into his mouth, starting to suck and kiss it before releasing it from his teeth, then trailing kisses and bites across the middle of her chest to the other nipple. After a few minutes, Katniss was marked up pretty good on her breasts from his teeth and it was like him claiming her.

The kiss at his chest warmed his heart and those three words made his heart flutter too. After kissing her lips, he started to tug down his own pants because he didn't want to wait any longer, either. This moment had been years in the making and now that it was here, Kolton didn't want to spare another second. Now, he took Katniss by the hands and led her on over to the side and slowly picked her up and laid her down on the ground. There was really no place else to do this so the ground would have to work.

Then, he leaned forward and pressed their lips together in a hard, deep, rough kiss while his hands were slipping inside of her panties, first rubbing on her mound for a good minute or two before finally slipping them down her legs and off her body. Now, Katniss was nude below him and it made him so incredibly happy to see her like this. After the kiss was over and his boxers were gone leaving nothing in between them, he took a deep breath, his hand tangling in her hair lightly. "I love you too, Katniss. I am ready for this as well. You are so sexy... your body is perfect." He murmured, leaning down to kiss all on her abdomen and then up to her chest once again as he slowly was rolling their hips together to create some friction.
She felt his arms loop around her and draw her in and then his lips were on her nipple. She bit her lip at the action of his mouth as he suckled and kissed the peaked tip. Then without warning Kolton began to mark her breasts, Katniss moaned into the actions and pressed closer to him as he decorated her skin. Purple marks from his sucking and red teeth marks from his bites.

It was beyond time to do more, her body ached to feel him. It had been a long time coming, this moment. But as he laid her on the ground she remembered the blanket from her bed. However, he didn’t give her time to tell him. They were kissing and his hand smoothed down to her damp lower lips. Katniss arched into his hand, his fingers rubbing over her smooth mound as she gasped into his mouth.

“They made it perfect, I didn’t want it like this… but there is nothing we can do about it…” She stopped and moaned as he rolled his erection against her. Gasping for breath she pressed against him, her fingers smoothing down his body to touch him. Her fingers grasped at his ass and slid around and down to touch his cock. Stroking him as he kissed up her body.

“I brought a blanket that we can lay on to make it a little more comfortable for our first time, Kolton.”
When Katniss spoke about having a blanket that would make their first time more comfortable, Kolton nodded and pulled back long enough to grab the blanket, sit over top of her, smooth out the blanket and then roll both of their bodies right onto the blanket. His eyes were bright, looking down into her eyes. He disagreed with her saying the Capitol made her body perfect. Her body was perfect no matter what in his opinion. Now, he wished they could have had each other the way they were but this was better than nothing.

Hearing how she moaned when he kissed her breasts drove him crazy. Never before had any noise sounded so incredibly sexy or arousing. Kolton was sure that nothing in this entire world sounded better than her moans. At least one thing the Capitol couldn't change was how this moment they were sharing was so beautiful and sweet. Kolton was more than ready to get started and his lips now trailed down her neck and then to her collarbone before going down her chest once again. His breathing was still ragged and shaky, sweat starting to slowly form on his body.

"Are you ready, Katniss?" Kolton whispered to his lover, letting his erection still lightly brush against her thigh as his feelings just completely overtook him in the moment, not able to think about anything else that wasn't her as he kept kissing her, preparing to enter her once she said that she was ready.
He spread it out and rolled them on it, it was softer than the building but very thin. Though it didn't matter, only this moment did. Katniss noticed he didn't acknowledge her stroking, maybe it didn't feel good. She shook it off and smiled up at him. His lips caressed her neck on the way to her breasts. She moaned into the air.

"I am ready." She stated, fingers stroking down his chest and to his stiff erection. Her hand trembled. Tonight was the beginning of something wonderful. Though she couldn't help to feel a little sad, while it was the start it could also be the end.
This time when Katniss' fingers ran down to his erection and stroked him, he let out a gentle moan to show his appreciation. Hearing her say that she was ready caused Kolton to smile. He'd be lying if he said that he hadn't thought about this before. However, none of his thoughts led him to this being their reality. Nonetheless, he would forget about that, even if only for a little while. The only thing that mattered right now was Katniss and this moment here. No matter how long Kolton's life ended up being, he would remember this and he wanted to do more than remember the moment- he wanted to live it over and over again so he took extra attention to the little things and the little details like the way she looked at him, the feeling of her fingers on his chest, and the feeling of their bodies being pushed together.

Giving her a little nod, he raised up his hips and slowly slipped his member inside of her. Knowing that her first time might hurt because of her anatomy and because of his anatomy for that matter, he was slow and gentle but it also allowed the moment to last longer. His lips were now locked onto Katniss' lips, hoping the kiss would keep her distracted from any pain. Slowly but surely his length was inching deeper inside of her at a controlled rate. Once at least half of his length was inside of Katniss, he started to roll his hips slowly against her hips to try and create some more friction, letting out a little satisfied moan while his hands went to tangle in her hair, his body just feeling overcome and rushed with pleasure almost immediately.
His moan made her smile. Tonight was magic amongst the madness it could be. These little moments between the crazy would become her new bliss. It used to be retreating into the woods to hunt, now it would be the moments he made her come to life.

Katniss felt him rise and then... She gasped. It was a mix of pain and pleasure as he entered her. Her channel squeezed him tightly as their lips pressed and their tongues tangled. Her hands moved to his back, short nails scraping along the taut flash as he began to roll his hips. It felt good so far but they both knew he had yet to break through her barrier.

Her moan joined his, "Just do it, have all of me... Please, Kolton."
Kolton listened to Katniss intently, giving her a firm nod of his head. They both knew how important this was. No matter what may happen to them in the arena, this was one thing that the Capitol could not take from them. Their love was undying and everlasting. Taking a deep breath, he connected his lips onto hers before letting his hands snake up into her long hair, pulling gently on her locks before slipping in fully. Her barrier was broken but he hoped with his gentleness and all the natural lubrication in between her lips that it wouldn't be too unbearable. He'd hate for her to not enjoy this moment with him. Once feeling himself go deep inside of her, he groaned lowly at how tight she was and at how amazing it felt. Looking deep into her eyes, he moved his hands down to her supple breasts, starting to play and fondle with them to add to her stimulation.

"Ah... How does it feel Katniss? Do you want me to go any faster? Slower?" He murmured, finding it more than difficult to hold a conversation because all of these wonderful feelings just made him unable to think at all as he moaned into her mouth, squeezing her breasts just a bit harder as he became totally engorged and lost in the moment, not thinking about anything else in this entire world. It was just the two of them under the stars in a much different setting than they were usually in.
The pain wasn't unbearable but it was not something that she expected as it was. She cried out into his mouth as her fingers tightened and left red lines of passion on his back. The moment didn't last long and as he moved the pleasure came back. Her hips lifted pressing her body to his, silently begging for more as she moaned and whimpered for more.

Feeling his hands on her breasts she bit his lower lip gently. "It feels good, but faster Kolton, please." Katniss begged him. She stroked his chest and along his back to grab his ass. This time was theirs and no one could take it away. Legs wrapped around his hips and opened her pussy up so he could go deeper.
Hearing Katniss telling him these things caused a little sly smirk to grow on Kolton's face. While he probably shouldn't just go all out right now, he could get adventurous. Feeling her grab his ass now prompted him to do the same but before he did, he gave hers a little playful slap. Then, he just devoured her ass with his large hands, squeezing and pulling on the skin as he initiated another kiss with her, his teeth grabbing a hold of her lower lip while his tongue sneaked out into her mouth. His breathing was now ragged and heavy, arching his hips forwards into her hips with such an amazing feeling washing over him.

"Okay baby. I will. I'm going to keep going faster... just tell me to stop if it's too much." Kolton explained while giving her a nod, showing that he wasn't wanting to hurt her. He would stop if needed. Then, he was raising his hips higher and higher until the tip was nearly against her folds before slamming down into her and then he proceeded to roll and pull his hips in a rapid up and down motion, repeating this over and over. Soon, he was breathing even harder and not only was he thrusting fast, but he was thrusting roughly, and their hips were just slamming hard into one another as he groaned out quietly, titling his head back, feeling himself starting to throb inside of her now. The young man felt like he was going to explode.
As he slapped her ass she gasped, but then he was caressing and groping her backside. When he bit her lip, she thought she would lose her mind. Her lips parted on a moan as they kissed, her hands stroking his chest and abdomen. As their hips worked together she felt the pleasure bloom, it was as if he had plugged her in and electric current was running through her body.

Katniss nodded her head at him, smiling. Then he adjusted and she cried out at the new sensation. Her hips rose to meet his and he went deep. It felt so good. Her heart raced and a light sheen of sweat coated her skin. "Oh god, Kolton you feel good." She whispered, voice broken on a moan. The pressure she felt was different, she didn't know what was coming, only that she knew it felt good.
With how sexy Katniss sounded when she moaned and just how beautiful her body was, Kolton couldn't resist himself anymore. One hand tangled in her dark locks and started to roughly pull on her hair. His other hand was able to grab both of her wrists and pin them high above her head on the blanket while he was thrusting. Doing this increased his arousal because it meant poor Katniss was so helpless now. She couldn't touch him or really move at all. The rest of her body was trapped by his and Kolton loved that, his fantasies just taking him deeper and deeper with each passing moment. "Good... It's all yours, Katniss. Forever." He growled against her mouth, leaning down and continuing to kiss her while his hips got even faster, now really just roughly manhandling her.

This caused him to start moaning again and again and his body now showed the same sweating as hers did as he felt that throbbing down on his member increase. He new that meant he was getting close to a climax but he tried to draw it out so they could do this for a while longer because of how amazing this felt and how badly he wanted to go on and do this forever. He loved this girl so much and he hoped she could feel the love radiating off him as well as hoping she was enjoying being roughed up as much as he enjoyed dishing it out.
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